
Butterfly Kiss


RECAP: Bommie-ah, you have to leave, now, go anywhere but here. It's safer in America than Korea... your dad knows where you are"



My father, the cause of my living hell, he found me. How? Why me, what did I do to deserve this. Tabi pressed me against his body and spoke the words I was unable to say.




"I was going to my usual restaurant, the one you guys went to before, the one with the picture... And I saw him. He was looking at the picture that I saw as well, of course I wasn't able to confront him. I watched in the distance, I saw him talking to the owner, he ripped the pictured the wall and stormed out. He will find you Bom, leave! Please! I don't want the same thing to happen to you again." Joongki Oppa was frantic, you could see in his eyes his desperation and his care for me.


"Bom, we are leaving now. If what he says is true then your father might be just around the corner, we have to leave." CL said grabbing my arm. Tabi pulled me to face him and spoke


"it's not safe to go to your house, come to our dorm, the girls will bring your things then you're leaving Korea, you will stay in America with your aunt... Until its safe to come back." Tabi said


"I don't want to leave! I would rather go back to my father than never see you again!" I wasn't going, Tabi is my life, if we are separated I will become nothing.


"Pabo, who said I wasn't coming with you." Omo


"Yeah, bombom, I'm coming with you too" Joongki Oppa said.


"Yah! Can you guys talk about this later! Let's get the heck outta here!" Mingkii screamed as she punched us towards the basement. The basement had a secret passage that led to an underground walkway which led out close to Tae's café.


We ran through the passage and outside towards Tae's car. Gd drove, he was the fastest writer out of all of us, Dara got lessons from him and now she has around 3 speeding tickets.


We made it to the boys dorm, all the boys except Tae got out and he drove the girls to our house to get my things.


"Oppa, how am I going to get tickets at this time of the night?" I asked Joongki, I was still shaking at the realization that I was running for my life.


"when your the famous and cute like me, you can do anything, don't worry about it okay?" Tabi went to go pack his things. Joongki oppas manager was getting his things for oppa. He had a movie to film in LA, so he was able to come with us. It was just me and Oppa right now, he took my hand in his and spoke softly.


"Bommie-ah, I have to tell you something, I've wanted to tell you for quite sometime, but I couldn't. I feel I can now though. You're much more to me than a childhood friend" Omo, please don't say your going to confess!


"Oppa, pease don't, I love Tabi I can't..." I said but he cut me off.


"Paboyah! Let me finish!... Park Bom, we are not childhood friends, we are siblings. I really am your Oppa" oh my... Oh my gosh, Oppa is my Oppa? How is this possible.


"o-oo-Oppa? How? How could I be your dongsaeng? I thought I was an only child? Oppa.." I couldn't finish my sentence, I was just too confused! Eottoke?


"you know he condition about your mother and father right? How your mother never loved you father, and the marriage was a one-way love? Well before they got married, your mother and my father we in love, they planned to get married but they couldn't because of their parents" Joongki Oppa started to explain this to me, but this was just so overwhelming


"your mother was told she was to marry your father, and she refused. She and my father ran away, and she was pregnant with my father's child. Only after she gave birth to me was she found and brought back, then she was forced into marriage." I was so stricken by shock. So many things were happening to me today, I couldn't deal.


"I found out the truth when I found my father's journal one day and read everything." wow, Oppa went through so much as well, and I knew nothing.








I have ten minutes to pack all of my belongings, and then I have to jet off to America, I can't even speak English. But what even more is that the only way that I can protect Bommie is by running away, and Choi Seunghyun HATES running away.


"Bommie-ah, I have to tell you something, I've wanted to tell you for quite sometime, but I couldn't. I feel I can now though. You're much more to me than a childhood friend" oh my gosh... Is he just confessing to MY GIRL and now of all times when she's so helpless! Why I outta...


"Park Bom, we are not childhood friends, we are siblings. I really am your Oppa" he finished his thought... And I felt stupid... Woah, so joongki is her big brother? And he was born out of wedlock. I wonder if Bom's father knew about joongki. Life must have been pretty rough for him, I mean, not having a mother, well bom didn't have a mother either. But joongki still had. Loving father, Bom only had a monster as a father.  But Joongki hyung had to live his life knowing he was a bastard child, not a true heir, not really accepted into society.


Aishhhh... Why is life so y...


I pick up my suitcases and bring them into the room that they are in. It's best that they know I know, I don't want to keep secrets.


"So I'm gonna have a hyung when Bom and I get married" I say, trying to lighten the deep and depressing mood.


"Tabi!... You heard? Good" Bom jumped up, I could tell she was relieved she didn't have to tell me, it's hard enough the first time.


"Yeah, but it's ok isn't it. I mean, it's good that he's your brother, now you have a real family." I say


"What are you talking about, I've had a family, they were here all along. Joongki Oppa, Taeyang, Jiyong, Seungri, Daesung, Dara, CL, Minzy, and YOU are my family." My girlfriend is the best.


"Okay... Um we better go, if you forgot, Bom's dad is out there somewhere, you don't live too far from school we better go. I called the girls, they'll bring your things straight to the airport. We can't go to Incheon International, he might suspect us there. We will go to Busan and take my private plane to the States" Joongki hyung declared like the CEO of a company.


"... ... Ok" Bom and I managed to squeak out. We left before we could even say a proper goodbye to the boys. BigBang was dismantled... Until further notice...



A/N:  Hey, sorry I haven't undated it recently, I've just been so crammed with so many different things, good and bad, but a lot of rough patches. Uwahhh life is sooo hard, so this is a kinda break away for me. I'm thinking about ending the story, kinda soon, idk when...

You guys are awesome, and I've gotten a lot of mail from my wonderful subber friends recently, you guys rock. I'm thinking of an idea for another story, don't worry, I will be better with uploading in that since... SUMMER VACATION STARTS IN exactly one week!!!

Well, buh-bye for now!


-Bexxx <333






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Hmm, i want to find a girl for taeyang but idk who to put? IU is already with thunder so whooooo?


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Chapter 9: they're so cute uwu
Chapter 9: i wish there were more daemin fics on this site ;;;
Chapter 8: Bom's red hair was SO iconic, and this brings me back to easier times 🥺
Chapter 8: This chapter 😍🥰
Chapter 7: i feel so sorry for bom; i wish she could find a good support system in her new friends to deal with everything that she's going through
Chapter 7: the ending is so cute 🥺
Chapter 7: damn i glad it didn't end up badly for chae