Here we go.

Falling For You Hurts

Your Pov

"Ok. Keep calm. Take deep breaths. Its all gonna be alright. No need to stress."  My mom turned and gave me a wonky, (definantly not reassuring) smile.

"Mom. Its gonna be alright. We'll be getting off in a couple of hours." I said trying to reassure my mom.

Yes, it was my mom who was petrified of flights, not me ^.^

The plane started to take off and my mom sinked down into the chair, she looked like a little kid. This was the same women who handled blood and needles daily. Aish! Mom... I really do love you.

I laughed at my mom's awkward position as the plane ascended higher and higher into the clouds. South Korea. Here I come!

I looked around at the plane and noticed not many other passengers. Yg company had ensured that they would provide me with all needed facilities and education once I got to Seoul, but first, I had to get there. The tickets to Korea were definatly not cheap but my mom had insisted that if we were going to go there by plane we had to get first class tickets. From where my mother got the money to buy these tickets was beyond me... and here I thought we would barely manage to buy buisness class tickets.

I settled down into my seat and was about to ask my mom about the tickets when I noticed she had fallen asleep... So much for plane fright....

I looked around once again and again and again.... Nope nothing seemed to change on the plane.

I finally decided to take out my ipod and listen to music as I was doing so I noticed a Tv descend from the plane ceiling in front of me and a movie was about to start.

'Ohh! I wonder what this is gonna be?'

The begginning of the movie started and I quickly shoved my ipod back into my bag.

Well hello Jackie Chan. It was of course my favourite movie of all time... RUSH HOUR!!!!

I got into a comfortable position (which was not too hard considering the big, leather seats in the whole plane) and started to watch the movie.

Before long the movie finished and this time Alvin and the Chipmunks started to play, and not long after that another movie.

Before I knew it we were starting to land.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to inform all passengers that this plane will soon be landing in Incheon Airport. I remind all passengers to stay in their seats with their seatbelts on as we prepare to land. I hope the flight has been pleasant and we hope you enjoy your stay in South Korea. Thankyou."

I started to wake up my mom who was happily asleep as we slowly started to descend onto the airport.

"Mom. Mom. Wake up, we're landing." I said as I started to shake my mom awake.

"Wha... what? Are we alive?"

I sweatdropped.

"Yes mom we are dead, welcome to heaven." I giggled at the last part, it sorta did feel like I had died and was now in heaven ^o^

My mom only grumbled as she got herself in to a sitting position and fixed her hair.


The plane finally landed and we went over to collect our bags.

Once we got our bags we left the interval to look for our guide who was to '' us to the hotel room and later to YG entertainment.
We walked put of the 'arrivals' and noticed a short, plump man holding a sign with my full name on it. ________________________ oh no!

(A/N: please pretend you have some embarassing, long middle name which you wouldnt want to be waved around for the whole world to see ^o^)

I ran over to the man with as much energy as I could master after the 12 hour long flight.

"Anneyo haseyo."  I bowed as I greeted the man hoping he would quickly put the sign away.

"Anneyo haseyo. Are you...." he turned the sign over and tried to read it. "___..__...._____...___" (A/N: he is trying and failing to read your entire name XD)

"Yes. I am." I quickly said before he could make my name more obscure than it already was.

"And I am her mother." added my mom as she joined us.

"Ah! Anneyo haseyo, my name is Lee Dongshi. I am here to you to the hotel and to YG. Follow me." 

He grabbed our bags and quickly shuffled towards the car park (A/N: everyday hes shuffling ;) just a little clue about his personality), whilst making small talk with my mom.

We left the airport and I took a deep breath of the new air. Finally! I am here! In Seoul, ready to achieve my goal!

I stopped walking and looked around.

Yes! I am here! This is NOT a dream!

"Ya! ________, do you plan on staying here forever, at the airport?" shouted my mom from across the car park.

"Aniyo! Im coming!" I replied as I jogged over towards the small car in which my mom and Dongshi were trying to stuff our (well mine, seeing as how three of the four bags were mine) into the boot.

I decided to help shove the luggae in as it was taking both of them forever. Come on! We've got to quickly get to YG!

"What are you doing?" asked my mom as I started to forcefully shove the bags.... At times like this I wondered why no one ever invested in getting a bus?

"Im helping put the luggage into the car." I replied as I continued with my 'aggressive' shoving.

"Jeesh! Just get into the car before you break it!"

"Fine. I was just trying to help."

