I will forget You

My dream and love


Yoona touched her stomach with teary eyes. She didn’t know how to do, if she really pregnant, how about her, Jonghyun, SNSD and CNBLUE. She remember that she had a test pack in her bag. 
She enter the bathroom, then when saw the result, she couldn’t say any single word and began to cry, the result was positive. She cried a lot in the bathroom, very heartbreaking.
@CNBLUE’s dorm 
Jonghyun smiled every time, Jungshin who saw epic grin from his hyung tried to disturb him. 
“Ehemmmmm, Hyung are you sure that you’re not crazy?”
“hehe, you can feel what i feel if you have a wife shin.”
“Oh, no, your words make me want married sooner, Hyung .”
Then Yonghwa came for join his dongsaeng so did Minhyuk. 
Yonghwa :”Jonghyun, are you sure your relationship betweens You and Yoona really safe?”
Jonghyun:”yes, Hyung i’m sure, me and Yoona always take care ourself well if we hang out together.”
Yonghwa:”I’m glad if you say that, because Seohyun always ask about you to me in WGM filming.
Jonghyun:”ah, i know Hyung, Yoona ever told me about that.”
Yonghwa:”I hope you can be more aware about this.”
Minhyuk:”why do you never introduce her to us?”
Jonghyun:’’i wanna do it, but its difficult to bring her.”
Minhyuk:”Hyung, i’m amazed of you we’ll support you together.”
Jonghyun:”thanks brothers, cnblue is like family for me.”
Then Yonghwa gave pat  to Jonghyun’s shoulder. 
Yoona still cried in her bathroom. She was happy because now in her womb there was Jonghyun’s child but how about their carriers and dreams? She knew even Jonghyun was not in cnblue, they wouldn’t be poor because Jonghyun from rich family, but their dream would fly away. Then Yoona tried to call Jonghyun.
“Yoseob, Yoon?”
“yeah, Hyun can we meet in this afternoon?”
“ah, mian Yoona i have schedule untiil night, what do you need?”
“i really need to meet you, Hyun, i have to tell you about something important.”
“is this really important? Okey, i’ll try if i can.”
“Thanks Jonghyun, I’m happy.”
“hei, why are you like this? What’s wrong Yoona?”
“ani, ani you don’t need to worry me, anyong.”
In the night .....
Jonghyun and Yoona met at their secret place.
Yoona : Jonghyun, you likes child, right?”
Jonghyun : yes, and i hope i’ll get one from you.”
Yoona: are you serious?”
Jonghyun:”nde, i wanna have a child from you even for now, it seems impossible.”
Yoona:”because our carrier, right?”
Jonghyun:”yes, our marriage still a big secret until now, i don’t know how people reaction if you’re pregnant.”
Yoona really couldn’t talk about her pregnancy to Jonghyun, she just keep her secret in her heart. 
Jonghyun: Yoon, what is something important that you wanna tell me?”
Yoona: ani, ani i just wanna meet you, Hyun.”
Jonghyun smiled to hear that then kiss Yoona’s forhead and Yoona shed her tears on her face.
Jonghyun: why are you crying?”
Yoona:”i’m just too happy Hyun.”
They looked stars in the sky together in that night. 
@Yoona’s bad room (SNSD’s dorm)
Yoona rubbed her stomach and smile. She could feel that in her stomach there is someone special who grown up. After hearing Jonghyun’s words she knew now, how to face this problem.
SNSD become special guest in one of tv program. They could share their feeling in this program then Yoona’s got her chance. 
At the same time CNBLUE watched the program together at their dorm.
Jungshin : Hyung, come on now Yoona’s chance to talk.”
Jonghyun : “Okey, I’ll be there.”
Tv Program
MC : Yoona people say that you’re the most beautiful in SNSD, are you agree about this?
Yoona: i think, i’m not ... because each SNSD’s member has their own charm.”
MC: do you have something to tell to every one?”
Yoona: yes!
MC : Please ....
