The Concert

Falling For You Hurts


“Yay!” shouted Hyoae as she jumped up and own waving her sapphire blue balloon around. “I’ve always wanted to got to a Super Junior concert!”

“Calm down dongsaeng, soon we’ll be having our own concerts.” Laughed Mimo before she also started jumping up and down.

“Shhh, you know it’s suppose to be a secret. We can’t let anyone else know about our Debut. ANYONE, including Super Junior.” She stared at me and Soori as a chill ran down my spine. Wow! Unnie can be so scary.

“Arasso, arasso. Calm down unnie right now we should be wondering how to get backstage.”

“Omo! We are going backstage to meet the Suju oppas!” Shouted Hyoae before she covered as the E.L.Fs around us started to give us glares.

“She’s just joking! She’s just joking!” shouted Mimo in an attempt to cover us.

Seriously? -.-‘

“Anyway… Oh! Look we’re going in!” I said as the line started to move forwards.

“Yay!” We then all started to jump up and down whilst all the other E.L.Fs simply gave us a look which clearly stated been-there-done-that.

We slowly approached the doors that would lead us to the stadium for the concert when we were stopped by a large security guard.

“Are you Kang Soori?” he asked as he gave Soori a piercing look.

“Say no.” whispered Hyoae as she took one look at the man and slowly started to hide behind me.

“Ergh, ne?”

“Very well, follow me. You are with four other girls?”

Soori turned around and counted us all, somehow I felt like we were about to be arrested.


“This way.” He pushed us through the crowd and into the stadium.

Everyone else was going to the left but just as we were about to follow them the man pushed us to the right, down an empty corridor.

Noooo!!!! Where is he taking us?!

He then pushed open two heavy-looking doors which revealed a large amount of people in a hurry. Most of them were either running around with clip boards whilst speaking (or should that be shouting?) into a headpiece, others were running around with various items of clothing and some were even running around with brushes and hair spray.

I guess this is the reality of being backstage.

“Anneyo haseyo, are you Soori?” We all turned around to see the manager of Super Junior. No way!!!


“Ahahaha, well Kyuhyun has been waiting rather impatiently for you.” He said before he winked at her and then noticed the rest of us awkwardly standing there. “And who is this?”

“Oh! These are my friends: _______, Mimo, Hyoae and Stacey.”

“Nice to meet you. I take it _______ is the one Donghae has been talking about?”

I blushed slightly at his remark. Yay! Donghae has been talking about me! At the thought my stomach did a back flip.

“Follow me, I’ll lead you to your oppas.”

We followed the manager through the crowd who easily maneuvered his way through the rushing people. We attempted to quickly follow him however we kept having to apologize to everyone as we kept bumping into them.

“Here we are!” We breathlessly caught up with him just as he started to knock on a door.

“Come in!” came a voice. Wait a minute! Was that Ryeowook?!

“I have brought them over!” Announced the manager as I followed Soori into the room.

“You’re here!” Came Kyuhyun’s over-joyed voice.

I entered the room as Donghae saw me and jumped up from his seat whilst loudly greeting me.

“Calm down dongsaengs, you’ll scare them away in a minute.” Laughed Leeteuk as he stood up to greet us.

Then in came Stacey followed by Mimo who was dragging a rather flustered looking Hyoae in.

“Ohhh. Who’s this?” whistled Kangin as everyone averted their attention to the three.

“Anneyo haseyo, we are _______ and Soori’s friends.” Said Stacey.

“I’m so glad you were able to make it.” Said Donghae as he went over to greet them.
The next 10 minutes evolved around me and my unnies meeting all the members individually. I noticed that the only Suju members missing were Eunhyuk and Shindong.

“Where are the other two?” asked Stacey using banmal The members didn’t seem to disapprove of this so I guess that means that I can also classify the other members as my oppas.

