9:48 pm 3/8/17 Night# 14

Thoughts at Night w/ Park Jimin

Last thought for tonight.


Although, these past few days has been an emotional ride. I can't even explain how relax I feel now. I dont cling on Rose guy anymore. Which is actually good news.

Jungkook and I are just friends now. Its not awkward at all. We actually had a whole conversation about turtles this morning. I forgot who started it. *laughs*

I could not be any more proud for Hoseok. He is just a amazing dancer, choreographer. He is the best of the best. He puts his whole heart in his movements. Its very inspirational. So when we won second place in the dance competition, I knew from there and on, Hoseok is gonna work his off more than usual. I just hope he doesn't overwork himself. I should call him J-Hope. My Hope, My Angel. Yup, I'm officially calling him J-Hope, now.

Moving on.

Yoongi. Gosh, what can I even say? He does have a soft spot for his friends and family. He took care of me more than anyone. Even if I annoy him , and he sometimes threatens to call the cops on me, he still loves me. I just know it.

Namjoon has to be second to Yoongi. He always asks if I'm okay. I see him as a father figure, that one father that baby's his only son alot to the point where everything you do he questions you about it. Yea, that's him.

Him and Jin have this special bond where, if one them goes somewhere the other is gonna be there too. Which I personally love. Sometimes I need advice from both. Opinions matter.

Jin. Second mother. (even though he can beat my real mother anytime) He's very understanding. He always gives me this look that shows trustworthiness and gratitude. He's so kind and honest. He's that one person you can talk to anytime of the day or night. He's always there for you no matter what. He's just special in that way.

Talking about special. Taehyung, my best friend. I wouldn't be happy right now if I hadn't met him at school. He's been with me since my darkest days. He knows everything about me. I trust him to the point I will literally die for him. I bet he will too for me.

Finally, Jungkook. Just because we are not dating anymore doesn't mean I dont think of him as a wonderful person. Like Tae, he's been there for me in everything. He'll go along with you in anything. He's always there by the hip. The one phrase he always says is "I'm just a phone call away." Its true. One-hundred percent true.

A guy like me. Simple, plain and has issues in the head has six amazing friends. I have to thank each of the guys for now and on.

Oh, Tae is calling me.

•Phone Call: TaeTea•

PJ: Hello?

Tae: Dude, where are you?

PJ: What do you mean "where am I?" I'm at home???

Tae: Did you forget who's birthday is today? Gosh Jiminnie!

PJ: Birthday? Wait let me check my calendar.

•Three sec. Later•

PJ: ArE yOu InG kIdDiNg Me?!?!

Tae: Did you realized now?

PJ: Okay! Where are You at???

Tae: We are all at Yoongi's apartment. Did really forget? This is not you at all, Park Jimin!

PJ: I'm coming! I'm coming! Just let me put my shoes on and ill be there in 10 mins!



Tae: Just hurry up! Bye bye~~

•Phone call ended: TaeTea•


{Its completed!!! Omg guys I'm so happy! This story is finally finished! Yay! I'm so excited for what comes next in the future! } [THANKS FOR READING]

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