Chapter 11: Introducing the Kwon's

Memory Lane [hiatus]


I was no longer the same pretty 18 year old. I had been transformed into my 12 year old self….

“Why am I here?!!! Why am I here?! How did I get here? No this must be a nightmare!”

“GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Everything was just too much to handle, my head was aching, my heart pounding, vision beginning to blur from the tears threatening to fall. No matter how much I wanted to believe that this really was just a dream I knew I had to face the reality of this situation. I had gone crazy.

“Wake up, wake up, wake up” I began to punch the wall next to the mirror as I glared at my reflection. I no longer believed this was Earth; this must be my living in hell but what had I done to deserve this?

“WAKE. UP. WAKE. UP. WAKE UP!!!!” With one last punch a loud crack was heard as the bathroom tile I had been hitting cracked into a million pieces and my hand went straight through the plastered wall.

I pulled my arm out of the hole in the wall and looked blankly at a large cut on my arm as blood gushed out of the wound. “How and why am I here?” I mumbled to myself as I winced in pain as the cold air hit my open wound.

“As you wish”
“Your wish will be granted”

My mum’s gentle smile appeared in my mind as I was deep in thought. “I want to go home….”
My wish rung in my mind as I began putting the puzzle pieces together about what had happened.

“This isn’t what I meant by going home” I mumbled to myself as blood began dripping from my wound onto my shirt.

“I have no idea why there would be someone’s luggage on our lawn” A muffled female voice was suddenly heard from outside.
I spun around and looked down the hallway cautiously to see who was going to enter.

“Honey the front door has been broken open!” The female voice squeaked, this time her voice became more clear.
“Quick, stand back…. Someone is inside” A husky male voice whispered.

A sudden tall shadow was casted down onto the floorboards at the end of the hallway. The shadow showed a large and buff figure that slowly crept into the house. The tall figure tip-toed into the living room trying to make the least amount of sound as they possibly could.

I gulped and hide behind the bathroom door as the shadow became closer to the end of the hallway.

“Wait what am I scared of? They can’t even see me” I snorted at my own thought as I went to grab a towel on a rack nearby and clean my wound. I picked up the towel and held it firmly as I stared at my wound.

“This shouldn’t hurt at all since none of this is ‘real’” I murmured to myself and harshly wiped the surface of my cut.

“URGH~~~~~!” I shrieked and swiftly threw the blooded covered towel away.
I gripped my wrist and blew cold air onto my wound “Aish, so much for not hurting”

“Who’s there?!” A sudden loud manly yell was heard from the hallway.

“What the h-“ I began to turn around but immediately came to a standstill.
“Yah! Stop right there, I can see you so you better not try to do anything funny. Now raise your hands and turn around slowly”

I raised an eyebrow and looked around the bathroom, no one else was in there. I spun around to be faced with a man holding a gun at my head. The man looked to be in his early 40s and was wearing a stone hard expression as he glared ain my direction. His hair had small grey patches through it and just like his shadow showed he was tall and well built.

“Y-Y-You can see me??” I stuttered, my voice coming out as a high pitched squeak.

What happened to my invisibility? I concluded that I must have lost that power since I’ve been transformed back into my 12 year old self.

“Of course I can see you!  Now tell me why you are in my house right now kid and how you got in?!” The man sternly said as he still held his gun up at my head.
I used my pointer finger and pushed the front of the gun to face away from me since I didn’t like to have a threatening weapon that could easily kill me being pointing directly at me.

“Well I obviously came in through the front door and shouldn’t I be the one asking all the questions since you’re the crazy man pointing a gun at my head right now” I scoffed and raised an eyebrow at the man.

“Since this is all in my head I may as well have some fun while I’m here” I thought as the man let out a loud huff as his glare intensified. The man looked familiar but I couldn’t remember where I had seen him before in the past, or more like in the present.

“Where you just born today kid? I’m Kwon Dae-Jung senior police officer of the southern Seoul police force. Now tell me what you are doing here smart ” Officer Kwon spoke with authority.

“Honey is everything thing alright” Suddenly a women walked into the house and immediately spotted what was happening from the end of the hallway. The women’s eyes widened and she came sprinting down the hall way as soon as she saw what her husband was doing.

“Yah! What the hell are you doing, pointing a gun at an innocent child” The women yelled at officer Kwon and snatched the gun out of his gasp. Officer Kwon could only gape at his wife as he rubbed his sore arm that had been hit.

“Well I see who wears the pants in this family” I snickered to myself, enjoying the show in front of me.

This moment had never happened before so I had no idea what was going to happen but I was currently enjoying the turn of events. For the first time in weeks I didn’t know what was going to happen next.

“But sweetheart this girl broke into our house, she’s could have been a robber or dangerous” Officer Kwon tried to defend himself but to his dismay his wife didn’t listen to what he had to say.

“But you saw that she’s just an innocent child and you point a GUN at her?! What type of police officer are you? You’re supposed to help people not scare them!” Officer Kwon’s wife scolded him.
“She is perfectly fine though” Officer Kwon pointed at me with an accusing look.

