Chapter 18

april 27 2017

Youngbae liked fansigns. It was an event just for people to show how much they loved him, what wasn’t to like? Sure, some of them got a bit creepy, but most of the time he just held the hand of a girl who was freaking out on the inside (and a bit on the outside) and said some nice words to them and signed an album or a photo and that was that. He was kind of bad at remembering girls he’d seen before though, but he’d gotten very very good at pretending he totally remembered them.

This fansign was for some CF thing they’d filmed a few weeks ago for this fancy men’s wear brand. Something club? Youngbae quickly checked the label of the sponsored jacket he was wearing. Ivy Club!  That was it! The CF itself had been kinda boring, just a photoshoot filmed, but it had been nice to endorse something again (especially the paycheck at the end). Endorsements had been drying up lately. Well for the group at least, Chanhee still had that makeup thing and a bunch of others he thought, and Minjun had that beer thing with Summer he thought? It was gross beer though but he was always bringing crates…

He kinda missed the fun ones, like that silly Dunkin’ Donuts they did once, or the mall one. He’d had a solo workout thing too that was super fun, when he had that super defined six pack. Sure he’d been starving and was working out almost every day but it was soooo worth it. He’d even got to do a Men’s Health cover shoot! He patted his tum tum, that time was over now. He was still sad, sometimes, that they’d wasted their year of free Dunkin’ Donuts hardly allowed to eat any, but he did miss his hot bod.

Oooh, but what if he was developing a dad bod? That was exciting! Suddenly he wanted to eat a lot more donuts. Oh! He should totally grab some dunkin’ donuts for Jinah and Midam this weekend! Maybe he could even get them for free if he showed them a picture of that old cf?

There were breaks between the girls sometimes. He wasn’t the most popular member, the hot bud resurgence had dampened somewhat and girls tended to stick as long as they could to Chanhee on his right or Minjun on his left, there’d be little lines for them while the fans just asked for his signature (or not at all for the rude ones) and then left him alone. Ah well, that was totally fine for Youngbae, if anything it was probably better this way.

He glanced to Jinyoung who was getting ignored by another girl. He knew it weighed much heavier on Jin, but at least it had been getting better! Before at least half of the fans would skip him entirely out of spite, and now it was usually just the akgaes or the occasional grudge holder, most fans nowadays  would at least politely ask him to sign whatever it was they were signing. Not all though, and he was looking surly at the gap.

“H-hello oppa!” a girl with a copy of the Ivy Club catalogue appeared before him, red in the face and shaking a little. She was cute and petite, her bangs hanging just a little too long over the glasses and a little cherry pin in her black hair. “I’m so happy I finally got into an Aeon fansign again so I we could talk some more!”

“I’ve missed you too!” Youngbae said with a smile, having absolutely no idea who this girl was. “I was hoping you’d come back again.”

The girl beamed. “I’m in Yonsei now! Remember how I said I was doing my university exams and that’s why I hadn’t been to any of the other promotions?”

“I do!” Youngbae said, having absolutely no idea what she was talking about. “Congratulations, your future is totally set now!”

“It’s not set without you,” she pouted. “How will I ever find a man like you to marry?”

“Eeeeh-” Youngbae glanced around in panic. How did Seunghoon always take care of these kinds of fans with ease? “You really don’t want a man like me, trust me. You’re much better off with something like Seunghoon-”

At the end of the row, Hoonie was talking to a fan. “Oppa, what do you think of me as a girlfriend?” she asked.

Seunghoon just stared at her. Stared. And Stared. And Stared. “No.”

“Okay maybe someone like Woosu-” Next to him Chanhee was taking a photo with a fan, mechanical cat hears on his head, making the worst most aegyeo filled poses.

“Minjun….” On the other side of him Minjun was pretending he was James Bond with a bubble gun a fan had given him, complete with his own pew pew pew sound effect.

“Eh-” one glance at Jinyoung revealed he was still scowling and glared in Youngbae’s direction.

“You know what-” Youngbae grabbed the girls hands. “I’m not so bad, find yourself someone like me, okay?” The girl giggled and grew even redder at the contact. “Now what’s your name?”

She stopped giggling instantly. “I thought you remembered me.”

Youngbae felt his face flush too. “Y-yeah b-but names, right?”

The girl pulled her hand back quickly. “Maybe I’ll marry someone like Wonwoo instead.”

Youngbae nodded. “Yeah… that’s probably for the best.

april 30,  2013


“You want me to put my hand where?” Jinyoung gulped as the dance instructor sighed and placed his hand on Hana’s .

“She doesn't bite,” the instructor sighed.. “You can touch her.”

Hana threw her head back and laughed. “I can't believe you were the least awkward option.”

Jinyoung could feel himself getting even redder. When Seokmin had pulled him and Seunghoon aside and told them one of them would be added to a project group with Hana, well, he’d been ecstatic of course. Min Hana! Most beautiful person in the universe! The song itself was nice too, Troublemaker, it had this infectious whistle and everything, and plenty of vocal lines for him! That was great too! But then, oh then, then the dance instructor had demonstrated the dance she’d created for them and Jinyoung’s ears had never lost their redness.

“For real?” he asked. They’d never really talked about the fact that they’d tried out Seunghoon for the unit first, but he couldn’t imagine anyone would be more awkward than he was right now.

“Yeah,” Hana said with a snort. “He wasn’t giving me anything at all! You’re at least getting those cute red ears and getting all embarrassed. That’s something we can work through. Seunghoon oppa, well, I’ve never had so little effect on a dance partner before!” Did he imagine it or did she sound offended?

“Come on, less chatting more practicing,” the instructor said. She placed Jinyoung’s hand on Hana’s waist again. “Touch her! Don’t do that weird hover hand thing that shy men do all the time, really touch her. Hand. On. Body. You have to sell this dangerous chemistry! You don’t even have to touch her that much, just for the chorus.”

Jinyoung resisted the urge to pull his hand back like he’d been shocked. Man, he thought about touching women all the time but, like, actually doing it was so much different.

The instructor glanced at the clock. “That’s my time for the day,” she said. “You’ve got about half the dance now so I suggest you both practice and try to get more comfortable with each other so that tomorrow won’t be a complete waste of time, okay? They didn’t give much time to prepare so we all have to put in our all, and that mostly means you. See you tomorrow!”

Hana waited until the instructor was out the door before she turned towards Jinyoung. “Okay, what is the deal here?”

Jinyoung took a step back. “What do you mean?”

“All of this,” she said, gesturing to all of him. “You’re slouching, you’re hardly touching me at all, and you freeze every time I get close. It’s not even that you’re not attracted to me, I see the ears, there’s something here but you shy away like a beaten dog. Who hurt you?”

Jinyoung couldn’t help but let out a little laugh at that. “No one hurt me, it’s just a little awkward to have to be all, like, grindey with someone I don’t know. I mean don’t get me wrong you’re beautiful, like, really beautiful…..” he cleared his throat as his eyes wandered and snapped them back to her eyes. “But- actually that probably doesn’t help at all-”

To his relief Hana just laughed. “Oh, you’re adorable! Look, I get it, it can be hard to feign that kind of closeness on stage if you’re not used to it, so why don’t we get to know each other?”

“Aren’t we supposed to be practicing the moves?”

“The way I see it we can either practice all evening and you’ll still be awkward and afraid to touch me. Or we can sit on the ground and get to know each other and maybe by the end of it you won’t be so afraid of me.” Hana sat down cross-legged on the floor and gave the space in front of her a pat. “Well?”

Jinyoung looked behind him to make sure the dance instructor really had left before sitting down. “Okay? What now?”

She smiled kindly, to her credit. Jinyoung knew he was being a little ridiculous but she made him so nervous he couldn’t do anything about it! “Let’s make a deal,” she said.

“What kind of deal?”

She smiled, eyes squinted just so that she looked like a little imp, hair spilling out of the bun and onto her shoulder and onto her- ooookay time to get back to her eyes. “We’re idols who are about to debut as a scandalous duo, we’re going to be keeping up an image, selling whatever lies we have to tell, the usual bull. You know what the industry is like. I know what the industry is like. So let’s make a deal: we can lie to everyone else, but let’s try to be honest to each other, okay? Have each other’s backs, god knows no one else will. What do you think of that?”

