Do or Die

Butterfly Kiss

RECAP (BOM's POV): No... How could it be? We just got here? I was too shocked, to scared to even attempt to move. my legs were locked and my mouth wide with fear. God, please, save me now!



I snap out of my trance and remember about the pepper spray in my bag. I swiftly reach for it, but my "father" is faster, he grabs a hold of my arm, making me wince in pain. I manage to spray a bit of the spray in his left eye, but not as much as I would have liked. It only made him even more mad and aggressive. 


"Uh-uh-uh BomBom, dont fight back. You know that whever you go, I will find you. Whatever you do, you will always still come back to me. So dont even waste your efforts and run away, its just futile." He said so cunningly while looking straight into my eyes. He was no human, but a monster. He threw me on the ground and I hit the side of a grave. He smacked me across my face...real heard... but I dare not cry for him. I cannot let him have the satisfaction of making me cry again.


"Cry for me baby girl. Let me hear your beautiful voice cry out for me, just like you made your mother cry out. You put her through so much torture, a chiild who was not even my own! So I ended her misery, I killed her, and her precious sister too!" No. No. No. No.  He pushed my down as he sat ontop of me, one hand was covering my mouth whie the other was trying to lift my shirt up. He managed to lift it up enough so that the butterfly was visible. He just chuckled to himself and traced it with his fingers. I wasn't even able to scream because of the tight hold he had on me. 


With all the adrenaline stored up I swing my head back that I hit hit square on his balls, and I manage to scream at the top of my lungs, "Tabiiiiiiii". That was the last thing I managed to say before I was hit on the head with a rock. My knees buckled to the ground, I moaned at the severe pain coming from my head, I touch the back of my head and feeel the warmth of my blood. 


I pray to God for deliverance from this monster, there is nothing more that I can do. I am injured far worse than he, and if I attempt to run, he will easily catch up to me. There is nothing left for me to do except give up. I pull myself up to my feet and lean aginst a tree. I am still unable to see clearly due to my injuries. I can feel his breath getting warmer and closer to me, I can smell the stench of alchohal from his mouth.


"You are a bad girl Bommie, bad girls need to be punished." He said, lifting me up by my neck. I brace myself up against the tree and claw at his hands. I was losing more oxygen by the second. I felt like a fish gasping for air in the hands of it fisherman, fully aware of death. Before everything went black, I heard an loud impact and someone cursing, they were screaming "get the hell away from her!". It was a voice that was all too familiar to my ears. But like I said, that was before I out.


In a matter of seconds I saw him begin to choke her. I was still pretty far from them, but I ran as fast as my legs could go. All these thoughts were going through my mind, but what Bom was thinking about, I could only imagine. Even though everything was happening in a matter of seconds, to her it must have seemed like an eternity. I only became more determined to rip this bastard apart, limb from limb. 


As I grew closer and closer, my grip on the tree branch that I broke off grew even harder. I could feel the wood splinters driving into my hand, but I had no time to think of my own pains.The only thing I could think about now is saving Bom. I ran up the hill where they were and screamed as hard as I could as the branch made total impact with the side of his back.


I could have killed him instantly, but no, I wanted to make him suffer. I wanted to torure him just as he tortured her. I pushed him flat on his back and I started to punch him repeatedly. I couldnt count the number of times my fist hit his face, but his blood on my hands assured me that it was alot. when I was convinced he was unconcious I ran to Bom. 


She was still breathing, but the wound to her head was not pretty at all. I called Joongki as soon as I could and told him to rush over with the ambulance and the police. I sat against the tree with Bom in my lap, holding her like a baby. She was so small and petite, she looked so helpless in my arms. I sighed and cradled her head under my chin into my neck and kissed the top of her heada. With my shirt I made a bandage for her wound, I needed to apply pressure for the bleeding to stop. I hugged her tightly in order to keep her warm, but I would hug her anyways, since I love her more than words could explain.


A/N: HELLLOOO! Wussup everyone! Miss me? I missed you guys! Keke, im such a loser!! But thats ok, beig a loser is what makes me unique! Well, anyways, BOM AND FATHER CONFRONTATION!!!!! I had so many craaaaazzyyyyy ideas in my head for this chapter, but then I would have probably gotten alot of heat from you guys. And I also want my story to be readable by all ages. I wanted this chapter to be longer, but I though that I would split it into two chapters...Please give me feedback, preferably good ones, but any feedback is good. I love to read your comments! 

To all my silent readers, WHY ARE YOU SILENT!!! Please be louuuud! hehe, well bye bye for now! Luv ya!

~Bexxx <333

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Hmm, i want to find a girl for taeyang but idk who to put? IU is already with thunder so whooooo?


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Chapter 11: “Aston Martin car” 👀 okay damn Dara lol I see you
Chapter 11: I DEMAND JUSTICE 🤬 I can’t believe that they would get hate mail and threats, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised either smh
Chapter 10: bom's thoughts are so fun to read!
Chapter 10: lol they're adorable cuties 🥰😍
Chapter 9: they're so cute uwu
Chapter 9: i wish there were more daemin fics on this site ;;;
Chapter 8: Bom's red hair was SO iconic, and this brings me back to easier times 🥺
Chapter 8: This chapter 😍🥰