First Day.

Failure is Not an Option.

Chapter 3

“Alison,” I felt a nudge, “Ali?”

“Hmm?” I mumbled,

“Jaejoong’s here.”

I shot up at the name. Regretting my fast movement instantly.

“Ahh, my head.”

Tess laughed, “I’ll give you five minutes…Jaejoong’s waiting in the lobby.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She handed me a bottle of water.

“No more aspirin for you, just water.”

I sighed, leaning into my chair. “Tess, pass me a mirror will you?”


My face was slightly flushed, and my hair was messy. I pulled out my hair tie and ran my fingers though it.

I opened my drawer and took out eye drops. Dropping a few drops in eyes, then wiping away the extras with a tissue.

I had to look presentable enough to the client, “Tess, can you bring me his file too? Thanks.”

I opened the bottle of water and drank, as Tess passed me the file. Skimming through, I told Tess to bring him in.

Applying a bit of lip balm, I waited for Tess to come back.


Packing away the last few things, I said “Come in,”

Tess opened the door and behind her walked in the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen.

God, the media and pictures didn’t do him justice.

I cleared my throat, and stood up to shake his hand. “Hi, I’m Alison White. We spoke on the phone.”

“Yeah,” He smiled, “Jaejoong Kim, nice to meet you.”

God, he’s cute.

“So, I imagine your feeling nervous and excited.” I said, gesturing for him to sit down. Tess grinned, said her goodbyes and left the room.

“More than you know…” he muttered under his breath

“Um, excuse me, what was that?”

“Yes, quite nervous.” He composed himself.

“So today is the rehearsal and in two weeks is the big date. Have you organized a plan?” Usually, we had to organize the venue but since Jaejoong was being secretive, there wasn’t much we could do. 

“Yes, I did.”

I really can’t imagine what he’s doing here. He really is good looking, he has money, and I still don’t get it.

“Um…” I began to ask, I know there was a limit to what we could know…but it couldn’t hurt to ask, right?

Jaejoong looked at me, with his mesmerizing brown eyes. I gulped.

“Uh…let’s go introduce you to the rest of the team.” I stood up and hurriedly went towards the door.

I couldn’t ask…he made me speechless.

Closing the door behind us, I walked over to the fitness machinery.

“Jack?” I saw weights being lifted, “Jack, can you put those down for a moment and come here.”

I heard a clank, and then Micky sat up.

“Micky? Where’s Jack?”

He got up, and then grabbed the towel to wipe his face and hands and then walked towards us.

“He just went outside for a sec.” He looked to the man next to me, “Jaejoong Kim, right? I’m Micky Brown.”

He held his hand out to shake. Jaejoong without hesitation shook his hand.

“Uh, Micky here is our…‘cleaner’.”  I said for a lack of a better word.

“Cleaner?” Jaejoong questioned.

Micky laughed, “I’m the guy who smooths out the situation, if things go south. Not saying it will.” He took a good look at Jaejoong. “But from the looks of it doesn’t look like you’ll be needing me.”

Before we could respond, we heard a voice. “I’m back, Micky.”

“Jack!” I called out, “Come here for a bit!”

“Oh hey, Ali…who’s this?” Jack looked a bit lost. He was an excellent trainer, but when it came to remembering names…he wasn’t the greatest.

“Jack Young, this is Jaejoong Kim. He’s the client schedule for today.”

Micky walked over to the books, and flipped one open. “Kim Jaejoong, No. 103.”

“Ahh, him.”

I sighed, and whispered to Jaejoong. “Jack, doesn’t do well with client’s names…he numbered everyone…and that works for him. When he began working here, we were numbers too. So please don’t take offensive to this.”

Jaejoong just smiled. “Oh no, I find it interesting.”

“That’s a first.” I smiled back. I looked into his eyes…and felt myself drowning in them.I shook my head and cleared my throat.

“Anyways, Jack don’t forget, today’s Jaejoong’s first day here so when I return with him I want you to be nice, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah Alison.” He dismissed my comment. I shook my head.

“Okay next is Tess, you meet her before. She’ll be dressing you.” That comment made me look at his clothes.