Jinyoung nodded. “Okay. Okay I can do that.” Maybe. There were definitely things he didn’t want to tell her, like the amount of times he’d ‘accidentally’ looked at her s today, but other than that he could manage, he thought. It was a challenge levelled and he wasn’t going to lose it.

“So, where are you from?” She asked, shaking the strand of hair off her very slight and very white shoulder. Was that natural or was she bleaching her skin like mad every night like he was? Probably bleaching, that porcelaine tone didn’t just come from nowhere.

“Seoul,” Jinyoung answered. “I’ve never lived anywhere else.”

“Me too!” Her face lit up at that small thing, imp replaced by genuine excitement, vixen by human being. “I’d probably go crazy if I didn’t have at least a thousand people around in me at all times, I can’t imagine what it’s like to know everyone in your immediate vicinity, that’s horrifying! Do you have a question for me?”

“Why did you leave SM?” Jinyoung wondered. “Wouldn’t you have had guaranteed success there?”

“Going straight for the good stuff, I see,” Hana said.

“I’m sorry, it’s okay if you don’t want to answer?”

“Nonsense,” she said. “This is good, no beating around the bush. SM never had any intention of debuting me, not after I grew into all of this,” she motioned down her body. “Well, grew into with a little bit of help from Gangnam oppa.” Jinyoung must have looked shocked because she laughed right to his face. “Oh don’t be like that, didn’t we say be honest? We can be as coy as we have to be about plastic surgery to the masses, but what does it matter in here? Anyway, SM likes their idols perfect, squeaky clean and pure, perfect for men all over the country to fantasize about their innocent little girl child in her short skirt and inviting smile. You know the type. I was too scandalous to ever even consider me, but they must have found out too late the kind of harlot they had on their hands. I do believe they were the ones who contacted Helix about me, before I know it I was in an office being strongly encouraged to transfer.”

“That .” Jinyoung knew a little bit of rejection but to be cast out by a company that would’ve guaranteed legions of fans upon debut seriously had to sting. The things Jinyoung would’ve given to his hips on an SM-sponsored stage...

She shrugged. “It’s not like I didn’t see it coming, and I was guaranteed a debut here even if it wasn't under SM. In the end we all have to make our own fortune, I imagine you’ve learned that the hard way yourself.”

“Yeah,” Jinyoung said. Though, really, it was Chanhee who had made their fortune. He didn’t say that out loud, though.

“Alright, my turn to ask you a question! Why did you want to become an idol?”

Jinyoung considered for a moment how much he should say. She’d been honest with him, maybe he should try and do the same? That was what their deal, right? “It, eh, is the one thing I’m really good at, like really good. Singing, I mean. So it seemed a given that that’s what I’d do with my life, you know?”

“Is it?”

“Is it what?”

“A given?” Hana asked, tilting her head almost like an inquisitive puppy.

Jinyoung squirmed a bit. Why was she arguing? “I think so! Plus H.O.T were the .”

She laughed, none of that innocent melodic bull. Hana’s laugh was loud and genuine and far from graceful. “Can’t deny that one.”

“How about you?” He wondered.

“I got street cast,” she said. Right. That made sense. “But I suppose it boils down to much the same. I was good at standing out, so now I’m professionally standing out. Plus training at SM lightened some financial load for my mom, it was an easy decision at the time.”

“Do you regret it?” Jinyoung asked. , he probably shouldn’t have said that, was he overstepping?

“Hell no,” Hana said. Phew, she seemed completely unbothered. “It’s hard sometimes, sure, but it’ll be worth it. Why, you’re not regretting things are you?”

Jinyoung quickly shook his head. “No! I mean the hiatus was hard but I always knew it would end and then things would get right back on track.” He wasn’t going to be regretting anything, not now and not after 7 years. Take that.

“Alright, it’s my turn to ask, then-”

They spent almost an hour asking each other questions back and forth, anything from personal questions to just what their favorite music or food was. By the time she told him to get his in gear again he did feel a little less awkward. She was a person now, a really really really hot person but a person! With great s. But person!

For however little good that did.

“Relax,” she said, and wrapped his arm around her waist as per the choreography. “Remember, none of this is for us, it’s all for them. We’re just players in the idol game, we’re just putting on a show.”

Jinyoung nodded. He had to stop thinking of it as touching her, Hana, the person. It wasn’t Hana the person, it was Hana the idol. But it was hard when she was so- so- so- there.

She nudged him. “Hey, if I had to start something with every boy who touched my to make me look y  I’d have no time left for myself!”

He couldn’t help but burst out laughing, how did she go around being so scandalous all the time?! “That’s terrible!” he said.

She winked. “Maybe I am terrible. I told you I’m not a good girl.”

“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” he burst out when he accidentally brushed her .

She just laughed at him again. “Oppa. Chill. I’d like to think I’m pretty good at gauging people, I’m pretty sure you’re not deliberately trying to cop a feel.” She put her hands on his shoulders. “Look at me. It’s okay to touch my , just like I have to touch your . No butts shall remain untouched in this endeavor. Okay? It’s a goddamned free for all. And you have a real nice .”

It was so ridiculous Jinyoung had to laugh awkwardly, feeling his face flush a million shades of red. She liked his !!! All the squats in his life were suddenly worth it. “Okay. Okay. Let’s run through that again?”

“Only if you don’t pee your pants this time,” she said with a grin.

“You’re so mean!”

“Come on, from the top.” She turned the music back on filling the room with that catchy whistle. “Like you mean it this time.”




may 2, 2013

It was a rare gift these days to have a day without schedule and Chanhee was savoring it as he lounged on the sofa in the dorm, zapping through channels without interest. Most of the guys were out doing things, he was pretty sure Seunghoon was the only one around right now. Jinyoung was practicing for his sub-unit, Youngbae and Wonwoo were at the gym, and Minjun hadn’t shut up about the fact that he got to do some photoshoot or other.

“Morning.” Speak of the devil, Seunghoon came out of the bathroom looking disheveled and decided un-idol like, still-wet hair sticking up in all direction and not a smidge of makeup on. Oh the fangirls that would be critically disappointed in seeing that crow’s nest of a hair.

“Morning, Hoonie,” Chanhee said cheerfully. “Join me doing absolutely nothing!”

Seunghoon snorted. “This is what the famous Woosu is up to in his downtime? What would your fans say!.”

“I was just thinking the same thing about you,” Chanhee laughed. “Do we have practice today?”

“Not today, We’re practicing for the Dream Concert stuff tomorrow until the event but today we have free because Jinyoung and Hana have to do their album photoshoot.” Seunghoon opened the fridge and peered into the pathetic contents. Chanhee made a mental note to grab some groceries and make some dinner today, he hadn’t cooked for them in weeks.

Not right now though, right now it was time for bliss. “Come ooon, join me!” Chanhee definitely did not whine.

Seunghoon raised an eyebrow, juice packet in his hand. “You’re bored, aren’t you?”

“Horrendously.” Ever since he’d started filming Reply last year he’d been nothing but busy. Filming, practice, comeback preparations, interviews, MCing music shows. He’d never been very good at being idle but he seemed to have straight up forgotten how being a couch potato even worked. He spread out over the length of the couch definitely not dramatically “Join meeee.”

“I can’t, I have to work,” Seunghoon said before slurping the contents of the juice packet. Who even drank juice packets anymore? Besides, those were like 90% sugar, bad Hoonie.

“You have a schedule?” Chanhee asked. Had Hoonie had a solo schedule since they started working again? Chanhee didn’t think so but also he’d been very busy...

“Nah,” Seunghoon said. “But I want to work on music today, I haven’t seen Doha since Eternity stuff. Here’s to Jinyoung for giving us a break.”

“They checked your chemistry with Hana too, didn’t they? Ever think about how that could have been you?” Chanhee couldn’t for the life of him imagining Seunghoon grinding up to Hana but he couldn’t deny that it would’ve been hilarious.

“I guess they found me lacking,” Seunghoon said rather cheerfully, tossing the packet into the trash.

“That should go into recycling,” Chanhee chastised. “Anyway, I saw you during that practice. You could have at least tried.”

“Eh,” Seunghoon replied, picking the packet up from the trash and throwing it into their recycling crate. “I don't really feel like becoming some beacon of scandal. Besides, Jinyoung will appreciate it more.”

