Can we play? Outside?” Sinb request.

“Outside?” Yewon ask.  Sinb just nodding her head, hoping that Yewon will agree with her.

“But it’s raining”

“There’s no thunder, no lighting. It’s only rain, so it will be okay for you” Sinb say again, showing her bright smile to Yewon. Deep inside her heart, she is just hoping that Yewon will agree with her, she want Yewon will come out with her and play in the rain together.

“You are sick. You can’t”

“I’m not sick, it’s only a light flu” Sinb say, starting to protest.

“B, you can’t—“

“I promise this will be the last”

“You said that too when we rode that banana boat. Remember? I can’t even counted it how many times you sneezed yesterday”

“It’s only sneezed not sick!”

“B, your body temperature still high this few days. We went to parasailing, banana boat, played in the water and there’s so many things that we played outside—“

“I still want to play in the rain. With you” Sinb cut Yewon’s words. She just want to play with her girlfriend. That’s all.

“You don’t even want to go to clinic—“

“No one go to clinic just because a light flu. I will recover in just few days. This is nothing okay”

“You already said that too. But your light flu does not recover and your body temperature even increase since two days ago! You will get a fever if you keep being like this”

“Okay.. I will go with unnies tomorrow okay? I promise I will. But now I really want to play with you, outside there” Sinb say as she point outside from their room.

“Why don’t you go to clinic with me?!”

“You will be busy and you need to prepare for your flight remember? Now stop questioning everything and let’s go outside, okay?”

“I told you I don’t like rain”

“But I like rain. Let’s just say that this is for my birthday”

“You will left me alone like that day”

“I will not. I promise”

“You promise me”

“I will hold your hand. I will not gonna let it go” Sinb assure. Few minutes after, she scream in excitedly when Yewon agree to play with her. In the rain. She is excited, because she play again in the rain after a long time, with someone that she love.



Then they going out. Sinb run excitedly, pulling Yewon’s hand together, holding it tightly with her. Sinb doesn’t even care about everyone that looking at them. When everyone run and try to avoid being hit from the rain, the couple run excitedly with smile tampered on both of their face.

Everything just look so pure, look so innocent. It even look so perfect for Sinb after seeing Yewon’s smile. Finally she get to see Yewon’s smile. Finally Yewon didn’t afraid to be in the rain anymore. Hearing Yewon’s laugh in the rain, make Sinb cries. She is a little bit thankfuly to the rain because Yewon didn’t see her tears. Her tears of happiness. That is one of the reason why Sinb like rain. So the person that she truly care, will not gonna see her tears.


When Sinb is too focus on trying to hiding her tears, there’s Yewon. Who struggling to hide her tears, Yewon is crying too. Letting out her tears of happiness in the rain. It is her first after a long time played in the rain. She is glad that Eunbi is just right in front of her. Eunbi gave her a lot of happiness, a happiness that she know that she will never get from anyone. Whatever happen, she will just want her Eunbi beside her,Yewon just don’t want to be separate from Eunbi.

That time, Yewon didn’t afraid of the rain anymore. Seeing Eunbi in front of her, smilling and laughing make Yewon feel happy. Eunbi beautiful smile, Eunbi laugh, Eunbi’s wet hair, Eunbi’s everything Yewon want to keep it inside her memories forever. She never want to throw that precious memories away.


“Stay with me…Eunbi” Yewon whisper and hearing that make Sinb smile. Smilling widely and just shaking her head, answering Yewon’s words. She will never want to leave.



‘I will never want to leave you too Yewon. I will never leave, I will never let go of your hands. I promise’


“I love you Yewon” Sinb said with her trembling voice. Cold.



After an hour dancing and playing in the rain, both of them going back to their room. Weirdly, few minutes after they stop playing and decide to go back to their room, the rain stop. And the sun appear.


And smile. Yewon excitedly smile.


“Eunbi look!” Yewon point to the sea following by Sinb’s eyes.

“Beautiful right?” Sinb say as she tighthen their hands that intertwine together. Yewon nooded excitedly still fixed her eyes at the beautiful scenery in front of her. Smile. Sinb smile again seeing Yewon’s excited eyes.

“Change your mind about rain?” Sinb ask again. Yewon hesitantly nooded and then smile.

“It’s so beautiful~! That’s look so perfect~!” Yewon exclaim.

“If that is beautiful then how about me?” Sinb ask. Joking to her girlfriend.

“You are beyond compare”

“But still your eyes seems captivated by that rainbow”

“Rainbow is beautiful”

“But you said I’m the most beautiful!” Sinb pouted.

“I said you are beyond compare!” Yewon raised her voice to Sinb but still looking at the rainbow.

“I want to be like that rainbow, so your eyes will only fixed on me” Sinb stated.