As soon as his wife glanced at me her eyes immediately travelled to my arm that was still bleeding.
“OMO, What happened to your arm?! Sweetheart quick go get the first aid-kit” Mrs Kwon ordered her husband.

“But she’s a criminal-“
“QUICKLY!!!” Mrs Kwon yelled and Officer Kwon quickly scrambled away, running down the hallway to get the first aid-kit. It was funny to see a big strong man like that be so easily scared by his wife.

“Come here darling” Mrs Kwon ushered me towards the bathroom sink and the water. She gently grabbed my arm and slowly pulled it into the water. As soon as the cold liquid entered my body I flinched back as the pain stung like hell.

“Shhhh… it’s okay. This will make you feel better” Mrs Kwon comforted me as she pulled my arm back into the water, washing away all the blood and cleaning the cut. “Can you tell me what your name is, Darling?”

“Park _________” I hissed as my arm continued to sting in pain.

“__________ that’s a nice name” Mrs Kwon smiled gently as she removed my arm out of the cold water and turned off the tap. Just on the right timing Officer Kwon came back holding a big first-aid kit and handed it to his wife.

“Thank you sweetheart” Mrs Kwon said as she took the first aid kit and pulled out a few cotton balls, disinfectant and a bandage. “Now this is going to sting a bit __________ but it won’t hurt for long”

I nodded timidly as I watched Mrs Kwon grab the bottle of disinfectant and covered a cotton ball with it. I shut my eyes as I saw the cotton ball nearing my cut.

“It’s okay __________, you’re a tough you can deal with this. It’s only going to sting a little” I encouraged myself as I shut my eyes tightly.


It didn’t only sting a bit, it stung a HELL LOT. My arm burned as the liquid ran into the open wound. I bit my lower lip trying my best to hold back my tears that were threatening to fall.

Mrs Kwon removed the cotton ball and delicately wrapped my arm in a bandage. She wrapped it up nice and firm but not too tight. Mrs Kwon was very good at attending to first aid.

“There we go ____________. Not to tight is it?” Mrs Kwon asked.
I shook my head and mumbled a small thanks in return.

“Now would you care explain why you’re here?”

I turned around to see Officer Kwon standing in the door way glaring down at me with him arms crossed against his chest. He suddenly looked up and Officer Kwon’s eyes widened upon looking behind me.
“OMG WHAT HAPPENED TO MY WALL????!!!” He frantically ran into the bathroom past me and towards the wall where I had made a huge hole.

He quickly shot around and glared at me, I swear I could see fire burning in his eyes as his face turned red. “YOU!!” He pointed at me “WHAT DID YOU DO?!”


I was speechless, I couldn’t possibly tell him that I was actually 18 and had been transformed into a little girl again. How the hell do I explain why I’m here?

“Do you know that it’s a criminal offence to break into someone’s house and damaging property is even worse?! By the time I’m done with you kid you’re going to be locked up behind bars!!” Officer Kwon yelled, a vein in his neck was popping out.

“Honey, I’m sure she has an explanation for this. Don’t you sweet heart?” Mrs Kwon calmly ask with a encouraging smile.

“Urgh, I-I-“

“Mum~~~, I brought those bags in from the front lawn”

I turned around and my eyes widened in surprise as I looked at the person that had interrupted and possibly save me from this interrogation. My eyes were as wide as saucepans as I looked at the guy standing in front of me.

He was around my age and had long black hair that draped down his face. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets as he emotionlessly looked at me, his eyes scanning over me for a second before looking at Mrs Kwon.

“Mum, what you want me to do now?” He asked with his monotone voice ringing in my ears.

I stood there with my mouth hung open probably looking like an idiot as I stared at him. I know knew exactly where I was and who these people where. How could I forget? This guy was only my best guy friend and the closest thing I had to a brother now.

Kwon Jiyong.

Did you guys all forget about this fanfic?? :(
No one seems to be reading this story anymore,
since I've stopped getting any comments
I have no idea if you guys are even reading this anymore.

But that's okay, I'm still updated (just way less motivated to)

FINALLY GD has been introduced into the story~~~~~
I know it has been too long of  a wait but here he is :)
More of him next chapter and from now on.

Till my next update,
- jigglypuffs_124

P.S I really hope at least someone is still reading this


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I threw in a Jiyong P.O.V for you guys seeing how I haven't introduced him into your past yet so I hope you guys enjoyed it!


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nalgaewings #1
Chapter 11: I'm reading! Don't worry! I got chu author-nim xD I love your story and will follow you til the end! xD Was that too weird? Haha
Chapter 11: IM STILL HERE!! muahhaha jiyong
Awwwwww. T>T
Ehh GD not showering for days loool. Smelly Ji?
I was just re-reading the first few chapters and realized... MYUNGSOO IS GOING TO APPEAR?! YAYY! >=D
Hmm I wonder of she will meet Woohyun again.
=___= turns out I accidentally unsubbed this ff..
Hmmm... Is GD going to be a neighbor? >=D
@ G-dino: GDragon will be introduced into the story
in a few chapters.
GD x)
nalgaewings #9
Agh so sad DDDDX Update soon please ^^
nalgaewings #10
I still can't get over this idea. It's a really good idea ^^ Update soon! I'm excited to continue reading! :D