how nice :)

I miss you.. i miss us..

9.52 am

Jess, I already on my way to your place :)


Woow.. haha okok i'm still preparing my self.. see ya!


OH MY GOD!! She already on her way here.. GAH!! I mean hmm yeah, I thought she'll be a lil late like everybody used too.. but GAHHHHH!!! I'm still doing nothing here!! My hair!!?? My make-up???!! What should i wear??!! ARGHHHH!! Why she soooo on time??!! Emm JESS!! Wake up!! She's just one of your friends.. It's okay.. She's said that she already on her way, you still have a looooonggggg time to get ready.. hahhaa.. so yeah.. syalalalalaaa...

So yeah like usually i took my times (the long one :D) to get ready of my self.. Cause yeah you know right? Nobody ever be on-time or in-time in this era so i took my times getting what i should wear today, what make-up I wanna put at my face and so on and so on.. I even turn on some music and sing a long with it..


Now as the summer fades, I let you slip away

You say I'm not your type but I can make you sway

It makes you burn to learn you're not the only one

I'd let you be if you put down your blazing gun


Now you've gone somewhere else far away

I don't know if I will find you

But you feel my breath on your neck

Can't believe I'm right behind you


'Cause you keep me coming back for more

And I feel a little better than I did before

If I never see your face again, I don't mind

'Cause we've gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight


Sometimes you move so well, it's hard not to give in

I'm lost, I can't tell where you end and I begin

It makes me burn to learn you're with another man

I wonder if he's half the lover that I am


Now you've gone somewhere else far away

I don't know if I will find you

But you feel my breath on your neck

Can't believe I'm right behind you


'Cause you keep me coming back for more

And I feel a little better than I did before

If I never see your face again, I don't mind

'Cause we've gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight


Baby, baby, please believe me

Find it in your heart to reach me

Promise not to leave me behind


Take me down but take it easy

Make me think but don't deceive me

Torture me by taking your time


'Cause you keep me coming back for more

And I feel a little better than I did before

If I never see your face again, I don't mind

'Cause we've gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight


You keep me coming back for more

And I feel a little better than I did before

If I never see your face again, I don't mind

'Cause we've gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight


10.17 am


Jess, I already in front of ur house.



OMG OMG OMG!! I run my self to my gigantic window which directly facing the front side of my house. I looking down and that's Sooyoung's car already park nicely in front of my house. What should I do? Why I toooo much taking my times? Good Jess, this is the first time she's pick you up and you're making her waiting..


OMG Soo, hehe, I'm not ready yet.. Mind to wait a lil more?

Pleasseeeeee? Sorry :(



It's OK Jess, Take your time :)




10.37 am


So yeah guys, I rushing my self and (a lil bit) running. I say goodbye to my mom and dad, kissing their cheeks and rushing my self again to her car. Phew~


"Sorry Soo." I pouting my lips, i felt really really guilty to make her waiting for me. " I though you'll pick me up aroud 11."


"Then I'm the one who supposed to say sorry to you.. hehe.. I'm just already wake up too early and don't know what to do so yeah i decided to pick you up earlier. Do you mind? Sorry."  She smile at me. And I don't know why but i really like her smile, and who can mad if you smile like that to me Soo. "Jess?"


"Hah? Umm yeah, it's ok.. Don't mind it.. Hmm.. Let's go hehe." Yeahh right you day dreaming because of her smile, what a perfect time do you have. Pabo.


"Haha.. Ok if you ready."


"Of course I am."




"One Ice Grande Misto please, and wait a minute... what do you want Jess?"


"One Ice vanilla latte please. Hmm make it grande too"


"Ok, One Ice Grande Misto and One Ice Grande Vanilla Latte. It's all costs 59.000 won." one of the barista rephrasing our order and tell us how much we should pay.


"Ok here they are." Sooyoung took her money and pay it all. Wait wait.. Why she pay for my drink too?


"Hmm.. Soo.. How much I should pay you for my vanilla latte?"We grab our drinks and sat at bench outside the coffee shop.


"That's OK Jess, it's on me." she smile again, oh god kill me now.


"Hmm.. No no, hmm.. I don't used to it, and I want to pay it, please, hmm." I really love when someone give me some treat but she's just one of my new friends and I don't want her think that I'll take advantage from her.. No.. No.. I don't like it, beside I have money to pay it and it's not fair for her.


"It's okay Jess, hmm first meet treat?."


"Nah.... but I didn't buy and treat you anything. That's not fair."


"Hmm.. How about you pay the parking bills? How?"




"No but.. Please......?"


"Okay. Hmm Soo.."






"For company me, for treat me this drink, for being my friends." I give her a smile. She smile back to me. I don't know why, I'm not an easy-to-be-friends person but she can make me comfortable at her.


"You're very welcome Jessica."



: )
you know the song above right?
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ChocoKumaJenny #1
Update again soon ^-^
SooSica <333333333
ChocoKumaJenny #3
Soosica love it
SooSica <3
deeclaire #5
It's already 14th february here soooo i wanna say..
HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY for you all guys..
thanks for all ur surcribe and comments..
*kiss and hugs*
deeclaire #6

@elaine242 haha you don't know it :( that's if I ever see your face again from Maroon 5..
hehe.. i love maroon 5 so i make Jessica loves it too.. hehe
here i give you the link, watch it please hhehehe;ob=av3e
no... sorry author i dont know the song
deeclaire #8
that's a flashback guys.. haha.. that's just "going out for a drink" things. But it's ok if u guys love to say it's a date :D
Sootuff #9
Is that a flashback or real time?!!!
SooSica looks like going for a date!!!