“No you can’t” This time Yewon answer and look straightly to Sinb.


“Because rainbow is rainbow”

“Huh??” Sinb confuse.

“I don’t want you to be like rainbow”


“Because they will not gonna stay forever. They will disappear anytime. I don’t want you to be like rainbow. I want you to stay. Stay with me forever. You can’t be like them, they will disappear soon” Yewon answer. A little bit sad and Sinb who listening to Yewon’s reason just being silent and tighthen their hands again.


“I’ve promised you right. I promise I will never leave. I will stay. Don’t worry” Sinb stated after sensing a silent between them.


‘I will never leave you Yewon. I will never’







“I said no Sinb! You has been away for five days with her and now you should rest! You are not feeling well!”

“But unnie, she will be away from me for two weeks, please unnie, I want to meet her. Her flight is in two hour, please unnie”

“You should rest Sinb. I already gave you permission to be with her for five days and now can you please listen to me?” Yerin ask. Softly. But Sinb didn’t want to back out. She still trying to convince her sister. She just want to meet with Yewon even just for a second. Even for the last time.

Seeing Sinb deosnt want to stop, Yerin have no choice but to let her. How Yerin want to get mad to Sinb but at the same time, she couldn’t stand seeing unwell Sinb being like that. Knowing Sinb’s condition doesn’t really well, Yerin decide to follow the younger girl request, she can’t stand it even more when saw Sinb let out some tears secretly.  








“Yewonie~~!!” Sinb shout as soon she see Yewon from a far. Yewon who heard her name being call loudly in the airport startled and smile after saw her Eunbi run excitedly to her. She definitely know it is her one and only Eunbi, eventhough half of Eunbi’s face covered by facemask.

“E—eunbi?!—“ Yewon starled again after Sinb throw herself and hug her tightly. Few seconds after realize her surrounding, Yewon tried to let go of Sinb tight hug.

“I miss you~~!!”

“E—eunbi ah~ I—I miss you too, b—but wait, I need to greet your unnies first” Yewon say slowly. But Sinb doesn’t even care any about it. She even tighthen her hug before Yewon forcefully let go of Sinb’s arms that wrapped around her.

“He—hello” Yewon bow and greet Sinb’s sister after success getting out from Sinb’s tight hug.

“What did you do to Sinb?” Yuju ask after analyze the situation. Yewon who heard that question shocked a little bit and start to feel a little bit uneasy.

“I—I di-I—“

“I guess you misunderstand about my question. I mean, we never see Sinb being like that, actually this is our first time seeing Sinb act like this” Yuju say again. Wanting to have a casually and non-awkward situation for all of them.

“I—I t—I—let’s sit first” Yewon say, still a little bit nervous infront of everyone. It’s not her first time being infront of Sinb’s sisters, but it is her first time, talking and having a conversation to them. Even though she has been dating with Sinb for the times that she remember, Sinb never let her meet her unnie, Sinb never let her to talk and say anything to her unnies and when Yewon ask why, Sinb never want to answer it.



“Are you really gonna stand there for the whole time?” Yerin suddenly ask and everyone’s eyes darted at Sinb who still standing and even she is wearing a mask, everyone know that Sinb is pouting. Yewon also didn’t realize that her Eunbi still standing because she was too focus answering and talking with Yuju.

“Yewonnie didn’t asked me to sit! And she has been ignoring me for three minutes! And she even let go of my hug when I really want to hug her!”Sinb complaint with her voice start to get hoarse. Yewon facepalm internally as her face started to get red. Felling a little bit embarreased by Sinb’s act. While Yewon stand and softly pull sulking Sinb to sit beside her, Yuju, Yerin and Eunha seems can’t believe their eyes and ears. They even having a thought that they are hearing and seeing things.

They can’t believe that the person that just talk and the person that right infront of them is Hwang Eunbi. They never saw that side of Sinb, they never get to heard that cute mad voice is actually owned by Sinb.

“Why are you being like this? Come on B~, your sisters is here”Yewon whisper.

“I told you that I miss you so much, why are you let go of my hug?!” Sinb whisper back.

“I need to greet your sister too, don’t be like this, no sulking please~” Yewon whisper again but both of them didn’t even know that their whole conversation can be heard by the other three. After a few minutes in their own world, Yuju faked a cough signaling that they are still there, listening and seeing everything.

Yerin saw Yewon and Sinb’s red cheek just smile to herself silently. She is still amazed about how Yewon managed to unfold that side of Sinb. At that time, she forgot that she was actually hate Yewon before, she suddenly forget about how she really want Sinb to not come to the girl. Deep inside her heart, she feel thankful to Yewon, because of Yewon, she get to see a rarely side of Sinb that she never see before.


