Welcome to the lair

Butterfly Kiss




Omo! He's holding my hand! Oh no! I hope my hands aren't too sweaty!! We walk into a room at the end of the corridor that looked awfully close to a janitors closet... But once he opened it, it looked NOTHING like a janitor's closet. I should know, I worked part time as a janitor for McDonalds over the summer.


It was huge, complete with three couches that could fit 3 peaople and one loveseat. There was one funky coffee table that went along with the cool vibe the room gave off. It had a flatscreen tv on the side wall as well.


When we walked in seven people stood up and I felt their stares rest on me. They looked nice enough though, I looked around and I saw a familiar face. I waved and smiled at Tae.


"Everyone, this is Bom. Bom, this is everyone" tabi joked while I just rolled my eyes. A man with blonde hair walked towards me and shook my hand.


"Forget him" he laughed, " I'm Kwon Jiyong, but you can call me GD, its short for g-dragon. This here is my girl Sandara Park, you can call her Dara." the girl he pointed to was really pretty, but she was really familiar, IMPOSSIBLE! It cant really be her. I hope she doesn't recognize me...She made her way over to me and enveloped me in a big hug. She doesn't recognize me...


"I'm perfectly capable of introducing myself thank you very much"she sneered at gd," well as my boyfriend said, i'm Dara. This is Lee Chaerin, CL for short and our maknae Gong Minzy" a blonde haired chic and a cute young short haired girl bowed at me as I did the same.


"Bom, this is Kang Daesung and Lee Seunghyun, or Seungri as he prefers" Top explains as I chuckle at the "victory" baby. He bowed so far that his nose touched his knees!


"Yah! Seungri stop hiding your stupid blushing face with an obnoxious bow!" Chaerin commanded. Keke, she has the aura of a leader.


I saw tabi glaring at him, either that or he has something in his eye??





Aigooooo, she's so pretty!... Why is top hyung staring me down? Awww hyung's gotta crushh






Those guys are sooo dead, lay of my girl. . . Did I just call her my girl? Aigooooo






I didn't know Taeyang's real name was Youngbae, maybe I should start calling him that?


As the bell for lunch rang, a swarm of girls ran ahead of me racing out. I guess school lunches are really good here!


"Chaerinnie, we should head out the cafeteria now so we can make it in time." Dara said. I was sitting with them since we had class together


"In time for what?" I asked, the girls were quickly gathering their things with a light in their eyes.


"Unnie, don't you know? Today is their performance!" Minzy exclaimed


"Mingkki, how would she know, she's new!" Chaerin scolded.


"Haha its ok Bom unnie, you will see when we get there, you really didn't hear about this at all today? All the girls were talking about it!" Dara said as she grabbed my arm pulling me as hard as she could to the BB lair. I don't even really know what BB stands for, oh well. Once in the room Minzy opened a side door that lead to the back of the cafeteria. Then I saw it: hundreds of screaming fangirls chanting and some even crying.

The lights dimmed and that's when I saw them, the boys. They were incredible. They were singing and dancing like pros! I was shocked and soon became like the rest of the other annoying fangirls who were screaming. I made eye contact with tabi and he raised his mic up, revealing his raspy rap. I dont think I have ever seen or heard someone as powerful as him.

The song ended and GD went to the center stage

"Anneyonghassaeyo, we're Big BANG!" They chorused together on the Bang part. Oh so that's what BB stands for! 

I am totally gonna love it here


At the end of school I went to the shopping area with the girls hoping that I could get closer to them.


"Ooooooo Bom you should totally try this on! It's sooo cute!" Dara said while handing me a backless strapped dress. All of a sudden I became really self conscious


"ohh nooo, umm I dont like backs, they are so plain" WTF! BOM WHAT ARE YOU SAYING! SINCE WHEN DID YOU NOT LIKE BACKS?


"okkkayy then? Hmm chae you try it on then" I managed to weasel out of the situation alive...


We finally finished our shopping, each holding several bags in each hand, well except me, I didn't bring too much money. I really felt like they accepted me, and I could be one of them. Omma, are you watching me? Please protect me from where you are. I smile, at the girls who where giggling about a random cute boy across the street.


I finally managed to get them to leave, but I should have known better than to think it would end at that


"Bommie, didn't Top say your house was close to here? Do you mind if we just stop by? I need to use the restroom" Dara stated.


Oh shoot, my apartment can barely hold myself let alone four grown girls! What will they think of me?


