
My dream and love


in Busan
Yoona came with a feeling of disappointment because she did not manage to win a dance competition in Seoul.
She cried so much until her eyes became swollen. She was confused and desperate, her last chance to become a professional dancer in Seoul vanished.
"What should I do?"
"I returned to this city with  bare hands, my father would have been disappointed.", Yoona wept and shed many tears. She covered her face with her hands.
Her view is empty, she's like losing half of her soul.
Yoona ran without direction. then she crashed into the back of a man. Unfortunately, the man was carrying a guitar on his back making a pretty painful collision at Yoona's head.
BRAGGGG! , Lacing loud voice heard. Yoona fall to the ground.
he was shocked by a voice from behind his back, and quickly turned around.
"you're good right?", the man held out his hand to help YoonaYoona to stand.
but she did not answer anything, she's just quiet.
"Hey, lady are you really okay? Please answer me and hold my hand i will help you to stand!"
Yoona finally tried to grab the man's hand, but she could not stand. Her legs were injured.
"Hey, girl seems you can not stand?"
he was bent so Yoona could see his face. Yoona surprised because he is very handsome.
Yoona POV
"Is this my fate? Why is he so handsome?", Calm Yoona. ^^
Back to Author POV,
Aww, Yoona screaming in pain,
"my feet hurt like hell, I can not stand.", Yoona started to cry.
"Relax, I'll help you, do not cry!"
Suddenly, Jonghyun lifts Yoona's body.
Yoona was screaming loudly,
"Hey, What are you doing? Get off me!"
Yoona yelled while hitting his chest.
"Do not scream, people would think I'd kidnap you."
"Really so is not it? Let me go fast."
"I'll let you go, but you will not be able to walk, I pity you."
Yoona think the man said was true.
"Okay, I trust you, you want to take me where?"
"I will bring you to my work place."
"hey, your body is so light , do you never eat well?"
Yoona disgust hear the speech of the man,
"Hey, I like to eat."
finally, Yoona answered with a slight smile.
"Good, you finally smile too, I'll treat you in my work place, don't worry."
"not only your foot is sick but also your  head  hits my guitar."
Yoona nodded her head, and smiled back.
"You are more beautiful if you're smiling.", He again praised Yoona.
"introduce me, my name is Lee Jonghyun!"
"I am, Im Yoona."
Jonghyun smiled  with his dimple smile toward Yoona .Jonghyun was cute  when he was smiling.
To be continued ..
i come back again with other ff, do you like this first chap!! 
thanks for comment and subsribe, , it can help me to update soon
actually, i have time until this week end, 
next chapter : His voice make my heart beat faster, but how about my dream?
i lose my final chance what can i do?
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Tyaswy #1
Need your jongyoon story again
Chapter 18: Thanks for this awesome sweet moment of jongyoon.
heyokitty #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for the beautiful and sweet story
tiarashinyoora #4
Chapter 18: so sweeeeeeeeeet...
Chapter 18: thank u ... it is very sweet ... Love Jonghyun & Yoona
smiledream #6
@susanisgorjess, just read my new story ^^
arghhhhhhhhhh.. so sweeet >< making jonghyun - yoona fics again pls
I just comment in final chap, sorry.. Love this story, thanks made this story Happy ending..
encourage you to write story abot them again....they are so sweet
smiledream #10
@all .. i like sweet and happy ending hehe, i don't really like sad ending hehe.. maybe later i'll try to write story about them again ,, thaks for reading my story anyway :)