
My Inmate Tried to Me

Here's the final chapter if some of you never got a chance to read it from the crash ^^

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Hyung?” Sungjong called from Seunggi's bed, which sort of belonged to him now since Seunggi took over the vacant bed and gave Sungjong his own.


Yea?” Seunggi looked up from his pushups. It seems that Seunggi's always doing pushups huh?


How come you got arrested?” Sungjong tilted his head curiously.


Seunggi smiled at how cute the action was. “Gang fight.” Seunggi simply said.


“Gang fight?”


“Yeah, I was in a gang. The opposing gang had killed my best friend's brother so he wanted to get revenge.” Seunggi sighed. “When the cops came, we made a run for it. I ended up crashing into a car during my getaway. Turns out, Rain's little brother was in that car and so he got killed in the process. That's why he hates me so much too.”


Sungjong nodded slowly as he processed everything. “Oh, I see...”








In the middle of their pointless conversation, a guard walked by. “Prisoner 18492, please come with me.”


Sungjong and Seunggi gave each other a questioning look before Sungjong got up and followed the guard out of the cell.


“Where are we going?” Sungjong asked.


“You'll see.” The guard gave a smile.


'That's strange... Why is he smiling?' Sungjong raised an eyebrow. 'He ignored me last time he took me to the visitor room.'


When the two arrived to where the guard took them, the guard opened the door and Sungjong walked through to see the rest of Infinite and their manager talking cheerfully to a police officer.


Hyungs?” Sungjong's eyes widened.


Sungjong!” They all shouted and ran up to hug him and suffocate him with their love.


What are you guys doing here?” Sungjong asked, completely surprised.


You're a free man Lee Sungjong.” Woohyun smirked as he draped his arm around Sungjong's shoulders.


What?” Sungjong looked at them confused.


We caught the culprit that framed you for the crime.” Sunggyu clarified. “So now you're free to go!”


That... that's great!” Sungjong beamed. “I can finally get out! After four frickin' long days...” Sungjong trailed off. 'I won't see Seunggi anymore... I don't care much about Niel and Rain since they're es to me now, augh.'


Is something wrong?” Howon asked, noticing the sad expression that Sungjong wore.


I won't get to see a friend that I made anymore, if I could even consider him a friend.” Sungjong gave a low chuckle.


Has someone finally turned bent?” Sungyeol gave a grin.


Sungjong blushed but denied it, “A-ani... I just consider him a friend!”


Alright, go say your goodbyes to him so we can leave.” Woohyun shoved Sungjong towards the door he had came from earlier. “I'm going to the van first.”


Okay.” Sungjong rolled his eyes and went back to Seunggi's cell. On the way back he crossed paths with Niel.


Watch where you're going.” Niel scowled when they bumped shoulders.


You don't have to worry about that since I won't be in here anymore.” Sungjong rolled his eyes.


What?” Niel raised an eyebrow.


I got out.” Sungjong smirked. “So now you won't have to see me anymore. I'm sorry that you hated me.”


Niel narrowed his eyes before scoffing and strutting away.


Freak.” Sungjong rolled his eyes and entered Seunggi's cell.


Where'd you go?” Seunggi looked up from his book.


I have good news.” Sungjong smiled.


That doesn't really answer my question, but what's the good news?” Seunggi asked.


My bandmates got me out of jail!” Sungjong grinned and jumped on Seunggi's bed, glomping the man.


That's great!” He smiled.


It is... but I won't get to see you again.” Sungjong sighed.


I could make it so that you'd stay in here forever with me, unless you come visit often.” Seunggi joked.


Oh yeah! I could just come visit you!” Sungjong's sad eyes lit up. “I didn't think about that.”



I promise.”




That night, all seven members of Infinite, along with their managers, went to the beach to celebrate Sungjong's release. They had a barbeque and sat around a bonfire that they made. They talked about the past four days: the good, the bad, and the mudskippers (A/N: I continue to promote them :3), and many other things as well.


Dongwoo ate what?!” Sungjong fell to the ground clutching his stomach in pain. He had been laughing so hard after Sungyeol told him that Dongwoo had eaten chocolate covered fried scorpions.


It was good!” Dongwoo nodded furiously, insisting that it was one of the most delicious things in the world.


Sure it was.” Myungsoo rolled his eyes. “I thought it was gross.”


Anyways, let's go play volleyball!” Howon suggested and all of them agreed, Sunggyu groaning because he's grandpa Gyu~


They all ran across the sand to where the net was set up. It was managers against the boys. Sungjong smiled at the sight and took out the notebook Rain had given him out of his bag.


Poki, annyeong! ^^

I have great news! I'm finally out of jail :D The members told me they found a guy named Sungjoo that framed me for stealing money from the bank. I'm kind of sad since I won't get to see Seunggi as much anymore since I finally made peace with him. But it's okay! I'll go visit him from time to time.


Poki, you remind me of Rain. He gave me you so I end up thinking about him every time I see you. He tried me last night. It was not a pleasant experience... Turns out, Niel didn't get beaten by Seunggi. He lied to me! D:< He did that so that I wouldn't talk to Seunggi and be friends with Rain >< They did that so Rain could me T.T They are such poopie heads.


Well I guess this is going to be my last entry since I don't want to think of Rain everytime I write. ><


Sungjong smiled at his last entry and put away his pen, about to close the notebook but paused. He bit his lip in contemplation before taking his pen back out and writing one final thing in.


P.S: Sungjoo didn't frame me. I actually stole the money from the bank.


Sungjong smirked as he closed the notebook and threw it into the bonfire. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and watched as the book slowly burned.


Yah Sungjong! What are you doing! Come play!” Woohyun shouted.


Yeah! Come be on our team!” Geonam ushered for him to come over. “It'd help even out the number of people playing! We're getting old so we don't have much energy like you guys!”


Okay, coming!” Sungjong answered. He gave the fire one last look before running over to join the game everyone else was in.




~ T H E - E N D ~



Didn't expect that, did you guys? In the story, Sungjong never specifically said “I didn't steal the money” so he's not lying. xD


Comments?~ Tell me how the whole story was :D Silent readers, here's your chance to voice your thoughts!

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mythmagics #1
Chapter 16: I really enjoyed the story. Is there a reason why Sungjong stole the money? And what happened to the money?
Chapter 18: I read the whole story and it was pretty good. I was a little shocked at the ending, when Sungjong confessed with what he did. Never would've thought of that. Great job on the story.
Chapter 7: Hey author-nim! You know, i'm reading this for the 2nd time now XD i really love this sotry and Suicide Notes too! :D although, i wish i discovered your stories earlier...i only found them both last year in 2014 December XD soo yeah...anyways awesome stories!
Chapter 16: Well.........that was unexpected
I wonder why Neil hates sungjong so much.......
I actually looked up mudskippers on the Internet.......RAIN IS A FREAK!!
Anywa, it was a good story!
Sequel please?!?
beastybeauty #5
I mean, I read it a couple months ago. and again today. my stomach hurts from laughing so much.
beastybeauty #6
can i just say that this is one of the funniest stories I've ever read.
Chapter 16: What was that? He actually took the money? Oh no I feel...I feel strangely empty inside...It was funny though. But what did he do with the money?
Chapter 12: I don't understand whom should I trust...Niel or Seunggi? Sometimes I feel like Niel's lying.
Chapter 9: Ooooh I like bossman Seunggi, he's cool! I hope he's not bad though...
Chapter 4: I find it really funny to see the idols in jail, haha. I know they aren't idols here but still...