Chapter 7 at the Bar

Bonds (HIATUS)

“Hey, are you there necklace?”

“Yes I am Master,”

“Quit the formality, call me Kimmi,”

“Sure Kimmi, anything you want from me?”

“I was just wondering; why did you choose me for?”

“You have a pure heart Kimmi, that’s what attracts me to choose you.”

“Sigh… Do you know where the artifacts are?”

“I can’t tell you Kimmi; I’ll give you riddles when the time comes,”

“You won’t tell me the straight answer don’t you?”

“I’m sorry; I was just a guide for the path till victory of homeland,”

“Do you by any chance have a name?”

“No, the previous Princess never gave me one, you can give me a name if you want too Kimmi,”

“Hmm…. Will Starry be good for you? Or Royal is good for you? Since you’re a shape of Royal Star,”

“Starry, much nicer,”

“Ok then, Starry,”

Just then, someone knock my door when I was talking again, “Come on in,”

“Mianhae for knocking the door,”

“Oppa, have a sit,”

He looks around my room awkwardly avoiding my stare so I just stood up and went in my washroom then came out in a few minutes time with my first aid kit, “What happen to you?” he asked.

“It’s nothing, just a scratch, I just applying plaster over it,”

“No wait, I help you,”

He summon the ice to clear my wound by melting it then cover his hand over and casted some spell then when he opens it back, the wound is gone, “Gomawo oppa, but what are you doing here?”

“Well, I was wondering are you still angry with me?”

“Hmm, about you abandoned me in the palace?! Of course I am but now no more because I know the true story,” I smiled back.

“Yah you, always bully me,” he pouted, “Sorry I can’t tell you but I really have to do this beforehand,”

“I know but it’s easier for me to gather all five of you guys without even wasting time,” I smiled.

“Yeah, they’ve train under me for years but eventually I’m like a stepping stone for them so they get more powerful and powerful,”

“Yeah yeah, I know, you go back and train!!! I’ll ask omma to punish you if you don’t; hehehehe….”

“Araso, be safe sis, I don’t want you to be in trouble tonight,”

“Naggy brother,”

“Aishh stop with that name, it’s been awhile since I heard that name, I don’t want hyung to hear it,”

“Naggy brother!!” I laughed and push him out of the room, “Prepare for tonight’s fun,” I smiled and close back my door.

At the bar, 8pm, Hae Rin’s POV

“How night crawlers do looks like?” asked Kyu.

“You can sense it when they arrive but they hide themselves in human form so be careful ok? I’ll tell you when you encounter one, tonight everyone has to at least get one,” Kimmi said.

“Gosh…. Back to the old us again,” I said.

“Don’t worry eonni, I’m sure nothing bad will happened,” Kimmi said, patting my shoulder.


“So want to go out with me?” one of the night crawlers ask, his name was Reo.

“Hmm, wae?” I asked.

“You know what I want,” he came nearer to me wanted to kiss, putting his arm around me, taking off my shirt buttons, I suddenly don’t know how to react but allow him to take it off.

“I sure don’t know what you want night crawler,” I grin evilly then he came nearer wanted to drain my energy but the girls was fast enough to catch him.

End of Flashback, Kimmi’s POV

“If you can’t do it eonni, let it go, I’ll explain to the elders,” I said.

“No, it’s my duty, I’ll do it, don’t worry,” she said and went to the bar.

“What’s happening to her?” asked Hyun Joong.

“Better not know, anyways, split up, eonni!!” I called her back here.

“Okay, Mal oppa and Kyu oppa, you both have the table at the end. Saengie oppa and Jun oppa you have the table at the right hand side. Hae Rin eonni, you take the first table of the left side. Hye Sun and Kei you both go to the second floor and sit opposite side, one at the left and another at the right. Yun Min eonni, you sit on the highest VIP floor with Riza, make sure no trouble made ok? Hyun Joong oppa and Pete oppa, you might just want to stand at the dance floor or become the DJ?”

“I want to exchange with Hyun Joong hyung can?” shouted Jun.

“Yeah, I hate dancing on dance floor,”

“I thought you’re a dancer,” I looked at him furiously.

“But I-”

“No more arguments, Jun oppa and Hyun Joong oppa change place!! I’ll be at the bar, I’ll spot some night crawlers for you, girls you know what to do very well,”

“No prob Princess,” they grin evilly and went to their places.

“What are we supposed to do?” Hyun Joong went to the bar and sat next to me.

“Seduce them, or whatever you can think of doing to you know, get them in their real form,”I replied mentally.

“Okay but will you be safe?”

“She’ll be safe don’t worry, hyung you’re much more a protective guy to her than me as her brother,” Jun said.

“Yah she’s my dongsaeng so no wrong that oppa protects dongsaeng!!!” he went back his position. Okay, so he treats me like a dongsaeng, okay…. Dongsaeng and oppa relationship, no others… Stupid heart, stop bleeding!!!

“Yun Min and Riza, two on your way to the VIP room,”I talk to them mentally as they nodded.

