Moving Day

Butterfly Kiss




*beep*beep* I really hate that alarm clock. It just disturbed me from a wonderful dream. Sigh, wake up call to reality.

It's moving day today, I get up and stare at my boxes, I can't help but feel a little relieved. No more nights without heating or power. I now can have hot water baths, a gas stove. A real bed instead of a small mattress. Oh wait, I don't have enough money to furnish my room.

The girls' rooms are probably so high class yet youthful. I remember Dara's family was really rich, she probably even has a tv in her room.

What am I saying, I can't be so foolish. I shouldn't be jealous, I'm lucky for the girls to invite me to stay in their home.

I get ready and I'm waiting for the doorbell to ring I started to make some of my special homemade cookies and sing one of my favorite songs


One you're like a dream come true

Two just wanna be with you

Three, [boy] it's plain to see

            that you're the only one for me... – {Brian McKnight, back at one}

"Bommie? Is that you!? You're incredible! Where did you learn to sing like that?" a mysterious voice that belonged to Dara exclaimed.

"Omo, you scared me! How did you get in?"

"the landlady let us in" the maknae said while walking through the door. Luckily Dara was the only one who heard me sing and soon forgot to persist the question when we heard a scream.


The three of us ran outside to see Chae chasing Seungri with a stick.

"Yah Seungri! You are sooo gonna get it when we go inside! Urghhh" the little leader sure was feisty, I can't believe Seungri screams like a girl, no worse than a girl! I don't even scream like that!

"Haha Cl-roo, what did he do this time?" Dara asked while laughing

"He stuck a branch in my ponytail and when I tried to pull it out it broke a few of my hairs!" she said almost crying

I immediately sympathized with her as I care for my hair tremendously as well. I lead the poor girl inside and prepare some tea, praying that my apartment would hold this many people.


As I gave out the last of the tea, daesung, taeyang, Jiyong and tabi came in.

"Yah, baby boy you guys are late!" Dara scolded

"Ehhh? I didn't know this many people were coming! I should have made more tea!" I panicked.

"Sorry we are late, Top here forgot to fill gas in the uhaul before we left. And Bom, don't worry about it, we had our morning coffee already." Jiyong reassured

"Bom you lived here all by yourself?" tabi said looking at me nervously

"haha yeah, it wasn't as bad as it seems, but honestly I'm beyond happy to be moving out of here" I said while taking a last look at the place. The guys took the big boxes while us girls took the small stuff.


Daesung was about to take the long mirror, but I quickly stopped him.

"uh dae, if you don't mind, i'll take that. It's not too heavy and um..."

"Say no more miss Bom, I understand" he reassured me... But he really doesn't understand. No one understands. But that's ok, I don't want them to understand.

"Bom, you really don't have that many things, your room was practically empty!" Dara said, waking me up from my trance.

"Haha yeah, my room isn't gonna be anything like your rooms, I don't have very much, basically just the clothes on my back." Dara nodded sympathetically, then turned to the rest with a gleam in her eye. I just shrugged it off.

Finally we were done loading the things into the Uhaul truck. Minzy, Seungri, Chaerin, Tae and Daesung went in one car while Dara, Jiyong, Tabi and I went in the Uhaul truck.

Jiyong drove the truck with Dara in the passenger’s seat while Tabi and I sat in the back.  Making sure everything stayed in place.


I didn't realize just how sleepy I was, until I heard someone calling my name. I look up and I saw Tabi staring down at me, his brownish blackish hair disheveled and his eyes meeting mine.

Only then did I realize that I fell asleep in tabi's shoulders. He's so warm. I jumped up, knocking over a box of photo albums, we both went to pick them up.

"how come they are all empty?" Tabi asked me

"oh um they are so I can put new photos in" truth be told I don't have any pictures of when I was young. I only have one picture from the time I was born to when I was 16.

"oh whats this picture of? Is this your mother?" he asked holding up a picture of my aunt and I in the hospital when I was born.