Chanhee narrowed his eyes. “I'm not sure you're doing it for him or for yourself.”

“I don't see why both isn't an option.”

Chanhee shook his head. That was just something he didn’t get, he supposed. Deliberately throwing away an opportunity. He couldn’t deny the fact that Jinyoung had been in a very good mood every since he’d started practicing for his little duo, but Seunghoon could’ve taken the opportunity to make a name for himself.

Trouble Maker they were calling it, he thought. It was quite exciting, really, he was looking forward to seeing the final product even if it wasn’t Hoonie. It was about time the industry became a bit more daring. “What are you working on?”

“A couple of things at once,” Seunghoon said. “I submitted one of the songs to Helix actually.”

“And you didn’t tell me?!” Chanhee actually felt a little offended, that was a huge thing!! He’d been telling Hoonie to submit for weeks now.

“You were busy with your schedules,” Seunghoon said, dismissing him with a wave. “Do you want to hear it? It’s an acoustic ballad. It’s called Lights Go On Again.”

“I’d love to! I’m offended you haven’t let me listen to it before!” Chanhee definitely did not whine.

“You don’t even like music,” Seunghoon pointed out.

“I like you!” Chanhee argued. “So that doesn’t matter!”

“Alright, better late than never, then?” Seunghoon grabbed his phone and played a recording. It was definitely an acoustic ballad, Chanhee really didn’t know enough about music to know if it was good or not except that it sounded pretty enough to his ears. Maybe a little dull but the lyrics sure made up for that.

Chanhee laughed as soon as an awkward little rap section started. “Who is that?!”

“Doha,” Seunghoon said with a laugh. “One of us had to demo that and I’m worse, trust me. He had way too much fun with it, too.”

Chanhee let out a low whistle when the track was finished. “‘When the lights turn on and shine on me again it makes me rise’, huh? Not so hard to see where that’s coming from.”

“Yeah this one’s pretty straightforward,” Seunghoon said. “ I thought it might be a nice sentiment to share with the fans, you know, to really show what we’ve been through and what being able to come back means to us. That we’re not taking it for granted. That sort of thing. I’m thinking of layering some audio during the chorus so it kinda sounds like we’re all singing it a little bit.”

“It’s a very nice sentiments, that’s for sure,” Chanhee said. “I know very little about music so I couldn’t tell you if it’s good or not but I hope they pick it up anyway, if only because it’s your and I will support anything you do.”

“Even voluntary manslaughter?” Seunghoon asked, too straight-faced.

“Especially voluntary manslaughter.” Chanhee grinned. He could never deny him anything.

“So why aren’t you at the cafe right now?” Seunghoon asked, gathering some of his things to go out with. “Used to be whenever you had any kind of downtown you’d high tail it to Hyeran.”

“I would if I could,” Chanhee lamented. “But the cafe is always filled with fans now!” They couldn’t have a moment of privacy anymore, not like they used to have. He hadn’t even kissed her in two weeks goddamnit, people just kept being a round and blocking the two of them! He’d known that keeping this whole… whatever it was going while they made their idol comeback was going to be hard but he didn’t think it’d be this hard! The fans always seemed to be watching. He really didn’t want to look those gift fans in the mouth but he also just really wanted to sit at the cafe’s counter and talk to Hyeran about his day, about how ty Minjun was, about how beautiful she looked every second of every day, that sort of thing. Now all he could say was ‘Americano, please’ and look at her hoping his eyes conveyed all the dumb cliche words he wanted to shout at her.

“That’s what you get when you get famous,” Seunghoon pointed out. “Can’t have your cake and eat it too.”

“But I want to!” Chanhee totally did not whine. “I want to be famous but also kiss my girl… something. Is that too much to ask?!”

“You’re still not calling her your girlfriend?” Seunghoon raised his eyebrows and Chanhee saw the mockery within. He probably deserved it too.

He grunted and buried his face into the back of the sofa. “I don’t know! We never talked about it!”

“Maybe that’s something you want to talk about at some point?” Seunghoon asked, and Chunhee grumbled more at the mockery within. “I mean I don’t know a lot about relationships so I could be wrong, but that seems like a biggie.”

“Stoooop! We’re fine!” Whatever it was they were, it was working for them, so why fix it? Right? “I’ll swing by after hours today, I just have to wait until it’s after hours.”

“Seokmin hyung would probably want you to go to the gym,” Seunghoon said, putting on his coat and a snapback to hide the travesty that was his hair. What a disgrace.

Chanhee snorted. “He’d probably want you to go to the gym too.”

Seunghoon laughed. “I won’t tell if you don’t.”

“You’re really going to go out like that?” Agh, he couldn’t help it, he had to ask! It was all just too much, the ratty coat, the off-pattern shirt, the snapback. Fashion disaster!

“Took you long enough,” Seunghoon snorted. “I was waiting for that. Yes I am and there is nothing you can do about it. Have fun with your girl something!” Chanhee threw a pillow at the closing door while the muffled snickers haunted him.

He spent the rest of the day restless. He knew he should be doing something like going to the gym (but it was so boring!) or practicing (Jinyoung and Hana were hogging the practice room) or doing some other useful idol thing but he was kind of starting to enjoy this having a couple of hours to himself deal. It was still boring, he wished he had someone to be bored with, but it was alright. He spent most of it texting Hyeran until she told him it was busy at the cafe so stfu after which he switched to Hoonie until he told him he was working on music so stfu after which he tried to talk to Wonwoo for a bit until he got Wonwoo’s polite version of he was trying to concentrate on weights so stfu. He even talked to Youngji for a bit until he realized that it was probably a little weird to be exchanging instant messages with his group member’s little sister no matter how cool that little sister was. Plus, she told him she was doing schoolwork so stfu.

Finally, finally it was time for Hyeran to be closing. Chanhee wrapped himself up in coat, a scarf, a facemask, and snapback (but well matched goddamnit he had style) despite the weather being quite warm and out the door he went. He got quite a few looks from people, they had to think something was up with him with how suspiciously dressed up he was, but nobody actually seemed to recognize his eye holes so that was a plus! Then he got to the cafe and smoothly slipped past the ‘closed’ sign.

“Oh no! It’s the abominable scarf man” Hyeran gasped. “Take all my money but please don’t kill me!”

Chanhee took off his scarf and face mask. “Only if the lady gives me a kiss, otherwise your life is as good as forfeit!”

“Egad! I have no choice but kiss the vile monster,” Hyeran said dramatically. “Come here then so I can get it over with!”

Chanhee walked up and gave her a kiss. “How was today?”

“Terrible,” she said. “You know that new help I hired? She’s useless. She dropped two glasses today and she’s so slow!”

“Are you sure she’s not just trying to live up to impossible standards?” Chanhee asked, wiggling his eyebrows. “I was the best most amazing barista everl. You can’t expect someone to live up to me.”

“You were pretty okay,” Hyeran said, cold as ice. “This girl is really beyond help! Why did you have to go and get famous? You could have happily worked here with me for the rest of your days!”

Chanhee laughe. “I know right? Why did I reach for more than the noble profession of barista? It was my calling! My highest order of achievement!”

Hyeran grunted. “Ugh, don’t even mention achievement. I’m starting to think mom was right keeping the cafe chugging along in its state of underachieving. It’s exhausting to deal with waves and waves of customers every day.”

“Are you actually complaining you’re doing well, Choi Hyeran?”

“I don’t know. I am, I think?”  Hyeran sighed dramatically. “This is all your fault, Woo Chanhee.”

“I am so very sorry for helping you realize your dreams and making your cafe successful,” Chanhee teased. “How can I ever atone for such grievous crimes?! Oh, please forgive me!”

“You joke, but have you ever actually dealt with a morning rush before? I couldn’t keep up on my own and the new barista was so useless, the line was all the way up to the door! It was so stressful!” Hyeran sat down and brushed a hand through her hair.

“You had better train your new barista well, then,” Chanhee said. “And don’t be so hard on her, she’s new.”

Hyeran glared at him. “The job advert said experienced barista.”

“Hey you hired her,” Chanhee pointed out. “I thought you wanted the cafe to become bigger?” He didn’t understand what the problem was. They’d worked so hard on rebranding it, on creating signage, on putting the cafe on the map, and now suddenly they’d done their job too well??

