Wheein's Rebel

Imagine Your OTP - Wheesa Edition

{Short idea, well it WAS supposed to be short, that came to my head when I was freaking out about my baby's teaser photo. She is so PRETTY~ <3 Ignore other idols in the story, they are normal people so don't be confused.}

Wheein was the second oldest of MAMAMOO. It went Hyejin, her, Moonbyul, and Youngsun, a simple order that was not difficult to forget. This order, however, was constantly destroyed by all of their beagle like nature and thus mixed up their status of who was mature and who wasn't. To most o!f the fans, it seemed that Hyejin as much older than she truly was, only being a couple months behind Wheein. Youngsun was a contender for being childlike alongside Moonbyul who often antagonized Youngsun into her silly games. Meanwhile, Wheein was just labeled as easy going and mature. Wheein honestly hated it. She wanted to be recognized differently, maybe stand out a little more, after all dying her hair was a painstaking effort. When she approached Hyejin, her best friend for 10 years, she had asked Hyejin about this situation she found herself in.

"I have to change something! I can't go on like this!" Wheein explained to her raven-haired friend who was sitting cross-legged across from Wheein on the practice room floor.

They had just finished running through another round of choreography for their next comeback and were taking a quick break.

"Why would you want to change anything Wheeinie? You are amazing just as you are." Hyejin replied as she took a swig from her water bottle.

"That's exactly the point. People get bored with the same style!" Wheein whined.

Hyejin leaned forward and squished Wheein's cheeks between her fingers.

"But you are so friggen cute!" Hyejin cooed.

Wheein swatted Hyejin's hands away and gave her a glare. 

"I don't want to be cute! I need to change up my image." Wheein said with a sigh as she took Hyejin's water bottle to take a drink.

"Well, I think you're going to have to figure out what that will be. I personally like you all the time, but if you want to change something go ahead." Hyejin said as she leaned back, her palms stretched out on the floor.

Wheein rolled her eyes.

"And here I thought you would be helpful." Wheein said in a joking manner as she poked Hyejin's side.

Wheein left the conversation at that. Maybe she would have better luck with the Moonsun couple?


Wheein had anxiously approached Youngsun after practice and had asked to go out to get a coffee or something with her and Moonbyul. Youngsun had wanted to ask if Wheein was okay, but Wheein had said she needed to talk to them only at the cafe. Now here Wheein was, her long auburn hair looking almost red in the light of the sunset, and a nervous sweat covering her body. She pushed through the door of the cafe, the little bell announcing her arrival. She saw Youngsun's familiar blonde hair and Byul's newly dyed color tucked away in a booth so she made her way over.

"Hey, Wheein!" Moonbyul said as she scooted over for the younger girl to sit down.

"Hi, unnie." She said giving Moonbyul a small hug. 

Wheein turned to Youngsun when a young man came over with an order form.

"What would you like to drink Ms.?" He asked.

Wheein just ordered a matcha tea before turning back to Youngsun.

"I know you are both probably confused as to why I called you here." Wheein started.

Youngsun nodded, her lip caught between her teeth as she waited for Wheein to continue.

"I need to change something about my image." Wheein said.

Moonbyul and Youngsun sat in silence, slightly confused. They had expected something urgent when Wheein had invited them out, not that this wasn't important...just unexpected.

"Change something?" Youngsun questioned.

Wheein nodded.

"I feel like I'm stuck in a rut. Every time I change something about me, it seems to wear off." Wheein said.

"But you're so cute!" Moonbyul chimed as she gave Wheein a pat on her head.

"Yah! I'm not a puppy! This is what I'm talking about! I need to look more boss!" Wheein said as she smacked Moonbyul's hand away.

Youngsun's eyes widened as she gave a glance to Moonbyul.

"I think our baby is going through a rough patch." Youngsun said.

Moonbyul's lips formed an 'o' of acknowledgment.

"I'm not your baby!" Wheein said, slightly irritated.

Moonbyul took Wheein's hand and looked her straight in the eye.

"Wheein, you are going through a rebellious phase. Don't worry though, it will pass." 

Wheein lifted a brow, completely confused. What was Moonbyul going on about?

"It was only a matter of time I guess." Youngsun said with a sigh as she took a sip of her coffee.

Wheein had enough. She stood up abruptly before throwing down a wad of cash to pay their tab.

"That's it. All three of you don't take me seriously! I'm going to do something so drastic you'll see!" Wheein cried before turning and storming out of the store.

"Should we be worried?" Moonbyul asked.

"Nah, Wheein will be too chicken to do anything crazy. We should apologize tomorrow though." Youngsun said as she took a sample sip of the tea Wheein had left behind.

"Mmm~ You should try this!" 

---------Later That Night---------

Wheein sat in her apartment contemplating what she should do. She certainly didn't want another tattoo, but what was daring? Ggomo wandered in and plopped down on her open computer screen only to hit a few letters that spelled pierc into the search bar before it hit enter.

"Ah, Ggomo! What did I tell you about laying on stuff I'm using!" Wheein whispered as she attempted to move her ball of fluff off of her keyboard.

Once Ggomo had hissed at her and ran away, Wheein turned to the screen to see that her cat had pulled up a bunch of stuff on piercings. Something clicked in Wheein's head as she sifted through the pictures before landing on one she thought would be great.

"This is it." She muttered to herself as she searched up an address.


