Chapter 11

april 24 2017

It was hard to get used to not getting up at the crack of dawn right after comeback promotions. It had been 7AM when Chanhee woke up, slightly in panic that the sun was up and he’d overslept, only to realize that there was no promotions today. Did he have a schedule today? He didn’t think so. He hadn’t gotten an audition in quite some weeks now and didn't think there were any scheduled variety shows, at least this week. He was well aware of what Helix was doing, what with the advent of the contract renewal, but oh well. At least it meant a few quiet days this week.

Well then, it wasn't like he was going to fall asleep again. Might as well get up.

The empty bed on the other side of the room betrayed that he wasn’t the only one who’d gotten up early. He brushed a hand through his hair, opened the door, and looked out. “Morning, sunshine,” he said when he saw Seunghoon sitting at the kitchen bar, steaming cup of coffee already in hand.

Seunghoon smiled. “Morning. There’s some coffee left in the machine if you want it.”

“I’ll take you up on that.” Coffee was basically what sustained him nowadays. Chanhee grabbed for his favorite mug and poured in the coffee. “Do we have anything to do today?”

“There’s practice tonight,” Seunghoon said. “Special stage for that festival on Friday. Don’t remember the name. All of us.”

Chanhee made a face. "Already? We just finished promotions."

Seunghoon raised his eyebrows. “You’re going to have to talk to Jinyoung at some point,” he pointed out. “You can’t just keep avoiding him.”

Chanhee staredd into his coffee cup. He'd really rather not deal with this so early in the morning. “How come you’re so cool about all of it?”

Seunghoon shrugged. “My mistakes were my own to make. Don’t really feel like blaming someone else for them too.”

“But he hurt everyone else too,” Chanhee pointed out. That was what got to him the most. 

“Don’t get angry on account of me,” Seunghoon said. “I can do that for myself just fine, if I choose it."

“When did you get more reasonable than me?!” Chanhee lamented, dropping his head on the table.

Seunghoon laughed. “A long long time ago.”

Chanhee just grunted. Why had everything become so hard? It used to be simple: they were a team and he’d fight for each and every one of them, no exceptions. Well, one exception, but that exception had removed himself long ago. Now everything was messy and complicated and he’d very much rather not think about it at 7:15 in the morning, but with the renewal coming up he knew he had to think about it sooner or later. Ugh. When had he started avoiding this kind of stuff? He used to just give his mouth a run whenever he had something to say. He grunted more.

Seunghoon just calmly drank his coffee and gave him some pats on the back. “There, there. Do you have any plans for today? Gonna go see the girlfriend?” Chanhee didn’t have to see the smirk to know it was there.

Chanhee straightened up. “No, she’s busy today, can you believe that? Busy on the first day off I’ve had in a month!”

“Wow how negligent of her,” Seunghoon said with feigned outrage. “ Maybe she’s sick of seeing your face all the time? I wouldn’t blame her.”

Chanhee gasped. “You wound me!”

Seunghoon just laughed and finished his coffee. “Wanna grab some breakfast somewhere then? Something that would give manager Asshat a ?”

Chanhee snorted. “Do you know how many calories are in that?!?!” He mocked in that exaggeratedly low voice their second manager had (Manager Pyo, as he had not so gently informed them he was to be called at all times, though manager [insert expletive] was more common when he wasn’t around), like pitching his voice lower would make then more inclined to listen. It was a nice effort.  “So you’re not sick of my face all of a sudden?”

Seunghoon shrugged. “I’ve built up an immunity over the years.” If Chanhee didn’t know Seunghoon’s deadpan humor it’d be almost impossible to tell he was joking.

“I thought you’d be disappearing right back into your studio?”

“Music can wait a few hours,” Seunghoon said. “Some honey toast with extra whipped cream and hot cocoa cannot.”

“Woah there. That’s intense.”

Seunghoon smiled. “A good friends once told me go hard or go home.”

“He must be an amazing person, wow.”

“He’s a dumb , but he said one thing right in this life.”

Chanhee laughed. “I’ll take it. Come on let’s get ready, toast is on me.”




july 3, 2011


“How’s this?” Seunghoon stepped out of the room, showing off what he hoped to be an outfit that screamed ‘hire me please I need this job so bad’, also known as a slacks and smart-casual shirt combo, tucked safely in the pants.

Joowon gave him a thumbs up. “That looks like the picture of professionalism to me, I’d like to meet the manager who wouldn’t hire such a fine-looking young man.”

“Are you sure? It feels so stiff.” He pulled at the sleeves, rolling them up. It was far too warm to be walking in all of these layers.

The outside door opened and Chanhee came in holding a tray with three takeout coffee cups. He took one look at the scene and gasped. “One: I cannot believe you started without me!”

“You were taking too long and he has to go in an hour!” Joowon defended himself. Seunghoon felt a little bad and fidgeting with his sleeves.

“I am hurt!” Chanhee maintained. “Point number two: you look like you’re about to walk into the cubicle you will spend the rest of your life being miserable in until you die in that same cubicle and they only find out you have three days later when someone realizes the repetitive ticking of a keyboard has stopped.  I haven’t seen such soulless fashion sense since Seokmin hyung abandoned us. Those gray slacks, that,” he gasped. “Is that a blue striped dress shirt? Never let Joowon hyung dress you ever again.”

“Are you done?” Joowon asked.

“Only when I’ve rectified this atrocity.”

“Are you going to give me that coffee or is your plan letting it go cold so you can hightail it right back to your little cafe oasis?”

Chanhee had the good sense to blush the miniscule littlest bit. “See if I get you a coffee ever again!” He handed him one of the cups anyway though, and gave the other one to Seunghoon. “One cup of liquid courage with extra whipped cream.”

Seunghoon sniffed it. “You didn’t add soju or vodka, did you?” He took a sip, aaaah, there was nothing quite like hot cocoa. Thankfully it was non-alcoholic too.

Chanhee laughed his signature booming laugh. “Look, I know I’m getting close to wine aunt status but I’m not that bad. How are you feeling?”

“More scared than I felt before our debut stage.” Seunghoon had been sending out job applications ever since they’d signed the rental agreement, but now was the first time he’d heard something back. It was a position of shelf stocker at a supermarket a few blocks away. He was so nervous, he’d never done anything like this before.

“You’ve got your cool uncles here to coach you,” Chanhee said. “What can go wrong?!”

