
I miss you.. i miss us..

GAH! Assignment assignment.. Why you always ruin my life..!!! Jessica close her assignment paper and open her Facebook account and Twitter account.. She searching of her timeline for little refreshment. 

 @jessicajung : Need some vacation :(


 @jessicajung : Need some coffee, need some sushi, need some mountain view, need to feel something called beach, need some cheesecake, need this, need that...


BORING!! Yah back to this Psychology paper, lookin' this lookin' that.. :( Jessica you really need some vacation..


Hmm.. New mention? Let's check it out who's that.. Hmm.. Sooyoung?

 @choisooyoung : Haha let's go then.. You want a lot RT @jessicajung : Need some coffee, need some sushi, need some mountain view, need to feel something called beach, need some cheesecake, need this, need that...


 @jessicajung : hayhay you there @choisooyoung .. LET'S GO!!! Yah I need those silly things so much.


@choisooyoung :  @jessicajung Ok then, when do you have time then?


 @jessicajung : @choisooyoung You kidding me right? You wanna buy all of these things for me.. YAY!


@choisooyoung : You wish  @jessicajung hahhaa.. I wanna have all of that too hahaha..


 @jessicajung : Hooooooo.. I thought... hahaha.. but I really need that things basicly.. I'm craving about it @choisooyoung.. wanna join?


@choisooyoung : love too.. hmm do you have msn/ym then? Let's chat there, I'm concern about our follower timeline.. haha @jessicajung


 @jessicajung : @choisooyoung i have it.. ym : jessica_jung , msn : jessicasica. ADD ME!! :D


Let's check it my yahoo messanger and msn then..


[email protected] would like to add you to his or her Messenger List as Sooyoung


[email protected] wants to add you to his or her contacts as -sooyoung-

Wow she add all of my accounts.. haha..



Sooyoung : hay

jessica_jung : hay.. wow u add all of my accounts.. hahaha


Sooyoung : yeps..

jessica_jung : soooooo.. hmm.. let's chat.. hehe.. so when u will buy me all of things that i want.. keke~


Sooyoung : yeah right.. you wish jess..

jessica_jung : haha.. kidding soo.. emm but do u free tomorrow?


Sooyoung : hmm.. let see.. i've class at 1.20 pm until 3, why?

jessica_jung : hmm.. do u mind to company me?


Sooyoung : hmm..

jessica_jung : i've appointment with my friends to have lunch with them and after that have a movie dates with them.. hehehe.. but before and after that i don't have anything to do.. hmm.. do u mind to company me?


Sooyoung : haha.. why don't you go home instead of having nothing to do then ?

jessica_jung : hmm.. :") ehee.. honestly i don't like at home.. i prefer go out and doing nothing than at home.


Sooyoung : okok.. i get it..

jessica_jung : soo?


Sooyoung : what?

jessica_jung : emm.. do u mind to company me?


Sooyoung : okay.. hahaha

jessica_jung : hmm? is it yes or no?


Sooyoung : yes

jessica_jung : YAYYYYYYY!!! 


Sooyoung : hahhaaaa... happy yeah?

jessica_jung : haha.. yaps.. of course i'm happy..


Sooyoung : why?

jessica_jung : cause i've someone to company me through my day tomorrow.. hehehe


Sooyoung : haha..

jessica_jung : hmm.. soo where we gonna go then?


Sooyoung : up to you

jessica_jung : nahh... up to you.. cause i'm the one who asked u first now u must make decide where we gonna kill our free times..


Sooyoung : yeah right -_-

jessica_jung : what? what? eheeee


Sooyoung : hahha.. ok.. starbucks near my campus? how? So i can easily go to my class. How how?

jessica_jung : deal !! So we gonna meet at?


Sooyoung : I'll pick u up at 11? how? is it to early?

jessica_jung : nah.. that's good.. emm.. u pick me up? u don't need to do that, i can go there by my self *grin*


Sooyoung : haha.. it's okey Jess.

jessica_jung : really?


Sooyoung : yap.. if u don't mind..

jessica_jung : okey :D 11 right?


Sooyoung : yaps

jessica_jung : okok.. let's talk about another things..


Sooyoung : okey :D



Hellll----ooooowwww :D

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ChocoKumaJenny #1
Update again soon ^-^
SooSica <333333333
ChocoKumaJenny #3
Soosica love it
SooSica <3
deeclaire #5
It's already 14th february here soooo i wanna say..
HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY for you all guys..
thanks for all ur surcribe and comments..
*kiss and hugs*
deeclaire #6

@elaine242 haha you don't know it :( that's if I ever see your face again from Maroon 5..
hehe.. i love maroon 5 so i make Jessica loves it too.. hehe
here i give you the link, watch it please hhehehe;ob=av3e
no... sorry author i dont know the song
deeclaire #8
that's a flashback guys.. haha.. that's just "going out for a drink" things. But it's ok if u guys love to say it's a date :D
Sootuff #9
Is that a flashback or real time?!!!
SooSica looks like going for a date!!!