It was only when Wheein stood in front of the horrible painted brick building with a flickering neon sign that read Sky Dragon Piercings and tattoos 's did Wheein think it was a bad idea. When she was looking through the photos at home, she hadn't been bothered at all with the idea of getting a piercing, but now that she was here, she was deciding whether or not this was a good idea. Her feet shuffled forward and she gripped the cold metal handle of the door before deciding, why not? Once she was inside, she saw a fish tank pushed against the left wall, a blue light illuminating the scaled creatures that swam around. The interior was black and had green and purple neon lights that painted the walls creating a cool effect. 

"Hello! welcome to Sky Dragon Piercings and Tattoos. How may I help you?"

Wheein turned to see a shorter girl sitting at a desk in a set of nice clothes that seemed out of place in this space.

"Uh, I'm here to get a piercing." Wheein said.

The girl looked surprised.

"Are you sure because you don't sound so sure." The woman asked.

Wheein nodded.

"I'm sure, I think." 

The woman smiled before she jumped up.

"My name is Dara by the way." She said

Wheein took her hand.

"Jung Wheein."

Dara opened only to be interrupted by a voice.

"conversing with customers again?"

Wheein turned to see a woman with blonde hair in a ponytail and a fierce gaze to maybe even rival Hyejin's standing in the doorway of a room leading somewhere.

"Sorry CL. This girl wants a piercing." Dara said as she motioned to Wheein.

CL smiled.

"First time customer I see." 

"How did you know?" Wheein asked.

CL let out a chuckle.

"You're as white as a sheet of paper. Come on back and we can talk."

Wheein followed CL to the back passing a tied up curtain that she assumed separated the area's in the back from where Dara was stationed.

"Um, do you do both tattoo's and piercings?" Wheein asked.

CL shook her head.

"My friend G-Dragon does the tattoos. I do all the body piercings." 

Wheein nodded as they stopped inside a room. It had a few posters up and the lights were lighter than the dark colors that filled the building. CL motioned for Wheein to sit down in a chair before CL went over to her desk.

"So, what type of piercing do you want?" CL asked.

"A nose piercing." Wheein said.

"Oh? And why is that?" CL asked as she turned to look at Wheein.

"I'm changing up my image." Wheein simply stated as she toyed with her sleeves.

CL nodded to herself before scooting closer to Wheein.

"Permanent or temporary?"

Wheein looked up.

"Which one do you think I should have?" Wheein questioned.

CL grinned.

"Well, i don't think you'll like it if it's permanent. You looked pretty scared back there." CL said.

Wheein let out a sigh.

"I don't want to be wimpy though. I'm kind of doing this without my friends knowing." Wheein said.

"Don't worry, it will be worth it." CL said as she stood up.


Hyejin sat on a chair in the practice room wondering why Wheein hadn't shown up yet.

"Oh god! What if we ended up really pissing her off?!" Youngsun wailed as she came into the room shocking Hyejin.

Moonbyul came after her.

"You're overreacting Young! She's probably just getting a snack or something." Moonbyul said, trying to reason with the panicking blonde.

"Woah, what did you guys do?" Hyejin asked.

Youngsun whipped her head around only to get a muscle cramp in her neck.

"OW! OW! Help!" Youngsun squealed. Moonbyul and Hyejin rushed over to soothe Youngsun's neck when the door to the practice room opened.

"Hey guys!" Wheein said as she set down her stuff.

Youngsun ran over as soon as her neck was fine only to stop in her tracks.

"W-what is that???" Youngsun whispered, her eyes landing on the shiny metal protruding from Wheein's nose.

"Oh this? I got a piercing!" Wheein simply said.

Youngsun stumbled back a step.

"Wheein no! How could you? I didn't approve of this! My baby is being a rebel!" Youngsun cried.

Moonbyul rushed over to help Youngsun before she too saw the nose piercing.

"Omo! My precious! " Moonbyul cried.

Wheein took a step back before bumping into Hyejin.

"Care to explain yourself?" Hyejin asked, her husky voice accompanied by a level of strictness.

Wheein turned around before giving Hyejin a smile.

"Calm down, It's not real." Wheein said as she slid the little ring out.

"See? It's magentic." Wheein said as she showed Hyejin how it worked.

"Good! You truly worried me for  a minute." Hyejin said as she gave Wheein a hug of relief.

"yeah, I chickened out at the last minute but the lady who was helping me was quite nice about it." Wheein said as she stepped back and put it in again.

"Are you going to tell those two?" Hyejin asked as she pointed to Youngsun and Moonbyul who were both hugging each other and crying, blubbering about how Wheein betrayed them.

Wheein shook her head before smiling.

"I think I'll enjoy this a little longer." she said with a smirk.

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I felt a little steamy 👁👄👁


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k2sappy #1
Chapter 2: Omg this was so cute!
NoNeyme #2
Chapter 16: will you update this??
Chapter 22: Wew didn’t expect a part two for this since part one seems to be a good closure. Thank you!!!
Iisherefortheunowuts #4
Chapter 22: Aksjwakkssjskskzosk thank you
Biclexual #5
Chapter 21: I have to admit I was expecting a whole other kind of story when I read the title, LOL. This is so lovely though!
Chapter 21: Her worst day turned into her luckiest day :D Honestly, this one shot could use a follow up ;]
itsmeh_04 #7
Chapter 20: ❤
Radish94 #8
Chapter 20: Welcome back!
Chapter 20: Yes, forget about that loser and stay with Wheein. You girls are made for each other :3
Radish94 #10
Chapter 16: Please update this :(