
Butterfly Kiss




Today BigBang is having a live concert in the outdoor theatre at our college. Im wearing my new clothes that I got with the girls. I found my newfound interest, clothes. There are so many types! Skirts, pants, capris, shorts, skorts, dresses, tees, hoodies, sweaters, sweatshirts, sweats, rompers, aigoo its never ending!


The girls and I are going early to avoid the traffic of girls. Now since all of us girls are coupled with the boys, we have received a lot of hate mail and have been bullied. It's nothing new to me, but Dara and Minzy have been taking it hard. CL, being the rough and tough girl is didn't show her weak side to everyone else.


Dara's new aston martin car was keyed with the words, "Get lost, s****, leave our boys alone" and minzy was tripped in the cafeteria with her food dumped over her. Paper balls with hate notes were thrown at CL, but she just threw it back… of course


I wasn't targeted... Yet. The boys have done their best to try to protect us, but it's impossible to be with us 24/7, i mean, we weren't married... Yet...


Anywhooo, i fixed my hair into my side braid and met the other girls downstairs. We brought hot water and vitamin drinks for the boys and fresh fruits so they have energy. Look at us, the caring girlfriends.


Taeyang has been avoiding me lately and it has been bothering me greatly. He's been a great friend to me and I don't want to lose him. Tabi told me that Taeyang liked me, and I reassured Tabi that he is the only one for me, but I dont know what to do. Sould I talk to Tae?


Whatever the case, it was time to leave. Sanghyun dropped us off because his sisters car was still in the auto shop. We said our thanks and Thunder gave me a wink. I told him about Tabi and he was glad that I finally was able to move on and find someone to love.


I have to tell Tabi soon about my past. I dont want to live a lie, I just want to move on. Well, we go inside through the back door to the dressing room to meet our boys.  We all run to our respective boyfriends and then greet Tae.


"Bomtaro, you look very cute today. Go change, I don't want other guys looking at you" my jealous baby boy pouted.


"Hmph, it up big baby and just be happy that i belong to only you"


He then picks me up and then bends me down like a tango dancer and replies:

"touché mi amor"


Ah, this alien is making me crazy, but thats why I love him so much. I see Tae in the corner looking at me. I tell Tabi that i have to talk with Tae and set things right, he agrees, after all he is Tabi's dongsaeng.


"Tae, can we talk?" i ask and he nods. "Are you mad at me or something? Why are you ignoring me like this? We are friends, I don't wanna lose you."


"Bom, you will never lose me. I just needed a little time to think. I'm sure you heard that I loved you, I still do, but I know that hyung has beat me. I want you to be happy, but if he ever hurts you, I'm gonna steal you away." he replied to me.


"I am happy, but I would be happier if you were still my best guy friend. Please say we are ok, I would be so sad if you kept ignoring me."


"Mianhe Bommie, i was being a pabo before. I shouldn't have tried to push you away like this. Forgive me?" Aishh! Of course I will forgive him!


I jump up and give him a big hug, a reconciliation/friendship hug. He hugged me back but...


"Hey! Oppa! How could you"

"Oppa! No!"

"Get away from him you sorry s***!" a chorus of high pitched female voices rang out, they were Tae's fans who must have gotten through security


They were at once ushered out by the security.


"Yah! Tae! How did you fans get in here! Bom, are you okay?" Tabi says as he blocks me away from everyone.


"Bom, stay away from anyone that I don't know and you don't know.  I don't want anything to happen to you." he said as he held my hand


"tabi- ahhhh, i will. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself."i say, hugging him and reassuring him.


"5 minutes! Boys make your way to the stage now..." the stage director said. Tabi kissed my cheek goodbye and he went off with the rest of the boys. I met up with the rest of my girls and we head out to our seats.


By the time we reach our seats the curtain was rising. And they walked out singing


Im fine, thank you and you

Im fine, thank you and you


We're fine, thank you and you

   -Bigbang intro




They finished off their concert with their hit song "sunset glow" and then walked off. We went backstage to congratulate them on a great performance.


"Aigoo! I think I drank to much water during the performance. I need to pee!" i whine, telling the girls as we set off.


"Unnie, you should become more like Camel unnie and control your bladder, keke" mingkii said, making fun of the camel looking Chaerin


"Yah! Minzy! I dont look like a camel!" Chaerin yelled, chasing after the maknae. I went my seperate way towards the bathroom, then i would go see the boys.


I hum a song as I walk down the hallway towards the bathroom. I open the door and go in...



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Hmm, i want to find a girl for taeyang but idk who to put? IU is already with thunder so whooooo?


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Chapter 9: they're so cute uwu
Chapter 9: i wish there were more daemin fics on this site ;;;
Chapter 8: Bom's red hair was SO iconic, and this brings me back to easier times 🥺
Chapter 8: This chapter 😍🥰
Chapter 7: i feel so sorry for bom; i wish she could find a good support system in her new friends to deal with everything that she's going through
Chapter 7: the ending is so cute 🥺
Chapter 7: damn i glad it didn't end up badly for chae