“You’re literally the same age as me,” Seunghoon protested. Seunghoon had asked Joowon for help, he always looked so in control of things and was by far the most mature and independent of them all. He’d figured Joowon would know how to get himself hired, and Joowon had just found himself two new part time jobs. The guy was a pro by now. Chanhee had been an involuntary addition to the interview helpline, but not an unwelcome one. He had to admit he didn’t really feel comfortable with the clothes Joowon had picked out for him. “And it’s not like you’ll be in the room with me, or talking to me via a headset like they do in the movies!”

“Hoonie, listen to me,” Joowon said. “They would be lucky to have you, and we are going to go over exactly all of the possible interview questions a million times until you’re the most prepared bub in the world.”

“But first we have to fix this,” Chanhee motioned at all of Seunghoon. “I’ll lend you some of my clothes, we’re about the same height.”

Seunghoon was grateful for their help, even if they were both rather ridiculous about it. Chanhee proceeded to dig into his own wardrobe for some clothes he deemed better suited, before all but shoving Seunghoon back into his bedroom to change. Seunghoon didn’t mind the help, his own fashion sense was rather abysmal, or so Chanhee had mentioned more than once.

He was surprised how little they had mentioned the fact that Seunghoon now changed clothes behind closed doors whenever he could. He didn’t really feel comfortable just changing in front of the others since… the thing…. Didn’t think Chanhee was very comfortable with it either, so at least it spared more awkwardness there.

He tried not to think about… the thing… But things had changed anyway and he hated it. To Chanhee’s credit, he hadn’t let it get as awkward as Seunghoon had thought it would be. Seunghoon had been absolutely mortified that morning when Chanhee had walked in on him crying. He’d completely forgotten that Chanhee was going to clean that day, and he’d been sure his life was over when Chanhee had found the ripped up remains of the pamphlet. He shuddered. He didn’t much like thinking back to that day. That feeling of raw fear in the pit of his stomach was not one he thought he’d ever forget. If he just focused on other things in his life he could keep going, so that’s what he was doing.

He shook his head. Come on Seunghoon, don’t go down that rabbit hole. He focused on trying to figure out the outfit that Chanhee had crafted for him. The pants were simple black jeans, somewhere in that happy middle of casual and formal wear. Tighter than Seunghoon would like, but otherwise they were nice. There was a simple white and navy striped shirt and a navy blazer. It all seemed kind of fancy and expensive to him, like most of what Chanhee usually wore. He was so used to walking around in whatever, things he could just rip or spill things on. He was probably wearing something now that was more valuable than all of his clothes combined.

“Is this better?” he asked when he emerged back from the bedroom.

“Come here.” Chanhee proceeded making everything perfect, rolling up the sleeves just so, creating a perfect roll of the bottom of the pants, and tucking in the shirt just so. “There. Now you’re perfect. If the manager doesn’t hire you on looks alone I will have to come down there and give him a piece of my mind.”

“Are you sure that’s not too casual?” Joowon wondered.

“He’s going for a stocking job, not applying to be CEO.” Chanhee argued. “He should look young and stylish and put together, not like he’s going to his grandfather’s funeral.”

“Alright, alright, I concede defeat!”

“I have to go in 20 minutes!” he reminded them. “Hyung, help me, what are they going to ask?”

“They’re going to ask some of the usual questions like why do you want to work there? What personal qualities do you possess? You might also get some personal questions like what your parents to for a living and how it feels to live on your own,” Joowon told him. Seunghoon squirmed a bit at the thought of the personal questions, why would they need to know that for a job interview? While he knew there wouldn’t be a question like ‘are you an unnatural ual deviant?’, he still didn’t like people prying into anything personal.

“You want to be professional but personable. You want them to remember you for positive reasons,” Joowon continued. “But most of all you want to look confident and convince them that they need you, and not anybody else, for this position.”

Seunghoon nodded. “Okay?” He wasn’t quite sure how he would do that but he knew he could try.

“Here’s what you’re going to do-”

Joowon spent the next twenty minutes telling him exactly how to answer the various interview questions they might ask of him. Every once in awhile Chanhee interjected with some tips, or to put some personality into things, in his words. Seunghoon mostly nodded along, hoping very much that he’d be able to remember it all and not getting any less nervous the closer the interview came.

“Hyung I have to go,” Seunghoon said, eyeing the clock nervously. .

“Wait wait wait!” Chanhee stepped forward and artfully messed with his hair a little, brushing the straight hair just so that his fringe fell perfectly. He stepped back and gave Seunghoon a look over.  “Okay, now you can go.”

“Good luck!” both Joowon and Chanhee said almost at once.

“Thank you,” Seunghoon managed to croak out around the nerves that blocked his throat. It was silly to be this nervous, it wasn’t like this job actually meant a lot to him, it was just to pull his weight and pay his share of the rent. It was a supermarket job for goodness sake! A singer is what he wanted to do with his life, not some sticking boy at a local supermarket, so why did he feel so nervous?

It only took a few steps outside for the wind to ruin all of Chanhee’s hard work, and Seunghoon was positive his hair was a crow’s nest after only the first gust.

He was so nervous when the supermarket loomed ahead. It was a medium-sized chain supermarket catering to the residential population of the neighbourhood. They’d done their shopping there before, that was the reason Seunghoon had even seen the ‘help wanted’ poster at all.

Alright Seunghoon. They want you. You just have to convince them that they do. Here goes.




Seunghoon threw the front door open with as much dramatics as he could muster. “I got the job!!”

Both Chanhee and Joowon were still in the living room, no doubt waiting for him to come back. “What!” Chanhee grinned. “I can’t believe you- I mean of course you got the job!”

“How did it go?” Joowon asked after giving Chanhee a jab in the rib.

“Well, eh, they seemed to mostly just really need employees,” Seunghoon said. “So they didn’t ask a lot of questions…” He’d spent so much time stressing about what he would answer to all the questions Joowon had coached him on, and then when he’d actually got the hiring manager had mostly just asked him if he had a criminal record and when he could start. “I’m starting next week!”

“We did it!” Chanhee high fived Joowon.

“You’re gonna make me cry, Hoonie, I’m so proud.” Joowon mimed brushing away a tear before sweeping both of them into a group hug. .

Seunghoon stiffened, but he felt too happy to let the usual wave of discomfort swallow him. He gently disentangled himself, unable to keep the grin off his face. “Thank you for all the help.”

“How are you feeling?” Joowon asked.

“Nervous,” Seunghoon answered. Maybe even more so than before the interview. He’d never done any of this before, had never done any kind of work aside from the idol stuff. It was like entering a whole new world all over again but now without the dreams to cushion him. “But excited too.”

