Chapter 7

Undercover // VKook

When they reached the dungeons Jungkook wished he had spent more time paying attention to where they were going instead of listening to Taehyung talk. The boy had mesmerised him with funny stories of what he'd done over the holidays, but now that he was at the dorm, he didn't think he'd be able to get back again.

"Well, here's the Slytherin dorm." Taehyung smirked. "Good luck getting inside with that muddled head of yours."

Jungkook smiled and turned to open the door, but then realised that there wasn't a door. Just a wall. Just a wall.

"You do know the password, right?" Taehyung asked, looking rather concerned.

"Uh, no. I, uh, can't remember." He stuttered, realising that he stood no chance of getting inside.

"Well they must have changed it since last term. Didn't you ask what it was?"

"Oh, I forgot."

Taehyung laughed, "You seem really out of it today Nayeon, are you sure it's just a headache? You're not Jimin in disguise are you? Because I know he still has some polyjuice left over."

Jungkook nearly choked on his saliva. "W-what? No, no! Im definitely Nayeon... Haha..."

"I was joking," he giggled. "But this is kind of a difficult situation you know Nayeon. Maybe you should go back to the hall and ask someone for the password."

"Yeah maybe." Jungkook sighed. All this trouble just to find he was locked out.

"Maybe we can guess?" Suggested Taehyung when he saw the disappointed look on his face. "It was probably a prefect who set the password, so... Kyungsoo, maybe?"

He seemed like he was waiting for some sort of reaction so Jungkook nodded hurriedly, "Yeah, probably." Although he had no idea what Taehyung was actually talking about.

"He's a bit of a nerd so it's probably some sort of Potions ingredient or something, that's his forte. Hmm... Asphodel? Agrippa? Baneberry? Flitterbloom? Fluxweed?"

At the last word, the rock moved slid into the side of the wall to reveal a passageway.

"We did it!" Cheered Jungkook holding up a hand to high-five Taehyung with.

"I did it." He corrected, but high-fived anyway. "Fluxweed, remember that Nayeon cuz I'm not coming to your rescue every time you want to get in and out of the Slytherin quarters."

"I'll try." He blushed.

"Well, bye then. Hope your headache gets better, I'd love to come in and toilet paper the place but unfortunately I don't have any on me." Taehyung sighed.

"Shame." Laughed Jungkook before following the passage and watching it close behind him.


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Chapter 9: Update soon~~
crowbrainz #2
Chapter 8: This is amazing cant wait for the next update!
BtsSlay0613 #3
Chapter 6: Ikr!! B.A.P and Day6 slay
Chapter 3: WOOO YEAH RED VELVET!! <3
Chapter 6: Update soon! I love this so much already. Excited for the next chapter! Good luck! ;)
Fanyeol #6
Chapter 3: Im looking forward to the story. .hope u update soon