Meet the Gang

My Inmate Tried to Me
(A/N: To clarify, so far everything that happened in the past couple chapters is in the same day and it still is. Also, any idol that is in jail is not a idol in this story)

Sungjong woke up several hours later in a fright, taking deep breathes to calm himself.

"Oh my gosh, it was only a bad dream. I thought I was actually in jail." He breathed out relieved. He lay on the bed silently staring up at the ceiling. 'Why is the bed I'm laying on hard? I remember my bed being really soft...'

Sungjong hesitantly sat up and gulped before looking around the room.

"No... It can't be true. I'm really in jail?" He was horrified. It wasn't a dream at all but was reality. "ANDWAE!!!"

"Can you keep it down?" a voice from across the room said.

Sungjong turned his head and squinted his eyes as he tried to make out the figure in the shadows. After a few moments the figure got off of his bed and came over to where Sungjong was.

"W-who are you?" Sungjong asked, trying not to let his voice shake but that didn't work too well

"Me? I'm your roommate, well in this case I'm your cellmate but it's all the same." The bulky man answered. He looked pretty tall with really large, muscular arms that could snap you in half. His chest looked rock hard as well. "The name's Jung Ji Hoon, but you can call me Rain. What's your name new guy?"

Sungjong sat on his bed silently, wondering if revealing his name to this convict that he supposedly shared a cell with was a good idea. 'It's not like I'll ever see him again after I'm out of here, so it doesn't matter right?'


"I know." Rain said.

"You do?" Sungjong looked creeped out that some guy that he hasn't even known for five minutes yet knows his name. "How?"

"You are in INFINITE aren't you?"

"Oh..." Sungjong made an 'o' with his mouth. 'Duh Sungjong, of course he knows you.'

Rain nodded before there was an awkward silence between the two. Well, Sungjong thought there was. Rain was just silently thinking about what to eat for dinner.

"So, how long have you been there?" Sungjong asked, trying to make conversation. "I didn't see you before I went to sleep."

"For quite a while. I was here ever since the guard dropped you off from your one phone call." Rain replied.

'He was here for that long? How come I didn't notice him?' Sungjong wondered as a guard came by their cell.

"It's free time." He announced as he opened the cell door and led them to where the rest of the convicts were able to hang around and chat.

"Free time?" Sungjong whispered to Rain.

"We have several hours to hang around and stuff. They can't make us stay in our cells all the time. We get to move around of course." Rain explained. "I'll show you around."

Sungjong nodded silently and continued to follow behind the guard and Rain to an open area.

"Remember, you are not to wander off past the boundaries otherwise you'll be back in your cell and won't be able to come out here for several days. Also, if you end up initiating or are involved in a violent act with another prisoner, the consequences may be harsher than being prohibited from entering this area for your free time." the guard explained before walking off, leaving the two to do as they please. To an extent that is.

"Alright," Rain stretched his arms a bit, "I'll show you around now. We are currently at, as we like to call, the survival grounds."

"...Survival grounds?" Sungjong hesitantly asked, not liking the sound of it.

"We are allowed to have free time here and do what we want, but it's also a place where other prisoners are as well. Some like to play rough so you better watch out." Rain warned.

"Fantastic..." Sungjong mumbled.

"See that group over there?" Rain nodded surreptitiously towards a group of men near the fence that marked the boundaries. "Try not to get in their way. They are one of the worst people in this place. They'll rip your head off and feed it to their pet lizards."

"They have pet lizards?" Sungjong looked at the group weirdly.

"Don't stare at them for too long or they'll beat you up." Rain snapped making Sungjong look away from the group of bulky thugs. Rain then nodded to a group near the middle of the survival grounds. "Those guys there are pretty harmless to talk to. They could be dangerous if you try to provoke them though. Everyone else is fine to talk to. Just remember to not come into contact with the men that have lizards."

Sungjong nodded in understanding and Rain started walking towards the harmless group he was talking about, leaving Sungjong to stand by himself looking like a loner.

"Hey, he left..." Sungjong frowned as he glanced around, taking in the view of the survival grounds. There were groups of convicts scattered all over. There were some that sat alone as well. Along all the fences that set the boundaries, there were guards making sure everything was in check, that no one did what they weren't supposed to.

"What are you doing? Come over here." Rain called out, snapping Sungjong out of his thoughts. Sungjong obeyed as he walked towards the group of people Rain was talking to.