Chanhee clutched Joowon’s arm. “Our baby’s all grown up!”

“They grow up too fast!” Joowon returned without missing a beat.

Seunghoon laughed. “You are both the absolute worst.”

“Come on,” Chanhee said. “I’m making crepes for dinner to celebrate, go set the table and I’ll start.”

It all felt so natural and so weird at the same time. So domestic even if it was three co-workers. It was really like they were living together now, even more so than before. Before it had been idol stuff, training and practicing and shows and recordings. Now it was just work and being roommates. It reminded him of home, in a way. He and his parents had always relied on each other, even if they had their own lives, they only had each other at the time. Their lives coincided most of the time, and diverged other times, but it was still together. He felt the sting of guilt, for so long he’d been preoccupied with getting out of the farm and into the city, he hoped his parents were doing okay together without him. He supposed he’d see them with chuseok now.

“What do you want on yours?” Chanhee asked from the kitchen.

“Eh…” How much was he allowed to have? Was there still a diet? He glanced at Joowon. “Are we supposed to stick to our diets?”

Joowon considered it. “We shouldn’t destroy our diets, but it seems fine to indulge a little more now.”

“So what you’re saying is,” Chanhee said. “Some everything it is. Honey, banana, chocolate, and whipped cream. Hm maybe some powdered sugar too, do we have any?”

“That much?!” Seunghoon gulped. “Is that okay?”

“Hey,” Chanhee said. “Go big or go home.”

Joowon grinned. “Can’t argue with that. Make that two crepes with everything.”

“Three everything-crepes it is!”

It was disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Way too sweet than any of them could stomach. But it was also perfect. That evening everything was perfect.




july 13,  2011


The constant click of the camera and barked orders of the man behind it were familiar to Wonwoo now. He was done some shoot or other for some magazine or other, he didn’t really care honestly, with another model he didn’t know, some sweet girl, he thought she might be a figure skater too? She was certainly flexible. He wasn’t sure what the shoot was for, some kind of fashion magazine or something, but he liked the aesthetic. Dark and smoky and dangerous with a good helping from the smoke machine.

When he’d first done a couple shoot it had been kind of awkward. He had to be all coupley and touchy while he didn’t exactly have any experience with women himself. Still, Wonwoo found that as long as he just listened carefully to the instructions of the staff he’d do okay, and if there was something Wonwoo was good at it was following instructions. Place an arm here, arrange his face there, lean back a little or lean forward, whatever was asked Wonwoo would follow. While the smoke machine was the only steam in the building, he could at least pretend there was chemistry, and Yohan knew exactly how to steer him by now.

“Lean forward. Get closer to Narae, Wonwoo.” click. “Nice, nice, not too close. Put your arm around her. A little to your left. Look dangerous, like she’s prey. Eyebrows lower. That’s right” click. “Look her way, part your lips a little, look in awe Wonwoo, perfect.” click.

Then when a scene was done, he’d get to join Yohan, the photographer, and actually look at the shots that came out of it. It was always kind of mesmerizing to see himself on screen like this, looking like someone entirely different. He never looked like himself, but he liked that. He liked becoming someone else, it felt familiar somehow. Wrapping a role around himself until the picture staring back at him was everything he wasn’t but longed to be.

He wasn’t quite sure how he’d ended up being so good at photo shoots, he didn’t particularly feel like he should be good at them. Sure, he’d had his share of family photos taken (probably more than his share, his mother did so love a good perfect photo on top of the mantel), but those were just smile at the camera, look as perfect and happy as you possible could, that sort of thing. Modelling meant all sorts of expressions. A dark look into the camera in an abandoned parking lot wearing dark leathers and jeans. A silly thoughtful expression balancing on a little step stool in a shoot full of whimsy. A puppy dog expression in a colourful domestic couple shoot. A mysterious look dipping another model in a stark suit. He loved it all.

He’d never done a solo shoot, it had always been either with someone noteworthy or with a bunch of models of his sort of calibre. Sometimes a fashion magazine needed a someone to support their cover shoot while sometimes they just needed to fill the pages with the latest fashion. Whatever it was, he was pretty sure he ended up one of Yohan’s favorite models by now, the photographer didn’t exactly make a secret of it.

“That one looks excellent,” Yohan pointed at a shot on the screen where the spotlight was on the female model with Wonwoo creepy out of the shadows in his smoky makeup and dark clothes.. Yohan was right, it did look excellent.

“That’s mostly your skill, hyung,” Wonwoo said. “Look at the lighting here and the way the colours balance, that’s going to look excellent once you edit it and throw the colour filters over it. The backdrop and lighting of this shoot looks fantastic. Especially the way the overhead lights bathe her in light here.”

“And it throws you into a mysterious shadow,” Yohan nodded with approval and laughed. “I’ve trained you well, Cha Wonwoo, you have a good eye for this. It won’t be too long before I can get you a solo shoot.”

“What really?” Wonwoo couldn’t help but burst into a smile, his heart skipped a beat. He’d never done a solo shoot before and he’d been afraid to hope for one. He didn’t mind hanging back and being support, but being on there alone and being the center of attention for once, well, he wasn’t going to say no to that. That other Wonwoo on a spread of his own, holding his own. He couldn’t wait.

Yohan patted him on the shoulder affectionately. “Let’s advance that career of yours, shall we? You’re an excellent model and it would be a shame if you only got background shots for the rest of your life, wouldn’t it?

“Have you ever considered making the jump to runway model too?” Yohan asked. “You’re about tall enough to be considered and it’s a better career move than being a photography model. Better chance at a breakthrough, steadier work, and better connections. I know some designers who are always in need of a handsome face that can take directions, I could put in a good word for you?”

Wonwoo didn’t know what to say. “You’re asking me if I want to…?”

“Of course! We can talk about it over drinks tonight, or do you have somewhere to be?”

Did he have somewhere to be? Baekhyun had asked if they could keep their thursday evenings free to eat together but he should understand that this was something different. Wonwoo really wanted to go out with the staff, he’d never been invited before, and besides it was already late. He probably would not have made it in time anyway. He didn’t like to break promises, promises are there to be kept, but he needed to know what Yohan meant about that career of his… “Yeah, sure! I’d love to come out!”

“Great,” Yohan was already backing up his things. “It’ll take some time for everyone to be done packing up, if you can spare the time it’ll be worth it. Yoonha knows the best bar in this area and some of our friends will be joining us too, there are some people I’d love for you to meet!”

