
I miss you.. i miss us..

At Starbucks.


"There she is." we saw Sooyoung raising up her and make some waving movements so Tiff and I can see where she is.

"Hay guys." she give us some warm hmm.. I don't know why but i feeling warm and comfie everytime i see those smile..

"Hay Soo, sorry we're kinda late. And Jessica want to have ride with us again, is it ok?" I'm just see her and give a little nods, I don't know why but I'll suddenly give a nods for greeting them. I will give a slightly nods and give them a smirk. Always like that, moreover for the people i don't really close with.

"My pleasure.. haha.. But guys as you can see from here, traffic everywhere soooooo do you mind to wait a lil first before we go home?

"Jess? Is it ok with you? I mean is it gonna be ok if you'll be home a little bit late?"

"That's ok, beside.. You know.. hmm.. I don't really like being at home." I said my last words with a slow voice because  I don't want Soo hear that. I'm not kind of person who can be easy with anyone especially the new one.

"Is it ok guys?" Soo looking at me and Tiff with question mark in her face.

"No Soo. By the way what's that?" Tiffany look at Soo's drink.

"This is caffé americano, want some?" she is offering her drink to us.

"Is that black coffee?" Sooyoung nooded. "Literally black coffee?" nodded again. "Ewww thank you. I don't like it." Tiffany make some i-don't-like-it-that-so-gross looks. Me and Soo laugh because of that.

"it's really good Tiff.. You must try it. Jess?" she's offering her americano to me. "Want some? Or you don't like coffee too?"

"No thanks Soo." I raised my hands and gave her a rejection movements. "I'm like coffee but I'm OK, I can buy it by my self." Honestly I really want to taste it and buy some drinks from Starbucks but I don't have much money right now. Beside i felt a lil bit awkward for sharing drinks with new friend. Hmm.. Friend? Am I already her friend?

"Honestly I'm really thristy but I don't want your drink Soo. That must be taste bitter."

"Hmm.. Wait.. I have a voucher if I'm not mistaken.. Wait guys!" She's grab her wallet and start searching for that voucher she's talk before. "Got it. But you must buy some food first. Can you guys buy me some Chocolate Chunk Cookies. You'll found it in front of the chasier." She gave us her voucher and some money to bought that cookie.

"Yeay! But it's ok Soo? I mean this is your voucher."

"Nah, I'm good. Just buy me that cookie." she said with a smile on her face. Such a charming smile.

After that Tiffany and I go inside that coffee store and grab something for us. We decided to bought Vanilla Cream Frappucino because Tiffany didn't really like coffee and not in the mood for having coffee in her drink. Beside that it's just like already 7 pm so we must avoid caffeine for not having a late sleep tonight. Although I've already got some insomnia because of my ex and my family problems. Damn, why I must remember about him right now!

"This is your chocolate cookie and this is our vanilla frapp. Yeay!" Tiffany laugh and clapping her hands after we already come back to our seat. "Nyum, it's taste like my fave milk brand if it blended with ice." 

"Silly." Soo said that and we both laugh at Tiffany and makes her pouted her lips.

We chat, we laugh, gossiping each other, trying to getting know each other. They told me about their childhood and a lot of silly things they've done. We shared Soo's cookies together and enjoy our time while waiting for the traffic. I don't know why but i just feel like she is one of my close friends and already know each other. I didn't feel awkward or holding my self again. By the way she's smoking, Sooyoung smoking. Me too but i didn't bring my cigarette that time. After that Sooyoung turning on her laptop. We decided to take some picture with her laptop.

"Gah! Jess why you smile like that." Tiffany looking at our first photo.


"You look like an evil stepmother if you smile like that." Sooyoung laugh after hearing that silly statement.

"Yah! Tiffanny-ahh. That's so meannnnn. I don't know why I look like that." I feel a lil heat on my fave. Tiffany-ahhhh prepare for my revenge.

"Hehe.. Okok.. Again again again."

We took some (a lot) of pictures. From a simple smile picture into crazy and ugly picture with an effect from that Photobooth application. They even decided to try my evil-stepmother-smile-look. That's Miss Hwang nice idea. But basicly I'm good. I mean I have a good time with them, why I must mad over silly little things like that. Hehe. Sooyoung upload our picture to her Facebook. She asked my Facebook account and Twitter account after that. 

"Acquaintance. Nice name Soo." I gave her my smile, not my icy smile but my warm smile.

"Haha.. Thanks Jess.. But that's fit for the photos right?"


"Guys.. It's already late. Let's go home." We finished our drink and make our way to Soo car.


Later at night


ARGHHHHHHH.....!!!! Assignment assignment assignment.. Why you're existence huh? You driving me crazy.

It's already late but I'm still have a date with my assignment. Like every Psychology and every college people in the whole world, I must get it done cause tomorrow is the deadline date. Yeah yeah I'm a deadliner typical person. You know that guys? That's a name for people who always make or done their responsibility near a deadline date. Like now I'm try to complete it H-several hours before submit. Hehe

I need some refreshment. Gah! This assignment really killing me. Hmm.... Facebook checking will be nice. Haha this is our pict at Starbucks, let me see it. How make some comments about that.

Jessica Jung : Oh my, you're right Tiff.. I exactly looks like a mean girls in this photo.

Tiffany Hwang : See... I've told you right?

Choi Sooyoung : Easy Jess. But u look great actually but yeah you have a meanie face haha.

Jessica Jung : Haha.. You guys sooooo meannnnnn.. arghhhhhh..

I'm keep-on looking and found one photo that makes me laugh. Soo block Tiff head with her hand while the camera capturing us.

Jessica Jung : Good Job Sooyoung! Like this pict.. hahhaa

Choi Sooyoung : Of course I am Jess.. haha

Tiffany Hwang : meanie.. meanie.. Argh Soo why you blocking my pretty faceeee.

Jessica Jung : Tiff -_-

Choi Sooyoung : Yeah right.

We keep chat through our picture comments until mid night. Tiffany say goodbye first then after that we follow her and sign out our Facebook.

Today was fun.. It's been a long time since I felt this kinda things again. I mean yeah after he leave me without even gave clarity to our problems. YAH! You again.. Get out of my head .




Umm.. wait.. I've forgot something.








hayhay guys.. Night.. It's already 8.47 pm here..
Do you guys know who is Jess "ex"?
Happy ending.. We'll see later at final right?
hope you enjoy my story guys.. sorry for-not-really-fast updating
love you all guys..
keep on commenting so I know what I should do next..
P.S : sorry for a lot of Starbucks things in this chap.. cause *ehee* honestly *ehee* I lil bit craving about them.. hehe
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ChocoKumaJenny #1
Update again soon ^-^
SooSica <333333333
ChocoKumaJenny #3
Soosica love it
SooSica <3
deeclaire #5
It's already 14th february here soooo i wanna say..
HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY for you all guys..
thanks for all ur surcribe and comments..
*kiss and hugs*
deeclaire #6

@elaine242 haha you don't know it :( that's if I ever see your face again from Maroon 5..
hehe.. i love maroon 5 so i make Jessica loves it too.. hehe
here i give you the link, watch it please hhehehe;ob=av3e
no... sorry author i dont know the song
deeclaire #8
that's a flashback guys.. haha.. that's just "going out for a drink" things. But it's ok if u guys love to say it's a date :D
Sootuff #9
Is that a flashback or real time?!!!
SooSica looks like going for a date!!!