TOPBOM fighting!!

Butterfly Kiss


RECAP: "We need to talk... Now!" and he led me outside.




As soon as we walked outside to the courtyard, he dropped my hand and I took a step back. I was facing his back, and he turned his head to the side to kinda look at me.


"What was that for. You can't just pull me like that after my performance" I said coldly to prevent myself from going into hysterics. I waited for an answer, but I got nothing.


"Well what do you have to say!" I still didn't get an answer, not even a motion of acknowledgement. I was so close to crying, I couldn't stay any longer.


"Fine, if your gonna be like this, I'm leaving" I my heels as fast as I could, but before I could take another step, he caught me arm and pulled me into his embrace. My face was pressed upon his chest and I could smell the fragrance of his perfume mingled with his sweat.


I was pressed flat onto him, his left hand pushed my back into him, his right hand caressed my head and my hair. Without a single word, I knew what he meant, that was true love.


I still wanted to hear the words come out of his mouth, he hurt me more than words could explain, but I could settle for mere words to make things right. I looked up with my teary eyes into his.


"Mianhe." those were the words I longed to hear, "nothing I do or say can make it up to you. I was stupid, and I was heated in the moment, I was nothing more than a traitor and a devil. I promised you, I broke that promise. I promised to never hurt you, but here you are, crying because of me." he took a breath and continued:


"I won't blame you if you ever want to see me again, I won't blame you if you curse me and my family, I won't blame you if you slap me. Please do all these things, just know that I am truly sorry."


I looked down from his strong gaze, I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist and back and buried my face into his chest once more and cried, I cried really hard. I never want to leave him again. He's my Tabi, and I'm his alien. We need each other, we complete each other.


I look up again and find his face streaked with tears as well. I reach my cold hands up to his warm face and rub his cheeks slowly, then I pull him down for the kiss I have longed for endlessly. The kiss that I was deprived of for so long.


We stayed outside in the courtyard for a while, just lying on the bench and not saying a world. I was lying almost on top of him, my side to his side,my head on his chest. We just stayed like that for a while and looked at the stars until Tabi spoke.


"You guys were exceptional today. I don't think I saw a dry eye in the audience when it came to your solo. I had no idea you could sing like that" he said as he kissed the roof of my head.


"Hehe, my mom was a singer before she got married. I never heard her sing of course, but my aunt told me that she adored her sister, my mother, because she had the power to calm down the storm with her singing." I loved my mother, even though I had no idea who she actually was.


"Yah, love birds! You guys finally made up! Jeez, because of you I wasn't able to be with ma gurl" there was only one person I knew who talked like that... Kwon Jiyong.


"Yah paboyah! Don't put the blame on Top! It was all of your faults too!" the logical girlfriend Dara scolded. I'm glad everything's back to normal.


"Guys hurry up! They're gonna announce the winners!" Minzy and Chae ran in on our convo, we all hurried in, I especially dragged Tabi in. We had to squirm our our through the mob of people and we met up with the rest of the gang. We made it just in time, as soon as we got settled the lights went dim and the MC appeared.


"hey yo finally! We tallied the judges scores, and we also had a section for reaction of the audience. The crowd loved all of you guys, but clearly they favored one group. So now for the results of the top two groups... Drumroll pleeaaaaseee!" the MC got the whole crowd on their feet screaming and chanting their favorite groups, I heard a lot of BigBang names, but I also heard a lot of people screaming 2NE1! My hands were sweaty and clammy.


"can I get 2NE1 and BigBang up herrreee! Yeorobun! Welcome your top two choices!"Oh... My... Golly... Goodness! We made it to the top two. Taeyang led the two groups and each of the girls paired up with their respective boyfriends as we walked in a line up the steps to the stage.


"first off, I'm gonna say on behalf of everyone here, that you guys ROCKED today. We haven't had performances like this since... Like ever! But... I hope that the results today don't break you guys up or anything" I looked at Tabi who was next to me. He took my hand and led the two of us to the front.


"excuse me, if I could just say something before you announce the results" Tabi said and the MC handed him the mic. "Well to be honest, this competition caused hell for me. Not just for me but for both of our groups. We all faced tests through this, but at the end, I feel that we are now just closer. Nothing can come between our love for each other, and that's that" he said and he lead the two of us back to our spots at the back.

The crowd got up and clapped for us and Tabi gripped my hand harder. I looked up at him and he smiled his über cute dimple smile and I blushed.


"ok alright alright alright, enough mushy gushy stuff. Now... For our 5th annual showdown talent competition... The winner is... ... ... 2NE1!!!"


OH MY GAWSHHHHH! WE WOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN! Uwahh! Im crying, and laughing, and screaming and hugging my members and jumping up and down. Chaerin as the leader took the mic and spoke the victory speech:


"Wow. Um. I don't know what to say! Wow... We won! Ahaha, I guess I'm supposed to thank you guys, and so yeah! I don't know how to thank you guys, but thank you. We entered into this competition for recognition, we were pushed around and made indifferent by you guys. We just wanted to prove that we were more than that, we just wanted to be happy too, and I feel that we accomplished it. So I thank you, a lot. And yeah..."


To end it off, each of the girls got a kiss from none other than our boyz


--- ---


Afterwards their was a small after party in the same place he show was. Everyone just came up to us and congratulated us. A lot of people apologized too us as well. They said they didn't understand what they were doing, and they felt horrible.


We made our way outside of the dance floor and into the hallway. It was just the boys and us girls,


"Congrats girls. I won't lie to you, we are pretty bummed we didn't win, but we are really proud and happy for you" Ji said as he handed us a bouquet of flowers each.


"Omo where did you get these flowers" Mingkii exclaimed, she was a plant freak


"Um well, our fans gave them to us, so Tae has one too" Dae said nudging his hyung


"Yah! Don't make me feel like a loner"


"Oetoriya Oetoriya ddaradiriDARAduuu" Dara sang CNblue's hit "I'm a loner"


"hey, you only like that song because it has your name in it!" Seungii joked Dara was about to smack him when some barged in on us. He was sweating, his hair was going in different directions, but it was hard not to recognize the flower boy from Running Man.


"Oppa!" I jumped at his image


"Bommie-ah, you have to leave, now, go anywhere but here. It's safer in America than Korea... your dad knows where you are"




A/N: Anneyong! I actually finished the past two chapters awhile ago, I've just been incredibly busy so I couldn't update. Thank you guys so much for reading!


Please continue to subscribe and comment! I really love to read you comments, it makes my day so much better knowing that people out there know who I am. Even though we technically strangers. But still, we are an AFF family!


I was wondering, can someone suggest to me how I can possible get more subbers? I don't want to be to ambitious or selfish, but it's fun to get more subscribers! Kekeke, it's like adding more members to my family? Well that's it for now, Bai Bai!


Much love

-Bexxx <333









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Hmm, i want to find a girl for taeyang but idk who to put? IU is already with thunder so whooooo?


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0 points #1
Chapter 11: “Aston Martin car” 👀 okay damn Dara lol I see you
0 points #2
Chapter 11: I DEMAND JUSTICE 🤬 I can’t believe that they would get hate mail and threats, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised either smh
0 points #3
Chapter 10: bom's thoughts are so fun to read!
0 points #4
Chapter 10: lol they're adorable cuties 🥰😍
Chapter 9: they're so cute uwu
Chapter 9: i wish there were more daemin fics on this site ;;;
Chapter 8: Bom's red hair was SO iconic, and this brings me back to easier times 🥺
Chapter 8: This chapter 😍🥰