Chapter 28

Life as their wives

Last time:
In the midst of watching, a few of them fell asleep, while a few of them went to their rooms and the rest meaning Yookyung, Eunji and Namjoo watched the rest of the movie alone.

It was 6 in the morning and the three sisters were still watching horror movies. When Chorong and Bomi came downstairs to make breakfast, they past the living room and saw, that Yookyung, Eunji and Namjoo were still watching movies. Chorong then asked: 'What are you girls still doing here? I thought, you girls went to bed after the thrid movie or so. Wait a minute, did you girls stay awake the whole night to watch those horror movies?' 'We didn't go to sleep, we watched the whole night till now.' answered Namjoo and Chorong and Bomi sighed in usion. At that moment Naeun and Hayoung came downstairs, the two went over to Yookyung, Eunji and Namjoo and slapped the three on the back of their heads. All three quietly yelled: 'Ow, what was that for.' 'For not taking care of yourself and instead of going to sleep, you girls watched  movies the whole night.' said Naeun and Yookyung: 'Eunji, Namjoo, we have to get ready, if we want to have our archery battle.' Both of them nodded, but before they could go to their rooms to change Hayoung asked: 'Would you three mind if we tag along?' 'Why would we, the more the merrier.Just don't forget to tell your husbands.Also here is a list of the things we want to do today, so bring alot of clothes, because knowing us, we will either destroy them or get the dirty.' said Eunji and handed the four the list. All of them left to change and then came downstairs to make the boys some breakfast. Namjoo then asked: 'I have a question, why are we always making the boys food, when we clearly said in our rules, that they should make it themselves?' A chorus of 'I don't know' was heard and Namjoo just sighed. After finishing making it, they woke up the boys and told them, that they were going to some of their places to have a relaxing ,but fun day.

The girls are all currently driving to their archery hall  near their amusement park, in their cars. When they arrived they got their gears and started to write down who was playing against who.

- Chorong vs Bomi
-Naeun vs Namjoo
-Eunji vs Hayoung

Yookyung was the ace and was to play in the next round. After the three groups played Chorong,Naeun,Eunji and Yookyung were to play in the next round.

-Chorong vs Yookyung
-Naeun vs Eunji

Both Chorong and Eunji won and the final battle started. Of course Eunji won, because she was the archery queen in their family and won against anyone and everything in archery. They then went to their  ice cream shop, even though it was morning the sisters ate ice cream, not caring if it was weird or not. They then did the smoothie challenge in the kitchen of their ice cream shop and almost died from the horrible taste of the smoothies. They then went to the track near the woods and had a motocross battle. Six rounds, the first that lost in the first round was Bomi, then came Eunji, then Namjoo, then Chorong, then Hayoung and then Naeun. Yookyung won and was allowed to use the six as her models, so she could design the prom dresses. After she finished them, the girls were astonished at the beauty of the dresses and then all of them went home to make some chocolate for all their friends and family. The boys came back from their training, just as the seven sisters finished the chocolate. They went  into the kichen, knce they smelled the sweet scent of chocolate and Jin asked: 'What is the chocolat for?' 'We made them for our friends and family as a  sign of thanks for always being there for us.' answered Chorong and kissed Jin on the cheek. All of the members of BTS thought' what did I do to deserve such kind heartedly wife.' The girls then left to go to their hidden garage under the house  and built cars, bikes and jets. Aftwr finishing them, they went up and saw, that the nembers of BTS were all asleep on the couch and the TV was still on. Naeun turned the TV off and took some pictures of them with her sisters.

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