“Well I was wrong, wasn’t I? I’m not interested in being some sort of Woosu fancafe!” Hyeran snapped. “This is too much! How am I supposed to deal with this?”

Chahee took a step back, actually undramatically offended. “So this is what it’s about. I didn’t ask for these fans to crowd the only safe haven I have either, you know.”

“You don’t seem so bothered when they all crowd around you for autographs,” Hyeran pointed out.

“Because I used to have nothing!” There was a little voice in his head that was telling him he was yelling and he shouldn’t. That he should take a step back and stop. “You know that I used to have nothing, so how can you hold this against me?!”

“I can because it’s ruining my cafe!” Hyeran raised her voice as well. “All of these people just want to see you and it’s driving me insane! Not only that but it’s driving away my regular customers too! All I have left is girls fawning over you!”

“I’m sorry for that but you can’t hold me responsible for that!” Chanhee countered. . He hadn’t come to the cafe to be accused and attacked!

“Can’t I? You’re the one who brought them here! Without you I’d still have my cafe!” Hyeran yelled.

“So now it’s my fault?!”

“Yes! No! I don’t know!” Hyeran buried her face in her hands. “I just know that I can’t keep doing this!”

“What- what do you mean with this?” His heart hammered in his throat and voice became very small.

“The Woosu Fancafe,” she said, paused, and looked away. “Us.” Us. “I don’t know. Both? I just know that it’s too much.” She looked miserable. He felt miserable.

“What is us?” he said, voice still small as a mouse. Had it really just been an elephant? It felt like he’d never raised it above a decibel in his life. “What have we been all this time?”

“I don’t know,” she said, still not looking him in the eyes. “You’re Woosu before you’re Chanhee.”

“Am I?” He felt more Chanhee than Woosu but… was he?

“Your career is always going to come before me,” Hyeran said, eyes finally flicking back to his and he could see the reflection of tears. It was a thousand stabs to the heart. “I know this. I knew this from the moment we started… whatever this was. You’ll always be Woosu before Chanhee and how can it be any other way? You’re famous now and I’m just some girl with a cafe, they don’t compare. I don’t compare.”


“I’m not putting myself down or anything, Chanhee,” she cut him off. “I’m not throwing myself a pity party. I’m being realistic. You have your life and I have mine, and we both know yours has no room for dating. It has no room for us.

“But I want to have room for us!” Chanhee knew he sounded like a child but he couldn’t help it, he wanted this so goddamned bad.

“I… don’t,” Hyeran’s voice broke. She cleared . “I don’t want to be the girl who waits. I love myself far too much for that. I’m so much more than that.”

“That’s not-” but wasn’t it? Wasn’t that what he was asking? And he wanted so bad for her to just do it, to just be the girl for him. He wanted her so so so much.

“Mom was right,” she continued. He saw her square her shoulders and jut her chin in that way she did when she was trying to look braver and more certain than she was like she did when anyone questioned her business decisions. He saw the way she clenched her fist like she did when she was trying to keep her patience with a persistent customer. Saw the way her lip quivered just a bit like it did when she watched a sad drama and was trying not to cry. “It’s much nicer to just have a simple cafe. Nothing big. Nothing extraordinary. Just. Simple. I want simple. I need simple. We tried. It’s just not good for either of us.”

And that’s how his whole world crumpled.

“This can’t be it. It can’t be just this. The way we met- the way we grew- the kiss- we were so happy- how can all of that lead to this?” He brushed a tear from his own eye. How dare it be here like- like this was a done deal. He wasn’t ready to cry he wanted to fight!

“Life isn’t a drama, Chanhee,” her voice wavered. “You’re not the love interest in this story. Life doesn’t just perfectly wrap itself up. We’re not some perfect couple meant to be.”

“But- but-”

“It’s over Chanhee!” She snapped. “We’re done! I’m telling you, get out of my life! Get out of my cafe!”

“But- but-”

“Get out!” She grabbed a fistfull of napkins and threw it at him, he just barely managed to throw his hands up in defense. “Get. Out.” Next she threw a handful of plastic-wrapped coffee biscuits. “Leave!”

Chanhee stumbled backwards until he all but fell out of the door. The fresh air hit him like a wall. Tears pricked his eyes but he saw faces turn his way and even through it all he was acutely aware that he couldn’t be caught crying in the streets. “Aeon’s Woosu sobs in the streets of Mapo”. “Aeon’s Woosu makes a public spectacle of himself. “Aeon’s Woosu feels like his heart has been ripped out of his chest and fed into a meat grinder and stepped on and cut into more pieces and set on fire.”

He didn’t even remember how he ended up stumbling onto the porch of the dorm, didn’t remember how his hand got to the doorknob, how he fell onto the sofa. Didn’t have a single recollection of how he ended up sobbing into a pillow.

He didn’t even know how long he was here before the front door opened again and a bag fell to the ground with a heavy thud. “Chanhee?” The all too familiar voice of Seunghoon asked. “What happened?”

“How can she just decide to give up?” Chanhee asked through snot and tears. “How can she just decide that on her own? We’re a team! We’re a duo! We’re two! How can one just give up without the other’s permission.”

“Oh no,” Seunghoon all but whispered and before Chanhee knew it a wad of tissues was into his hands.

“Together means something!” Chanhee continued. “It means we’re not islands but we’re an archipelago! She can’t just- and I’m the one who ruined her cafe?! I- I- I’m the one who rebranded it. I made the cafe!”

Seunghoon put an arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer without a word. The front door opened again and there was another thud, Chanhee didn’t even know who it was. “Go get some ice cream, hyung,” Seunghoon instructed and then the interloper was gone.

“I’m Chanhee!” Chanhee continued rambled. “I’m Chanhee! Not Woosu! Chanhee! I’m Chanhee… not Woosu...”

More tears and more snot and more tissues. Seunghoon’s hand gently caressed his shoulder while the other supplied the tissues.

“I’m never drinking coffee again,” Chanhee snottered. “Never. I’m never touching caffeine again in my life!”

“Blaming me for my own fame! How does she have the right! It’s not like I made the fangirls follow me everywhere! They’re giving her money and she’s blaming me for ruining her cafe!”

“What am I going to do without her? I’m nothing without her. I’m just Woosu. Woosu is nothing. I’ll never love again.”

“Not Americano. Not Dutch. Not capuccino.”

“What if I quit? Will she take me back if I quit? I could become a barista forever. I’m really good at it. I can make people buy coffee and never look into a camera again.”

“How does she dare?!

“Not mocha. Not latte. Not even hot chocolate!”

Somewhere in the middle of his rants a tub of triple chocolate ice cream was shoved into his hands with a spoon and he shovelled it into his mouth one sickeningly sweet brain freezingly cold bite at a time.

“I must become the most successful actor of all time,” he announced, or he tried to but his mouth was filled with ice cream. “Bigger than Lee Minho. Bigger than Kim Soohyun. I must show her exactly who Woosu can be.”

“There there, just eat your ice cream.”

It felt like, well, aeons when the tears stopped coming for a moment, and the tub was almost empty. It was completely dark outside with only a single light in the dorm shedding a depressingly slight amount of light across the living room. Chanhee felt like he didn’t have a single drop of water left in his body with which to make a single tear. He looked around him to see the dorm was empty except for Seunghoon, who was looking at him expectantly. “Where is everyone?” Chanhee asked, dabbing at his eyes with what must be the thousandth tissue.

“I sent Youngbae to his room when he kept hovering. Minjun booked it into his as soon as he saw you. Woosu and Jinyoung still aren’t here.”

“What time is it?”

Seunghoon turned around to look at the clock. “Quarter past one.”

Chanhee sighed. “Thanks for staying with me.” His voice was hoarse from the crying. “How was your day?”

“Seokmin hyung explained to me that the company doesn’t want their idols to write music,” Seunghoon said, a forced matter-of-fact tone doing little to hide the bitterness. “So no, they won’t be considering my song for our album.”

“He said what?”

“Yeah.” Seunghoon sighed. “Doha said they were probably blocking the added revenue I’d get from a production credit. You know, like how we don’t really get paid when our song gets played on the radio but the song writers do. This way it’ll take me longer to pay off the debt.”

“That sounds like Helix, alright,” Chanhee said before blowing his nose very loudly. “Every possibility to be opaque about our payment. They never did tell me what I made from the drama either, just keep telling me it ‘was used to pay off a small portion of my debt’. The longer they can keep us in the dark the longer they can pocket our hard-earned cash. ers.”

