
My dream and love


At hospital 
Yoona just woke up from her slept and her body was so weak. She tried to open her eyes, and she could see her father just sat next to her. Her eyes shed a lot of tears, she pitied her self. 
At dorm
“Hyung when will we go to japan?”
“I think our company will send us in next week.”
“How long we stay in japan?”
“maybe around 1 year, hey Jonghyun, why do you ask about that?”
“I don’t know Hyung, hmm, i just feel worried about something.”
“Hmm, i know it i is about Yoona, right?”
“Yes, Hyung, I think i fall in love with her, she is so special for me.”
“that’s easy just be honest to her and express your love.”
“Hyung, you say that just like easy for me, but actually she was angry to me when i met her.”
“because i had kiss her!”
“What! you kiss her? Wow, JH you’re so brave! You just met het twice right?”
“I don’t know, i immediately just want to kiss her, i couldn’t control my self at that time. -____-“
“Hahahahaha, you’re so funny Jonghyun, i couldn’t imagine your expression when yoona refused your kiss.”
“No, Yoona didn’t refuse when i kiss her, she respond my kiss but after that she pushed my body.”
“Wow, seems Yoona loves you too but ...!”
“Yes, Hyung i worried about her.”
“Calm down, You just have to meet her!”
Jonghyun tried to search Yoona’s address, but he still couldn’t get it until the day he went to Japan. Jonghyun leaved korea with anxious feeling. 
1 year letter
Busan Dance Festival
Yoona followed the competition once again and wanted to win now. She was very hard working, and didn’t want to dissapointed her father. 
Someone called her name, this time is Yoona turn to appear. Everyone who watched the feztival surprise with Yoona appearance because she is so pretty. 
Yoona moved her body while music was playing, her movement could amaze the spectator. 
After she finish her dance, the spectator claped and scream her name.
“Yoona, Yoona ..........!!!”
She couldn’t imagine people like her dance. 
The MC announce the big three winners among 100 participant dancers in this festival. The atmosphere bacame more tight when came to 1st winner announcement. Yoona just could pray because she was not in big two. Suddenly ...
“And our champion for this festival is ..... Im Yoona!”
Everyone happy with this announcement especially Yoona. Yoona came to the stage and take her award. She smiled to the spectators and didn’t forget to say “thank you.”
Yoona said in her heart
“If only Jonghyun is beside me, i will be more happy.” ^^
Yoona ran to her father and hug him. 
“Dad, finally i can win today is so special for me.”
“Yoona, i proud of you.”, Yoona’s father kiss her head.
“Thanks, dad for everything you had done for me! You’re really the best father in the world.”
“and Yoona is the best daughter in my life, the best treasure from your mom.”
“I love you dad!”
Because Yoona won in this competion, she went to Seoul to debut as girlband. She became one of the member from SNSD. Actually her father didn’t agree to allow his daughter to Seoul alone but he knew Yoona’s dream is become professional dancer. 
CNBLUE comeback to Korea, they were ready to make debut as official band in their home country tought they already debut as indie band in Japan. 
Cnblue become hits in their country with their first single I’m Loner and got well acceptance. 
Jonghyun surprised when he knew Yoona was one of SNSD members, he didn’t know that he should be happy or not. He couldn’t forget when Yoona cried because he kiss her. 
Yoona watched TV at her dorm and she couldn’t believe her eyes. She was watching Jonghyun in TV. 
“Are you really Jonghyun?”, she began to cry and touch her TV screen.
“Jonghyun, do you know that i really miss you? I have been looking for you for 1 year and now i’m watching you in my TV.” 
Yoona went to the cafe at night, she used  hat and walk comfortably because no one introduce her. 
After finish her diner she went again to her dorm but she followed by a man from her back. She wasn’t brave to turn back her body but the man took her hand and tried to pull her to his car. 
Suddenly ....
A man came to save Yoona and began to defeat the other man. He was so strong and manage to win the fight. 
And he brought Yoona ran with him.
“Are you okey lady?”
“yes, I’m okey thank you for saving me!”
“that’s okey, I’m glad i can save you, it’s very danger for lady like you to go out at night alone.”
“Yes, i know once again thanks for your kindness.”
When Yoona’s eyes met with the man’s eyes ... 
“I know you!”, Yoona said something to the man with ambigous feeling
“Of course you know me lady.”
“You ,,, lee ...”
“Yes, I’m Lee Jonghyun once again i come to save you, Yoona.
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Tyaswy #1
Need your jongyoon story again
Chapter 18: Thanks for this awesome sweet moment of jongyoon.
heyokitty #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for the beautiful and sweet story
tiarashinyoora #4
Chapter 18: so sweeeeeeeeeet...
Chapter 18: thank u ... it is very sweet ... Love Jonghyun & Yoona
smiledream #6
@susanisgorjess, just read my new story ^^
arghhhhhhhhhh.. so sweeet >< making jonghyun - yoona fics again pls
I just comment in final chap, sorry.. Love this story, thanks made this story Happy ending..
encourage you to write story abot them again....they are so sweet
smiledream #10
@all .. i like sweet and happy ending hehe, i don't really like sad ending hehe.. maybe later i'll try to write story about them again ,, thaks for reading my story anyway :)