Welcome to America

Butterfly Kiss

RECAP: "... ... Ok" Bom and I managed to squeak out. We left before we could even say a proper goodbye to the boys. BigBang was dismantled... Until further notice...



"Thank you for flying, please enjoy your stay" the air hostess waved to me as we got off the plane and bowed extra to my bro, well, he did own the plane after all. If I werent so fear stricken about everything that happened within the past 3 days, I would probably be pissing my pants because of how rich my  brother is. Its so wierd to think that I have a brother now.

"Jagi, gwenchana?" Tabi said slightly shking me. I looked at my hands, I didnt realize how hard I was squeezing his hand. I let go and mumbled "mianhe". He took the chance to rub his sore red hands.

"Bom, it'll be alright, I promise. I swear if anything happens to you, that b*****d will pay tenfold. I can't live iwthout you, I'd rather give up my life to save you than you be harmed." He said, but the last part shocked me. I quickly took his head in my hands and spoke sternly

"Pabo! Don't you every say that, your life is my everything. Without you I am nothing! I would regret every day of my life knowing that something happened to you because of me..." I began, only to be cut off

"You idiots, you already sound like he's killed you. Shut up, get your things and move! Dammit, stupid love birds" Joongki oppa really knows how to ruin the mood. Its probably since he's jetlagged... I just smile at Tabi and shrug


We stay at Joongki oppa's -managers -cousins house. Yeah, we got relations. After unpacking and changing into a gray v-neck tee and khaki shorts i head outside. There is someone I have to see. 

I walk into the  cemetary, flowers in my hand, and walk to the burial spot of my dear aunt. After she helped me escape from Japan, she moved to the States in order to steer clear of my father. What she didnt tell me before she left is that she had cancer and passed away. I didnt know until oppa told me on the plane. I walk up to the plate that marks her grave and brush off the stray dirt. 

It wasnt long until I felt my tears running down my face. My aunt acted as my mother, and I only cause trouble for her. I pray that shes happy in heaven, watching over me as she did when she was still on earth. 

I arrange the flowers, propping them up. I say a quick prayer for her, thanking her for all shes done for me. I open my eyes again and I notice that its late. I must have been crying this whole time because my eyes are swollen and bigger than they already are. 

I get up to leave, I brush of the dirt from my knees and my hands, wipe away the stray tears and turn around, only to be shocked by a very familiar voice.

"Bommie-ah, wow, you look great. I guess a few years really makes a difference"

No... How could it be? We just got here? I was too shocked, to scared to even attempt to move. my legs were locked and my mouth wide with fear. God, please, save me now!

~Meanwhile, at the house~


"Hyung, where did Bom go?" I asked

"Oh, I think she went to see our aunt's grave"

"Should she really be going out all alone? What if she gets attacked? Or even worse, what if HE comes?" I begin to panic as I pace around the kitchen

"Dude, chill! She'll be alright, she has a can of pepper spray in her bag, and there is no way her dad could be here now." Joongki said, placing a hand on my shoulder and giving me his best smile, cocking his head slightly. He's kinds cute when he does that... WTF am I saying!

"Hyung, sorry, but I'm taken. Why didnt you tell me you were gay?"

"YAH! CHOI SEUNGHYUN! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!! I AM NOT F-IN GAY YOU RETARD!" He screamed and threw a rolling pin at my head. I just laughed it off and ran outside to find Bom. Joongki said the cemetary wasnt too far away so I  went in the general direction of where the residents told me to go. I come near to what I see as a cemetary, but I'm not completely sure if its the right one. I take the chance though since its late and I just got off the phone with Joongki who said Bom still wasnt home. 

"I hear shouts in the distance, but I can't really make out words. I break off a tree branch and head towards the sound, wanting to get a better look. I get closer and closer, I hear alot of muffled cries, and that worries me, but it would be foolish to jump out. I near further and hear a man cursing and telling the girl to shut up, its too dark to see who it is, but my heart is racing faster than ever. Finally the girl manages to let her voice cry out, breaking from the confinements of the guy. Unfortunately it was the cry I dreaded with all my heart


God help us


A/N: I AM SOOOOOO SORRY! I know I havent updated for such a long time, and I am sooo ahppy that I still have my wonderful subscribers. It has just been oh so incredibly hectic for me, I have been away, then I have been babysitting my little cousins who are staying for three... more... weeks. As much as I love them, I need a break... And lastly, My 16th birthday just passed! yay! i actually got alot of inboxes from alot of you guys wishing me a happy birthday, and I felt really blessed to have you guys

Anywho.... I am gonna end soon, booo, but I just dont have the time anymore. Its hard juggle all of my activities. Please stay subscribed and COMMENT PLEASE! Dont be a silent reader! I love reading comments, it makes me so happy! Well bai bai for now!       *mwuah*


~Bexxx <333


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Hmm, i want to find a girl for taeyang but idk who to put? IU is already with thunder so whooooo?


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Chapter 9: they're so cute uwu
Chapter 9: i wish there were more daemin fics on this site ;;;
Chapter 8: Bom's red hair was SO iconic, and this brings me back to easier times 🥺
Chapter 8: This chapter 😍🥰
Chapter 7: i feel so sorry for bom; i wish she could find a good support system in her new friends to deal with everything that she's going through
Chapter 7: the ending is so cute 🥺
Chapter 7: damn i glad it didn't end up badly for chae