Chapter 3 : Dimensional World

Bonds (HIATUS)

Hyun Joong’s POV

“Why do I have a bad feeling of something bad is going to happen?” I said.

“I don’t know what the girls are doing, they’re torturing us!!” Young Saeng said while concentrating on fighting the night crawlers, Minotaurs and Centaurs. The other guys was also concentrating on their battle, it’s been years since I last battle. I use all the powers I have, fire, wind; water, ice and earth elements to defend myself.

Kimmi’s POV

“Hyun Joong oppa is cool,” said Kei while we are looking at the TV screen which is projected by the crystal ball that Hye Sun owns.

“He has the exact power like Kimmi,” Hye Sun added.

“Yeah yeah, so do Young Saeng oppa, you and his also have the same powers,” I replied back and continue watching it.

“They’re really hopeless you know, can’t they learn how to strike rather than defense?! We’re going to die during the battle if they continue to do like this,” said Hae Rin, it’s true. The boys are only defending but not attacking the enemies, anything happens they’ll be stuck in there.

“Guys listen up, if you continue to defend yourself but not attacking and striking back then I’ll gonna ask Hye Sun to lock you five up in that dimension araso?” I threaten them.

Jung min’s POV

“Guys listen up, if you continue to defend yourself but not attacking and striking back then I’ll gonna ask Hye Sun to lock you five up in that dimension araso?” Kimmi said.

“Yah it’s not like we don’t want to but we can’t find our power!!” I shouted back, hoping she’ll reply.

“Ok, a special tip for all of you I hope it works. You have to connect your mind, heart and soul together to perform every move that you wanted, by then even not a single move of your muscle and finger, you’ll be able to perform a move by just thinking of it. Right now, to search your inner powers, you have to connect your mind, heart and soul together. It’s the only way you guys will find the exit way, each and every one of you have different time of exit. It’ll be my choice to allow you to leave or to lock up. So impress all of us and I’ll let you out in no time, good luck,” she said. How am I supposed to connect it?

“Aishh, why are there so many enemies?!! I can’t concentrate!!!” shouted Hyun Joong.

“Look, I know it’s hard but when you really concentrate on connecting your heart, mind and soul together, everything around you will combine to one and something will awaits for you,” said Hae Rin.

At the house

“Hyun Joong oppa and Young Saeng oppa is concentrating already!!!” shouted Kei.

“We can see that Kei, stop shouting!!” Yun Min said then the bickering started again.

“Can you see that? Jung Min is having a big trouble since he’s a vampire,”said Hae Rin mentally.

“De, I realize it. For a vampire, it’s hard for him to connect all of them together in one time but once he done it, he’ll be the most powerful vampire of his clans,”I replied mentally.

“We’ll see, I want to rest, going back my room now,” she said.

“Eonni we just woke up two hours ago!!!”  Kei, Hye Sun and Yun Min shouted.

“Girls, she uses a lot of power yesterday. Gosh… I feel like sleeping too,” I yawned.

“Eonni you can’t, later the oppas can’t get out,” said Kei and pouted.

“Hahaha… I was merely making nonsense and crap there about the exit. They’ll find the exit when the exits approve them to leave, I’ll be resting here I’m tired,” I lay on the sofa which Hae Rin just left.

“Why are you so tired eonni?” Kei asked me.

“I transferred some of my energy to Hyun Joong oppa yesterday, *yawn* good night,”

“WHAT?!! You KISS HIM?!!” Kei shouted.

“How do you expect me to do to save him? His power was drain by the stupid Minotaurs, I just safe him only, no other things,” I went into deep sleep.

Three hours later, Jung Min’s POV

“A little bit more and I’ll be free,” I muttered to myself as I continue to fight against the Oni. Hyun Joong, Young Saeng and Kyu Jong are already out, maknae and I are left. I’m not going to let go the things I earn within this years!!!

At the living room, Hyun Joong’s POV

“She really is tired ain’t she?” said Young Saeng.

“De,” I observed her looks,

“Hyung you like her?”Jung Min asked me mentally when he arrives back.

“Mal you’re back!!!” Kyu shouted.

“I suggest you guys not to disturb her when she’s sleeping,” said Hae Rin, coming down from the stairs, “We’ll start our training tomorrow, she needs a lot of rest,”

“Why? What happen to her?” asked Young Saeng.

“Well I need to ask Hyun Joong oppa then, what happen when the Minotaurs encounter you?” she asked me.

“Hmmm…” I started to think what happen.

“So that’s what happened? No wonder she’s tired,” she asked and look at Kimmi who is sleeping soundly.

“You know how to read people-”

“De, I know how to read. Kimmi knows it too, that’s why she’s the leader of our group. She owns a great power,” Hae Rin said.

“So because of her transferring part of her energy to me, she got tired?” I asked.

“De and also because of the dimension you guys are in just now. It was a creation by the combination of both of our powers so we are in deep sleep just now but she’ll sleep longer as she needs to regenerate more powers for tonight,”

“Tonight? What’s going on tonight?” Hyung Jun asked when he arrives back.

“Turtle is back!!” said Jung Min as he smirked.

“You might want to ask her, I can’t make any decision. Have some rest all of you, we’ll start the training session tomorrow,” Hae Rin went back her room.

I went and knock Hae Rin’s room; I need to ask her something.

“Come in oppa,”she replied mentally.

“Hae Rin-ah, I want to ask-”

“About the energy transfer thing,” she finishes the sentence for me. Can’t she stop reading my mind?