“I want to go to washroom. Let’s go!” Sinb then say a words, wanting to run from everyone after realize that everyone is watching them, and seeing that side of her. Nobody can’t see being like that, no one can except for Yewon.

“I can’t left your sister here, you can go alone right?” Yewon whisper softly.

“But I want to be with you for the whole time. Before you left me!” Sinb raise her voice again, shocked her sisters.

“Sinb yah, don’t be like this can you? Just go by yourself, the washroom is not that far!” Yerin say. Strenly.  Actually she was already feel embarrassed by Sinb’s act like that.


“Let me go with you, I need washroom too” Eunha who being silent for the whole time talk and stand up from her sit. Seeing Yewon doesn’t even budge from her seat, Sinb stand up slowly walking with Eunha by her side.


“I’m sorry for that” Yuju suddenly say and Yewon startled a bit by Yuju’s words.

“So—sorry? For what?”

“For our Sinb being like that. It must be hard to you”

“I’m okay. I—It’s not hard for me”

“Did she always being like that? Being clingy for the whole time?” Yuju ask.

“Not really actually. But these past weeks she always acting like that”

“Ugh, don’t you feel stuffed? Even my eyes who saw that just now can’t bear it already”

“I’m not. It’s alright for me. I like her company”

“We really never see that side of her, seriouly! Sinb is totally different when she was home. How did you change her?”

“I—didn’t change her, I thought that is really her personality”

“Ugh! You might never want to see her real self when she was with us. That kid is stubborn, never want to listen to her unnies words”

“It’s alright. She was stubborn too. Sometimes” Yewon say start to feel a little comfortable to Yuju even though Yerin keep being a listener for the whole time.



“Do you love Sinb?” Yerin suddenly ask as her eyes look directly to Yewon.


“I—I l—yeah. I really lo—love her Yerin unnie”

“I—I’m sorry. I’ve been tried to not fall in love to her, I’ve tried to p—push her away from me. But my selfish innerself can’t do that. I’ve tried but I really can’t. I really love her. I can’t leave her Yerin unnie, I’m really sorry” Yewon awkwardly answer while hanging her head down. Yewon is aware that Yerin hate her, she was aware about why Yerin never let Sinb to meet her and dating her before. She is just never get to talk to Yerin properly since Sinb never let both of them meet. And today is her only chance to talk that to Yerin, to tell Yerin about how she love Sinb so much.


“You don’t have to leave her. All of us know about how two of you love each other. I don’t want you to leave Sinb, you can’t leave her. Seeing that side of Sinb make me realize how she love you so much. It makes me realize that her feeling to you is not a joke, I saw her eyes, her smile when she was with you, it was different”


“Yerin unnie might acting like this, but trust me she is also glad seeing Sinb like that. Sinb already happy, so why would us want two of you separated? As long you guys take care and love each other, what else that we want? We will be happy if Sinb happy. So you can’t. You can’t have that kind of thought anymore. You can’t leave Sinb, because if you left her, If I ever saw Sinb’s tears and it’s because of you, I will never let you go”  Yuju say playfully but still Yewon know it well that Yuju’s words isn’t an empty meaning. Yuju was meant everything.

“I never want to leave her too. I love her”

“I know I can count on you. Right Yerin unnie?” Yuju ask to Yerin who still refuse to talk to Yewon.



“Yewon, we need to go now” Jiwon say come out of nowhere.


“Yeah, they said our flight isn’t delay anymore. It will fly on time. We should go”

“But Eunbi, wait. Eunbi still—“


“Yewon~!” Sinb who just arrive from the washroom along with Eunha shout as she throw herself, hugging Yewon tightly.

“I need to go now B” Yewon hug Sinb back. She don’t want to leave too. She still not ready to be separate with her Eunbi.

“Don’t go. I don’t want you to go~~Don’t leave me” Sinb let out a tears shocking her sisters that witness and heard everything.

“Don’t cry, you can’t cry here or else I can’t go. Please don’t cry”

“Then don’t go~~! I don’t want to let you go. I will miss you~~!” Both of them still hugging tightly, crying at the same time in each other embrance ignoring everyone who seeing them.


“Just look at them, aren’t they too young for this?” Yuju whisper to Yerin. Both of them are smilling watching the two who still hugging tightly, didn’t show any signal that they will let go of the hug soon.

“I will wait in the car” Eunha say shortly and left the place immediately. Her eyes, her ears and most especially her heart. Her heart still can’t accept everything. Her heart is too weak to witness everything.


“U—uncle?” Yewon called Jiwon, still burying her face on Sinb’s chest.

“Uncle, can I stay? Can I not go? I don’t want to be away from her~~”

“Yewon….we’ve talk about this right?”

“But i think I can’t. I’m not ready to be away from Eunbi yet”

“Yewon, don’t be like this please” Jiwon say almost begging.

