Chapter 13

Undercover // VKook

The next day at breakfast, Jungkook nervously approached Taehyung at the Gryffindor table.

He was engaged in an animated conversation with Jimin, Jeongyeon, Jisoo and another boy with an American accent.
Jungkook felt bad to interrupt them, so he turned to walk away but Jimin noticed him and nudged Taehyung to get his attention.

"Nayeon!" He grinned, pulling him over to stand next to him. "I called by yesterday, but Jennie said you weren't in."

"She told me. How did you get in, anyway?"

"The password hasn't been changed yet." He grinned cheekily. "Besides, Jimin's crush is a Slytherin so I'm used to going in to chat to him."

"What was it you wanted to thank me for?"

"Looking after Jiminnie of course! I know you whacked him with a stick, but he probably deserved it, and I want to thank you for taking him to the infirmary because he wouldn't go on his own, he's stubborn like that."

"It's fine, it was my fault he got hurt anyway."

"Jimin and I have a quidditch match this Saturday and we'd really appreciate it if you could come and support us. Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor, Gryffindor will win though, obviously. I'll be looking for your face in the crowd Nayeon." He grinned at the last sentence. "So, see you there?"

"Yeah, I'll be there." Jungkook smiled, feeling his cheeks redden slightly.


For the rest of the week, Taehyung and "Nayeon" got closer and closer, they sat next to each other every Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson and did homework together. Jungkook was developing what he was worried was a crush on the older and he wasn't sure what to do about it.

Meanwhile, Jimin turned out to be a great friend and the two had also gotten closer. The Gryffindor liked to tease Jungkook about Taehyung, but he thought they'd be cute together.


"Good morning Hogwarts, and what a beautiful day it is too! I'm Byun Baekhyun, your favourite quidditch commentator who's unfortunately reached his last year at Hogwarts. I know, it's sad, it's sad. But I'll never leave you guys completely and the Beagle Squad is forever-!"

There was a muffled shout as the mic was yanked away from Baekhyun's grasp by Professor Kim. Snippets of the conversation between the two could be heard by the crowd. "How many times have I told you... Don't mess this up... Stay on subject... Stop flirting with Chanyeol... At least you're not playing... It's a good job Jaehwan tried to kill you in my class..."

The match ran smoothly with the exception of Baekhyun and Jongin's uncle arguing and the occasional foul play of Ravenclaw and Chanyeol trying to show off to Baekhyun and Jongdae cursing at him rather loudly....

Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off of Taehyung the whole game, he was so fast on his broomstick, easily scoring with the quaffle.

"And that's another goal for Gryffindor by Kim Taehyung! Bringing our total to a gorgeous sixty, while Ravenclaw fail on twenty. Losers!"


"Yes, yes, fine Professor."


"Aaand he's got it! Jung Daehyun has caught the golden snitch making it two hundred and ten to Gryffindor! Wooooooooooooo! Go Gryffindooooorrrrrrr!"

"Shut UP Baekhyun!" 

(Half) The crowd erupted into cheers, oblivious to the arguing commentators.

"Party in the Gryffindor common room!" Yelled Kwon Soonyoung.

Everyone cheered and rushed out of the stands, following DJ Hoshi to the party.

Kihyun and Sungjong whooped and dragged Jongin off after them, but Jaebum and Jinyoung remained by Jungkook's side.

"Who are you waiting for? Taehyung?"

"Yeah," he replied quietly. "Do you think he'll be at the party?"

"Definitely. The whole team will be there when they've got changed, come on, if they let in that nutcase Soonyoung then they'll let us in."

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Chapter 9: Update soon~~
crowbrainz #2
Chapter 8: This is amazing cant wait for the next update!
BtsSlay0613 #3
Chapter 6: Ikr!! B.A.P and Day6 slay
Chapter 3: WOOO YEAH RED VELVET!! <3
Chapter 6: Update soon! I love this so much already. Excited for the next chapter! Good luck! ;)
Fanyeol #6
Chapter 3: Im looking forward to the story. .hope u update soon