Wonwoo looked around for Seokmin only to remember that he’d come to the shoot alone. Seokmin was busy with the acting trainees (something about undoing all the harm the other manager had done?) and Wonwoo had volunteered just getting there by public transport. He’d take a taxi home, it was no problem.

When everything was packed up (with some help from Wonwoo, he knew he should wait around while others were packing up, that was rude), Wonwoo grabbed his coat. He took one glance at his phone. Still no reply from Joowon about missing dinner. He wasn’t quite sure what to do.

“Are you coming?” Yohan asked. The others were waiting for him.

“Yeah!” Wonwoo put his phone away. They’d see it. “Lead the way.




july 15, 2011

His sneakers screeched on the floor as Baekhyun went over The Chaser’s choreography again. Every day he chose one song to start with and one to end with, so he could be sure that he wouldn’t forget them. It was hard to do it alone, so much was dependent on formations, but at least he could go through the paces.

He hadn’t always been alone at first. Youngbae had made good on the promise for a few weeks, but he was showing up less and less to practice lately. He’d been helping Baekhyun with his rap here and there and Baekhyun just had to practice on his own.

Joowon wasn’t around much either, he was usually working nowadays. Baekhyun wasn’t sure what he was doing exactly, odd jobs is what Joowon usually said when he asked, but it sure kept him away from the practice room. Even when Baekhyun went to the dorm to hang out he wasn’t often there.

Chanhee was around sometimes, though he usually joined the acting trainees when he was at Helix. He didn’t usually bother practicing their dances with him.

At least Wonwoo and Jinyoung were still around regularly. Wonwoo still went off to do photo shoots, but otherwise he sometimes joined Baekhyun. Jinyoung was around almost every day, and Baekhyun did join him often but Jinyoung was getting more and more moody and sometimes he was kind of scary. Whenever Jinyoung practice he went almost without breaks nowadays. Baekhyun kept meaning to ask him for help with his vocal technique but he was a little scared to do so.

He would’ve asked Seunghoon, but he was hardly around too. He’d been working a lot, Baekhyun knew, and hardly ever came to practice even when he was off.

Baekhyun hadn’t felt so lonely in years.

Why was he even still doing this? Why was he practicing all on his own when nobody else could be bothered to join him? Why was he putting the effort in at all when nobody else was?

He let himself drop to the ground, The Chaser still echoing through the room. Why was this happening? Everything had been going well, they were a team! Now everything felt like it was falling apart. Even when he went to the dorm there was either hardly anyone there or they were all too busy with their own things.

He was starting to think it had been a mistake to go back to his parents, but how would he be able to pay his part of the rent? If he got a job then he wouldn’t be able to practice, and he was already lagging behind everyone else.

He’d thought it would be nice to go home to his mom for a bit but he just ended up feeling more lost.

The door opened and Baekhyun quickly brushed away the tears that had started to well up just as Seoyeon peeked into the room. “Baekhyun? Why are you sitting here alone with the music on?”

“Hey noona!” he tried to adopt as bright a tone as possible but his voice wavered.  Maybe she hadn’t noticed? Nobody liked to deal with a blubbering weenie who was probably complaining about nothing.

“Woah there buddy, are you okay?” she asked. Oh no she’d noticed!

“Y-yeah I’m okay-”

“Well hello there big fat liar.” She walked over the stereo and shut it off. The silence made the room seem even emptier than before. “You’ve got a face longer than the great wall of China. Talk to me, what’s wrong?”

She was looking at him with such honest concern, he just caved. “It just feels like it’s all falling apart, you know? The company as given up on us, the group is divided, everything is falling apart.” He wish he could take the words and pull them back, make them unsaid, wring out all the doubts and fears so he wasn’t this negative scared thing anymore. Nobody liked talking to someone who blubbered about.

“Oh boy.” She sat down next to him. “I’m really sorry for your predicament, it really . Chanhee oppa vented all about it last week, it sounds really frustrating to be benched like that.”

“I just keep thinking about what I did wrong. What could I have done to make it better? Maybe I should have been more charismatic, like Chanhee hyung or Joowon hyung, or practiced as much as Jinyoung hyung. Maybe I should have connected more with the audience, or being more bright and friendly.” He knew it was a silly thing to think, it wasn’t like he’d be allowed to go back in time and actually fix things. He should be looking at the right now and what he could do now! He tried to always keep his head in the present so he didn’t get stuck in the past. There was nothing good in the past to get stuck about.

“Remember when you were a little pipsqueak?” Seoyeon asked. “You were, what, like 12 at the time?”

“I was 14!”

“Alright, alright. Point is you were tiny and you were so scared, and I remember thinking the company would eat you up and spit you right out. This guy won’t last longer than a month, I thought.”

“How is this supposed to make me feel better?”

“Shhht I’m trying. I’m not very good at this okay. Point was, you didn’t quit. You just did your best and smiled a lot and made everyone love you with that weird pathetic charm of yours. I don’t know anyone who survived this jungle quite like you did, but you made your own way even if it was hard…” she trailed off. “Eh. I forgot what my point was, . Sorry I’m really bad at this whole cheering up thing.”

Baekhyun laughed softly. “It’s okay I appreciate the effort.”

“I think what I was trying to say is everyone has different ways of dealing with like this, and maybe the ways the others deal with like this doesn’t quite align with yours so it feels like it’s falling apart, but that doesn’t mean that you’re any less a team. You’re just a team that’s going through a rough patch right now.”

Huh. She was right. People were different, he couldn’t just expect everyone to be here in the practice room giving it their all when they were all trying to wrap their heads around the hiatus too, and they were no doubt all trying to work with what they had too and try to find a way out of it themselves.

“Just.. eh. You know. Don’t be too disappointed if things don’t work out either,” Seoyeon continued. “I mean, . I don’t know. Don’t give up on what you have? I guess all you can do right now is not waste this hiatus time, but that’s why you’re here isn’t it? This company is honestly a smoking pile of a lot of the times, and most of the time we need them, but we also have to work within the system and use our own strength not to let them drag us down.”

Baekhyun nodded. “I’m trying to make the most out of it, someway.” He didn’t really feel comfortable talking about the company like this. It had given him so many opportunities he otherwise would not have had, it felt like biting the hand that fed him. Sure, they didn’t always make decisions the group liked, but that didn’t mean that they should disrespect the company or the CEO either.

She nudged him. “And hey, if you want a chat you can always find me around. I might be at comforting people but at least you can always count on me to talk about people when you need to vent.”

“What, no I’d never!”

She laughed. “This is why you’re a little weirdo.” She got up and gave his head a little pat, as people were wont to do. “Just don’t give up, little guy.”

