1:54 am 3/4/17 Night #11

Thoughts at Night w/ Park Jimin

Do I have to explain myself again?


I could throw up right now if I had a choice. I could vomit rainbows,I could poop glitter. If I can just stay asleep, on my soft,warm bed.

I want to stay dreaming. Thinking of lies that won't hurt me. Just a puddle of fairytales that could do no harm.

Is that so much to ask for?


I haven't been sleeping well. Dance practice is very tiring. Trying to run up the stairs to my apartment just kills me.

I even skipped meals! I didn't even noticed until I checked the mirror this morning. What was I thinking? Oooohhhh, that's why Hoseok kept giving me more food than usual...

Dance competition is in two days. Well, no. I did my math wrong. One day...? I think. UGH! I CAN'T EVEN COUNT DAYS !? WHAT!? WHAT EVEN!?


Its okay. Jimin, just breath. Breath in and out.

Okay, I'm okay. I'm alright. Don't scare yourself, Jimin. Don't you dare.

Oh my god, now I'm talking to myself.

God,please help me. I know I pushed a kid down a slide when I was 7. But that was a accident. She was in my way. In some, awkward, mean, rude way.

It was still an accident. Or so I believe.


Jungkook. I haven't texted or seen him in days. Nor do I care. I'm not ignoring him. If he needs my help, I'll help him. But if he needs my comfort, he can go talk to Taehyung.

I can think. But I won't talk. People just have to deal with that.

Rose guy is very different. Maybe I don't like him. Maybe I adore him. Means I appreciate him. Doesn't mean I like him.

I had a talk with a cousin. She told me many,many things that I should take in mind. She made me think about my uality. I didn't expect for her to talk to me about it.

Oh well. *shrugs*

Back to Rose guy. He really is a rose.


I need a talk with Yoongi. Yoongi right now is my only solution. He makes me think twice about my decision. He knows I'm a person who does something without a thought. That's why I'm so stupid sometimes.

He really is a good friend. I should call him later. We need a chat. I hope he forgave me, when I called him at midnight last time.

I do not need a repeat of the cursed words and more, from him.


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