I got into the backseat of the car and put my seatbelt on. The whole car was bobbing up and down from the efforts of the luggage stuffing...

I let out a small giggle as my mom and ongshi finally got into the car.

"Ok!" he annouced, "Lets quickly head over to the hotel, so that we can quickly head off to begin your career."

I couldn't hide the grin on my face. This was it!

We drove out of the airport. The ride to the hotel felt like 5 hours but in reality only an hour had passed.
We entered the hotel and signed in. As we got into the lift to go up to the hotel room, Dongshi turned to me and happily said, "The hotel is only temporary, once you have met your other debuting members we will provide you with suitable accomadation which you will share with them."

I shared his enthusiasm until it dawned on me that I would soon be meeting my fellow band members. Aigoo! I hope it all works out and that we get along well...

As soon as we reached the hotel room I flung my stuff into a corner, jumped onto the bed to check its softness (believe me! I could melt into it), then quickly jumped up and started to leave. I was so eager to get to YG and find out what next >.<

"Ya! Young lady! Do you plan on leaving your stuff like that?"

I turned around and looked at my mom trying to master my puppy eyes.

"Mommy! Pweaaasssseee can we quickly go... I'll fix that as soon as we get back!"

My mom let out a long sigh and I knew the puppy eyes had worked!

"Fine. But as soon as we get back. No matter what!"

"Ok!" I turned around to Dongshi and loudly said, "Lets go!"

He rumbled a laugh as we started to leave.

We quickly went downstairs, piled into the car and headed off to YG.

The ride to the company was shorter than I expected, meaning that the hotel was very close. 'Oh yes!' I said to myself 'Sleep in!'

We approached the car park... OMO! The car park! The actual car park of YG! Wait! I haven't brushed my hair since we got on the plane.... What if I meet someone famous!? Like 2ne1 or Big Bang or Se7en!!!! Nooo!!!!!

As the car stopped and Dongshi and my mom got out I quickly scanned the car park making sure none of my idols were out... Ok! Coast clear!...
Now I don't know whether to be distraught or overjoyed....

I jumped out of the car and followed Dongshi into the building.

OMO! This is it.

We approached the reception where we were greeted by two kind-looking secretaries.

"Anneyo-haseyo." I bowed as Dongshi quickly exchanged some words with them and then started to head towards the lift.

We got into the lift in silence, I listened to the music in the lift trying to calm myself down before I noticed it was a song by 2ne1.... Why are their songs in a lift?

I heard the lift ding and I quickly got out. The floor we were on was empty and it slightly scared me.
Dongshi cleared his throat behind me.

"_______, this is the floor where most of your activities will take place. Please follow me."

Wow. How does this guy jump from the happy and I-will-fullfill-all-your-dreams guy to the serious and follow-me (dot!) guy.

Both me and my mom exchanged a look as we followed him down the hallway.

"In this room most of the recording takes place," he opened the first door of the hallway to reveal a large recording studio... WOW! was all I could master.

"Futher down is the practice room," He opened the next door which revealed a large room covered in mirrors. Another wow! formed on my lips.

"Here are the toilets," he didn't open the door but both me and my mom couldn't help but take a peek.... Ok maybe it wasn't really a wow! thing but it definatly was impressive.... Wait what! Did I really just say a toilet was impressive?

"Now here is the room in which you can relax between practices..... Its the only room in this corridor which doesnt have a name...." he took on a thoughtful pose and I assumed he was trying to come up with a name. Both me and my mom stared at him as we waited for the door to open.

Suddenly he had a eureka! moment as he jerked back and looked at me and my mom.

"Behind these doors a couple of your members are waiting to meet you.... None of you know eachother so its most likely going to be awkward for all of you, but the people behind these doors are the people you will be spending the rest of your career with.... So no pressure."

Yeh. No pressure... I looked at my mom who smiled at me reassuringly and we opened the door....

Here we go.



(A/N: I know that some of you might think that the stress of meeting your fellow band members was slightly exaggerated but remember that you have already sighed a contract with YG and that you will be living and preforming with these people for the next 13 years, who wouldn't feel pressurised into making a good first impression!  Just to inform those who thought it might be a bit over the top^.^

Well enjoy meeting the characters in the next chapter)

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ooohhhh ^^ they both got a date XD
You should put some scences with. G-dragon and one little thing UPDATE
Cliffhanger grr...<br />
I can't wait to see what happens next >_<
Unnie~<br />
I am waiting for your next chapter~ ;P