“I won’t! Thank you!” Of course he couldn’t give up, he’d come too far now for that, he couldn’t let either of his adopted families down like that.

Seoyeon left the room and he was alone with his thoughts again, though he felt a lot less lost now. She was right, he should make do what he had and he should keep in mind that everyone was different! So, that just begged the question, how could he bring them all together again? They were currently growing apart because they were dealing with everything different, so he had to figure out how to get them a common goal so they could all work towards the same thing again! That way they’d be brought together again, right?

He couldn’t shake what Seoyeon had said about Helix. Not quite in her words, he’d never repeat those, but what she meant. Sometimes they had to work against the flow to keep afloat, helping themselves instead of waiting for the company to help them, something like that? But what if they did exactly that? What if they could just make a song of their own?

That would be perfect! It would give them a common goal to work towards and they could use all of their strengths! And if they made something of their own then surely that ought to bring them together  right? Because it was theirs?

That was it! It was brilliant!

Baekhyun hastily grabbed his things, almost barrelling straight into one of the acting trainees as he ran outside towards the dorm




july 15, 2011

It had been easier than it had any right to be for Joowon to get back into the swing of the odd jobs. The owner of the gosiwon he used to stay at had agreed to let him do some of the maintenance and cleanup work here and there, while he’d managed to get a job at some university library too, mostly doing the night shifts. He’d been really careful to get job that hopefully wouldn’t reflect back on them once they did make it.

More and more it started to look like making it wasn’t in their future, but Joowon refused to let doubts get to him. It wouldn’t do any of them any good for that to happen. So he kept his head high and always considered the fact that whatever they did now, it might back to them eventually.

He hoped that eventually would come sooner or later.

He’d been pestering Seokmin about that Japanese debut he’d been talking about, but no such luck there either. Seokmin had told him, during the handfulls of moments either of them had time for each other, that the company was more focused on their actors now than on them, and didn’t want to expend the effort to establish ties in Japan just for their failed boy group. Well, the last bit hadn’t exactly been said by Seokmin but it’s what he’d gathered from their manager’s (former manager’s? It was hard to tell these days) platitudes and silences and avoidances.

So here he was, just getting up at 7PM, getting ready to go off to his night shift at the library dealing with desperate students and nothing much else. At least the quietness of the shifts allowed him to work on other things as well. He felt bad that he couldn’t join the practice sessions that Baekhyun tried to organize but at least he could work on music on his laptop while working. He was trying to make a full song out of that demo they had ‘recorded’ that one time, the hidden track on their last album. Maybe he could convince the CEO to let him add the full version to their next album, whenever that would be. At least that way he could do something proactive with his time.

Outside in the living room Chanhee and Seunghoon seemed to be watching some drama on his laptop, he could hear Chanhee criticizing the acting from here. “So that’s where my laptop went,” Joowon said, startling both of them.

“Were you planning on sleep browsing?” Chanhee asked. “I was pretty sure you weren’t going to miss it. There’s coffee ready for you in the kitchen.”

“You make a fine housewife Woo Chanhee,” Joowon said with a grin and went to get himself a blissful mug of coffee.

Chanhee laughed. “If you’re asking for my hand in marriage, get in line hyung!”

And that’s how, when Baekhyun suddenly burst into the dorm, he only barely managed not to spill very hot coffee all over himself.

“Baekhyun? What are you doing here?” Chanhee asked.

“Were we supposed to have a group dinner today?” Joowon asked. Did he forget? He’d managed not to forget for the past few times, he did try to put in the effort to stay in touch with them all. But it wasn’t thursday, he tried to keep his thursday evenings free for them.

“Oh no!” Baekhyun looked a little dishevelled, like he’d run at least part of the way here. “Are the others here?”

Joowon looked to Chanhee and Seunghoon. “Youngbae is taking a nap in the other room,” Chanhee said. “And Wonwoo is supposed to come over soon because he missed group hangout yesterday. I don’t know about Jinyoung, he’s probably at home, but we could call him. Why? What’s up Baek?”

Youngbae came out of his room then, still in his pyjamas and rubbing sleep out of his eyes. “What’s going on?”

“Baekhyun has something to say to all of us, I think,” Joowon said. “Anyone know when Wonwoo is coming?” He checked the clock on the wall. It was already 7:30, he’d have to go to work in an hour and a half to relieve the current librarian on duty. Just then the door opened and Wonwoo stepped in. “Impeccable timing!”

Wonwoo looked started. “What’s wrong? Were you waiting for me?”

They all settled on the floor, looking at Baekhyun expectantly. Well all except Jinyoung, who was on speakerphone, his representative cellphone in the middle of the circle like a sacrifice. He looked embarrassed of that now, and started rambling at a mile a minute.  “Eh, so, I was practicing on my own and, eh, I was thinking. Why don’t we use the hiatus to do something with it? I mean we’re all just like not really not doing anything and that’s a shame when we could work together and create something ourselves!”

“Woah woah, slow down buddy,” Joowon said. “What are you actually suggesting?”

“Music!” Baekhyun said. “Why don’t we make music? I mean that’s why we’re here isn’t it? More or less? It that we’re not getting any songs from the company but that doesn’t mean we can’t make some music on our own. Even if it’s just for us, you know? It would keep us together?” He almost said the last sentence as one word, Joowon only just made out what he was actually saying.

“Yeah I didn’t get anything he just said,” a tinny Jinyoung from the cellphone voiced.

“You’re suggesting we write and produce our own music? As in the whole group?” Wonwoo asked. “Do any of us even have enough experience with that? Aside from Joowon hyung, that is.”

“Well I mean we don’t all have to do the writing but I’m sure we can all contribute something to it, right?” Baekhyun continued. “Joowon hyung can compose and write music, Wonwoo hyung, youcan dance really well, Youngbae hyung could write the rap, Chanhee hyung does…. Acting?”

“Nice save,” Chanhee said.

“So you’re saying we should create a full comeback together?” Joowon asked. “Music, dance, styling, everything?”

“Oh, eh,” Baekhyun looked uncertainly at everyone. “I don’t know- I wasn’t- Isn’t that too much?”

Huh. Maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad idea. He’d wanted them to pursue their own style of music from the beginning but the CEO had always blocked him. Maybe if they presented him with everything already finished then he wouldn’t be able to give out the excuse of not gambling on his composing skills. There’d be no gamble if the product was all finished and it didn’t come at any cost for the company aside from footing the bill for the promotions or the music video.