Yoona : i’ll out from SNSD from now on because my contract with SM entertaiment will end up this year, i’m sorry if my decision is too sudden but i have thought about this for a long time. To be a dancer is my dream but now i have another big dream in my head. I can’t tell the detail for you about this decision but i just wanna say I’m happy with my decision. Thank you to all people who support me as SNSD’s member for 5 years. 
Everyone in studio really sock about this news, even tough they could see the sadness in Yoona’s eyes. 
Yoona : “and once again, i’ll sing a song for someone, i hope he is watching this program now. Sorry i can’t be a good woman for you, i hope you can reach your dream even i’m not besides you again. Please reach your dream for my behalf. 
Yoona sang 
I will forget you by cnblue (liric by Jonghyun; english tranlation)
Don't cry. Don't sit down. It could be a little difficult.
Saying its nothing, you could forget about it for a while.
She said, I don't care for a weak guy. No matter how handsome he is.
I like a strong person who can protect his girl.
# baby it’s now or never this time is right oh oh
Everything begans from this moment, oh oh
So that I won't get tired no matter how far I have to walk around,
Dear you, give me strenght. Feel so right.
One more time (one more time) One more time (one more time) Even if I fall again, one more time
You can do what you do. Shout out whenever you are tired.
I don't care for a weak guy. No matter how handsome he is.
I like a strong person who can protect his girl.
baby it’s now or never this time is right oh oh
Nomatter how high of a place, I will climb up, oh oh
I might be late but I won't give up.
baby it’s now or never yeah~ feel so right (feel so right)
I will...forget you...
I will forget you. Starting today,
I don't know you. I have never seen you.
We never even walked pass eachother.
I'm okay. I forgot everything. I'm happy with my busy life.
I've met a great person too.
Love is always like this. It fades away after some time.
Can't even remember it, Oh.
# When love goes away, another love comes again. It definitely will.
Even if it hurts now, it will hear a little later.
It will forget. I will too.
It's not difficult. I will forget everything after today.
I'm just getting used to my changed life. Oh~ No.
Love is always like this. It fades away after some time.
Can't even remember it. Yes~
I will erase everything.
I definitely will.
When love goes away, another love comes again. It definitely will.
Even if tears fall now, I will smile a little later.
I will (now) forget you (now). Just like a wound heals...
I will. I will. I will forget you.
(link to see the song)
Yoona sang this song and cried. People in studio and all SNSD’s members shed tears when saw Yoona singing. 
@cnblue’s dorm
Jonghyun couldn’t take his eyes from tv’s screen, so did cnblue’s member. Jonghyun didn’t know why Yoona could do stupid thing like this. 
“What do you think, Yoona? How can you do stupid thinks like this?”
“Hyung, be patience, i’m sure Yoona has a reason for her action like this.”
“Jonghyun, cnblue will help you don’t be afraid!!”
“yes, Shin, Min, Hyung, thanks, i’ll meet Yoona as soon as possible.”
i very like Jonghyun's voice in this song, and the lyric is so toucing. Yohghwa husky voice blend well with Jonghyun's soft voice. once again i say sorry for my grammar, comment inspire me, and seems this strory will finish soon. thanks for reading. :)
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Tyaswy #1
Need your jongyoon story again
Chapter 18: Thanks for this awesome sweet moment of jongyoon.
heyokitty #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for the beautiful and sweet story
tiarashinyoora #4
Chapter 18: so sweeeeeeeeeet...
Chapter 18: thank u ... it is very sweet ... Love Jonghyun & Yoona
smiledream #6
@susanisgorjess, just read my new story ^^
arghhhhhhhhhh.. so sweeet >< making jonghyun - yoona fics again pls
I just comment in final chap, sorry.. Love this story, thanks made this story Happy ending..
encourage you to write story abot them again....they are so sweet
smiledream #10
@all .. i like sweet and happy ending hehe, i don't really like sad ending hehe.. maybe later i'll try to write story about them again ,, thaks for reading my story anyway :)