
My dream and love


“Lee Jonghyun? why always like this? When I’m in danger you always come to me...”
“Hey, calm Yoona please don’t hate me ! sorry for my mistake for you one year ago, i did’nt have purpose to kiss you.”
“I know, but i can’t forget that!!”
“Yoona, please explain to me, you replied my kiss when I kiss you but after that you pushed my body.”
“because .... “
“because what!!! Oh, Yoona please, you know that your action is make me crazy over a year, you must know something from me.”
“about what, Jonghyun? i have an important reason that you must know.”
“please yoona, I don’t need a reason to love You because i fall for you.”
“You love me Jonghyun?”
“Of course, I do love you, i just kiss a woman that i’m loved.”
“But, Jonghyun i ...”
“You don’t need to answer me now,, i will wait for you cause our situation is different now.”
Yoona just nod her head and Jonghyun kiss Yoona’s forehead, Yoona didn’t refuse it and she could feel that Jonghyun is really love her. Yoona just said in her heart :
“How do you dare to refuse him Yoona?”
At SNSD dorm
Yoona POV
“Hey, Yoona where did you go?”, Taeyon unni asked me.
“Unni, we worried about you”, Seohyun came and hugged me.
“Unnis, Hyun don’t worried me, I’m fine you can see, i’m still in good condition.”
“I know but why do you take along time just for dinner?”, Taeyoon unnie continued to ask me
“hmmmmmm, I just want to enjoy the scenary for that cafe Unni, i like it.”
“You don’t tell a lie, Yoon!”
“No, I dont Unni.”
sorry Unni i have to lied, I can’t tell about my secret now but letter for sure i will. ^^
i walk to my room and watching TV, CNBLUE appeared on my tv screen, my eyes just can see one man, he is Lee Jonghyun, i must honest to myself that i also love him but what can I do? Our situation is different now, I’m a member from the most popular group in korea and he is a member from the most popular band in Korea. 
Suddenly my phone is ringing ..
“Yoseob, this is Im yoona!”
“Yoona, i’m your neighbour in Busan.”
“ahh, nde mrs why do you call me?”
“Your father got traffic accident, and now he is in Hospital and his condition critis!!!”
“What!!! My father?”
“Yes, please come to Busan now!”
“Okey, I wll try my best, thanks for your explanation mrs.”
I began to cry a lot, i can’t take this anymore, i have to go now!!! 
Seohyun saw me when i wanted to open the door. 
“Unni, where wiil you go? This is 12PM..”
“i know Hyun, but i have to go home because my father got traffic accident.”
“Really? Unni please be patient until tomorrow, this is to dangerous for you to go home now.”
Suddenly Jonghyun’s face appeard in my mind
“Hyun, you got married with CNBLUE’S leader right?”
“Yes, Unni why?”
“Can i ask his phone number, i wanna ask the lead guitar help.”
“Jonghyun, do you introduce him Unni?”
“I can’t tell you now Hyun, please just borrowed me your phone.”
In phone line ... 
“Yoseob, Hyun why are you calling me now?”
“Sorry, Yonghwa I’m not your wife, I’m Yoona, can you give your phone to Jonghyun?”
“okey, wait a minnute.”
“Yoseob, Yoona is this really you?”
“yes, Jonghyun this is me, i wanna beg your help, please!!”
“i will help you Yoona, just tell me!”
“please acccompany me to Busan!!”
“Now, why?”
“My father got traffic accident Jonghyun.”, I began to cry in phone line.
“Okey, just wait in front of your dorm, i’m going to go there now!”
Jonghyun picked up Yoona at her dorm and they went to airpot together, they wore jacket and hat in order to people couldn’t recognize them. 
At Busan Hospital ...
Yoona and Jonghyun ran to Yoona’s father room when they came a doctor out from the room. Yoona was panic and ran to doctor.
“Doc, How is condition of my father?”
“I’m sorry your father is critis, we just can wait and pray, hopefully there will a mirracle to your father.”
Yoona cried a lot and she leaned her head to Jonghyun’s chest. Jonghyun could feel her t’shirt was wet because of Yoona’s tears.  He patted Yoona’s head and tried hard to comfor her. Yoona glad because there was Jonghyun beside her so she wasn’t alone to face this problem. 
Yoona saw her father closed his eyes tightly. Yoona scared if his father would leave her alone forever. 
Suddenly after 2 hours, Yoona’s father open his eyes and began to talk to Yoona and Jonghyun. 
“Yoon, please pardon me!”
“Why do you ask my pardon dad?”
“since i can’t beside you anymore, my body is really weak now.”
“Dad, don’t be like this i bealive you’ll recover again.”
“Yoon, dad will donor my heart for you so you can survive your life and reach your dream higher.”
Jonghyun shocked when he heard that so Yoona suffer because she has trouble with her heart. He knows now why Yoona leaved him. 
Yoona’s father called Jonghyun name.
“Are you Lee Jonghyun?”
“Yes, uncle I’m Lee Jonghyun.”
“My daugher really talk about you a lot, she loves you but she didn’t want to obstruct your dream so she leaved you.”
“Ah, i know that.”
“Can you take care of her for me?  she doesn’t have anyone in her life again.”
“Sure, I will take care of her, You can bealive me.”
“I want to see my daugher married, can you marry her?”
“Pardon me dad, do you ask me to marry her?”
“Yes, before i give my heart to her i wanna see her in wedding dress and i can leave her in your hand Jonghyun.”
Jonghyun looks confused, he really didn’t know what he must do. 
“Yoona, do you wanna be my wife?”
Yoona looked to her dad and saw Jonghyun’s eyes.
“Are you serious Jonghyun?”
“Of course I’m serious, i want to take care of you and life with you.”
“How about our groups?”
“We can keep our marriage as a secret.”
Yoona’s father smiled.
Yoona and Jonghyun married in a church, Yoona looks beautiful in her wedding dress. They are promised to become a couple forever and take care each other. Jonghyun kiss Yoona lips and smiled to her. he loves Yoona a lot and Yoona too. Even just their wedding ceremony attended by Yoona’s father and Jonghyun’s family, Yoona still happy because she married with a man she loved. 
After marriage Yoona and her father were ready to get operation. Yoona’s father was so weak, he tried to hold out just for her Yoona. The operation was success but Yoona loss her father forever. 
Yoona and Jonghyun still in Busan for one weak beacuse they have to attend Yoona’s father funeral and Yoona have to recover her body after got operation. Jonghyun said to CNBLUE that he has a business in Busan while Yoona said to her company that his father had passed way. 
sorry for my fail english T_T ... 
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Tyaswy #1
Need your jongyoon story again
Chapter 18: Thanks for this awesome sweet moment of jongyoon.
heyokitty #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for the beautiful and sweet story
tiarashinyoora #4
Chapter 18: so sweeeeeeeeeet...
Chapter 18: thank u ... it is very sweet ... Love Jonghyun & Yoona
smiledream #6
@susanisgorjess, just read my new story ^^
arghhhhhhhhhh.. so sweeet >< making jonghyun - yoona fics again pls
I just comment in final chap, sorry.. Love this story, thanks made this story Happy ending..
encourage you to write story abot them again....they are so sweet
smiledream #10
@all .. i like sweet and happy ending hehe, i don't really like sad ending hehe.. maybe later i'll try to write story about them again ,, thaks for reading my story anyway :)