"Ummm, I dunno guys, I mean, my place is really messy" I did my best to create an excuse


"Unnie, please? I think I hafta pee also, I drank to much coffee!" said the maknae

I had to agree, I mean, I would just cone off rude if I rejected the maknae! Omma, please make sure they don't turn against me, I really like them!




When we reached my apartment, their reactions were priceless! Three rich girls looking at a small dinky old apartment. Speechless, the girls followed me upstairs.


"Bommie Unnie, you live here? By yourself?" said the wise leader. I just nodded in embarrassment.


Dara and Minzy did their business while Chae and I sat on my itty bitty couch. She seemed to be staring really hard at a stain on the floor. Dara and Minzy came back and Chaerin spoke:


"I hereby invite you, Bommie Unnie to move into our house, free of charge. All in favor say Ay"


"Ay" Dara and Minzy chorused together


"I couldn't! I would be too much trouble!" I blushed and protested


"TROUBLE? THAT DECIDES IN, YOUR MOVING IN WITH US! I DON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER!" Dara fumed. Aigooooo, she hasn't changed a bit!


I bowed and nodded in agreement while the girls jumped on me giving me a big hug. I was unable to do anything else but cry in happiness, they really accepted me!


They would be back tomorrow to bring my stuff to the house, I started to pack up after they left. I looked at the few belongings I had and smiled, maybe life is getting better for me now...






Somehow Bom looks inredibly familiar, like I've known her before. I can't put my finger on it. Oh well I'm just so exited she's moving in! Hmm, I'll tell GD to bring top, we can use all the man labor we can get right?



"hey Gd Gd, baby baby" I greet and joke

"sup baby, you and the girls done shopping? Aigoo, you didn't buy the whole mall did you??"

" I did NOT buy the whole store Ji, just a majority of it! We just got back from Bom's house. I don't know what it is, but there's something really familiar about her, kinda nostalgic."

"Dara, has anyone ever told you you're weird?"

"Yah! Shut up Kwon Jiyong! You're weird too!"

"But of course my sweet princess, that is what makes us so compatible" aiiyy, what am I gonna do with this lizard

"Anyways Prince Charming, can you and Top come by Bom's place to help move her things? She gonna move in with us."

"Sure, you guys already got that close only after one day? Well i'm glad everyone is getting along" he said

"yup, like said, she seems so familiar, it's almost comforting"

"Whatever makes you happy babe, hmm, how about I bring the whole group, the more the merrier!"

"Aww, you think of everything baby boy. Well I gotta go, I think CL-roo is cooking, I better make sure the house doesn't burn down! Keke" I say, sniffing the pungent smell of smoke.

"Haha, ok baby, I'll let you go, stay strong, stay safe, stay smiling, love ya" that's what Ji always says to me before we hang up. It's been like this for as long as I can remember.

"Baii" I hang up the phone and head downstair, excited for tomorrow.

"Yah! Mingkii! Roo! What in the world are you doing! Are you trying to kill us??" I say looking at the mess downstairs. Aigooooo





*Huff*Huff* I finish packing and I fall back on the mattress that I borrowed from the landlady. I finished making a small cake for the landlady to thank her for all that she did for me. I decided to give it to her first thing in the morning. Right now I was tired


My back was tingling me in an uncomfortable way, I take a glob of cedaphil cream lift up my black tank top to reveal my lower back. I stand in front of the only thing of mine left unpacked, a long mirror with decorative butterflies on the top.


Every cell, every atom in my body screamed for my to throw it away, but I couldn't. You see, it was a gift. It was the only gift every given to me by my father. For that reason I don't know whether to love or hate it.


I look at my back in the mirror, and rubbed the cream in the lower right part of my back and grimaced at the indents and marks.


Omma, I'm not going to be living here any longer. Please let me go on living a normal life, don't let my secrets be revealed. I love you Omma

forever, your baby Bommie




Hello! I know this chapter is kinda long, but I was just really excited that I didn't notice! hehe, well it's midterm week at school so I g2g study. Boo, well wish me luck! ~Bexx

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Hmm, i want to find a girl for taeyang but idk who to put? IU is already with thunder so whooooo?


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Chapter 11: “Aston Martin car” 👀 okay damn Dara lol I see you
Chapter 11: I DEMAND JUSTICE 🤬 I can’t believe that they would get hate mail and threats, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised either smh
Chapter 10: bom's thoughts are so fun to read!
Chapter 10: lol they're adorable cuties 🥰😍
Chapter 9: they're so cute uwu
Chapter 9: i wish there were more daemin fics on this site ;;;
Chapter 8: Bom's red hair was SO iconic, and this brings me back to easier times 🥺
Chapter 8: This chapter 😍🥰