“What do you want to know about it?”

“I mean when she kissed me, energy transfers, so how long will it take to recover back the energy?”

“Maybe years,”

“Years?!! Then I rather die than seeing her like this!!” I raise my voice but it causes her to laugh.

“Hahaha, you really like dongsaeng didn’t you? I can see it through the way you look at her just now, don’t worry, with Kimmi’s powers she only needs a day rest,”

Phew… “Thank you, I thought I cause trouble this time. Good night dongsaeng,” I smiled before I leave the room.

“Oppa, what are you doing?” shouted Yun Min while Hyung Jun is trying to steal the remote control.

“Let oppa watch for awhile, I was battling the whole day now and I want to rest!!” maknae said then I hit his head, “Ouch, hyung…”

Kimmi’s POV

I was disturbs by Yun Min’s voice and Hyung Jun’s voice, can’t Yun Min for once stop bickering with someone? I open my eyes a little and see what’s happening; Hyun Joong hit Hyung Jun’s head, “You both wanna fight go other place not here,” he scolded both of them.

“Hyung, I want to watch TV,” he pouted.

“Let them be oppa, I’ll be fine,” I stood up and check my phone, which is vibrating now, “Annyeong bartender oppa, what’s wrong?”

“I just informing you that the bar will be open again next week,”

“De araso, gomawo and ask everyone to rest until they’re fully well otherwise I throw them out the streets and let the night crawlers to hunt them down araso?”

“Hahahaha araso Princess,”

“I said stop calling me Princess!!” I yelled at him mentally.

“Araso!!” he answered back at the phone.

“What did oppa said this time?” said Kei.

“Nothing much, he just say that the bar will be opening again next week and I ask them to rest well,”

“And she threaten them that she’ll throw them out the streets if they are not well, a gift to the night crawlers,” Yun Min added on.

“Since everyone is here, Hyun Joong oppa your glowing sign is at your chest; Young Saeng oppa sign is at his neck; Kyu Jong oppa sign is at his right arm; Jung Min oppa sign is I don’t know where it is and Hyung Jun oppa sign is at his back,” I summarize everything.

“Wait how you’d know his sign is at his back?”

“They’re brother and sister, Hyun Joong oppa,” Hae Rin explained for me.

“Princess, it’s time for you to go now,” said one of the elders which appear suddenly at the living room.

“De, I’ll take my leave soon. You take care of the other guys, summon more man power to be here while I’m gone,” I said.

“Wait what’s going on here again?” asked Hyung Jun.

“Hahaha…. Gosh, I think I have to explain it by myself before I take my leave don’t I?”

They nodded and took their seats, “After Hyung Jun oppa left homeland, one day when I wake up I found this royal star pendant on my chest and it signify that I’m that Princess.”

“But where are you going now eonni?” asked Kei.

“The princess has her own duties to do not only this mission,” said one of the elders.

“Yes, Hye Sun and Hae Rin eonni, you both are in charge ok? Listen to the elders, I’ll be back soon after I’m done with my mission. Go ahead training the guys, the elders will keep me inform about all of you,”

“It’s time Princess,” he rushes me again.

“Aishh, you repeat that one more time I’m going to ask my army to eat you up!!” I threaten him and took my leave.

Young Saeng’s POV

“What army?” Kyu asked.

“Why is she so scary suddenly?” I asked.

“Hahaha, don’t mind her, she’s just being playful with the elders. She always does that and the elders are fine with it,” said Hye Sun.

“Kimmi owns a troop of army with a combination of wizards, Centaurs and Minotaurs,” Hae Rin said.

“You mean the sacred creature of homeland?” Hyun Joong asked.

“Yes of course, she has the highest authority other than Hyung Jun oppa,” she replied.

“Maknae, what’s he gotta do with this?” said Jung Min.

“Didn’t we mention they’re brother and sisters? You’ll know soon,” the girls replied and look at the dark sky. 

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Uhmm... Read this fan fic for third time already... Wondering if you're still gonna finish this story? Sorry, just wanna know what's gonna happen soon~
@Ktlawlg: haha~ sure sure~ but next time k? please read my other fiction n subscribe them too :D thank u!
Ktlawlg #3
Finally u updated:)<br />
update again soon... I want 2 look at hyun joong's red face~__^
@Jeniee: ahaha... thanks for subscribing^^ ahaha updated already^^<br />
@Ktlawlg: ahahaha don't beat so hard... XD<br />
@all: no silent readers please~ XD
JennyIsAineseKiaile #5
hehehe i subscribed because you're story<br />
looks interesting! (and i love ss501) LOLS<br />
whoaaaa found not DEAD!!!! i want to know what<br />
happens :D <br />
Ktlawlg #6
my hrtbeat rate s goin so fast... Dnt tk it in d wrong way;-D<br />
i mean wanting 2 knw wats gonna happen. Update soon:-)
@mochiluv: will update two more today.. I forgot to update yesterday XD!<br />
@ktlaylg: you mean you actually don't like supernatural... hahaha! It's okay.. I'm just writing for fun... haha! Besides, it's my first try for supernatural fiction... Thanks for reading^^
Oohh ur story seems interesting! Keep it up! will look forward to more updates. ^^
Ktlawlg #9
oops sori... I actuali mean m d kind dt dnt like n so on n nt d prev 1... Mianhe again.
Ktlawlg #10
actuali m nt d kind dat dnt like supernatural things bt i kinda like ur supernatural story... Waiting 4 more updates.