“ers,” Seunghoon agreed.

The front door opened and Jinyoung dropped his bag in fright when he saw the mess Chanhee must look like. “Hyung?!”

Chanhee just blew his nose more and made persistent eye contact.

Jinyoung squirmed and fled to the kitchen. Seunghoon snorted. “That was mean.”

“I get to be mean today.” Chanhee said. “Am I the only one who feels like getting really drunk right now?” Screw practice tomorrow morning. He needed this. Both of them needed this. Probably.

“I thought you’d never ask.” Seunghoon went to the kitchen and came back with two bottles of soju and two glasses. They poured each other a glass.

“Cheers!” The shot went down like a shotgun shell. It felt amazing.

“You could probably make a good song out of the heartbreak,” Seunghoon said.

Chanhee laughed. “It would just be ‘ YOU HYERAN’ over and over and over again.”

Seunghoon nodded. “Very avant-garde.”

“I could add a bridge of ‘ YOU HELIX’ for you?”

“I think we’d both like that.”

“Damned right.



may 11, 2013

Seunghoon squinted against the afternoon sun. The music of some rehearsal could be heard loud and clear in the background while the fresh evening air on the balcony was a welcome relief. He could hear Minjun chattering behind him in the waiting room, could feel the resentment coming from Yoonah as she struggled with getting Youngbae to sit still, could hear Jinyoung warming up his voice mixing in with the rest of the background noise. He could see the empty bleachers of the Seoul World Cup Stadium where thousands of fans of various group would soon take their seats for Dream Concert.

What was he doing here?

Why was he doing this?

At least the waiting room was nice. All of the rooms were on the upper floors of the attached building, and each had attached balconies overlooking the stadium itself. He couldn’t see the stage but he would be able to see the fans later on and hear the music and that was something.

Dream Concert.

They’d never been invited before, nobody had cared enough about Aeon to even consider them for the lineup. That was all different now. They’d had fansigns. They’d done photoshoots for actual magazines. People were recognizing them on the street, asking for autographs or photos. People knew them now.

And thus they were at Dream Concert.

There were so many groups he didn’t even know, they must have debuted while Aeon had been on hiatus. BTOB. VIXX. MBX. Speed, EXO. He’d heard about EXO at least, SM’s flopped little pet project with the thousands of teasers. He kind of liked Mama regardless, it was something new, even if some of the elements were rather ridiculous. Gregorian chants? Screamo? Weird cult-like fantasy backstory stuff? He had to respect SM for the audacity of it all. The other though? He had no idea who they were.

There were some familiar faces at least. They’d run into the girls of Sistar plenty of times since their debut, he felt comfortable saying hi and exchanging some words. Bora, especially, was quite friendly, he liked her. SHINee was here too, and sometimes Seunghoon managed to not be too embarrassed about past instances to talk to them. SNSD to even talk to them but they were here, larger than life as they were, but he’d probably die if he ever attempted  conversation. Taeyeon was so short and beautiful and her voice was even better in real life than on record!

Infinite was forever haunting them, too. Somehow they always ended up at the same events or the same music shows. He didn’t much care about them but he knew Jinyoung and Youngbae and even Chanhee sometimes still felt grudging about the whole synchronization thing and every time they were in the same room there was some tension.

And Eunha! Eunha was here! Surprisingly! She didn’t seem like she was very big but somehow she’d snagged an invitation for Dream Concert and he was really excited to see her! That was something to genuinely look forward to today.

Not that he didn’t look forward to performing. He liked singing, didn’t even mind dancing that much. It was just… feelings were hard to figure out. He thought he would be super excited to finally be back on stage. He thought he’d be ecstatic to be invited to an event like Dream Concert for the very first time. He should be both those things but… He shook his head. He was fine. This would be good!

He leaned forward on the balcony railing, closed his eyes, and felt the soft cool breeze against his skin. He tried desperately not to think about the last time he’d been standing on a balcony somewhat like this, in some love motel. Tried even harder not to think about the fact that he’d probably never see that night’s companion again. He hadn’t even been brave enough to call, he’d sent Dongmin a text. A single text.

He was a goddamned coward.

Sometimes it was hard to remember why he was here at all. Why he’d decided this.

He supposed it didn’t really matter in the end. Here he was. What had Dongmin said about regrets? No use speculating what could have been, what is was the only thing that mattered.

There were some other people on their various balconies too, each one was separated by metal railing but otherwise they could see each other. There was someone he didn’t recognize on the balcony right next to him. He seemed to be listening to the girl group who was rehearsing right now (Sistar? He thought he recognized Hyorin’s breathy singing, and was that Alone? He liked that song.), hands and chest performing dance moves Seunghoon could only assume were part of the official dance, too absorbed to look Seunghoon’s way. Suddenly there his leg went sliding along the floor as the chorus came on and the guy seemed to go for it 100%. Seunghoon couldn’t look away, it was like a train wreck happening right in front of his eyes except the dancing was actually pretty good. The guy hopped around as part of the dance and turned halfway to look over his shoulder and he locked eyes with Seunghoon. He startled so much he actually fell over, clinging to the railing for dear life. “Oh my god, I did not see you!”

“yeah , I’m just going to… check in with my group…” Seunghoon retreated from the balcony, feeling the sharp loss of his little hidey hole. Back inside the waiting room things were as he’d left them. The stylist was still struggling with Youngbae. Jinyoung was still listening to some music and singing to warm up his voice despite the fact that it’d be hours yet before the concert would start. Wonwoo was attempting to read in the corner while Minjun was talking to him about something. Seunghoon didn’t really care enough to truly listen. Seokmin was sitting quietly within the chaos, frowning at his phone. 

Chanhee was admiring himself in the mirror, brushing a hand through his hair just so, seeing what he liked best, until Yoonah smacked his hand away. Everyone had collectively ignored the fact that Chanhee had been sobbing on a sofa just a week ago and he was taking it like a champ. Seunghoon thought he’d heard Chanhee cry in his room a few more isolated times but whenever the group was together he was putting in 200% effort. He really was an excellent actor. Or alternative just really good at ignoring his problems, and who was Seunghoon to throw stones there?

“When will you need us again, hyung?” Seunghoon asked Seokmin. “I’d like to take a walk around and say hello to some friends.”

Seokmin looked up from his phone. “Did you get your makeup done?”

“I did.”

“Then I suppose we won’t need you until it’s time to get dressed in,” he checked his watch. “Three hours. Though I’d like you back before then. Who are you visiting?”

“Eh… BTOB,” he lied, taking the first name he remembered from the setlist. “We met backstage at Inkigayo last month.”

“Okay then, that doesn’t sound like a problem.” Seokmin nodded. “If they’re famous try to get a selfie with them to promote yourself.”

“They’re not,” Seunghoon said. He slipped out the door before Seokmin could change his mind and looked around. Each door held a paper sign with ‘Dream Concert - Group Name’ on it but nowhere in Aeon’s vicinity did he see Lim Eunha. How was he going to find the Eunha-shaped needle in this haystack?

He was so busy looking at all the signs that he literally bumped into someone he’d never expected to see again. “Sorry!” Seunghoon quickly apologized. “I didn’t see you.”

“No harm done,” the guy said with a deep voice that Seunghoon definitely remembered. The guy looked him up and down and Seunghoon returned the gesture. He was a lot more idol-looking than the last time Seunghoon had seen him. He was all dressed up in white with belts where there really was no reason to be belts, hair bleached and coloured to hell and back instead of the terrible toothbrush shaped mohawk, but that gorgeous dimple was still there. “Hey, I know you,” the guy said. “Didn’t I bump into you once?”

“Eeeh,” Seunghoon hesitated. “Maybe?”

“Yeah! I did! You were the one who helped me find Eunha noona’s room and then ran away!”

Oh no why did he have to remember?! It was only okay when Seunghoon remembered, goddamnit. “Oh, yeah,” Seunghoon tried to laugh it off. “I had to go back to my group real quick that time, sorry about that, I guess we’re even now. Are you rapping with her again?” There. Smooth. Evasive. Totally not suspicious.

“Oh no, I debuted in a boy group last year! It’s called MBX, you haven’t heard of us?” the guy asked.

