All is Revealed

Butterfly Kiss



I turn around and take off my shirt, showing him my






I know that Tabi's gaze went immediately to my scar, and I was ashamed.


I was ashamed of my past, my present state, my helplessness, my ugliness. I didn't want Tabi to see this side of me, but I loved him, and I didn't want to lie to him any longer.


I heard his arm move up and I felt his hand touch my mark, I flinched out of surprise and his touch, he drew away quickly. I just sighed, while doing so I took his hand and put it back to the spot where he traced the butterfly, not breathing like he was thinking if he did then the butterfly would fly away.


I kept my head down when he spoke.


"Bom, what is this, it's not a tattoo, it's bumpy and rough like it was dried with blood. Bom tell me, I need to know" he said while keeping a hold on my arm


"Tabi- ah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything before, but I was scared. Not many people know, not many people are allowed to know. I had to make sure that you would be ready for this. Forgive me"


"Jagiya, what are you saying, I'm lost here" he said, still looking at my back, his fingers trembling on my skin.


"Well remember you asked me about my mother a while back? My mother died giving birth to me, I never knew her. My father hated me for that reason, he loved my mother, but my mother never loved him. It was an arranged marriage for money and a one sided love" I said, my voice quivered, I was about to cry


"At a young age I was beaten by my father, for the simplest things. When I didn't eat all my vegetables I would get slapped 5 times. When I didn't wake up on time I would get hit with a stick on my bare skin, I wasn't allowed to show shame" I said while dropping my head lower to hide my face that was streaked with tears


Tabi covered my back with the bed sheet and wrapped his arms around my waist drawing me into him so I was sitting in his form.


"Go on, I'm listening" his deep voice was even deeper as he breath on my neck.


"My father spent all his money in the bar and gambling, so soon enough we were broke. In order to get money he locked me in our small basement and allowed old greasy men to come down and do as they wished with me for money. I was first when I was 12. This carried on until last year." By this time I was sobbing, my voice was broken. Tabi caressed my head into his neck and he rocked me back and forth like a child and her mother.


"One day when my father went out drink, I went into his office to look for a picture of my mother. I wanted to see her face, to know if I looked like her. But... While I was looking in his desk he walked in on me and hit me on the backside of my head and I knocked out.


I could feel Tabi's tears on my face as he was kissing my head. He was covering my eyes as if he was trying to keep me from seeing those memories, but it didn't stop the fear.


"When I woke up I was strapped to a table face down and my back was bare. Apparently my father went broke again and had to get more money, but he had to do something new to get money and of course it involved me"


I took a deep breath before I finished the traumatic event.


"he took a kitchen knife and carved the butterfly into my skin, he wanted me to be a living piece of art that he could show for money. But, he couldn't do more than the small butterfly because of all the blood and he feared that my screams would be heard."


I cried so much that I couldn't cry any longer, my tears were gone, my eyes were dark and cavernous.


"I locked myself in my room for weeks so my wound could heal, but it never could cause that bastard poured something on the carving to keep its shape and not grow back. When my father went out of the house I tried to die by jumping out of the window, I jumped and broke my knee, but I survived. I then escaped to my aunts house and she brought me to Japan for a year."


I stood up, and stretched, tying my hair in a high ponytail after pulling down my shirt.


"My father faked my death, but he never gave up the search for me. My aunt sent me back to Korea because she knew my father suspected I was in Japan, he wouldn't think I would come back here though. And this is where my story ends." I walk towards him, but I remembered a key fact.


"Tabi, you can't tell anyone this, especially Dara. The only person who knows about me is Sang hyun, Dara's brother." I concluded


"What? Why him?" he questioned almost hurt that he wasn't the first


" Tabi, Dara and I are cousins. Sang hyun knew about me from before and remembers me. Dara was so shocked about my death that she lost her memories of me, I don't want to put her through that again, she was my best and only friend, she still is"


"..." Tabi looked at me confused, he looked like a little kid


"jinjja?" he finally said. I nodded, and smiled, but my face went serious once again


"Tabi, will you still love me even though I have such a horrible past?"


"Pabo, how could you say something like that, you know I will always love you. Now I admire you even more for being so strong, saranghae Bommie, forever, you know that" he said as he knocked his head against my forehead and laughed. It felt good to laugh.


We left the infirmary and met up with the rest of our friends who immediately asked what happened and if I was ok. I left out what happened in the infirmary but reassured them I was fine.


I linked arms with my girls and we walked out of the campus. But as we were reaching the entrance someone stepped out behind the wall and called my name.


"Bommie- ah" I looked up at I was shocked at who I saw. I didn't know how to react so I just spoke.


"Oppa!" I exclaimed


"Ohmigosh! It's Joongki!" Mingkii gasped





A/N: Wussup! Im back with a new chapter and its the chapter everyone has been waiting for! Woohoo! Sorry for the reallly late update! I was on a hiatus due to school, rather the lack of it. We were on our winter break and I was to lazy to do anything, after all my motivation for writing comes when I am at school, lol

Well everything is revealed about Bommies deep dark past, aigoo its so sad! I wanted to save Bommie, but I couldn't... cuz im the author... ... ... *awkward silence*

Anyways... I'm glad Joongki finally made an appearance! You wouldnt have thought he was Boms brother!... hmmm but isnt Bom an only child! Omo! More secrets and mysteries! Aigooooo

Guess you guys are just gonna have to wait to read the rest of the story.

Well I gotta go do my homework now... Peace out dudes! lol

~Bexx <33

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Hmm, i want to find a girl for taeyang but idk who to put? IU is already with thunder so whooooo?


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Chapter 9: they're so cute uwu
Chapter 9: i wish there were more daemin fics on this site ;;;
Chapter 8: Bom's red hair was SO iconic, and this brings me back to easier times 🥺
Chapter 8: This chapter 😍🥰
Chapter 7: i feel so sorry for bom; i wish she could find a good support system in her new friends to deal with everything that she's going through
Chapter 7: the ending is so cute 🥺
Chapter 7: damn i glad it didn't end up badly for chae