
My dream and love


Hyung, you’re so annoying?”, Jonghyun said to Yonghwa
“Hei, Jonghyun why are you saying to me like that?”
“Hyung, you didn’t look at me? I was talking with a beautiful girl.”
"I know, haha, I just want a little tease you."
"Hyung, you're ignorant you'd better quickly get a girlfriend!"
Jonghyun finally finish cleaning the instruments .
He invited CNBLUE’s members to meet with Yoona. 
"Yoona, you wait for me right?"
"Of course, you've told me to wait ^ ^."
"Thank you,  at the same time he  introduces CNBLUE’s members to Yoona.
"hello, I'm the drummer Kang Minhyuk."
"hello, I'm the bassis lee Jungshin ."
"hello, I'm a guitarist and vocalist in CNBLUE, Jung Yong Hwa."
"Nice to meet you!", They said at the same time.
"Hi, my name is Yoona , pleased to meet  you,your  perfomance  is good and beside me she's my friend , Tiffany."
Tiffany just nodded and her eyes met with Yonghwa.
Tiffany told if she should go home. Yonghwa who heard that suggested to take her home with CNBLUE.
"Better you go home with CNBLUE , we'll take you."
"Yeah right!", Minhyuk and Jungshin justify Yonghwa words.
“okey, Gamsahamnida, you guys so kind to me.”
Tiffany went home with other cnblue’s member while Jonghyun still with Yoona. 
“Do you want to go home too?”
“however, if you want to me to do so, i will!”
“No, no i wanna talk with you, if you don’t mind?”
Yoona just smiled and nodded her head without say any single word. 
Yoona and Jonghyun went to the beach and talked together. They played with small wave at side of the beach. 
Yoona ran and played in front of Jonghyun’s eyes, he felt that Yoona was beautiful and she had nice body because Yoona was great in dance.
Jonghyun was playing the guitar and singing random song like “Love girl”. Hearing that song Yoona wanna dance and her body moved to followed the rhythm.  Jonghyun amazed with Yoona, he couldn’t close his eyes though just one second. He already in loved with Yoona and couldn’t manage to continuous his singing. 
“Hei, Jonghyun why do you stop your singing?”
Jonghyun didn’t answer Yoona’s question, so Yoona shaked his body.
“Hei, Jonghyun wake up, you like statue!”
Suddenly Jonghyun pulled Yoona’s hand and made Yoona’s body falling to his arms. 
“Hei, Jonghyun what are you doing?”
“I don’t know Yoona but .....”
Jonghyun made his eyes met Yoona’s eyes. Jonghyun touch his lips to Yoona’s lips then their kiss is deeper than before. Yoona and Jonghyun falled into each other lips. 
Suddenly, Yoona pushed Jonghyun’s body from her. Jonghyun confused and Yoona began to cry.
“Yoona, why are you like this?”
“i don’t know Jonghyun, but please leave me alone.”
“why are you saying like that? I can’t leave you alone!”
“Please, Jonghyun i can’t tell you now, so please leave me alone.”
“Yoona, i’m sorry if i hurt you, i don’t plan it!”
“Jonghyun, i shouldn’t be like this, but ... i’m not suitable for you.”
“Why? you’re so kind ....”
“Jonghyun, please leave me alone.”
“Okey, i can leave you, but promise you will go home safely.”
Then Jonghyun  kissed Yoona’s forehead, but Yoona didn’t do anything to Jonghyun. 
Jonghyun went away from Yoona, and Yoona just stared Jonghyun’s back with teary eyes.
“Jonghyun, i love you too, but i will not let you to love me!”
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Tyaswy #1
Need your jongyoon story again
Chapter 18: Thanks for this awesome sweet moment of jongyoon.
heyokitty #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for the beautiful and sweet story
tiarashinyoora #4
Chapter 18: so sweeeeeeeeeet...
Chapter 18: thank u ... it is very sweet ... Love Jonghyun & Yoona
smiledream #6
@susanisgorjess, just read my new story ^^
arghhhhhhhhhh.. so sweeet >< making jonghyun - yoona fics again pls
I just comment in final chap, sorry.. Love this story, thanks made this story Happy ending..
encourage you to write story abot them again....they are so sweet
smiledream #10
@all .. i like sweet and happy ending hehe, i don't really like sad ending hehe.. maybe later i'll try to write story about them again ,, thaks for reading my story anyway :)