“I’ve been out of the loop for a while,” Seunghoon admitted. “Really? You’re an idol now?” Last time he’d seen the guy he’d looked like some kind of rap underground reject. This was definitely an upgrade. “You’re officially a hoobae then! I’m Kim Seunghoon from Aeon, I don’t think I ever actually introduced myself.”

“Rap Storm- actualy, I’m Kim Namhoon,” the guy corrected himself. “So you’re in that group with Woosu, right?” Namhoon asked. “Even we watched some of that drama when we had the time. Good .”

“Yup, that’s us,” Seunghoon confirmed. “He’s a but he’s our .”

Namhoon laughed. “You don’t want to know the amount of s that are in my group, it’s all I can do to prevent half of them from causing some group-shattering scandal about every day.”

Seunghoon laughed. “Don’t even get me started on half of mine, too. One of them is an actual 15 year old. Wait, no, he just turned 16 two weeks ago.”

“Hey, don’t go thinking you’re special, we’ve got ourselves a recent 16 year old too, and let me tell you, he’s the worst,” Namhoon said. “He keeps threatening to feed people to the natives of his island and I’m scared he’s going to say it to one of the fans someday. And that’s not even talking about Hankyung who keeps trying to take his shirt off and body roll and I swear I could hear him compliment the stylist’s s last week.”

“And that’s not even talking about our leader who acts less mature than the maknae,” Seunghoon said. “And that’s supposed to be the one that leads us! He can’t even lead himself!”

“I have a feeling you and I are going to get along very well,” Namhoon said, patting Seunghoon’s shoulder lightly. It was a friendly gesture, he knew that logically, but Seunghoon still tensed up and took a step back. Namhoon frowned. “Sorry?”

“Oh, eh, my shoulder’s all bruised up from dance practice,” Seunghoon quickly lied. He was getting good at this lying business.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know!” the guy burst out, all concerned. It was sweet and made him feel a little bad about lying, though not bad enough not to do it.

“No harm done,” Seunghoon said. “It’s cool. Have you seen Eunha noona around?”

“I have! I just said hi to her myself. She’s a little further away, just keep going down the hall until you’re at the end. There’s a smoke machine malfunctioning in the room opposite hers so you can’t miss it.”

Seunghoon smiled. “Of course there is. Thanks, see you around, hoobae.”

Namhoon grinned. “See you around, sunbae. Come around the MBX waiting room sometime if you want to learn what true chaos looks like.”

“I’ll make sure to do just that!” Huh, he did suppose he just made another potential idol friend. Seokmin would be proud. Well, if he could use them Seokmin would be proud.. He made his way down the hall all the way until the crowd of people slowly thinned and he was the only one left in the hallway. Why did they always stuff her in the most remote corners? He was super offended on her behalf.

And there it was. A sliver of smoke coming from one of the doors. As instructed, Seunghoon knocked on the door opposite and a melodic “come in!” beckoned him. Eunha was sitting with her back to him. She turned around slowly, black wide-brimmed hat pulled low over her face. “I knew we would meet today,” she said solemnly.

Seunghoon snorted. “Did you turn your back just so you could turn around ominously?”


“I think you might rival Chanhee for most dramatic person in the universe.”

“Ah, the new superstar!” she smiled. “I watched much of that drama. Very enjoyable. Very worth its hype. That hype you’re riding right now like your life depends on it.”

“Isn’t it?” He sat down on the sofa next to her. “I’ve missed you, noona. Your manager not here again?”

“He’s around,” she said. “He doesn’t care much for me so he’s always leaving me to make calls elsewhere. Or so he says. I’ve already wished plague onto him, an uncomfortable rash in a public place that just won’t go away. I’m waiting for it to go into effect.”

“Remind me never to cross you, noona.”

“You already have.” She crossed her arm as the hat cast an ominous shadow across her face. “Why haven’t I heard anything from you for over a year, Kim Seunghoon?”

Seunghoon found himself sweating a little. “I didn’t have your number, I had no way of contacting you!”

“You had my email,” she reminded him. , he’d totally forgotten that he’d had her email! He’d honestly mostly forgotten about her.

“I… didn’t think about that,” he admitted. “I’m sorry!”

“You had better be.” For a moment he felt a rash coming up, then  she smiled and loosened up. “It’s good to see you. I was expecting you to never return. It’s nice to be proven wrong every now and then.”

Seunghoon smiled. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“No,” she said. “I suppose you’re not. Tell me about your year and I’ll tell you about mine.”

He spent quite some time just chatting with her, it was so easy to talk to her. He told her about (a heavily censored version of) his year, she told him about the sparse opportunities her label was giving her for music. He talked about Chanhee and the fame thing, she made cryptic comments that came way too close to home. Before he knew it an hour and a half had passes and her manager returned and kicked him out after kicking up a fuss about an unchaperoned boy in her waiting room. Seunghoon waved her goodbye, she smiled some knowing smile or other, and he was back in the labyrinthine hallways trying to make his way back.

He was surprised that everything was still standing when he returned to the waiting room. Minjun was standing outside the door, admiring the sign with their name on it. “Hang on,” he said to Seokmin who was standing outside, probably after taking some sort of important phone call or other. Minjun grabbed his phone and turned to the manager. “Hyung, take a photo of me and the Aeon sign for twitter and instagram!” Seokmin reluctantly agreed.

Seunghoon took a step back and watched. Minjun made a dumb face while flashing twin V-signs around the paper sign. “You can’t upload a photo looking like that!” Seokmin protested, lowering the phone.

“That one’s for my friends,” Minjun said. “We’ll take the one for the fans after.” He did the dumb face again and Seokmin reluctantly took a photo. Then Minjun smiled sweetly for a second photo and grabbed his phone back. “Thanks, hyung!”

Seunghoon was pretty sure he saw Minjun upload the dumb picture to his instagram. Ah well. Not his problem. Inside things were much as they had been when he’d left them. “Hoonie!” Chanhee said from the balcony. “Come see this!”

Seunghoon joined Chanhee on the balcony. Chanhee pointed at the stadium. “Look! They’re letting the audience in!”

True enough Seunghoon could see the small dots that were people filling into the stadium. It had seemed so impossible that all of those seats would be filled but here they were. The stadium was truly huge. With the fans came the banners too, he could see the ones on the front rows of their sections unfurl banners or lit-up boards with the names of the group they stanned. He wondered how they organized it, was that a fanclub thing to do? Man those were no joke. He saw the usual: SHINee, Beast, SNSD. There were some rookies even, a small banner for BTOB, one of the fancy big light up ones for MBX. “Look,” he point at a small section on the very top right where some fans were attached a printed banner with ‘AEON’ on it.

Chanhee grinned. “They’re here for us.”

“It’s still crazy that they’re here for us.” He could still remember standing on stage at a music show where every person in the audience was just waiting for them to be done so they could root for their faves. Now they were here, at Dream Concert, and they had their own section of fans. Waiting for them. He'd be lying if he said he didn't have butterflies.

“We had better give them a show they’ll never forget then,” Chanhee said. “Make it worth their while.”

Seunghoon smiled. “Yeah. Let’s do that.”


may 11, 2013

It was happening.

A stage hand was attaching his mic set to the back pocket of his tight slacks, the mic itself was taped to his cheek, his eye itched from the thick layer of smokey makeup, his hand shook.

Chanhee put a heavy hand on his shoulder, anchoring him to the ground. It was too heavy, Jinyoung didn’t like it. “If you just look at the audience closest to the stage, it’s just like any music show.”

Right, just another music show except in a stadium filled with eyes that were looking right at them.

Jinyoung shook his head. It didn’t matter anyway, he was nervous, sure, but that’s not why he was shaking.

He was pumped.

“Aeon get ready,” a stagehand ushered them to the platform that would lift them up on the stage (a platform! They had a platform!). Jinyoung could hear muffled screams as their little intro thing was played. Silhouettes of them dancing in boxes, nothing all that impressive, but the screams were so loud.

“Come on.” Chanhee held out his hands and all of them were briefly connected. “Aeon fighting,” he said.

“Aeon fighting!” they repeated.

