Romeo & Juliet

Failure is Not an Option.

Chapter 9

“So how’s everything going?” I had taken a short break from my paperwork and had decided to check up on our client.

“He’s fine,” Tess said, emphasising the word ‘fine’ as she watched him trained with Jack.

Even I had to admit he looked very good, with the sweat glistening on his skin. I cleared my throat, hoping to clear my mind too. “Well, now you can get back to work…and you’re his trial date next week anyways,”

Her eyes sparkled, “I know!” She squealed, “Can’t wait,”

I smirked, “What about Micky? Won’t he get jealous?”

Her smile widened even larger than before, “That’s what makes it better. He get jealous, and then I go over to his place, and then we-”

I had to cut her off, as she groaned in pleasure.

“I think I get the picture…” I trailed off, “Anyways, tonight I’m going to go out, so you got anything nice to wear in your fashion closet?”

She turned her head, “Are you going on a date?!” She squealed, quite loudly, and then the office got really quiet. I turned my head to see Jaejoong and Jack had even stopped working out. Jaejoong had a shocked look on his face; I swallowed my saliva, and then dragged Tess into her office/closet space.

“Sorry guys,” I sheepishly said, “It’s nothing…you can get back to work,”

Once we were in her office, I explained, “No, it’s not a date. I’m meeting up with Eric…my brother,” I added, just in case her mind was thinking about other things.

“Oh,” made an ‘O’ shape, “I see…”

“I haven’t seen him in a while, and we’re going to have dinner and catch up…and knowing Eric it’ll be something fancy, so I don’t want to embarrass my brother,”

She nodded, “Fair enough…” She then pouted, before walking off into her closet.

I walked after her, “Why are you pouting?”

She looked continued to walk further into the closet, and once we reached the end we finally stopped and turned around, “Because, I want you to find someone already! You have too much work and no play,”

She pulled out a dress, “This one is nice,”

I nodded in appreciation. Even though we only accepted male clients, we had female clothes as well…because, well, sometimes Tess or I had to step into a situation to help a client, or just to be backups.

“Thanks,” I took the dress gratefully,

“Here are some heels to go with it,” Tess bent down and picked up a pair of black stilettos. 

“Awesome, you’re the best babe.” I grabbed the heels and dress and walked back into my office. I closed the door and turned around the mirror and held the clothes to my body.

“Good,” I hung the dress behind the door and placed the heels under my desk. “Now back to work,”

I continued typing for a few hours and then my alarm went off. 3:30pm.

“Right,” I said to myself as I saved my documents. I wanted to leave earlier so I had set an alarm to set aside time to talk to Jaejoong about his girl.

I stood up and walked outside my office to see Micky and Jaejoong chatting. “Oh Alison,” Micky noticed me and Jaejoong turned his head and smiled. I felt my heart beat.

Ignoring it, I started to say, “Mr Kim, can I talk to you in my office now?”

“Oh sure,” He got up, and I noticed how muscular he looked.

“Jaejoong and Jack finish their work out and we were just talking about conversations to have with dates.” Micky clarified.

“Okay,” I turned to Jaejoong, “Could you please wait for me in my office? I’ll be there in a second.”

“Sure,” He smiled and walked off.

Once he was out of earshot, I turned to Micky, “So what’s his deal?”

“His deal?”

“Any bad habits? Anything gross? Or is he as perfect as he looks?”

“Oh, well…he seems to have everything down pat. Even Jack was surprised at how fit he was.”

“So...” I stopped myself for asking Micky ‘Why Jaejoong would come here for our services?’, “Great work, I’ll be heading out around 5pm today. So you guys can finish early, if everything goes well.”

“Okay, thanks.” Micky nodded and I walked into my office.

“Well Mr Kim,”

“Jaejoong,” He cut in, “Please, Mr Kim is too formal, and after that night…”

“Mister Kim,” I cleared my throat and closed the door behind me, before walking to my desk, “Please take a seat,”


“So,” I sat down and looked him in the eye, “Is there anything else you can tell me about your girl?”

“My girl?” He cleared his throat and straighten his back.

“Yes, any details would be helpful,” I pulled out a notepad and pen, “Her name for starters,”

“Uh…well, Juliet,”

“Well, then are you planning to be her Romeo?” I made a side joke, which sounded a lot funnier in my head, “Anyways, how did you meet?”

“At a ball,”

“A ball?” I jotted it down, “You don’t plan on killing yourself do you?”

“Killing myself?”

