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SHINee World: The Super Heroes

 Agrebo shoot Dubuman. Dubuman become Onew. "Onew." say Minho. "We must destroy it together!" say Jonghyun. Key and Taemin become stronger. Agrebo change into Super Agrebo. "How....?" say Key. "This is my world. I can do anything here." say Super Agrebo.

At Agrebo's hiding place.....

 Todita and Gorija are sleeping while waiting Agrebo. They are happy because Agrebo is not there. They can do anything.

At other world.....

 "Let's playing rock, paper, scissors." say super Agrebo. "Three times." say Onew. They playing rock, paper, scissors. "I win!" say Super Agrebo. Minho replace Onew. They play the games again. Minho win. They play again. "I win!" say Minho. "What!" say Super Agrebo and he become 10 times bigger. Dubuman, Blingman and Tornadoman fight Super Agrebo. Super Agrebo blow them. "He too big and strong!" say Tornadoman. "You right!" say Blingman. Dubuman is angry and he become Madnessman. "Flame of Volcano." say Madnessman. Super Agrebo avoid it. "Help me!" shout Madnessman. "Thunder Ball!" say Blingman. "Tornado Attack!" say Tornadoman. Super Agrebo is floating. Madnessman flying higher than Super Agrebo. "Breath of Dragon." say Madnessman and fly toward Super Agrebo. Super Agrebo explode and he become Agrebo again. Agrebo go back to real world. "Hurry, the door is closing!" say Madnessman. They manage get out from that world. "You are great!" say Key. "Thank you." say Madnessman and he become Onew.





I like superheroes.






I'm bad in english. 

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Angel_Kiss #1
Update soon! Looking forward to your fanfic:)