The platform lurched into motion and raised them up to the stage. Jinyoung squinted as his eyes adjusted to the harsh spotlights. He could hardly see the audience in the dark but he could hear the screams and he could pinpoint the lightsticks the company had brought out mere weeks before the concert. Jinyoung had seen them before, they were flimsy things with the head of a clock on top with AEON on it, lighting up in a sort of burgundy color. He’d thought they were kind of tacky before, but now there was a whole section of the audience in that sort of burgundy color.

They had practiced weeks for this, even rearranged The Chaser to fit in Minjun and cover Joowon’s absence. Weeks and weeks or preparation and it went by like the blink of an eye. Screams, music, limbs moving in pure muscle memory, and a smile he couldn’t keep off his face as it clashed with the angsty music.

They were here for them, they cheered for them, the camera recorded every second of it, to be broadcasted to fans around the world.

It was like he’d been sleepwalking through his life and he was only just opened his eyes.

This is what he’d build himself up for all these years. This is what he’d sweat for, what he’d cried for, what he’d suffered for.

The people were loving it. The people were loving him.

He never wanted to be without this feeling ever again.


Author's note:

for those curious: eternity dream concert perf, and the chaser dream concert perf (pretend sungjong and l are the same person, and minjun takes over hoya's parts from joowon (rip))

mbx and their craziness is from the fic 365.

Happy holidays!!

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Next update will bring some changes to the Aeon page and an added Side Character page, so don't panic when it updates!


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Chapter 30: Hello, Lavender.

I started reading this just because I was curious who the Dream4U MC Chanhee was but now I am sitting with my own alcoholic beverage and so much heartache for this cast. I am sure the apps you picked were ripe with ideas, but you really wove them together like a glorious conductor coaxing a symphony out of disparate parts. Within the first few chapters, I forgot I was reading an Applyfic instead of just a book off the shelves, full of beloved strangers.
Chapter 30: hi ok so

commenting publicly this time, and gosh i feel so , but i suppose others must know their charas are being flailed over~


WONWOO DARLING the ahjummas of this story consistently have stellar taste in gentlemen. Honestly the way you swiftly characterize supporting characters in just a few lines blows me away every time, AND you reveal so much about Wonwoo's state of mind in the same lines? Yo, help, I stan ahjumma already. Also I stan Wonwoo even more because he's so soothing and indulgent. (Though I suppose more stans is the last thing he needs now. I can't help it though, I love me some tildes~~)

It's funny how the one who used to come off most floaty and detached is now one of the most relatable (dat parking lot moment haha) as well as the most emotionally grounded and willing to connect... which takes me to THAT REVEAL YOOOOO if you see my mind washed up on the beach, know that this is the moment I lost it.

I read the word "betrayal" and was like... No way. Really? No wa- OH MY GOSH. `That melancholy mood shrouded in neon haze just gained even more weight. There are so many things wrong in this conversation, which basically means you got everything right. Just as Wonwoo's growth and quiet proactiveness has me rooting for him and wiping a tear, the ways Joowon has changed really sting. All the more with how perceptive Wonwoo is (man, you picked the most heartbreaking POV for this). Of course Wonwoo notices the grating brightness. Of course he sees the mess that you laid bare a few chapters ago. 

It aches to see Wonwoo's conversation hooks get left hanging over and over. The Joowon who arrived early to his audition would never have let Wonwoo's comment on hotel rooms slide without grilling him on details and offering insights in turn. The Joowon who herded Youngbae wouldn't have forgotten the terms of this meeting, nor would he have been so muted about the entire music production. I thought the lack of Joowon-ness when he was alone in the apartment felt wrong, but it's even more unnerving seeing it through Wonwoo's keen eye. Again, perfect choice of POV, and as heavily as the contents sit, this moment still offers some small glimmer of hope. All so you can hurt us better later? Or...? ('w')

JINYOUNG MY VOLATILE DARLING wow I missed his snide observations of the fashion. It stings also that he is stewing in his fashion terrorism without the other guys to rub it in, but Hana is more than picking up the slack here haha. I love her commentary on the commentary, holy crap, just amazing. The lady artistes of this fic just mean so much business and it's a shot of serotonin every time. I cannot articulate to you the victory lap I did around my computer when I saw Seoyeon pop up. Part of me started looking for Eunha's smoke machine even though she appeared just last chap, hehe, but anyway~ I'm getting ahead of myself. Back to Jinyoung's horrible suit with No Pockets. This is not what I meant by #GenderEquality, dang it!!!

Still, gotta love Jinyoung actually being comfy enough to whine, rather than drown his sorrows out of sight on a rooftop. He's on top of the world in a different way here, and it feels just as much a precipice. I always love his inner thoughts and how not-only-seen-but-exposed I feel seeing the way he takes affirmation and attention, from Hana and from the crowd. I am both thrilled and terrified watching Icarus inch closer to star status, and how quickly he goes from discomfort at the comments to convincing himself he is loved made me audibly say, "Oh no." 

Still, for now, I am happy he can have this moment of all his sacrifices paying off. Perhaps this won't be the last time he can wave at someone and receive warmth in answer. Anyways, if you find broken bits of heart on the beach after the upcoming chapters, that's also me.

*also bonks Seokmin just because* *Chanhee would approve*

aaaaaand here comes MINJUNNN! More whining, haha, but of a different flavor~ also now you are making me imagine the AU in which Hana and Minjun became the pair, which is also a different flavor of terrifying. 'Tis sweet seeing Youngbae getting a bit more observant here tho! Meanwhile, Minjun's tactlessness is so dang refreshing. I loved how he tumbled in with all these rough edges and now has clearly settled in. After the heavy opening, I really needed this one-sided pillow fight and familiar dumb-dumb. Our newbie is shaking the group back to life, and I wonder if he even realizes just how much he's bringing people together.

Hahahaha this whole segment reviewing the MV is just delicious, delicious food. South Korea's what now?! >w<) also I SEE YOU NOTICING THE SONGWRITING, MR. SEUNGHOON. I SEE YOU~ AND YOUUUUNGBAE actually looking out for Jinyoung here when the others are having their fun. Our leader is maturing one +1 to Perception at a time. Though I can't believe he forgot Wonwoohoo was the visual who even got modeling work for his appearance, lol. Still some classic Youngbae in there. <3 anyways I wonder how Jinah is doing...

I am also cackling at Seunghoon's response to the very concept of men being appealing, haha. Our Seunghoon-ie who worried about plastic surgery and wrung his hands around a pride pamphlet is now able to take Minjun and Chanhee's comments without panic AND able to proclaim his own y!! *wipes tear* So dang proud.

Also: CHANHEE-SSI??! I worry for your definition of "educational" here???! You star in a School drama, for goodness' sake??!?! I got almost used to seeing Chanhee being a warm and frank mentor for the girls at PD99 and soon-D4U, so this was a most welcome reminder of just how much of a brat and how much of a solid bro he can be. It's so nice to see our baby snark doo-doo-doo unleashed again in a proper back-and-forth. That moment he shared with Seunghoon at the end of this segment was just so sweet too! What a lovely pay-off to all they have gotten each other through.

HANA POV HANA POV HANA POV *yeets MV* This right here is what I want etched into my brain. It's also amazing to see her dealing with the dress that everyone has been aggressively noticing. She owns it, yes, and she believes in herself, but that doesn't make the dress or heels any more comfy. Also fascinating to see Jinyoung now through her eyes, as fond of food as ever even if he has a habit of scolding the other guys for neglecting to diet. This is a good day for perceptive people's POVs revealing deep truths of the soul, haha. Also I'm not gonna think about how they are drinking together on the rooftop terrace just like- nope, nope!!

Awww Seokmin... *unbonks* You're fun when you... have fun... until you don't. Hana's perspective continues to be as captivating as she is, though. I knew you could wrangle romance like a baroque-era sculpture wrangling flowing fabrics, but I still wasn't prepared for the kind of magnetism charging up here. O polarity, thy name is HanaJin. The opening-up we see here is different from that of, say, Hyeran/Chanhee, yet it feels every bit as natural and visceral. All the way down to the chaotic girl talk~
Ah, so many beloved faces here!! Bongchacha! Gongjoojoo! Our OG Seoyeon! Each and every one of them have their priorities straight, and it is most excellent. Bongcha getting right to the important questions, Seoyeon actually looking out for(?) Jin a wee bit based on past knowledge of working with the boys, and Gongjoo checking in on the performance details. Love it. Love it all. Also my eyebrows are sailing out of the atmosphere at what the "everything" she told them may include...

