Chapter 8

Life as their wives

Last time: 

'I will not talk about anything with you bastard .' she said and banged the door shut.


(With Suga and Naeun)

Suga goes into Naeuns room, she doesn't even acknowledge him and continues drawing. 'Naeun we need to talk.' She ignores him. Suga then said : 'It's important.' She still ignores him, he gets frustrated about Naeun ignoring him and went nearer to her. Some part of  her right shoulder was exposed and he thought a moment before he got an idea. He blew a little on her shoulder and saw how she flinched.Naeun turned to him and glared at him. 'Can't you see I'm busy .' she said and Suga retorded with a smirk  : 'I could care less if you're busy or not.' Naeun still glared at him but then she stood up, her hand grabbing the behind if his shirt and pulling him out of the room , then she shut the door in his face.....

(With Jhope and Bomi)

Bomi was staring out of her window, looking outt. She heared someone walk into her room and knew from the smell who he was . 'Out' she still said calmly but Jhope didn't go out, instead he went even nearer to Bomi. She turned around and said : 'Didn't you just hear what I said?' 'I did, but I don't care what you say, I won't go out until we had a talk.' Bomi just groaned and asked : 'What on earth would you want to talk about with me?' 'The wedding and what happened earlier.' He answered and went to sit on her bed. 'Fine let's talk.' she said dangerously and went to sit on the floor in front of Jhope. He looked at her and then began to talk.......

(With Rap Monster and Yookyung)

5 Minutes after Namjoon barged into Yookyung room. ' GET OUT OF MY ROOM YOU F**KER!' she yelled and he yelled back : 'NOT UNTIL WE HAVE THAT DAMN TALK!' the yelling battle went on and on until suddenly Yookyung went out of her room and downstairs to the kitchen. Namjoon came storming downstairs into the kitchen even more furiouss and yelled: ' I WAS NOT DONE TALKING TO YOU .'  She just looked him dead in the eye and said: 'You should leave before it gets ugly.' With that said  Yookyung went back to her room, locked it  and then opened one of the hidden doors leading to their hidden computer room......

(With Jimin and Eunji )

He came in and saw Eunji reading a book on her bed so he went to sit next her,but she said icily : 'Don't you even dare sit on my bed.' He didn't listen to her and sat on the bed. She just rolled ger eyes and said uninterested : 'Can't you just go away.' Now Jimin said :' Sorry , can't do, we have to talk about the wedding and the events from earlier.' 'The events from earlier no, the wedding fine with me.' Now it was Jimins turn to roll his eyes and said : 'Ok let's make a list with things we need for the wedding .' 'Please don't tell me you want one of those super big ones, 'cause I don't.' Eunji said and Jimin said : 'Of course there's going to be a big one, it isn't everyday someone can get married to me, the one and only Park Jimin.' 'I really wonder, how I could have fell in love with such .' Eunji asked  herself........ 



(With V and Namjoo)

Namjoo already saw the future and saw V coming into her room, so before he could open the door she opened it for him and said : 'Piss of V.' But he din't listen to her  and went into her room trough the gap between her and the door. 'Hey!' Namjoo said annoyed becayse V had his hands on her waist abd looked her dead in the eye. Namjoo kept on her poker face and cursed in her head. Namjoo struggled to get out of Vs grip and V just smirked. 'Now let's have a talk, shall we .' Namjoo looked at him and suddenly she was thrown onto her bed. She sat up and glared at him. She said angrily  : 'Why on earth did you do that.' Before V could answer Namjoos phone started ringing and went to pick up the call.She looked at the caller ID and her eyes started twinkling.....

(With Jungkook and Hayoung)

Hayoung already  heared  Jungkook  at the top of the  stairs so she opened her stuck out her head and yelled : 'Jeon Jungkook , I'm warning you if you dare come into my room , I will kill you.' Jungkook was shocked , when he heared what Hayoung and asked himself how she could know he wanted to go to her room. He just shrugged it off and continued his way to his ex girlfriends room. When he came in, he saw Hayoung playing video games . And just watched her for a while. Hayoung knew he was there watching her and was a little creeped out by this, but she couldn't tell him to get out of her room , because she had to win this level. After she won the level she turned to Jungkook who was smirking and then said : 'Never heared of something called privacy Jeon.' 'Oh trust me I did, but I don't care about peoples privacy. And I just noticed you still use the technique I showed you four years ago to win the level.....




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