“But my Eunbi is not feeling well. She is sick, i—I can’t leave her. I can’t leave her side while she sick. I want to take care of her. I—I can’t”

Right after Yewon said that, Sinb let go of their tight hug and look straightly into Yewon’s eyes.

“Yewon ah, you don’t have to worry about me okay? Actually I don’t want you to leave too, but hey. Remember what you said? It will only for two weeks, fourteen days. It will not take a long time. Okay? You have to go, don’t mind about me”

“But Eunbi—“

“Look at my face. It didn’t red anymore. Here, feel it. It doesn’t hot like before, I will be alright okay? Don’t worry” Sinb say again as she pulled down her face mask and showed her whole face to Yewon wanting to assure her girlfriend that she is okay.

“Promise to me that you will take care of yourself” Yewon say after calming herself down.

“I promise. Now smile. I want to see my baby Yewon smile”

But instead showing her smile, Yewon take out her smartphone from her pocket and give it to Sinb.

“Here, keep this. I left something for you inside it, look at it everytime you miss me”

“But if you give me this, how we contact to each other?!” Sinb ask starting to protest.

“You can’t contact me either. You lost your phone remember?”

“But I have my unnies! I can contact you using their’s!”

“I still can’t be contacted. I might be busy. Don’t worry, I left everything for you in there”



“Ehem, it’s about time Sir, Ms” Someone said to Yewon and Jiwon.

Sinb who heard that hug Yewon tightly again. Throwing herself to Yewon and hug her girlfriend tightly.

“I will miss you, I will really miss you~~”

“I’m gonna miss you too B~” And again, both of them let out a tears.



“Aren’t they look cute together?” Yuju whisper to Yerin again but like before, she is just get ignore. The couple still hugging tightly as if they feels like they not gonna meet again, and having a thought like that, Yewon doesn’t want to leave yet, she want to be in Sinb’s embrance for the whole time.She don’t want to be away from Sinb, so does her girlfriend.


“Yewon, you can’t be like this. Please. We need to go”Jiwon say for the times that he can’t even count anymore. Few minutes after that, Yewon come to her sense and let go of the hug even though she doenst want to do that.

“B, promise me that you will wait for me okay? Take care of yourself, don’t skip your meal and don’t forget to take a medicine, you should rest a lot. I will comeback as soon as I can, I promise”

“I will definitely miss you Yewon. Please take care of yourself too. Don’t forget about me. Don’t forget a little things about me. I love you”

Sinb then kiss Yewon on the forehead. She really doesn’t want to let go of Yewon’s hand. But she know that she have too.


“I have to go now”Yewon approach Yerin and Yuju bowing politely before start walking slowly from the place. But after a few steps, Yerin voice make Yewon turn her back again and look straightly the older girl.


“Ha—have a safe flight. You should comeback no matter what. You should comeback safely and meet Sinb again, you have promise to us that you will never leave her, so after this you can’t never leave her. My sister love you so much, so you must comeback” Yerin say clearly avoiding Yewon’s eyes.


“T—thank you Yerin unnie. I will comeback. I never want to leave her too, thank you so much Yerin unnie”

“Go now” Yerin say again and seconds after that, Yewon getting pull forcefully by their body guard but still in a manner way. forcely Yewon leaving her crying girlfriend behind.









why do i feel my story getting bored? or it really  is??

i'm sorry.. 

btw still i'm thankful to everyone who still reading this..

thank you so much ! :) 





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You cry? Yes im cying 😭😭😭
AkishaJenny #2
Chapter 19: i just finished reading the story and it makes me really cry even though I already expected this.i cried so hard, I'm such a baby. thank you for this masterpiece, thank you for having a chance to read this story. thank you very much
Chapter 19: I cried! this is so sad T.T
Chapter 19: its really hurts to see you in this kind of state, yewon unnie. T_T
luckily eunha unnie is there or else i dont know what will happen to you yewonnie. i dont want you to die. i feel relieved that eunha unnie already accept you, yewon unnie.

thank you for this chapter unnie.
Chapter 19: Ahhh Sinbb~ without you, this can't be real author nim?? huh? :D tell me that you are just teasing us again.

Ugh! i should accept this, thank you author nim for everything, writing this story, i really love your plot. <3<3
Chapter 19: Can u make a epilogue that eunha fall inlove to yewon so that it will a happy ending ^^
germsrocket #8
Chapter 19: Awww TTT____ TTT triple feels
Aww It’s still sad that the Tom and Jerry pair is’nt with them already
It’s nice that the remaining unnies will be with our softy maknae T___T
Chapter 19: Happy ending... happyish... happier than if it ended on the other chapter... Very nice story btw! I don't always feel emotions from a story but I could feel them from yours!