He could already see it happening. He could compose and produce the track, maybe he could include Seunghoon or Jinyoung in the writing of the lyrics. He wasn’t sure if Wonwoo had every choreographed before but he was a dancer, he should be able to work something out, and maybe one of his contacts in the fashion industry could help them strike up a sponsorship deal for clothing. He wasn’t quite sure how Wonwoo stood with the people he worked with, but he’d gathered from Seokmin that they specifically asked for him often enough to be noteworthy. There should be enough to do for everyone to be able to pitch in. Of course the brunt of the work would be his, but Baekhyun was right, as long as everyone felt included it should bring the team together.

He was already making a mental list of things he should do to get the ball rolling. He should phone Seokmin asap and talk things through with him, strategize about how they could best bring this to the CEO.

“Let’s do it,” he said.

Baekhyun’s face lit at up. “Really? We’re really going to do it?”

Joowon nodded. “We’re really going to do it. That is, if everyone else is in favor too?”

“I don’t know if I have much to offer,” Chanhee said. “But you’ve got my acting chops anyway.”

“Eh, sure?” Seunghoon said. Not the glowing response he’d wanted but a sure was a sure. “I mean I don’t think I can offer much either.”

“I was thinking you and Jinyoung could look into writing the lyrics? Have some input in what you’re actually singing for once?” Joowon offered. They’d be singing most of the song, after all. He’d always wondered if creative agency wasn’t something either of them desired, at least when it came to the words.

“Yeah!” Jinyoung’s distorted voice agreed from the phone. “I’ve wanted to learn for a while, let’s do that.”

Seunghoon thought for a moment. “I can try. I’d like to try, I think.”

Joowon looked to Youngbae and Wonwoo. “What about you two? Are you in as well?”

“I’ve never choreographed before,” Wonwoo said. “Not really anyway. I’ve only ever followed choreography.”

“Would you be willing to try?” Joowon asked. “Baekhyun, you’re a dancer too, could you help?”

“I think so!” Baekhyun said. He looked to Wonwoo. “Come on hyung, together we should be able to make something cool!”

“I’ve never written a rap before…” Youngbae said. It was true that the one or two times that they had been allowed to fill in the blanks themselves Joowon had done all the writing.

“I can teach you,” he said. It might even be fun to teach their resident leader, ever since debut Joowon hadn’t really spent much time with him alone.

“Thank you!” Youngbae said.

“I’ll be quality control,” Chanhee said. “Someone has to judge and make sure you’re all doing it right.”

“If we get to do an MV too maybe you can act?” Baekhyun said. “That could be your contribution.”

“It’ll be a sad comeback if we have to direct our own MV too,” Chanhee shot back. “But if we’re stooping that low then I will bring my best work to elevate us back up.”

“That’s settled then!” Joowon said. “I’ll talk to Seokmin hyung soon and see what we can do.” He did say he’d help with anything they needed, though Joowon was sure this wasn’t exactly what the manager had had in mind. Still, a promise was a promise, and this was a worthy goal. Whatever it ended up being, it was better than nothing at all. Better than this eternal hiatus.

He glanced at the clock. Dang he had to go in 15 minutes. Work didn’t wait for epiphanies. “I have to go!” He quickly grabbed his bag and jacket and said goodbye to the others. “We’ll talk more about this later,” he said, just before vanishing through the door. “But we can do this. We need to do this.”

Baekhyun smiled. “Yeah! Yeah we can!”

“Don’t forget your food,” Chanhee waved the lunchbox (midnight snack box?) he’d filled with leftovers.

“What would I do without my caring wife?” Joowon grinned, grabbing the box and stuffing it into his bag.


“Damn right I would.”

Then the door was closed and the evening chill greeted him, surrounding him in a blanket of solitude as the sound of the dorm was cut off. Just like that he was alone, and his mind was swimming.

A song! Finally he’d get to write a song! He’d wanted this for so long and now it was actually here. A chance. The chance. And he was going to grab it with both hands.

At least he knew what would keep him busy during today’s night shift. He had an inkling this would be a shift where he wouldn’t be bored.



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Next update will bring some changes to the Aeon page and an added Side Character page, so don't panic when it updates!


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Chapter 30: Hello, Lavender.

I started reading this just because I was curious who the Dream4U MC Chanhee was but now I am sitting with my own alcoholic beverage and so much heartache for this cast. I am sure the apps you picked were ripe with ideas, but you really wove them together like a glorious conductor coaxing a symphony out of disparate parts. Within the first few chapters, I forgot I was reading an Applyfic instead of just a book off the shelves, full of beloved strangers.
Chapter 30: hi ok so

commenting publicly this time, and gosh i feel so , but i suppose others must know their charas are being flailed over~


WONWOO DARLING the ahjummas of this story consistently have stellar taste in gentlemen. Honestly the way you swiftly characterize supporting characters in just a few lines blows me away every time, AND you reveal so much about Wonwoo's state of mind in the same lines? Yo, help, I stan ahjumma already. Also I stan Wonwoo even more because he's so soothing and indulgent. (Though I suppose more stans is the last thing he needs now. I can't help it though, I love me some tildes~~)

It's funny how the one who used to come off most floaty and detached is now one of the most relatable (dat parking lot moment haha) as well as the most emotionally grounded and willing to connect... which takes me to THAT REVEAL YOOOOO if you see my mind washed up on the beach, know that this is the moment I lost it.

I read the word "betrayal" and was like... No way. Really? No wa- OH MY GOSH. `That melancholy mood shrouded in neon haze just gained even more weight. There are so many things wrong in this conversation, which basically means you got everything right. Just as Wonwoo's growth and quiet proactiveness has me rooting for him and wiping a tear, the ways Joowon has changed really sting. All the more with how perceptive Wonwoo is (man, you picked the most heartbreaking POV for this). Of course Wonwoo notices the grating brightness. Of course he sees the mess that you laid bare a few chapters ago. 