"No that's my aunt. She was like a mother to me though." I said solemnly

"what happened to your mother?" he asked, so innocently that I knew he could't have foretold the answer I was going to say

"she died during child birth" I state, leaving an awkward silence between us.

"It's ok, I didn't even really know her, but I still love her very much. From the stories that my aunt told me, my mother was a singer and she was beautiful. I wish I could have seen what she looked like..." oops, I gave away too much information!

"You've never seen pictures of your mother before? There has to be at least one!"

"Yeahhhhhhhh... Oh look we're here!" I say quickly changing the topic, I grab the nearest box I can and jump out of the truck.


"Woowwwwwwwww" I'm speechless looking at the house where the girls live, "You guys live here!?" I ask

"Haha I wish! That is Dara's parents house, we live across the street in the smaller house, but it's still nice!" Minzy says

Are you serious, they moved here also! Dara's parents might recognize me! I can't afford for that to happen! Especially after everything that happened, it's not safe. I'll just have to really be on the lookout.

"Noona! Do you need help?" I heard a voice say. I turned around to see Dara's lil bro Sang Hyun jogging over. Awww he's gotten so cute! Omo, I can't let him see me. I quickly turn around, but it seems that i'm a little too late:

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend" he says eyeing me down and up.

"Oh right, Sanghyun this is Bom" Dara says. Dammit. There goes everything I worked hard to get away from.

"Bom? You look incredibly familiar... eh, wait a sec…It's impossi..." I don't let him finish his thought. I hand him my box and grab another, then I take his arm and run inside with him.


"What was that for!" he asked/yelled. I just looked at him, about to cry.

"You are Park Bom aren't you. Tell me the truth, TELL ME" he says shaking me and making me cry, "I'm sorry noona, I didn't mean to yell." he said embracing me into a hug letting me cry into his jacket.

"I'm sorry Sang hyun, please don't say anything to Dara. I want to start out my life anew, without anything holding me back. Never would I have thought that you guys would move here" I said while he wiped the trail of mascara left by my tears on my cheeks.

"I won't say anything Bom noona, you're dad doesn't know anything right? I don't think he should. Are you ok? What happened to you exactly? We were there for your cremation, yet you are still here, alive and standing in front of me."

"He doesn't know anything, and I don't want to, I don't want to see that d-bag ever again. The cremation was all staged, it was a pig that was cremated, not me. Sang hyun, I don't want to talk about this anymore. Please, I should get a cold compress to take the swelling down in my eyes before I show up in front of everyone."

I start to make my leave, but before I do I have to make something clear

"Sang hyun, don't tell your parents. I don't want to go back yet." I say before I walk out the doorway into the kitchen to get a cold compress."


What really confused me was how Sang Hyun recognized me and Dara didn't. I was glad, but hurt at the same time. I check the mirror and decided that this was the best my eyes were going to get, Aigoo...


I walk outside and immediately the wise maknae notices my puffy eyes.

"Bommie Unnie! What happened to your eyes?"

"oh haha, um" come on Bom think of an excuse "I was just so happy that I was moving in with you guys from that shabby home. Thank you guys so much!" cheesy much

"Aww Bommie unnie! We are glad you're moving in with us also! We could really get used to you delicious cookies!" Chae said

Yeahhhhhhhh, life is good


... I take the last box in and everyone was waiting for me to enter for the first time into my new room, I slowly open the door while closing my eyes. Everyone entered before me.  I open my eyes and I see before me the shock of a lifetime.

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Hmm, i want to find a girl for taeyang but idk who to put? IU is already with thunder so whooooo?


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0 points #1
Chapter 10: bom's thoughts are so fun to read!
0 points #2
Chapter 10: lol they're adorable cuties 🥰😍
Chapter 9: they're so cute uwu
Chapter 9: i wish there were more daemin fics on this site ;;;
Chapter 8: Bom's red hair was SO iconic, and this brings me back to easier times 🥺
Chapter 8: This chapter 😍🥰
Chapter 7: i feel so sorry for bom; i wish she could find a good support system in her new friends to deal with everything that she's going through
Chapter 7: the ending is so cute 🥺