
My Dream

   At night, you were in your dorm. Gayoon was sent you there. You were alone in your dorm. Naeun are still in her parent house. Sudden;y, Your phone was ringing. It's unknown number. You are afraid to answer but finally, you answer.




"Yeobseyo? _____ ah? Is that you?" Sound like dongwoon.


"Yeah, it's me. Dongwoon? is that you"


"Ne, Are in your dorm right now?"


"Ne, waeyo?"


"I'm down of your dorm. I'm with Yoseob and Naeun now. Come down now"


"Chincha?" You ran out to your verandah and look down. You saw they are waving their hands. "Ok" you hang up and run down.


"DongWoon ah, Oppa, Eonnie~~" you called them.


"Let's go!" Dongwoon said.


"Go where?" You asked.


"Gikwang's cousin are coming back. He invite us too" Yoseob said.


   You all hop into Dongwoon's car. You asked yoseob where he going. And you told Naeun and Yoseob that you met Gayoon and told that she treat me ice crem. They are freaking jealous to you. they are poking me on my waist, since you sit in front at passenger sit. You trying to stop them but you can't.


"Oppa, eonni, stop please. Dongwoon is driving here~~"You said. And they stop poking you. You were silent in his car. You wanted to asked him about gikwang but you're too afraid 'cause Naeun and Yoseob will said 'Hey, you had boyfriend' . No! I don't want Dongwoon know. What if he told gikwang that i had boyfriend. Gikwang will hate me.


"We're here~" Dongwoon stops and park his car to empty car park.


   Isn't Gayoon eonni house? Yoseob told DuJun and JunHyung were on their way to come. DuJun and JunHyung are coming too? Gayoon is Gikwang's Cousin?


"Oh, Dongwoon's coming!" Hyunseung said.


   You look at your back, since your back were facing her house. you turn around and saw Gikwang and hyunseung infront the door. You were look into his eyes and he look to you back. You are eys contact with him. You don't what to do. Run away? avoid eye contact? You bit your lower lip and and look down on the ground. You wanted to cry because you really miss him. You hold your tear from falling. you look up again and forse to smile.


"Who's coming? Oh" sh smile and hug Naeun and Yoseob. "_____ ah, You're coming too. Sorry, I sent you to your dorm while ago. I don't i have party to day. I got suprise from my cousin, Gikwang and his friends." You pulled you all inside.


   Hyunseung close the door behind him and followed you all. Gikwang too. Gayoon brings you to her living room. you all were sitting on the couch. You were sitting in front of gikwang. Gikwang was looking at you. You feel uncomfortable. Gayoon looking at you, weird. They all talking and laughing but You, Gikwang and Gayoon are silent. Gayoon stood up and pull your wrist. You stand up and follow her. She bring you to kitchen.


"Is something wrong with you?" She worried.


   You shook your head and looking on the floor.


"Tell me... i won't eat you. Just tell me. what's wrong?" She asked you. You look to her eyes. Should I told her?


"It's ok. It's about your relationship with DuJun oppa, right?" She knows! But how? Gikwang told her? No! DuJun told her? No! what if yes? Oh God, help me.


"H-how do you know?" You shocked.


"Gikwang told me" She replied.


Gikwang?? How he knows? I never told him. Did DuJun told him? No! It can't be.


"How he knows? I never told him."


"He saw you. and Yoseob told him. I know you had feeling to Gikwang not to DuJun, right?" You nod "Gikwang never knew about this. Yoseob and Naeun never told him too, either his friends too." You start to cry. "Why are you doing this? Why you hurt your feeling? Why you're forcing yourself" She hugged you and patted your back as your tears fall down.


"Mianhaeyo~" you cried.


"Why you're sorry to me? You should sorry to Gikwang?"






'why don't you tell me' he thought.




I'll update tonight.



Thank you for reading my fics


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-B2uty-Yoonique- #1
Very Very interesting story..!!!!
i hope i can be with Dujun ... kekeek ^_^
Update soon .. ^^v
odinaryperson #2
nice one.
update soon!~
yuxuan #3
update soon
It's interesting :)
i really like it ~~! <3
update please
yuxuan #6
update soon
update soon =)
@Cuti33Aziannxx Thank you^^ I will try to update soon...
Cuti33Aziannxx #9
keep updating:)<br />
It's interesting for me!<br />