fight me

Red Chrysanthemum

Prompt #5

Person 1 is sick in the hospital while Person 2 is their nurse. Every time Person 2 comes in to check Person 1's vitals, P1 says "fight me". P2 leaves their number on a cup of coffee that says "fight me?" for P1 to find.

Daehyun had an awful asthma attack that had landed him hospital bedridden for the next few days. His roommate brought him his plethora of pillows because these godforsaken sad sacks they tried to pass as pillows. There was some talk show playing or whatever on the TV, but he was too busy sending glares out at the, super-hot, holy , nurse through a crack in his mound of pillows. The nurse had sharp eyes and two cute moles on his nose, really no one had the right to look this good, honestly, this should be against the law.

“Hello, I’m Nurse Jongup and I’ll be your nurse during the mornings and afternoons,” He looked at his clipboard skimming through the papers. “So, Daehyun, here after an asthma attack? Well, I need to check your vitals.”

“Fight me.” Daehyun burrowed deeper into his mountainous pillow fort. There was a chuckle and Jongup moved the pillows, Daehyun just sniffing and letting the nurse take his vitals. Seriously, why was his nurse so hot, he was filing a complaint to whoever was high up ‘cause this was unfair.

“Maybe later, because right now I’m going to give you some pain meds that are going to make you drowsy,” Jongup said grabbing the I.V. drip and flicking the syringe to clear any bubbles before injecting it into the I.V. bag. “You’ll probably pass out in fifteen minutes, the doctor told me your chest was hurting so he decided to prescribe a low dosage of codeine.”

Daehyun just glared at the nurse through his pillows until he fell asleep, he had dreams of actually fighting the stupid hot nurse.

The next time the nurse came in he had another cheerful smile on his stupidly hot face and Daehyun wanted to punch him. Jongup set his clipboard down and picked up a syringe and rubber tie.

“So, I need to run some tests today, I’ll be drawing some blood, alright?” Walking over Jongup smiled and reached for Daehyun’s right arm, but he glared and retreated into his pillow fort.

“Figh—” Daehyun didn’t even get to finish his sentence as he started to hack his lungs out and Jongup soothingly patted his back.

“I wouldn’t fight you because I’m sure you’d win,” When he smiled his eyes turned into crescent moons and went about drawing his blood and giving Daehyun more codeine. He stayed until Daehyun was fast asleep.

When Daehyun woke up he found a warm hot chocolate with a phone number and the words “fight me?” on it. He sat in confusion for a long moment wondering how his bad lungs and drool seduced the hot nurse.

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Chapter 9: Oh my! I would absolutely love it if you were to continue this oneshot!