The adventure around Asia(Part 1)

SHINee World: The Super Heroes

 "Where am I?" ask Onew to himself. Suddenly a monster that looks like chicken attack him. "Serve your right." say that monster. "I don't want to kill you because you are a chicken." say Onew. "I can kill you easily." say that monster. That monster attack Onew. "Go Dubuman." Onew say. He run away. "Wait!" say that chicken and run after him. Dubuman arrive at a chicken farm. That monster kill all the chicken. "NO!" say Dubuman. "Yes." say that monster. "Why you kill your own kind?!!" ask Dubuman angrily. "I not a chicken. I just look like a chicken." say that monster. Dubuman change into Madnessman. "Flame of Volcano." say Madnessman. That monster jump to avoid it. "What!" shout Madnessman. 

 The monster is still not injured but Madnessman is dying. "Any last word?" ask that monster. "Yes,Breath of Dragon." say Madnessman. "Nooo!" say that monster and die. Onew go to real world. "What?" say Lucifer. "Frog Kick!" say Frogman. "Super Punch." say Almightyman. Lucifer split itself. "What?" say Blingman. "how he can do that?" ask Tornadoman. "I will destroy the world beginning with Asia!" say Lucifer and go. The SHINee superheroes shock. They discuss. They go find Lucifer to stop him from destroy the world.






I like superheroes.






I'm bad in english.

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Angel_Kiss #1
Update soon! Looking forward to your fanfic:)