The Next Step

Imagine Your OTP - Wheesa Edition

When Hyejin had gotten down on her knee in the center of the Shibuya crossing, special music playing from her portable speaker and tons of people watching, Wheein had cried tears of joy while she smothered Hyejin in kisses of yes, I will marry you. It had been their special thing, visiting Japan and spending time together, but never in a million years did Wheein think that Hyejin would choose that spot and moment to pull out the small velvet box. It had been the greatest day of Wheein's life when she was able to walk down the aisle to her beautiful wife dressed in a tux, her long blue hair pulled back into a ponytail and a big smile on her face. Hyejin and Wheein were the new married couple on the block, drunk with the ecstatic happiness that came with it. However, with this new chapter in both of their lives, Wheein was well aware of the next step. They had a pair of neighbors that had married three years before she and Hyejin had. Their names were Kim Youngsun and Moon Byuli. They had invited Wheein and Hyejin over, congratulating them on finally tying the know when a small girl had waddled her way into the area the four girls were sitting, her hand clutching a pale pink teddy bear as she came in.

"I don't think you've met our little ball of sunshine yet. This is Kim Sooyoung." Youngsun said as she picked up her little girl and placed her on her lap.

Hyejin was surprised to find out that they had a child and started asking questions about everything while Wheein just stared dreamily at the child. She wondered what it would be like for her and Hyejin to have something like that. The final piece to their family. After they had all bid their goodbye's for the evening, Wheein and Hyejin walked hand in hand with a comforting silence surrounding them. Wheein's mind was buzzing while Hyejin was worried. Wheein and Hyejin had a certain connection which made it seem like they knew each other's thoughts and Hyejin knew that seeing that child had probably sparked something in Wheein's mind. Once they had arrived at their little apartment, Wheein was met with the reality that they didn't have enough space for a child and that made her a little sad. Once they were inside, they both got ready for bed and finally laid in bed for the night. The next day while Hyejin was preparing breakfast, Wheein trudged in and Hyejin could instantly tell something was wrong.

"What's the matter pup?" Hyejin asked as she pulled her pan off the stove before sitting across from her wife.

Wheein played with her wedding ring as she debated whether or not she should confess her inner struggle.

"This is about Youngsun's and Moonbyul's kid, isn't it?" 

Wheein looked up slightly shocked that Hyejin had figured it out.

"You know me all too well Hyejin." Wheein said, a slight smile ghosting her lips before a frown returned.

"I know we aren't at the point where we can  have kids, but seeing them yesterday made me want to have that." Wheein said.

Hyejin reached across the table and took Wheein's hands in her own.

"Listen, I know we can't have a child right now because let's face it, we just aren't suited for it at the moment. But, that doesn't mean we can't take something in as our own." Hyejin said, hoping Wheein got the message.

Wheein was slightly confused when she finally understood what Hyejin was talking about.

"You don't mean..."

Hyejin nodded as she gave Wheein a smile.

"But you're allergic to cats and dogs. I can't have you suffering all the time." Wheein said.

Hyejin shook her head.

"I think I can suffer through allergies to keep you happy my love." 

Wheein's frown had been blasted off her face and replaced with a big smile that made Hyejin's heart melt.

"Can we go now!?" Wheein asked

Hyejin looked slightly surprised. She hadn't even finished making breakfast.

"Aren't you hungry?" Hyejin asked.

"Not anymore. Let's go now. I'm going to go get ready!" Wheein said before literally skipping to their shared bedroom. Hyejin just shook her head at her wife's crazy antics.

Once they were both dressed and ready, they made their way out of their house and towards town. They lived on a quiet street but just two blocks away were shops, cafe's, restaurants, and entertainment establishments. It was nice to have everything so close by, but what mattered the most this moment was the pet store. Wheein didn't stop talking about the fact that she was so excited to do this. 

"Should we get a kitten or a full grown cat?" Wheein asked as they approached the colorful storefront.

"Well, I guess that depends. We'll have to see what they have." Hyejin said as she opened the door for them.

Once inside, Wheein immediately zipped over to the cat area. Hyejin watched Wheein as the brown haired girl stuck her finger through the wire door to scratch underneath a kitty's chin. 


Hyejin was startled out of her daze by a loud and overly cheerful voice. She turned around to see a girl with long blonde hair and a nametag pinned to her I LOVE ANIMALS t-shirt with the name Sana on it.

"Hi. We are looking to adopt a cat, or kitten if you have one." Hyejin said.

Sana clapped her hands together and walked Hyejin over to where Wheein was crouched.

