
Failure is Not an Option.

Chapter 7

Two weeks later, I was in my office, finishing some paperwork when there was a knock at my door.

“Come in,” I said, not looking up,

“Alison?” It was Max,


“There’s a call on your private line,”

“Really? Who is it?”

“It’s your brother,”

“Okay, put it through,”

Max nodded and a few moments later, my phone buzzed,


“Hiya sis, how come your mobile’s off?”

“Really?” I searched my bag to see my phone off, “I think the battery died, anyways what’s up?”

“Nothing much,” he spoke, “but I am in Sydney for a few days, and I wondered if you’d like to catch up.”

“Really?” I gleamed; I hadn’t seen Eric since his last function, last October. “Sure, when?”

“How about lunch tomorrow, I’ll come by your office and pick you up?” I flicked through my calendar,

“No good, I have an appointment with a client,”

“Really? With who?”

“Confidential, Eric. You know that.” I teased,

“Yeah, yeah…so what about dinner tomorrow, I have a meeting until 7 though,”

“That’s fine,” I noted it down, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Yeah, see you sis,”


We hung up. I put the phone down and then picked up my planner, but a piece of paper fell out.

It was the note Jaejoong gave me.

I could bring myself to throw it out. Every time I read it, I could just feel myself smile.

I had seen Jaejoong once more, after that drinking incident, I intended to keep it professional and so did he. The only problem we had with him was the fact that he was still not very open about the girl he liked, which was worrying since his next appointment was tomorrow and his trial date was next week.

Last time he came in, he impressed us all with his manners and communication skill, and he had already passed the physical with flying colours, which made me wonder why he was even here.

There was another knock on the door, I stuffed the note back into my planner and placed it on the table. “Come in,”

The door opened, and Tess was standing there with two coffees. “Tough day?”

I puffed out my cheeks, “You have no idea,” I lifted up a hand gesturing for her to bring the coffee to me.

“Here,” she passed it to me, and sat down on the chair. “Tomorrow shall be good though,” She grinned, and I eyed her carefully.

“Woah, easy tiger,” I teased, “He’s a client,”

“A super hot client, who booked the entire day tomorrow,”

I blinked, and almost chocked on my coffee, “What?!”

“He just called, while you were on your private line, which I would like to know about by the way,” She added, but then continued, “He talked to Max,”

“Don’t we have another one coming tomorrow?”

“Yeah, we rescheduled,” She nodded, taking another sip, “Because Jaejoong offered to pay two thousand dollars more for tomorrow,” I blinked. What in the world?!

“Why?” I asked in disbelief, “He’s one of the most datable guys that have walked through those doors,”

Tess shrugged, “Maybe, he’s got some major flaw and needs help, or…maybe, he’s got a major crush on someone here,”

“Don’t even think about it,” I deadpanned, knowing where Tess’ mind was thinking.

“Oh come on, “ She leaned forward, excited, “I mean, he’s seriously got it all. I can’t think of any other reason why he’d need to be here, unless the person he’s interested in was here.”

There were only five people that worked in this office. Considering that three of them were guys, and assuming Jaejoong was straight, not gay or bi. That left only Tess or me…

I shook my head, “Don’t put random thoughts in my head,”

She winked, “God, what if he’s interested in me? He’s perfect. I would seriously consider it.”

“Except for the part, that he’s a client. And we have policies against that.” I glared at her, “Besides, aren’t Micky and you an item?”

Tess’ eyes widen, “W-what?!”

“Don’t lie to me Tess,” I drank my coffee. “I noticed a while ago,”

She looked at me and then asked carefully, “So you don’t mind?”

“No,” I waved it off, “I’ve known you since we were children and since working with Micky, I can see the attraction,”

She grinned, “Thanks Ali!” She got up and walked around the desk to give me a hug, “You’re an awesome friend!”

“And boss,” I added, returning the hug. “Just keep doing your work…and as long as it doesn’t interfere with work, I’m good with it.”

“I love you Ali!” She squealed, “I’ve been feeling kinda bad for not telling you, but I wasn’t sure how you’d take it,”

“It’s all fine,” I broke the hug, “Now, you can go tell Micky…and then get back to work ASAP, okay?”

She nodded, “Of course,” and as she was about to leave, she turned back, “Thanks again, Ali.”


A/N: So long time no update, lol. But I plan on keeping this short...and hopefully that'll happen. ><

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Sorry for the delay of Chap 9. Too much life is happening lol


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Chapter 9: Please continue. I am really into this.
Chapter 9: I think Tess is really right that Jaejoong choose to be their client because the girl she likes is one from their company and I can feel it's Allison who is Juliet! Is it Jaejoong who sent those roses because I'm feeling it's him? Really curious on what will happen next so will wait for your next update! Update soon :)
darkangel024 #4
Chapter 9: Please update again!!!
inspirit-beauty #5
Chapter 9: Alison is definitely Juliet! Hahaha

Its been so long authornim! Adddfhjkyuuiobbnnghjjk thank you for the update! :))
Chapter 8: please update soon :)) new reader here :))
Chapter 8: Jaejoong is sweet & agree that he's the type of guy that can make anyone fall for him that it isn't needed for him to pay that much on the business of Allison! maybe Tess is right that maybe the girl whom Jaejoong like to pursue is one of them who's in the company ;) really curious on who's the girl Jaejoong like so will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)
Chapter 3: new reader & subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I really like it especially because of Allison's business :) really curious on who's the girl that Jaejoong wants to woo so will continue reading :)
Chapter 8: i think he's sweet.....update soon!
Fast update indeed and as always it gets even better than it already is :D