Mission Accomplished!

Bonds (HIATUS)

A/N: Hmm... Well I was thinking of putting a teaser.... so... XD I'll put a teaser, maybe a synopsis of next two chapters or something else, anyway... XD Have fun reading, I post it kinda slower than just now because I went out and get some ingredients to prepare to cook for my sister tomorrow^^, have fun reading~ comments are wanted please~ and it's appreciated, gomawoyo^^

“YAH MAL, DON’T INTERFERE OUR BATTLE!!!” they both shouted at him for interfere their battle.

“Dongsaeng-ah, don’t you ever marry Joongie hyung,” he pouted, “He’s mean and Junnie, never admit him as a brother,” he pouted cutely, ahaha keopta!

“YAH!!!” they both dipped his face in the soup, luckily it was a warm soup not a hot one otherwise dead!

“Hyung and maknae bully me,” he pretends to cry on Hae Rin shoulder while Hae Rin only shook her head smiling.

“Eonni, you have a big baby husband to take care of next time when you both get married,”I mentally.

I swear she blushes like a red apple and quickly walk away to hide her blush, “Let’s get done soon, Kei can you wash the dishes for me?”

“Sure eonni, rest for awhile before we get going,”

I nodded as the guys blocked my way, “Where are you going again?” asked Jun.

“You should rephrase it oppa, you six are going with me,”

“Going where?”

“The final one,” shouted Kei as Kyu went in and help her.

“Uh-okay,” said Jun.

“Come on, let’s get prepared,” said Hyun Joong while pulling me in my room with him following.

“Why aren’t you getting change?” I took my clothes from my closet, he just sit on my bed, looking at me.

I turn around and look at him, “You’re not allowed to go baby,” he took my clothes of my hand and let it float up high at the sky.

“Wae” I whined and try to use my power but it's not working, aish! I'm not fully recovered! I'm only 30% recover! TT.TT

“Because you’re not fully recovered, want me to check?” he grins cheekily.

“Erm noI don’t want to do that right now, I just go please?” I pleaded.

“No way!!!” he shook his head.

“I promise I won’t interfere unless my help is needed,” I put up my right hand and looked at him.

“Aishh you and your looks and your lips, fine no helping until you’re wanted,” he put the clothes back into my hand with just thinking.

“Oppa, your skills improve, don’t your brain hurts?” he shook his head then lay down on my bed, “Don’t you plan to leave the room when I’m changing oppa?”

“No,” he smiled mischievously.

“Byes then,” I went in the toilet, use my power to lock the door and quickly change but he’s lying on my bed, watching TV.

“Oppa, kaja!!!” I pulled him out the bed but he’s too heavy so I fell on top of him, “Oppa….” I pouted.

Hyun Joong’s POV

I love the way she pouted, just so cute and innocent, I gave a kiss on her lips and she return me with another kiss then my hands travel to her shirt, opening her shirt buttons but then,

“Stop being lovey-dovey inside there!!!” shouted the guys then I gave a deep sighed.

Kimmi’s POV

I bet he sure hates interruption when he’s doing it, “Oppa, you can do it later, not now. Work is more important than this ok?”

“Rephrase it, making love is more important than work,” he grins, causing me to pout and blush... Gosh, why so hot?

“Yah, stop being so dirty and get dressed up!!!” I smack his hand as we get dressed nicely.

“So you both plan to take your time to save the last one?” Mal grins at us when we get down.

“Yeah eventually, we’re having our fun when you Mal shouted loudly so we intend to work first,” said Hyun Joong while everyone laughing.

“Aishh, let’s get going!!!” I shouted then get into the car while everyone chuckled.

DSP Company

“What should we do here now?” said Mal.

“Let’s get going to the rooftop without anyone noticing,” I said, “Does people over here worked over time or something?”

“Some of them, we’ll seal the company doors then,” said Hyun Joong.

“No need to, seal the doors to the rooftop and that’ll work,” I said then all of us make our way to the rooftop.

“We’re here,” said Kei as we finally reach the rooftop.

“Look!!!” Hye Sun shouted loudly and pointed at a girl.

“Suki!!!” shouted Pat and Lee.

“Hold on, don’t go!!” I said.

“What are you doing?” Hyun Joong pulls me back while I try to walk towards them.

“I know what I’m doing, don’t worry, nothing is going to happen,” I shrugged off his hand and continue walking towards the girl. When getting nearer to her, sense of evil is stronger that means….

“Eonni be careful!!” shouted Kei.

“Araso,”I replied mentally then stood in front of the girl, “Hey kwenchanayo?” I shake her a little bit then her eyes open widely and stare in my eyes.

“Annyeong….” she said weakly.

“How are you feeling?”


“Eonni behind YOU!!!” shouted Yun Min as I turn around, something like a fire ball coming towards me and the girl, luckily of the barrier that created by Hyun Joong, I was saved. After that, he came next to me and,

“I told you not to come!!!” he shouted and hit my head hardly.

“Mianhae,” I pouted but I hear the other’s was fighting but Hyun Joong prevented me from going and take care of the girl, “So Suki, welcome to the group," I smiled.

“How you’d- Roku and Maru? Pat and Lee? You’re my master?” she kneeled down again.

“Stop kneeling down ok? Master is a secret so call me Kimmi will do, this is Hyun Joong,”

“Annyeong,” she said.

“We’re done,” said Hae Rin after half an hour.

“SUKI,” Pat, Lee, Roku and Maru shouted as they embraced each other.

“Why don’t we head back then you five have some gathering? Kei, teleport all of us back now,”

“Ok,” in a split second, everyone is at home, fast. 


“Oppa, why are you crying?” I tried to turn but he’s too strong. 


“O- Huh? What did you say oppa?” I walk near towards him. 


"I'll take full responsibility" he said.

A/N: Is it better with a teaser? Everyone gets a little anxious and somehow waiting for the next chapter? XD I realize I updated finish those chapters that are in my lappy already so from now on, I need to finish it... Ending is soon... I bet in few more chapters, maybe ten or more than that XD consider less for me XD anyways, comment please! ^^

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Uhmm... Read this fan fic for third time already... Wondering if you're still gonna finish this story? Sorry, just wanna know what's gonna happen soon~
@Ktlawlg: haha~ sure sure~ but next time k? please read my other fiction n subscribe them too :D thank u!
Ktlawlg #3
Finally u updated:)<br />
update again soon... I want 2 look at hyun joong's red face~__^
@Jeniee: ahaha... thanks for subscribing^^ ahaha updated already^^<br />
@Ktlawlg: ahahaha don't beat so hard... XD<br />
@all: no silent readers please~ XD
JennyIsAineseKiaile #5
hehehe i subscribed because you're story<br />
looks interesting! (and i love ss501) LOLS<br />
whoaaaa found not DEAD!!!! i want to know what<br />
happens :D <br />
Ktlawlg #6
my hrtbeat rate s goin so fast... Dnt tk it in d wrong way;-D<br />
i mean wanting 2 knw wats gonna happen. Update soon:-)
@mochiluv: will update two more today.. I forgot to update yesterday XD!<br />
@ktlaylg: you mean you actually don't like supernatural... hahaha! It's okay.. I'm just writing for fun... haha! Besides, it's my first try for supernatural fiction... Thanks for reading^^
Oohh ur story seems interesting! Keep it up! will look forward to more updates. ^^
Ktlawlg #9
oops sori... I actuali mean m d kind dt dnt like n so on n nt d prev 1... Mianhe again.
Ktlawlg #10
actuali m nt d kind dat dnt like supernatural things bt i kinda like ur supernatural story... Waiting 4 more updates.