“Fay group, for you to spot the girls which are night crawlers, they’ll have a mark on their nape, go near them and see it then from then on, I can’t help you anymore,”I tell the guys mentally.

“Hae Rin eonni, are you fine?”

“Yes I am, one coming my way, block off now,”

“Kei and Hye Sun, a few more coming to the second floor, careful. I’ll be encountering one now,”

“Bartender, I want a cup of whisky please,” one guy said, night crawler.

“Bartender, give me a cocktail please?” I ask the bartender oppa.

The guy got his whisky as I got my cocktail, oh well, he doesn’t know who I am since I suppressed everyone’s power with the help of the elders of course, “So you’re new here?” he asked as he took a seat next to me.

“Yeah, and you?” I lied and smiled at him.

“Yeah me too, so how you find this place?” he gets nearer to me.

“A friend of mine,” then we started talking, I casted some spells in his drink so no problem.

Hyun Joong’s POV

“What’s wrong with her? Flirting with a night crawler? Isn’t she crazy?”I asked myself.

“Hyung, are you worried?”Jun asked me mentally as he owns that power too.

“Worried of what?”I asked stupidly.

“My sis of course,”he yelled.

“I wonder why she flirting with that annoying night crawler,”I said.

“It’s her duty, do yours. Otherwise she’ll kill you for not completing your mission,”

After two hours, Kimmi’s POV

“We’re done,” the girls reported me mentally as I wasn’t in the bar; I was at the back of the alley with that Rex guy. He came near to me, holding my nape, angling his head and wanted to come nearer to kiss me but eventually, I casted some spell and gave him a illusion of him kissing me as I use my powers to pinned him on her wall with only using my finger.

“You are one of them!!” he shouted as he struggled to let go of the grip.

“Stop struggling, the thing that holds on to you is all combination of powers in the world, no way you’re getting free that easily. You’ll get yourself injured,” I smiled as an elder came.

“I’ll take over from here Princess,” he said.

“Sure, I’ll be heading back to the bar,” I said and walk off. Before I turn to my left, I heard Rex screaming so I take it as he already taken care by the elder.

“Hey girls,” I called out and sit around them.

“Aishh, Hyun Joong oppa is not done yet!!” shouted Kei as she was tired so does every one of us but Hyun Joong was taking his own sweet time, he’s not in the bar and he’s not done yet? He should be done by now.

“Mal oppa, can you interrupt him by asking him to be quick?” Hae Rin asked.

“Okay,” he replied.

Awhile later, Hyun Joong came back with a grin on his face, “Success or not?” I asked him mentally.

“It was damn fun!! When can we do it again?” he asked.

“Next time, let’s go, everyone is tired,” we enter the separate cars, girls one car and boys one car.

At home

“Where is Yun Min eonni and Hye Sun eonni?” Kei asked.

“Yeah and where is Saengie hyung and maknae?” asked Jung Min.

“Mating,” said Hyun Joong.

“BWOH!!!” they shouted.

“Yah stop making fun,” I hit his head, “They found their bond partners and after tonight, Bonds group will have two new members,”

“Oh, we will find one?” asked Kei and Riza.

“De, among everyone here, you’ll find it out one day,”

“What do they do?” asked Jung Min.

“Mal oppa, why don’t you and Hae Rin eonni go do it?”

“Why both of us?” both of them asked together.

“Hahaha… You see, you both bonded sometime ago, don’t plan to tell me?” I said, looking at both of them.

“How you’d know eonni?” asked Kei.

“I just happen to know, good night guys, I’m tired,” I went back my room and rest, leaving everyone in tired situation. 

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Uhmm... Read this fan fic for third time already... Wondering if you're still gonna finish this story? Sorry, just wanna know what's gonna happen soon~
@Ktlawlg: haha~ sure sure~ but next time k? please read my other fiction n subscribe them too :D thank u!
Ktlawlg #3
Finally u updated:)<br />
update again soon... I want 2 look at hyun joong's red face~__^
@Jeniee: ahaha... thanks for subscribing^^ ahaha updated already^^<br />
@Ktlawlg: ahahaha don't beat so hard... XD<br />
@all: no silent readers please~ XD
JennyIsAineseKiaile #5
hehehe i subscribed because you're story<br />
looks interesting! (and i love ss501) LOLS<br />
whoaaaa found not DEAD!!!! i want to know what<br />
happens :D <br />
Ktlawlg #6
my hrtbeat rate s goin so fast... Dnt tk it in d wrong way;-D<br />
i mean wanting 2 knw wats gonna happen. Update soon:-)
@mochiluv: will update two more today.. I forgot to update yesterday XD!<br />
@ktlaylg: you mean you actually don't like supernatural... hahaha! It's okay.. I'm just writing for fun... haha! Besides, it's my first try for supernatural fiction... Thanks for reading^^
Oohh ur story seems interesting! Keep it up! will look forward to more updates. ^^
Ktlawlg #9
oops sori... I actuali mean m d kind dt dnt like n so on n nt d prev 1... Mianhe again.
Ktlawlg #10
actuali m nt d kind dat dnt like supernatural things bt i kinda like ur supernatural story... Waiting 4 more updates.