It aches to see Wonwoo's conversation hooks get left hanging over and over. The Joowon who arrived early to his audition would never have let Wonwoo's comment on hotel rooms slide without grilling him on details and offering insights in turn. The Joowon who herded Youngbae wouldn't have forgotten the terms of this meeting, nor would he have been so muted about the entire music production. I thought the lack of Joowon-ness when he was alone in the apartment felt wrong, but it's even more unnerving seeing it through Wonwoo's keen eye. Again, perfect choice of POV, and as heavily as the contents sit, this moment still offers some small glimmer of hope. All so you can hurt us better later? Or...? ('w')

JINYOUNG MY VOLATILE DARLING wow I missed his snide observations of the fashion. It stings also that he is stewing in his fashion terrorism without the other guys to rub it in, but Hana is more than picking up the slack here haha. I love her commentary on the commentary, holy crap, just amazing. The lady artistes of this fic just mean so much business and it's a shot of serotonin every time. I cannot articulate to you the victory lap I did around my computer when I saw Seoyeon pop up. Part of me started looking for Eunha's smoke machine even though she appeared just last chap, hehe, but anyway~ I'm getting ahead of myself. Back to Jinyoung's horrible suit with No Pockets. This is not what I meant by #GenderEquality, dang it!!!

Still, gotta love Jinyoung actually being comfy enough to whine, rather than drown his sorrows out of sight on a rooftop. He's on top of the world in a different way here, and it feels just as much a precipice. I always love his inner thoughts and how not-only-seen-but-exposed I feel seeing the way he takes affirmation and attention, from Hana and from the crowd. I am both thrilled and terrified watching Icarus inch closer to star status, and how quickly he goes from discomfort at the comments to convincing himself he is loved made me audibly say, "Oh no." 

Still, for now, I am happy he can have this moment of all his sacrifices paying off. Perhaps this won't be the last time he can wave at someone and receive warmth in answer. Anyways, if you find broken bits of heart on the beach after the upcoming chapters, that's also me.

*also bonks Seokmin just because* *Chanhee would approve*

aaaaaand here comes MINJUNNN! More whining, haha, but of a different flavor~ also now you are making me imagine the AU in which Hana and Minjun became the pair, which is also a different flavor of terrifying. 'Tis sweet seeing Youngbae getting a bit more observant here tho! Meanwhile, Minjun's tactlessness is so dang refreshing. I loved how he tumbled in with all these rough edges and now has clearly settled in. After the heavy opening, I really needed this one-sided pillow fight and familiar dumb-dumb. Our newbie is shaking the group back to life, and I wonder if he even realizes just how much he's bringing people together.

Hahahaha this whole segment reviewing the MV is just delicious, delicious food. South Korea's what now?! >w<) also I SEE YOU NOTICING THE SONGWRITING, MR. SEUNGHOON. I SEE YOU~ AND YOUUUUNGBAE actually looking out for Jinyoung here when the others are having their fun. Our leader is maturing one +1 to Perception at a time. Though I can't believe he forgot Wonwoohoo was the visual who even got modeling work for his appearance, lol. Still some classic Youngbae in there. <3 anyways I wonder how Jinah is doing...

I am also cackling at Seunghoon's response to the very concept of men being appealing, haha. Our Seunghoon-ie who worried about plastic surgery and wrung his hands around a pride pamphlet is now able to take Minjun and Chanhee's comments without panic AND able to proclaim his own y!! *wipes tear* So dang proud.

Also: CHANHEE-SSI??! I worry for your definition of "educational" here???! You star in a School drama, for goodness' sake??!?! I got almost used to seeing Chanhee being a warm and frank mentor for the girls at PD99 and soon-D4U, so this was a most welcome reminder of just how much of a brat and how much of a solid bro he can be. It's so nice to see our baby snark doo-doo-doo unleashed again in a proper back-and-forth. That moment he shared with Seunghoon at the end of this segment was just so sweet too! What a lovely pay-off to all they have gotten each other through.

HANA POV HANA POV HANA POV *yeets MV* This right here is what I want etched into my brain. It's also amazing to see her dealing with the dress that everyone has been aggressively noticing. She owns it, yes, and she believes in herself, but that doesn't make the dress or heels any more comfy. Also fascinating to see Jinyoung now through her eyes, as fond of food as ever even if he has a habit of scolding the other guys for neglecting to diet. This is a good day for perceptive people's POVs revealing deep truths of the soul, haha. Also I'm not gonna think about how they are drinking together on the rooftop terrace just like- nope, nope!!

Awww Seokmin... *unbonks* You're fun when you... have fun... until you don't. Hana's perspective continues to be as captivating as she is, though. I knew you could wrangle romance like a baroque-era sculpture wrangling flowing fabrics, but I still wasn't prepared for the kind of magnetism charging up here. O polarity, thy name is HanaJin. The opening-up we see here is different from that of, say, Hyeran/Chanhee, yet it feels every bit as natural and visceral. All the way down to the chaotic girl talk~
Ah, so many beloved faces here!! Bongchacha! Gongjoojoo! Our OG Seoyeon! Each and every one of them have their priorities straight, and it is most excellent. Bongcha getting right to the important questions, Seoyeon actually looking out for(?) Jin a wee bit based on past knowledge of working with the boys, and Gongjoo checking in on the performance details. Love it. Love it all. Also my eyebrows are sailing out of the atmosphere at what the "everything" she told them may include...

O Joowon, my Joowon. Baby boy. Evil. So much drinking in this chapter haha, from the opening beers to the closing soju. Hyunjung is a delightful new dummie for our collection, but ooof, Joowon's cracks are showing so much that it doesn't even take a Wonwoo to spot them. Ah, but here cometh the music show host job. I knew I was signing up for disaster when I put it in the app, and I dang near forgot about it until it reared its sneaky head here... but trust you to remember all these awful details <3 o great Lavuigi is scary like that~~

Thank you thank you for another amazing update! Sneaky sneaky, but you know I love it always. Truly, I am grateful that our characters remain in your heart and continue to be massaged into existence by your brilliant juggling of all their threads. 

