Blast from the Past... literally

Butterfly Kiss



RECAP: I hum a song as I walk down the hallway towards the bathroom. I open the door and go in...





I just stand in front of the mirror fixing my hair, brushing my fringe with my hands. But out of nowhere I was yanked back into a stall and I hit my head on the side of the toilet. I silently cursed at the pain at my neck and head, when I heard someone speak:


"Hey b****, I thought we warned you to stay away from our boys" one girl spoke. I couldn't see their faces but it looked like there were about five girls there


"Yea you bimbo, or should we say Bombo" girl 2 said making the other girls chuckle at her sorry attempt at a joke


"First you go after Top oppa, and then your all over Tae? Who the hell do you think you are? You're new here and you think you're better than us?" girl 1 said again.


"Pshh, your pretty, but not that pretty, hmph, we're soo better than you." girl 4 said. I never said I was pretty, idiotI thought to myself.


"Get up, do you have anything to say for yourself" girl 5 sneered


"Yes, yes I do. Don't offend Tabi and Tae like that saying that you are good enough for them. No one really is, least of all you. I never did anything except act like who I am, the girlfriend of Top. So what, Tae and I hugged, sue me cause we are friends. Second of all, leave my girls alone, they don't need any of your crap." I say boldly standing up


Before I could fully regain my balance, girls 1 and 4 grab both of my arms, pinning me against the wall while the other three take turns hurling insults and their fists at my face.


It felt like a stampede of horses were running over my face, but it wasn't anything new to me, rather it felt like home, and I don't mean in a good way.


I was reminded of my father’s hands colliding into my body, beating me countless times. I started to shake with the fear of my father and I screamed for help, praying that God would send someone, anyone.


"OhmiGod! Get away from her you b******. Bommie!" God heard my prayers, but I couldn't open my eyes, I guess that was a force of habit. Tabi came in charging into the girls bathroom. He probably heard my screams.


He came in followed by Chaerin Dara and GD. By his voice he seemed like he was about to kill the girls who I'm sure were cowering at his height. I heard him shoving my oppressors aside saying:


"You're lucky I don't hit girls" he said


"Yeah but I do" Chaerin said, there was a loud popping sound that followed, I bet it was Chae's chubby fingers making contact with their faces. Dara ran to go get the teacher while Gd and Chae cornered them, not letting them escape.


I was sobbing, fear stricken on the floor at the physical and emotional pain that this had brought me.


Tabi scooped me up in his arms and carried me out with his face stern as I sobbed into his chest.


He laid me on the bed in the infirmary, his gaze avoiding my swollen eyes, he just took both of my hands in his and laid his forehead on our fists.


"Jagiya--," he said with a broken voice, "-- I'm sorry, this is my fault. I wasn't there to protect you. Please, I don't know what to say to you. I love you Bommie, but I failed you"


I could feel his tears on my fingers, I stretch my fingers and wipe his tears. He looks up and I take his face into my hand and rub his cheeks lightly


"No jagi, you protected me, you did save me. After all these years of asking for a savior, you finally came," I told him, it was time he knew my past, "Tabi, I have to talk to you"


I turn around and take off my shirt showing him my


... ... ... ...




... ... ... ...




He walked to his favorite Italian restaurant and greeted the manager whom he had a good relation with.


It was his only day off in between his movie shooting and his variety show Running Man, so he decided to take things slow today and just chill.


"Ahh, my favorite customer, how are you today" the manager said handing him a menu. He greeted the manager warmly with his smile before turning to go to his favorite seat next to the window.


It was a decently nice day out today so the sun shone brightly, reflecting the bulletin board to the right of him through the window.


One of the pictures caught his eye and he immediately got up to go examine it more closely.


He plucked the picture off the board and took it into his hands. He ran to where the manager was working the cash register and the photo in front the man's face.


"Please, when was this picture taken? Do you know who they are?" he asked desperately.


"Ahh yes, them, they were here around this time last week, a very cute couple if I do say so myself. Why, is anything the matter?" the manager replied


"Oh um no, who is the man this girl is kissing, might you know?"


"Well according to my daughter who is a waitress here and a Seoul Uni student, the man is the lead rapper of the schools idol group, and the girl is his girlfriend" the manager informed.


"Kamsahmnida" he said as he left the store, too eager that he didn't haven order anything.


"I will see you soon, dongsaeng"



A/N: AHHHHH! FINALLYYYYYYYYY!!! It's what you all have anticipated for so long! i had to leave it at a cliffhanger for now thoug, dont be mad!!

@Kay37541, you guessed it right!!! I planned this to happen from a while back, but you read my mind! Loll!


-I bet you can guess who the man at the end is! hehe, i promised you all that he would arrive, and i played with the ages a lil bit, but hey, is a fictional story soooooo yeahhhh...

-OMO! BOMMIE IS FINALLY GONNA SAY THE TRUTH! I know you guys wanna know as well, your just gonna hafta  wait till next update... which I already wrote. Im not gonna update it yet though, cause imma meanieee.

-Anyways, thanks everyone! Please enjoy and happy day after valentines day!! I love you all

~Bexx <33

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Hmm, i want to find a girl for taeyang but idk who to put? IU is already with thunder so whooooo?


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0 points #1
Chapter 11: “Aston Martin car” 👀 okay damn Dara lol I see you
0 points #2
Chapter 11: I DEMAND JUSTICE 🤬 I can’t believe that they would get hate mail and threats, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised either smh
0 points #3
Chapter 10: bom's thoughts are so fun to read!
0 points #4
Chapter 10: lol they're adorable cuties 🥰😍
Chapter 9: they're so cute uwu
Chapter 9: i wish there were more daemin fics on this site ;;;
Chapter 8: Bom's red hair was SO iconic, and this brings me back to easier times 🥺
Chapter 8: This chapter 😍🥰