Not like he needs it. His clothes look even more expensive than ours, if that’s possible…

“Tess?” I called into the massive walk-in wardrobe.

“Be out in a sec!”

“Tess, is very touchy about her clothes, so be careful.”

“Hi again,” Tess said brightly, holding two different ties. “Picking out outfits for a few clients.”

“Really? Which ones?”

Tess excitedly explained “This ones for tomorrow’s first date with Sam, and this other one is for the rehearsal with Hunter on Friday.”

“Perfect. As usual.” I grinned, “Oh right, Jaejoong for the rehearsal Tess picked out your clothes, if that’s okay.”

“Oh, that’s fine,” He smiled, and I almost melted.

“This way please,” Tess lead us to the mannequin dressed the clothes Jaejoong was going to wear. She explained her choices in detail, and marveled at her outfit.

“Thanks Tess,” I cut her off, sometimes she got a bit excited. “Okay next is Max, he’s the one you spoke to first when you initially contacted us.”

“Oh okay,”

We walked over to the kitchen.

“Max, is a bit of an overeater…he doesn’t get fat so it doesn’t bother him…Max?”

“Hey Ali,” I turned to see Max holding two apples and a meat pie. “Hello, you must be Jaejoong, I must have missed you at the reception desk.”

“Max is our receptionist as well,”

“Well, it’s good to see you Jaejoong. And, Alison you have two more case files to look at. I left them on your table, along with your coffee.”

“Oh thanks,” I waved, as Max walked to the front of the office. “So, how is it?”

“It’s great, a bit hectic, but it seems like everything will be fine.” Jaejoong answered.

“That’s awesome, now to get your physical exam first from Jack. It shouldn’t take to long, because Tess wants you to try the clothes, and then Micky will run through the operation.”

“Wow, that’s a lot,” He joked,

I grinned, “All in a day’s work.”

He nodded and walked toward the fitness equipment to have his physical. Once he was gone Tess rushed towards me.

“Oh my God! He’s such a hottie!” She squealed, I covered and pulled her into my office.

“Shush,” I told her, then let go of “You’re not supposed to ogle the clients.”

“Pft,” Tess dismissed my words, “He’s fine, got a nice too.”

I laughed at her observation. Agreeing, as I had already check it out.

“Ooo, the girl he wants is surely a lucky one.” She said,

I shook my head, “Get back to work.” I pushed her out of the office, and shut the door. I could see through the window Jaejoong his shirt.

God, he had a nice body too.

I turned away and scolded myself for having such thoughts.

Stop. Stop it!

There were a few rules for our line of work and the number one was ‘NEVER fall for a client.’

I took another sneak peek.

Oh God. Please help me. 


A/N: Jaejoong is just too y. :P 

Anyways, hope you liked it. Drop a comment?


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Sorry for the delay of Chap 9. Too much life is happening lol


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Chapter 9: Please continue. I am really into this.
Chapter 9: I think Tess is really right that Jaejoong choose to be their client because the girl she likes is one from their company and I can feel it's Allison who is Juliet! Is it Jaejoong who sent those roses because I'm feeling it's him? Really curious on what will happen next so will wait for your next update! Update soon :)
darkangel024 #4
Chapter 9: Please update again!!!
inspirit-beauty #5
Chapter 9: Alison is definitely Juliet! Hahaha

Its been so long authornim! Adddfhjkyuuiobbnnghjjk thank you for the update! :))
Chapter 8: please update soon :)) new reader here :))
Chapter 8: Jaejoong is sweet & agree that he's the type of guy that can make anyone fall for him that it isn't needed for him to pay that much on the business of Allison! maybe Tess is right that maybe the girl whom Jaejoong like to pursue is one of them who's in the company ;) really curious on who's the girl Jaejoong like so will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
Chapter 3: new reader & subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I really like it especially because of Allison's business :) really curious on who's the girl that Jaejoong wants to woo so will continue reading :)
Chapter 8: i think he's sweet.....update soon!
Fast update indeed and as always it gets even better than it already is :D