The timeline marches ever forward, and I feel that age-old mix of dread and excitement as fresh as I always did with this fic. You've really created something special, and I can't wait to squeeze even more out of you, hehe >u<) work, beach! work!!! <3
DUUUUDE! This all is so much of a RollerCoaster of emotions! I'm just dying inside with everything that's happening. THEY MANAGED TO BREAK JIN AND JOWOON! (they as in the system and the circumstances) ajhsbskansbna
Poor Baekhyun is too much of a cute child for this world. And I was internally crying with Seunghoon during his self acceptance period (btw akhdjskajbsja he got a date!!! Jabdnkajsbjajs he could have told that to Chanhee. Chanhee would be happy for him I think)
Talking about Chanhee. I always found him amusing because he was such a Tsundere, but now he's basically Aeon's heart (and mom) and that's so heartwarming! And during the start of the hiatus, he and Jowoon totally were the parents of the group xD now they are on the Brink of divorce :'(
Oh. And Youngbae. He's the oldest, but he can be the least mature of them all. Jahshskkabshskak I wonder how the group will go when he needs to step up for his leader role for real.
And Wonwoo tho. He was feeling so guilty because of that model thing. I guess he never thought that It could be something so big, and at the time he just wanted to be himself, (kind of) and not 'Primo'. I hope he can get over it.
Also, my Golden triad of secondary characters are Eunha, Doha and Youngji <3 Hyeran is not too Far behind, but those three are my favs! XD
Man, this is all a mess, and Minjun has no idea where he's getting himself into. Nor I had when i wrote him, but It worked, because It gives autenticy xD lol Talking about him, the present-moment snipets are so contrasting between him and the other members!! XD All of them are in a way of another ready to leave the stage, and Minjun Just wants to keep going. Oh man, I want so much to see how things will go once Helix puts him in the group XD
Btw, Helix and the CEO are big sh*ts, and not on the funny way, on the bad way. Man, talk about a company that doesn't know how to manage things!
P.S: I'm still not over the fact that Seunghoon and KWANG FREAKING INHO are workmates! :') I dropped my phone when I saw Inho's name. And this makes me Wonder if Seunghoon voted for Inho in DoD! XD
Let Apollo be a guiding light to that boy omg omg omg eMBRACE YOUR GAYNESS
your chapters are so in depth how do I aspire to be this as well in my fics
i say this as watching disney movies from the early 2000's uhm
so yeah
love seeing apollo up on that side chara page c: ehehehe
Chapter 1: And dude, I can almost FEEL the gap between the members and the new maknae lol good luck son, you will need it. XD
Chapter 2: By those descriptions, I know I'm here for a lot of the supporting cast. XD (cough I also may have some support characters preference syndrome cough)
Chapter 15: [since folks snoop i guess i'll post it again here <3]

blublublub i don't think i will ever be done flipping out over this section T~T) like i guess i mentioned before, this is truly where the fic starts for me. at last, we have gotten a present day perspective from all of aeon; the full picture is finally here, albeit blurry

all the little details that you invented for him fit so perfectly in with the original chara of joowon, and honestly, i don't know what he'd be without them. of course he prefers the metro over driving. of course the car is company sponsored. of course he berates his own ungratefulness.

i love your little injections of meta knowledge into his POV haha. i guess there's a bit of you in all the characters, and joowonie got the bulk of your business savvy XD

also, much much appreciation for the subtle differences btw old joowon and "old" joowon! you don't outright say that he has become much more subdued left to his own devices; the lack of dialogue speaks for itself. you don't need to say that music still has a place in his life; the music sheets on the couch admit it to anyone listening. and you don't even need to say that this kinda of lonely routine is exactly that: a routine. the "similar takeout boxes" implies that just fine. i guess i get a slight advantage in finding these hints bc i am his much-too-biased creator, but man, kudos. kudos kudos kudos for sharing his story with such care and attention to detail. every sentence (esp the puns teehee~) in this POV is so precious ahhhhh

jinyoung, my sweetheart, forever wrestling with his bad thoughts. it's actually quite saddening to see how he was both so happy and so attacked from all the attention during the fansign.

i'm loving wonwoo's attitude shining through in all these little moments tho~ he showed a bit of not-so-above-it-all-ness when he joined in the vending machine scene (<3 <3 <3) but his efforts at humor here are just so touching haha. touching in slightly stoopeed way, but i wouldn't expect any less from these dorks XD (i'm also curious about wonwoo's potential snoopity in this section, hmm)

oh wow i almost forgot about these stage names. seunghoon is the only one who escaped lol. jin getting so excited for his fan is both adorably relatable and a reminder of just how much approval he has been deprived of. i still stand by all my previous rambling of "SOMEONE PLS JUST BE NICE TO THIS BIBBY SHEEP"

aww what happened to the "now and forever! we are aeon" that i think they had? here for eternity still works tho, esp considering their fanbase name~

ahhhh here it is! the genuine love jin has for the stage. even though that negativity is still constantly lurking at the edges, he lets himself let go, exist outside of his own little world for just a moment. it really lends new meaning to the whole claim of "doing it for the fans." sometimes, i get that it's just good form to say it like that, but jin (even if he didn't get the words out, poor thing) really did do it for the fans. that's a beautiful little thing in the midst of all his issues and the unfairness of his situation; that's why he went through all this crap, for those moments that make fame more than just a heartless ambition.

pt 2 in replies~
Chapter 14: There is SO MUCH I WANT TO SAY. SO VERY MUCH. But so very little time ;; I was going to SoC but between projects, finals coming up, and H:aH wordcounts for NNWM I do not have the time ;; So I'm gonna bullet point all the things that had me screaming:

- Bae, how have you not told the guys you're enlisting (and apparently leaving the group entirely?) We joke about your terrible leadering but DANG that is terrible leadering >~>
- SEUNGHOON BB. Literally all I have for this part, he's just so precious and squishy and it hurts me to know the industry is just gonna chew him up and spit him back out :(
- Oh wait, Baek being confused about Jinyoung's outfit was pretty great xD
- Baek. My son. My smoll pathetic child. This desperate enthusiasm is just... why. Baek is probably the dumbest character I've ever put to paper and it hurts me to see what that does to him. I'm sorry for birthing you child. I have sent you to an unforgiving world.
- CHANHEE SO HAPPY. SO ENTHUSIASTIC. SO CRUSHING HARD GOODNESS CHILD. CALM YOUR OBVIOUS DOWN. Hyeran is fantastic as ever, not taking his . Honestly this section had me squealing so freaking much, Chanhee with a crush has to be the more cringe-y cute thing I've ever seen.
- Oh man Joowon sections are always so interesting! Of all the kids he's definitely the most in tune with what's going on in the industry and more specifically what's screwing them over in it. Helix is such a ty company yeah, but I do wonder sometimes how it looks from the CEO's perspective. What's his motive for making these choices? They must seem like good ideas to him and it's not like he's purposely trying to lose money. Regardless I really enjoy the dynamic between Joowon and Seokmin here, and how we're starting to see some cracks in Joowon's image. Not so composed when things don't go your way, are you Joowon? I'm starting to see why he leaves despite it seeming like he's this perfect, dedicated leader. I'm really looking forward to more from him honestly.

And those are my abbreviated (more so in some cases than others) thoughts! I should be able to manage longer comments after NNWM and finals are over hopefully. But overall fantastic chapter as ever and I'm excited to see more!
Chapter 13: LIV!! So happy to see this!!

I'm going to be working on a good long comment for you soon! But know I loved this, and I'm excited for what you'll have next.