O Joowon, my Joowon. Baby boy. Evil. So much drinking in this chapter haha, from the opening beers to the closing soju. Hyunjung is a delightful new dummie for our collection, but ooof, Joowon's cracks are showing so much that it doesn't even take a Wonwoo to spot them. Ah, but here cometh the music show host job. I knew I was signing up for disaster when I put it in the app, and I dang near forgot about it until it reared its sneaky head here... but trust you to remember all these awful details <3 o great Lavuigi is scary like that~~

Thank you thank you for another amazing update! Sneaky sneaky, but you know I love it always. Truly, I am grateful that our characters remain in your heart and continue to be massaged into existence by your brilliant juggling of all their threads. 

The timeline marches ever forward, and I feel that age-old mix of dread and excitement as fresh as I always did with this fic. You've really created something special, and I can't wait to squeeze even more out of you, hehe >u<) work, beach! work!!! <3
DUUUUDE! This all is so much of a RollerCoaster of emotions! I'm just dying inside with everything that's happening. THEY MANAGED TO BREAK JIN AND JOWOON! (they as in the system and the circumstances) ajhsbskansbna
Poor Baekhyun is too much of a cute child for this world. And I was internally crying with Seunghoon during his self acceptance period (btw akhdjskajbsja he got a date!!! Jabdnkajsbjajs he could have told that to Chanhee. Chanhee would be happy for him I think)
Talking about Chanhee. I always found him amusing because he was such a Tsundere, but now he's basically Aeon's heart (and mom) and that's so heartwarming! And during the start of the hiatus, he and Jowoon totally were the parents of the group xD now they are on the Brink of divorce :'(
Oh. And Youngbae. He's the oldest, but he can be the least mature of them all. Jahshskkabshskak I wonder how the group will go when he needs to step up for his leader role for real.
And Wonwoo tho. He was feeling so guilty because of that model thing. I guess he never thought that It could be something so big, and at the time he just wanted to be himself, (kind of) and not 'Primo'. I hope he can get over it.
Also, my Golden triad of secondary characters are Eunha, Doha and Youngji <3 Hyeran is not too Far behind, but those three are my favs! XD
Man, this is all a mess, and Minjun has no idea where he's getting himself into. Nor I had when i wrote him, but It worked, because It gives autenticy xD lol Talking about him, the present-moment snipets are so contrasting between him and the other members!! XD All of them are in a way of another ready to leave the stage, and Minjun Just wants to keep going. Oh man, I want so much to see how things will go once Helix puts him in the group XD
Btw, Helix and the CEO are big sh*ts, and not on the funny way, on the bad way. Man, talk about a company that doesn't know how to manage things!
P.S: I'm still not over the fact that Seunghoon and KWANG FREAKING INHO are workmates! :') I dropped my phone when I saw Inho's name. And this makes me Wonder if Seunghoon voted for Inho in DoD! XD
Let Apollo be a guiding light to that boy omg omg omg eMBRACE YOUR GAYNESS
your chapters are so in depth how do I aspire to be this as well in my fics
i say this as watching disney movies from the early 2000's uhm
so yeah
love seeing apollo up on that side chara page c: ehehehe
Chapter 1: And dude, I can almost FEEL the gap between the members and the new maknae lol good luck son, you will need it. XD
Chapter 2: By those descriptions, I know I'm here for a lot of the supporting cast. XD (cough I also may have some support characters preference syndrome cough)
Chapter 15: [since folks snoop i guess i'll post it again here <3]

blublublub i don't think i will ever be done flipping out over this section T~T) like i guess i mentioned before, this is truly where the fic starts for me. at last, we have gotten a present day perspective from all of aeon; the full picture is finally here, albeit blurry

all the little details that you invented for him fit so perfectly in with the original chara of joowon, and honestly, i don't know what he'd be without them. of course he prefers the metro over driving. of course the car is company sponsored. of course he berates his own ungratefulness.

i love your little injections of meta knowledge into his POV haha. i guess there's a bit of you in all the characters, and joowonie got the bulk of your business savvy XD

also, much much appreciation for the subtle differences btw old joowon and "old" joowon! you don't outright say that he has become much more subdued left to his own devices; the lack of dialogue speaks for itself. you don't need to say that music still has a place in his life; the music sheets on the couch admit it to anyone listening. and you don't even need to say that this kinda of lonely routine is exactly that: a routine. the "similar takeout boxes" implies that just fine. i guess i get a slight advantage in finding these hints bc i am his much-too-biased creator, but man, kudos. kudos kudos kudos for sharing his story with such care and attention to detail. every sentence (esp the puns teehee~) in this POV is so precious ahhhhh

jinyoung, my sweetheart, forever wrestling with his bad thoughts. it's actually quite saddening to see how he was both so happy and so attacked from all the attention during the fansign.

i'm loving wonwoo's attitude shining through in all these little moments tho~ he showed a bit of not-so-above-it-all-ness when he joined in the vending machine scene (<3 <3 <3) but his efforts at humor here are just so touching haha. touching in slightly stoopeed way, but i wouldn't expect any less from these dorks XD (i'm also curious about wonwoo's potential snoopity in this section, hmm)

oh wow i almost forgot about these stage names. seunghoon is the only one who escaped lol. jin getting so excited for his fan is both adorably relatable and a reminder of just how much approval he has been deprived of. i still stand by all my previous rambling of "SOMEONE PLS JUST BE NICE TO THIS BIBBY SHEEP"

aww what happened to the "now and forever! we are aeon" that i think they had? here for eternity still works tho, esp considering their fanbase name~

ahhhh here it is! the genuine love jin has for the stage. even though that negativity is still constantly lurking at the edges, he lets himself let go, exist outside of his own little world for just a moment. it really lends new meaning to the whole claim of "doing it for the fans." sometimes, i get that it's just good form to say it like that, but jin (even if he didn't get the words out, poor thing) really did do it for the fans. that's a beautiful little thing in the midst of all his issues and the unfairness of his situation; that's why he went through all this crap, for those moments that make fame more than just a heartless ambition.

pt 2 in replies~
Chapter 14: There is SO MUCH I WANT TO SAY. SO VERY MUCH. But so very little time ;; I was going to SoC but between projects, finals coming up, and H:aH wordcounts for NNWM I do not have the time ;; So I'm gonna bullet point all the things that had me screaming:

- Bae, how have you not told the guys you're enlisting (and apparently leaving the group entirely?) We joke about your terrible leadering but DANG that is terrible leadering >~>
- SEUNGHOON BB. Literally all I have for this part, he's just so precious and squishy and it hurts me to know the industry is just gonna chew him up and spit him back out :(
- Oh wait, Baek being confused about Jinyoung's outfit was pretty great xD
- Baek. My son. My smoll pathetic child. This desperate enthusiasm is just... why. Baek is probably the dumbest character I've ever put to paper and it hurts me to see what that does to him. I'm sorry for birthing you child. I have sent you to an unforgiving world.
- CHANHEE SO HAPPY. SO ENTHUSIASTIC. SO CRUSHING HARD GOODNESS CHILD. CALM YOUR OBVIOUS DOWN. Hyeran is fantastic as ever, not taking his . Honestly this section had me squealing so freaking much, Chanhee with a crush has to be the more cringe-y cute thing I've ever seen.
- Oh man Joowon sections are always so interesting! Of all the kids he's definitely the most in tune with what's going on in the industry and more specifically what's screwing them over in it. Helix is such a ty company yeah, but I do wonder sometimes how it looks from the CEO's perspective. What's his motive for making these choices? They must seem like good ideas to him and it's not like he's purposely trying to lose money. Regardless I really enjoy the dynamic between Joowon and Seokmin here, and how we're starting to see some cracks in Joowon's image. Not so composed when things don't go your way, are you Joowon? I'm starting to see why he leaves despite it seeming like he's this perfect, dedicated leader. I'm really looking forward to more from him honestly.

And those are my abbreviated (more so in some cases than others) thoughts! I should be able to manage longer comments after NNWM and finals are over hopefully. But overall fantastic chapter as ever and I'm excited to see more!
Chapter 13: LIV!! So happy to see this!!

I'm going to be working on a good long comment for you soon! But know I loved this, and I'm excited for what you'll have next.