"Well, as you can see, these are the older adult cats. This one over here is a year old and the oldest one is three." Sana said as she pointed out a Siamese and a black cat.

"What about kittens?" Wheein piped up, standing up and rubbing off the cat hair that had attached itself to her sweater.

"Well, one of our female cats just had a kitten, but its mother sadly passed away. He's in the backroom though." Sana said. Hyejin looked over at Wheein to see her eyes watering slightly. Hyejin let out a small sigh as she rubbed Wheein's back.

"Can we see it?" Hyejin asked.

Sana nodded. She led them to the back storage room to the employee lounge. Sitting on a bed in a small guarded area was a little bundle of orange and white fur.

"It's so cute!" Wheein squeaked as she hurried over to it.

"He doesn't have a name and he doesn't really like people too much which makes it difficult to bottle feed him. Luckily he only needs it for one more week before he can start a regular healthy diet." Sana said as she bent over to hand him to Wheein.

"Hyejinnie, I think this is the one, I can just fee-!" Wheein let out a shocked yelp as the cat suddenly nibbled her fingers.

Hyejin stifled a laugh before turning to Sana.

"I think we'll have to take this one."

Once the transaction was complete, the two girls headed home with their new addition in his carrier.

"Thank you so much Hyejin! I seriously love you so much!" Wheein squealed as she planted a kis on Hyejin's cheek.

"Yeah, I know you love me. I do have to admit, the little rascal is quite cute."

Wheein nodded in agreement as they stopped in front of their apartment door and Hyejin punched in their code. Once they were inside, Wheein hurried to the living room and set down the carrier.

"Come quick! He has to meet both of his new moms." Wheein called.

"I'm coming." Hyejin huffed as she hurried over.

Wheein unlatched the door and opened it, her eyes sparkiling with excitement. The kitten padded out, his head held high as he looked around, his eyes wide and curious. The cat then turned and started towards Hyejin much to Wheein's surprise. Hyejin scooted away a little so she wouldn't be hit with a wave of itchy skin or sneezing, but to her surprise, the cat had yet to inflict any sort of reaction.

"He likes you!" Wheein said as she scooted over, her hands running down the kitten's back.

"I guess he does." Hyejin said as she tentatively put out a hand.

The kitten came closer before putting his cute little pink nose close enough to smell Hyejin.

"What should we name you?" Wheein cooed as she watched in amusement.

Hyejin was slightly scared of animals, but this cat seemed to be okay.

"I've got it! We can name him Ggomo!" Wheein said as she nodded.

Hyejin looked confused.

"Why would you name him after yogurt?" Hyejin asked.

Wheein shrugged.

"I just think it is a really cute name. He is our son now and we can't just refer to him as a kitten." Wheein said.

Hyejin laughed before patting the cats head.

"I guess this is training to see if we are ready to handle a bigger job." 

"Of course. Now pick up Ggomo. I have to get a picture of him and one of his moms to show Youngsun and Byul." Wheein said as she whipped out her phone.

"Okay. This is it." Hyejin said as she reached out to pick up Ggomo. He wiggled around trying to get out of Hyejin's arms, but he couldn't escape.

"Ready? 1, 2, 3, cheese!"



Wheein grinned as she looked at the picture. She now had two important people in her lives and a family she would love forever.

"What are you smiling about love?" Hyejin asked.

Wheein shook her head before setting down her phone.

"As much as I love this moment, I never did get to thank you for allowing this." Wheein said in a teasing voice.

Hyejin lifted a brow.


Hyejin set down Ggomo and grinned at Wheein as they got up. Hyejin was glad she had married such a wonderful girl and she was glad that she had the rest of her life to spend with her.


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I felt a little steamy 👁👄👁


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k2sappy #1
Chapter 2: Omg this was so cute!
NoNeyme #2
Chapter 16: will you update this??
Chapter 22: Wew didn’t expect a part two for this since part one seems to be a good closure. Thank you!!!
Iisherefortheunowuts #4
Chapter 22: Aksjwakkssjskskzosk thank you
Biclexual #5
Chapter 21: I have to admit I was expecting a whole other kind of story when I read the title, LOL. This is so lovely though!
Chapter 21: Her worst day turned into her luckiest day :D Honestly, this one shot could use a follow up ;]
itsmeh_04 #7
Chapter 20: ❤
Radish94 #8
Chapter 20: Welcome back!
Chapter 20: Yes, forget about that loser and stay with Wheein. You girls are made for each other :3
Radish94 #10
Chapter 16: Please update this :(