Dream on you

I miss you.. i miss us..


-Jessica dream-


“Hay hun !! I miss you sooooooooo much.. Welcome to Seoul !! Please don’t leave me again okok?”


“Hay hun.. yeah I miss you too.. “ hugging each other.


They then walk together with their hand holding each other.


“I miss you hunhun.” Jessica give a little peck on Sooyoung lips.


“I miss you too.” Sooyoung hug Jessica and kissing her lips. Jessica hug tighter and nibbling at Sooyoung neck. "Hey hun, be careful ok"  and smiling to Jessica.


(Jessica thought) *SHE CALL ME HUN.. YEAY!!*

"yes hunhun.. hehehe.. i miss your scent hun.."



Jessica wake up from her precious dream with Sooyoung.


"Hmm.." start searching for her handphone and take a look at picture of she with Sooyoung at her wallpaper.


"Yeah another day without you here hun." Tears come down from her icy eyes. "I miss you"


 Jessica grab Sooyoung jacket and sniffing on that "I really miss your scent."


"Ok stop it Jessica. You must let her go if you love her. Remember if you two were mean to be together she'll be back to be yours." Jessica try to convice her self.



"Who is it? Ahh Tiffany." A lil bit disappointed cause she hope that was Sooyoung.


From : Tiffany

Jessicaaaaaaa!!! Wake up!!! We must preparing our self for the test.


To : Tiffany

Yes yes madam.. See you at 11am okey..


From : Tiffany

Okok Jess.. See ya


Jessica force her body to wake up and take a bath.



 To : Tiffany

Fany-ah where are you? I'm already at the cafe.  The usual one.


From : Jessica

Okok. Wait for a minute


Hmm.. This place.. The place where I and Sooyoung always spend our time together.. Killing our time together before we must go home.. We chat, laugh, play some games at her laptop, play cards, sharing our loves and do a lot of silly things.. I miss our time together Sooyoung, why you must go there and leave me here..   


"Ready to order?"  


"ohh okey.. hmm.. one hot americano please." Yeah americano, I need that strong coffee to boosting my mood.  


"Okey mam"    




CLICK.. "hey what's that hun? I'm not ready.. Took another shoot hehe"


"Haha.. It's ok princess, look you're gorgeus here. I love taking your pict especially the candid one.. You look more natural."


"Nooooo... hahahhaa" Jessica smile and give a soft peck on Sooyoung cheek.




"YAH Sooyoung-ahhh....."


"You look beautiful here Sica, look."


"You always good hun. Honestly I always LOVEEEEEEE with every picture that you take"


"Yeah.. And I love capturing you hun.. Look I love your side angle.. Pretty" Sooyoung smile when she look at her D-SLR.  




"Tifanny-ahhhhh. I already waiting for a week."


"Hahaha, yeah right. Hmm americano, someoneeeee is in a saddddd mode onnnnnn..."


"Tiffany-ahh" her icy eyes becoming teary.


"Jess, move on ok"


"I can't Tiff, she's too precious for me. I felt really lost without her."


"Yes i know Jess, at least try to be strong ok. If she loves you, you two will be together someday. Just pray and keep on loving her. I know Sooyoung since I was a baby. She's my cousin remember?"


"Yes Tiff."   "Just look at me and Taeyeon ok. Maybe we're not together as a couple anymore and yes I love her but maybe this is the only way for us. Cheer up Jess, at least prove to Soo that you're already mature and can live your life."


"Yes Tiff." try to wipe her tears and smile.


"GOOD GIRL!!" Tiffany say out loud and clap her hands.


"Yah Tiff -_- look everybody is looking at us now. Keep your voice low please"


"Sowieee Jessiiiiii" Tiffany say with aegyo.


"Okey.. Let's do it our assignment ok."   "Yes Madam!!!" Tiffany shout with her high pitch voice again.




hmm.. boring chapter right?   haha..

I'll try my best in the next chap..  


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ChocoKumaJenny #1
Update again soon ^-^
SooSica <333333333
ChocoKumaJenny #3
Soosica love it
SooSica <3
deeclaire #5
It's already 14th february here soooo i wanna say..
HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY for you all guys..
thanks for all ur surcribe and comments..
*kiss and hugs*
deeclaire #6

@elaine242 haha you don't know it :( that's if I ever see your face again from Maroon 5..
hehe.. i love maroon 5 so i make Jessica loves it too.. hehe
here i give you the link, watch it please hhehehe
no... sorry author i dont know the song
deeclaire #8
that's a flashback guys.. haha.. that's just "going out for a drink" things. But it's ok if u guys love to say it's a date :D
Sootuff #9
Is that a flashback or real time?!!!
SooSica looks like going for a date!!!