
hell is where i dreamt of u and woke up alone

“You know Sinb, sometimes you’re like my own personal therapist” Yerin told her girlfriend as they watched the bright stars above them. 

She shifted her vision towards the said girl, eyes scanning every line present even by the sides of her face. From her eyebrows down to her lips, Yerin loved the way everything on Sinb’s face looked. How beautiful everything goes together, nobody looked as good as Sinb. 

Yerin remembers how that one time she couldn't help but feel so restless, so tired, so useless. She neglected everything she had to do, including calls and texts from Sinb. Fortunately for the girl, Sinb knew what was going on and headed straight to Yerin's dorm room. The latter prayed that Yerin hadn't done anything bad to herself because she knows how Yerin's stress levels progressed.  

"What's bothering my little baby, cmon, tell me" Sinb asked so softly towards her exhausted girlfriend. Before Yerin could say anything, Sinb wrapped her arms around the older girl, a sign of reassurance that she's here and present, ready to hear whatever she has to say. Yerin immediately melted inside of Sinb's arms and they laid like that for a couple of minutes. 

"I'm having one of my days, I'm sorry. I wish I had a better reason for ignoring you and everything. I'd promise to never do that again but I know I'll break it" 

"This isn't the first time it's happened, that's why I came here right away after my 15th missed call" Sinb chuckled before continuing. "It's okay, you don't have to promise me anything like that because things are bound to happen. But I want you to promise me that you'll never do anything that can bring harm to yourself, is that okay?"  

Yerin nodded silently, deep in her thoughts but keeping her attention towards Sinb's words as well. 

"Do you want to talk about it? Your feelings?" Sinb asked and this time Yerin nodded with a hum.  

"Sometimes, I wake up motivated. And I'd be so proud of myself, because it's not always that I wake up feeling like that, you know. Then I'd shower, get myself ready because it's going to be a productive day. But then, something just hits me. Like, not physically- mentally. I don't know what it is, suddenly all that motivation is gone. I feel worthless. This happens especially when I try to do something and it doesn’t go my way. I hate it, that's what happened today"  

"What did you try to do?"  

"Some revision, but I keep getting distracted by my thoughts" 

"Can I suggest something? Maybe it'll help. On days you feel like that, motivated, I mean, why don't you give me a call and I'll accompany you?" 

"I think that's a good idea" 

"I think so too" Sinb smiled. Even though Yerin can't see it, she knows. "See, who needs a therapist when you have me, right?"  

Yerin let out a small chuckle, a genuine one. "Right"  

"I'm having a pretty bad day myself actually" Sinb sighed. It's been a rough day for the girl. "Can I rant about it for a second?"  

Yerin nodded as a response. "Of course, let me be your therapist too" 

Sinb couldn't help but smile at Yerin's words. Because that's how relationships work, friendships even. In a relationship, both parties have to work with each other, knowing each other's habits, knowing what bugs one another and finding ways to avoid doing so. Sinb doesn't need any reassurance to stay with Yerin but small things like these, she knew she chose the right girl. 

"You know how my face is always- kinda, you know, like this. And I don't mean for it to be, I was just born with it. And yes, I know, this is like first world problems, but I hate it when people don't want to approach me just because of my quote on quote cold appearance. I hate it when people tell me, 'I thought you were a at first', because I don't want to be seen as a '' at first. What even is that? A at first sight?" Sinb started. Yerin couldn't help but laugh out loud at that last part.  

"Ugh, I don't know. I'm just out here trying to live my best college life. Should I smile more? Is that it?"  

"Maybe, you have a great smile"  

"But that's so much work" Sinb whined. Yerin cuddle towards Sinb more.  

"Your cold face is actually really hot but maybe yeah you should try to smile more"  

"I don't know really, is that really going to work?"  

"I’m sure it will, cmon- smile for me?”  

Though Yerin requested, Sinb’s face remained static because like she said—it was too much work. But Yerin always had a second plan up her sleeve. 

So Yerin started to pout. Yerin curled her top lip inwards and brought out her bottom lip more outwards paired with her large eyes that all of a sudden look very googly and puppy like. This is Sinb’s weakness. 

Defeated, Sinb’s lips curled upwards into a small genuine smile. She doesn’t know how, but everyday Yerin never fails to prove to her that she is able to fall more in love. More in love with Jung Yerin. More in love with her. 

“I love you, Yerin” tangent, Sinb blurbs out. 

Yerin’s eyes turn soft, her pout is now replaced with a small smile matching with her Eunbi. “I love you, Eunbi. Thank you for everything”  

“Thank you, too”

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hi everyone! im sure all of u have read chapter twenty three and wondering whats going to happen next. ive started writing the next chapter, but im going through some things right now with my mental health so i think its best if i take a break from this story for now. i'll be back soon! i promise <3


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Chapter 24: Thsi chapter really making me frustrated
Qazxsw12 #2
Chapter 24: Oh nooooodjdjdudiud nononoo aaa :"
Chapter 24: I feel bad for Yerin...
Chapter 23: Dang what is thisssss , why everyone have such a gloomy seasons hereeee
Chapter 23: its so deep
Chapter 23: Yerin...I'm curious about the argument..
Qazxsw12 #7
Chapter 23: Oh no.. i wonder what the argument was about. Thank you for updating! :)
Chapter 21: I really can relate to this.
Chapter 21: Lovebuuuuuuuug
Qazxsw12 #10
Chapter 21: This chapter is so soft :(( i love ittt