Drunken Slurs.

Failure is Not an Option.

Chapter 4

Knock. Knock.

I looked up from the case files to see Jaejoong standing at the door.

“Hello, hope I’m not disturbing you.”

“Oh no, not at all, I need a break from these anyways,” I closed the files and placed them to the side. “Please, come in. How was your first day?”

Jaejoong sat down, “It was eventful. Do you guys do this every day?”

I nodded, “It’s quite a handful at time, but the end result is rewarding.”

“I imagine. Anyways, shouldn’t you be heading home too? It’s already 6:40.”

“Really?” I glanced up at the clock, “Wow, I guess everyone went home.”

“Hmm,” he nodded.

“Why are you still here?”

“Just wanted to report back.”

“Oh there’s no need, tomorrow morning Micky would give me the report.”

“A report?” He was surprised, even matchmaking has paperwork.

“Yeah,” I nodded, “I like to keep a documentation of all our clients and their progress.”

“Sounds like a lot of work,”

“It is, but I like to keep our clients happy and given the best service.”

“Like as a present to reward your hard work, let me buy you dinner.”

“Dinner?” Like as in a sit down dinner. As in a restaurant dinner?

“Well, at least a drink if you have plans.”

“Uh no I don’t but,” he’s a client

“But nothing, I just want to show my appreciation for your help.”

“Okay, but just one drink.”


“Youuuu knooooww, I stwill dooonnnn’t get itt…” (You know, I still don’t get it.)

One drink, turned into two. Then it just snowballed from there. And due to my lack of sleep and drunken nature of last night, I managed to become drunk very quickly.

Jaejoong chuckled at my words.

“Really?” He finished his drink. Surprisingly, he was able to hold his liquor quite well.

“Whhyyyy?” (Why?)

“Why what?”

“Whhyyy…isss my drinkkk gooonnnnneeee~?” (Why is my drink gone?)

“Oh no, no more for you.” Jaejoong put my hand down, as I tried to get a waiter. “Actually, waiter, my friend here needs water.”

“Sure thing,”

“Here Alison, drink,”

“Nooooo~,” I pushed him away, “I dooonnn’tt liike my nammee!” (No, I don’t like my name.)

“Your name?”

“Mmmm, I like Aliiiii~” (Mmm, I like Ali.)

“Okay, Ali, drink this please.”

“Whhhyyy?” (Why?)

“Because you are drunk.”

“Noooo~, whhhyyy arrrre yoouuu sooo gooooddd loooookinngg?” (No, why are you so good looking?)

Jaejoong laughed, “Oh God, when your drunk you don’t make any sense. And you get off topic really quickly.”

“I’mma noooo drunk!” (I’m not drunk!)

To prove it I stood up quickly, and then fell forward into Jaejoong’s chest.

“Owwiieee,” (Ouch) His chest was firm, it felt just as good as it looked at the office.

“C’mon Ali, I’ll take you home.” Jaejoong paid for the drinks and helped me up.

Once we were outside, the cold air hit my body and I had the sudden urge to throw up. I broke away from Jaejoong and stumbled to a near by bin, where I let the alcohol out of my body...by throwing up...

He stood next to me and held me still, patting my back.

When I was done, my head felt slightly better. “Mmm,” I groaned.

Jaejoong took out a tissue and wiped my mouth, before throwing it into the bin.

“Come, let’s get you a taxi,” He helped me walk to the road, and hailed down a taxi. “In you go.”

I sat down, felt a wave of bliss. “Mmm…” I closed my eyes.

Jaejoong spoke to the driver, “Here, take her…” Jaejoong looked at the back seat to see me drifting off.

He sighed, “Great, just great, I’m trying…”

I couldn't here the end of the sentence, as I had already fallen asleep.


A/N: Ahh, so much drinking! AND by no means am I advertising it, it just happens to fit with the story. :P

Anyways, next chapter shall be more interesting! :)



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Sorry for the delay of Chap 9. Too much life is happening lol


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Chapter 9: Please continue. I am really into this.
Chapter 9: I think Tess is really right that Jaejoong choose to be their client because the girl she likes is one from their company and I can feel it's Allison who is Juliet! Is it Jaejoong who sent those roses because I'm feeling it's him? Really curious on what will happen next so will wait for your next update! Update soon :)
darkangel024 #4
Chapter 9: Please update again!!!
inspirit-beauty #5
Chapter 9: Alison is definitely Juliet! Hahaha

Its been so long authornim! Adddfhjkyuuiobbnnghjjk thank you for the update! :))
Chapter 8: please update soon :)) new reader here :))
Chapter 8: Jaejoong is sweet & agree that he's the type of guy that can make anyone fall for him that it isn't needed for him to pay that much on the business of Allison! maybe Tess is right that maybe the girl whom Jaejoong like to pursue is one of them who's in the company ;) really curious on who's the girl Jaejoong like so will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
Chapter 3: new reader & subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I really like it especially because of Allison's business :) really curious on who's the girl that Jaejoong wants to woo so will continue reading :)
Chapter 8: i think he's sweet.....update soon!
Fast update indeed and as always it gets even better than it already is :D