“This sounds very classical, Romeo and Juliet. Star-crossed lovers. And only in death may they be together.” I said dramatically.

He chuckled, which made me feel weak, "No, hopefully we will have a better love story than that,"

"Of course, now what is it about her that attracted her to you?"

"Well," He leaned forward, "for starters, her eyes, they sparkled as she laughed." 

I glanced up at him to see him staring intently at me, I cleared my throat. "The eyes are the windows to the soul, some say."

"Yes, I believe so too. She looked so charming, I was captivated in that moment."

His smooth voice echoed through my ears. "I have another question," I couldn't hold back any longer, and I looked him in the eyes, "How is it exactly that you need our help?"

"Excuse me?" He looked amused at the question.

"Well, you are a young, attractive and successful business man, who my employees tell me has no flaws, and yet here we are sitting, discussing how the women of your dreams isn't responding to your advances."

"I'm flattered you think of me in that way, Alison," My heart almost melted when he said my name. "But I do have flaws. For example, I haven't really made any advances to this women."

"You haven't?"

"No," He smiled softly, "I haven't,"

"May I ask why?"

"Well, it seems she isn't interested in dating at the moment, and she seems to be quite the workaholic."

"I see, well that would be difficult," I returned to note book to write that down.

He chuckled, "Yes I does…and now, I'm not sure if she's even single."

I looked at him in shock, "Really?" I cleared my throat, "Mr Kim, I think you need to understand we are not here to ruin relationships."

"I don't think she is in one, I think she may just be seeing someone, hopefully casually."

"I hope so too," I could see Max waving his arms outside the office.

"Um, if you could excuse me for one moment,"

"Yes, of course,"

I bowed my head slightly, and left the room, "Yes, Max?"

"Uh, we have a slight problem,"

"Problem? What problem?"

"Not so much a problem…umm, you better just come with me," He lead me to the front, and my eyes widened.

"What in the…?"

“Flowers,” He pointed out, “A lot of flowers,”

I panned my eyes over the large amount of floral arrangements covering the front desk and parts of the floor. “I see, but why is there so many of them?”

“I uh, was hoping you knew,” Max said, “You didn’t order these?”

“No,” I was still shocked, “Was there a note? Or at least a memo?”

“Holy-“ I turned around to see Tess, “What in the world is this?”

 “The delivery man just put them here and said that they were for an Alison.”

"Well, someone really wanted you to have flowers…are you sure you don’t have a boyfriend?" Tess asked.

 “No,” I said truthfully. “But what are we going to do with all these flowers?”

“Uhh…” Max was speechless.

“I’ll take a bouquet. You guys get some vases and place them round the place…for the rest you can take them with you are hand them out to people on the street.” I said, as I picked up a bouquet of red roses.

I walked back into my office, holding the flowers. "Was there a problem?"

"No, Mr Kim," I took in a breathe. "No problem, just lots of flowers."

"Flowers?" He looked amused, "Red roses?"

"Yes, there were many types. Apparently the delivery man said they were for me," I walked to the cupboard and pulled out a vase. "I happen to like red roses, I thought I should at least have a bouquet. Someone seem to have really wanted to give me flowers."

I put the flowers in the vase and poured a bottle of water into it. "I'm sorry for the commotion,"

"It's okay,"

"Now," I sat back down, "where were we?"


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Sorry for the delay of Chap 9. Too much life is happening lol


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Chapter 9: Please continue. I am really into this.
Chapter 9: I think Tess is really right that Jaejoong choose to be their client because the girl she likes is one from their company and I can feel it's Allison who is Juliet! Is it Jaejoong who sent those roses because I'm feeling it's him? Really curious on what will happen next so will wait for your next update! Update soon :)
darkangel024 #4
Chapter 9: Please update again!!!
inspirit-beauty #5
Chapter 9: Alison is definitely Juliet! Hahaha

Its been so long authornim! Adddfhjkyuuiobbnnghjjk thank you for the update! :))
Chapter 8: please update soon :)) new reader here :))
Chapter 8: Jaejoong is sweet & agree that he's the type of guy that can make anyone fall for him that it isn't needed for him to pay that much on the business of Allison! maybe Tess is right that maybe the girl whom Jaejoong like to pursue is one of them who's in the company ;) really curious on who's the girl Jaejoong like so will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
Chapter 3: new reader & subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I really like it especially because of Allison's business :) really curious on who's the girl that Jaejoong wants to woo so will continue reading :)
Chapter 8: i think he's sweet.....update soon!
Fast update indeed and as always it gets even better than it already is :D