New Of Debut: EunMi

Lilac (라이락) ♥

            EunMi had woken up early for her meeting with the President of NH Media that day. She is now reflecting over it as she sips on her iced coffee. This has been a great day for her. She had walked into NH Media with a shy step, fearing that she was going to be kicked out of NH Media or her contract would be terminated. She then, after the meeting, walked out happy and ready to face the world. She was told of her debut next year.

            “Umma…if only you could be here and be happy for me. Same for Appa,” she says, looking down at her coffee. Years before, we she became a trainee, her parents kicked her out of the house. She lost all contact with them…besides her little sister. Her little sister still managed to sneak away and see EunMi.

            Roly poly! Roly, roly poly!

            EunMi phone started playing “Roly Poly” by T-ara. She knew that that was her best friend calling, Chaerin.

            “Yoboseyo (Hello)~?” she answers her phone, smiling.

            “Unnie! Guess what!” Chaerin shouts over the phone excitedly.

            “Mwoh (What)?”

            “Wait. First of all, have you talked to the President yet? Or have you heard anything from NH Media?” Chaerin asks hestitantly.

            “Eung (Yes). Wae (Why)? Have you talked him?” EunMi asks, eyes widening. A sudden thought occurred to her. Maybe Chaerin-ah had been told she was going to debut, too!

            “Ah! Jinjja (Really)? What did they say?”

            “Have you talked to him?”

            “Neh (Yes), Unnie, but what did they tell you?”

            “Yah! You tell me what you were going to tell me first.”

            “Wae? You tell me first!”

            “Ani (No)! How about on three?” EunMi suggests, knowing she wouldn’t give in, nor would her dongsaeng.

            “Ok! On three!” Chaerin agrees to her Unnie’s request.

            “Hana~ Tul~ Set!”

            “I am debuting next year!” they both say at the same  time.

            “Jinjja?” EunMi gasps, smiling wide.

            “Neh! You are, too?” Chaerin asks, jumping up and down on her side of the line.

            “Neh! What if we are in the same group, dongsaeng-ah?”

            “That would be so cool!”

            “It would!”

            Chaerin pauses for a moment before sighing, “Unnie, I gotta go. See you tomorrow hopefully!”

            “At 11 a.m.?”

            “Jinjja?! We are going to the same meeting! Wah!”

            EunMi laughs into the phone, “Apparently so! See you tomorrow! Annyeong (bye)~!”

            “Annyeong, Unnie!”

            They each hang up and start smiling and getting excited. They’ve known each other since both became trainees and met. They became the best of friends and still are. They look forward to the meeting, where hopefully, they will learn that they are going to debut together.

             EunMi chuckles to herself and  takes a  sip of her coffee. She taps her fingers on the side of the cup. This was awesome! She and her best friend were quite possibly going to debut in the same girl group together. Amazing!



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Updated chapter 38. ^^ It's now a chapter and not an update.


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Chapter 24: I am reading this for S&Gs because it is what...... almost 8 years later (LILAC 7YEARS STRONG, WAH~)....... and we all just sat here, watched you point a finger, and agreed with "yaaaaaas, let's make jeongmin the of all this! yaaaaaaaas." and i find that so hilarious adfghjkl

Anyway, almost 8 years later and I still am a fan of your writing, I hope you continued to write during all these years and I am going to finish these set of chapters and head on over to the return of lilac read them.

miss you, love xx
Chapter 38: I AGREE WITH
V that
RadiantBelle #3
Chapter 35: I miss reading this ;-;
RadiantBelle #4
So much information to process through...
Either way, I love it. ^^
I'm curious to who Yoo Sawngie likes too, even though it's more than likely the manager. I wonder if Seungri likes her...
& as for Jeongmin liking EunMi...WUTNOW
too much information to process
Okay so couples
who does Yoo Sawng like
and JEONGMIN likes EUNMI? Such a sudden turn of events
I hope that when you school start there is some hot single guy
Ahhhhhhhhh *pouts* Just rest and get better, arasso? DON'T HURT YOURSELF ANYMORE.
Multipersonality #7
You updated and likewise, I didn't get on so I couldn't comment.
Anyway, if I were to write super long comments on each chapter that would be long @$$ comment!
Okay here we go ch37!

Aww Eli, you're so cute <3
AJ, it's true. There can be rapists at birthday parties 'nuff said.
Viziooo you are so smooth. Playin' hard to get, I see! GOOD GURL.
AJ...smh. You aren't smooth.
Bae Kyon it's not nice to keep secrets ;)
Oooooooh Sungmin drama. I liles da drama. *grabs popcorn*
Jeez, Sungmin isn't a man. If he didn't wait for the one he loves and started dating someone else because he didn't think he was worthy. He ain't no man.
Hahahaha Ricky! Nice save.
*grabs you by the collar* WHOOOO???

My guess is like Mikunnie. Someone who knows English...
So I might have been wrong hehe
Mhhm ?
Dude at the door
Eli ?
Manager oppa ?
Well some one that knows English
After joining KA I see where you got the idols hehe I doubt suho would be making a surprise appearance ;)
A pink ?
Minwoo likes namjoo ? Sorry 95line
Okay guessing
Mmmh sungmin brought rival to party to confess to chaerin that they are together
Chaerin is shocked by this she runs away finds minwoo and start telling eachother stuff
Eh how was that for a guess ;)