Foods for My JH

My dream and love

Yoona's POV

today, SNSD don't have any schedule so I'm free... I'm happy to know that today i'll spend my time at home after many busy schedules. suddenly i remember my husband, and look at my phone to see his schedule today. 

hhhhmmmm, seems my husband has only one schedule for today, can i meet him today? i miss him so badly,, 

Aha, I know ..!!!! 

i'll cook pork soup for my husband, i think he'll be happy to eat my cooking. 

my kitchen suddenly become echo since i make some noisy voice from the kitchen, but i relief that today noone of SNSD's member stays at dorm. 


after 30 minutes ..

Tada ... this is my first time to cook pork soup, i hope he'll like it since it his favorites food.


hmm, the smells is good, i can't be patient to give it to Jonghyun

2 hours later ..

i hope my JH is at his dorm, but ... 

pabo you, Yoona, do you forget about other cnblue members? okey, seems i have to call Jonghyun if i'll go to his dorm.

"Yoseob, Yoona why do you call me?"

"Jh I wanna meet you today, i , i wanna give you a special present. :)"

"really, okey you can meet me at my dorm Yoona because other boys have their own schedule but we can just meet for 1 hour."

"Why? i miss you badly."

"I know, Yoona, but i have another schedule in my office FNC."

"Okey, I'll go to your dorm, just wait me, okey?"


None POV

At Cnblue's dorm 

Jonghyun played his guitar at his room and suddenly he heard bell rang. 

"haha, is that Yoona?"


Jonghyun open the door and 


yoona hugged Jonghyun and kiss his check 

"Omo, my wife .. you always can make me surprise."

"hehe, ofcourse but my surprise just for you!"

Jonghyun kiss Yoona's check too.

Yoona gave Jonghyun a box lunch.

"is this for me?"

Yoona just nod hed head

Jonghyun open the box and looked happy

"Yoona, this is my fovorite food , thanks i'm hungry too..."


then Yoona and Jonghyun ate together ,, 

"and how?", Yoona asked Jonghyun anxiously

"About what?"

"about my food, how much the score? i'm doing good right for my first try."

"if i wanna be honest, i give you 8."

"what? just 8?"

Yoona felth dissapointed

"calm, Yoon .. I give 8 for the taste but i give 10 for the warm in this soup, i never taste this warm pork soup."

"Thank you Jonghyun, i like your comment :), hmm, you can wait and i'll make a glass of juice because i bring apple too."


Yoona made juice seriously, she wanted Jonghyun wouldn't forget this moment and Suddenly ...


Jonghyun hug her back and kiss her check.

"I miss your fragrance Yoon."

"Jonghyun, please today i just wanna talk with you, no more okey?"

"Okey, but please allow me to hug you?"

"ofcourse, i'm yours my husband."

1 hours they spend their time together, and Jonghyun must go to FNC.

"Yoona, i must go now."

"ahhh, i forget okey come on let's go out together."

Yoona and Jonghyun walked together hand by hand until Yoona reach taxi , she wore Hoody to closed her face and so did Jonghyun who wore hat and glasses.

"Yoon, be carefull."

"thanks, JH."

then Yoona kiss Jonghyun's lips slightly ...

"Bye, bye my Husband."


thanks for comment my story, i'll try to make an update per two or three days ,, sorry for this chapter i just wanna make sweet chapter and for next chapter will be there some conflicts. sorry for bad grammer .. arigatou



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Tyaswy #1
Need your jongyoon story again
Chapter 18: Thanks for this awesome sweet moment of jongyoon.
heyokitty #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for the beautiful and sweet story
tiarashinyoora #4
Chapter 18: so sweeeeeeeeeet...
Chapter 18: thank u ... it is very sweet ... Love Jonghyun & Yoona
smiledream #6
@susanisgorjess, just read my new story ^^
arghhhhhhhhhh.. so sweeet >< making jonghyun - yoona fics again pls
I just comment in final chap, sorry.. Love this story, thanks made this story Happy ending..
encourage you to write story abot them again....they are so sweet
smiledream #10
@all .. i like sweet and happy ending hehe, i don't really like sad ending hehe.. maybe later i'll try to write story about them again ,, thaks for reading my story anyway :)