Sungjong looked at the men in the ground before slightly bowing and saying 'hi.'

"Hey kid, you don't have to bow. We're convicts. You do know that right?" One of the guys said.

"O-oh, yeah sorry." Sungjong nodded.

"Sungjong, this is Brian." Rain nodded to the guy that had spoken to Sungjong. "And that's Se7en, Hwanhee, Wheesung, and Kangta."

"'Sup." the rest of the group nodded in greeting.

"Hi." Sungjong smiled at them.

"He's new I take it?" Kangta asked.

"Yup." Rain answered.

"So, what are you in for?" Wheesung questioned.

"I'm not sure actually... They never told me." Sungjong frowned. "They just came to my dorms and took me away. Those s."

"s they are." Se7en said. "You should go ask them. I really wonder why a little scrawny idol like you is in here."

"You know I'm an idol?" Sungjong blinked at the man in shock.

"Of course," Hwanhee laughed. "We do watch TV you know. How's INFINITE doing?"

"Good..." Sungjong smiled, strangely happy that even prisoners knew about his band.

"Anyways, remember to ask why you're here. I don't think it's good to be in jail when you don't even know the reason why." Se7en reminded.

"Yeah..." Sungjong sighed. "What about you guys? Why are you in jail?"

"Automobile theft." Kangta answered.

"I got caught bringing illegal drugs into the country." Brian said.

"I got caught helping him and Se7en bringing illegal drugs into the country." Hwanhee jerked his thumb towards Brian while smirking.

"I shot an old lady for stealing my laptop." Wheesung shook his head a the memory. "She was a ."

'Why am I talking to these bad people?' Sungjong nodded slowly. "What about you Rain? You never told me what you did."

"." Rain smirked. "I keep telling the police it's not if the person enjoyed it, but do they listen? Nope."

'R? I hope those girls were okay...' Sungjong frowned. Too bad he didn't know that it wasn't girls that Rain had .


After a couple hours of doing nothing, meeting Rain's friends, and getting shown where everything was, two guards came and brought Rain and Sungjong back to their assigned cell.

"Dinner is in an hour." The guard said before closing the cell door and leaving.

"Wait!" Sungjong called out, remembering to ask why he was in jail. Unfortunately for him the guard didn't hear his call, causing Sungjong to pout and grumble before going to sit on his bed. He felt as though someone was staring at him intently and looked up to see that the person was Rain. "What?"

"Nothing." Rain smiled and shook his head. He then laid down on his bed. "Wake me up when it's dinnertime."

Sungjong only gave the man that dozed off a strange look before laying down in his own bed.


Hwanhee, Wheesung, and Kangta don't have huge roles in here. They are just some of Rain's friends in the prison.

Does anyone like Seung Gi? Maybe I'll add that y man into this jail. He can be the leader of the scary, bulky thugs.

(I'll make a character chart when I have time~)
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mythmagics #1
Chapter 16: I really enjoyed the story. Is there a reason why Sungjong stole the money? And what happened to the money?
Chapter 18: I read the whole story and it was pretty good. I was a little shocked at the ending, when Sungjong confessed with what he did. Never would've thought of that. Great job on the story.
Chapter 7: Hey author-nim! You know, i'm reading this for the 2nd time now XD i really love this sotry and Suicide Notes too! :D although, i wish i discovered your stories earlier...i only found them both last year in 2014 December XD soo yeah...anyways awesome stories!
Chapter 16: Well.........that was unexpected
I wonder why Neil hates sungjong so much.......
I actually looked up mudskippers on the Internet.......RAIN IS A FREAK!!
Anywa, it was a good story!
Sequel please?!?
beastybeauty #5
I mean, I read it a couple months ago. and again today. my stomach hurts from laughing so much.
beastybeauty #6
can i just say that this is one of the funniest stories I've ever read.
Chapter 16: What was that? He actually took the money? Oh no I feel...I feel strangely empty inside...It was funny though. But what did he do with the money?
Chapter 12: I don't understand whom should I trust...Niel or Seunggi? Sometimes I feel like Niel's lying.
Chapter 9: Ooooh I like bossman Seunggi, he's cool! I hope he's not bad though...
Chapter 4: I find it really funny to see the idols in jail, haha. I know they aren't idols here but still...