“Eunhyuk’s been having trouble with his hair so he has gone off with his stylists as an emergency case, whilst Shindong is probably around somewhere with his fiancée.” Said Yesung.

“So how long is the concert today?” I asked Donghae who was standing by my side.

“Just like normal, around 4 hours. Don’t worry we’ll have someone lead you to your seats and then after the concert we’ll make sure someone leads you back.

As soon as Donghae finished a rather stressed-looking stylist ran into the room informing everyone that the concert was about to start. As she quickly ran out again Eunhyuk entered the room. I doubt any one of us could contain our laughter, we all simply burst out laughing at the sight of him.

“It’s not that bad?” said Eunhyuk who’s emergency hairstyle seems to have resulted in the stylist opting for a intense orange spikey hairstyle. It wouldn’t be so funny had the stylist stuck to calm ornage but this orange was as bright as a street sign.

“Wow! Talk about a new image, I hope the fans are able to recognize you.” Laughed Kyuhyun.

Eunhyuk then picked up a pillow and just a he was about to throw he noticed all of us.

“Hyung? Who are these girls?” whispered Eunhyuk, relatively loud.

“Well I’m sorry to say this but since you struggle so badly with girls we have decided to simply arrange a marriage for you. She will be your bride.” Said Leeteuk whilst pointing at Hyoae who immediately started blushing and the other girls will be your sisters-in-law. Good luck dongsaeng.”

A look of utter confusion crossed Eunhyuk’s face as he tried to explain to Hyoae that they couldn’t get married, coming up with the most random excuses. We all attempted to look serious as Hyoae kept trying to tell Eunhyuk that they didn’t have to get married but all he could was explain that its not her its him. We all burst out laughing as Mimo said, “Ya! Street sign! You don’t have to actually marry her.” Finally Eunhyuk understood and both he and Hyoae stood there blushing whilst all of us simply laughed.

We only just mismanaged to compose ourselves when the manager came into the room and told everyone to get into position whilst we were led to our seats.

Our seats were a couple of rows away form the stage and in the middle so we had to push our way through some E.L.Fs to reach them. No one was happy about it and Stacey even resorted to violently apologizing to everyone.

Eventually we were seated although in our wake we had left a row of steaming fans.

I was seated in between Hyoae and Soori. Stavey was next to Stacey and Mimo was at the end and was attempting at befriending an E.L.F who was completely ignoring her.

I looked around the stadium.

Every seat was now taken and many fans were conversing with one another whilst waving their balloons around. Suddenly the lights went down a sea of Sapphire Blue over came the audience as fans started to turn on their glow-sticks.

Hyoae suddenly came out with a bunch and handed them down to all of us.

“How do you turn this thing on?” mumbled Soori as she fidgeted with her glow stick.

“Aigoo, pass it to me.” Said Hyoae as she took the stick and turned it on.

I stared down at mine before she also took mine and turned it on.

“Kamsahamnida.” I said whilst I joined in with the random screaming and waving of sticks.

Finally red lights appeared and slowly each Super Junior member came on stage. I screamed the loudest for Donghae and I could hear Soori screaming the loudest for Eunhyuk but when Hyoae screamed the loudest for Eunhyuk I thought my ear drums were about to burst. Both me and Soori stared at Hyoae who, even in the dark, was obviously blushing.


The entire performance was a blur. It mainly consisted of rounds of screaming, waving, chanting and laughing. Every now and then Donghae would look directly at our side but he didn’t seem to find us until the third song after which all he could do was look our way and pretend that he was just eagerly giving fan-service to our side of the audience today.

Occasionally I could also catch Kyuhyun and Soori exchanging an adorable smile and look. If anything I was jealous of them.


Soori and Hyoae eventually dragged me into a mini seated dance of Mr. Simple which earned us winks from Eunhyuk and Donghae, whilst Mimo and Stacey simply laughed at us fan girling over the winks.

However, when Opera started, it was Mimo and Stacey who were overly fan girling whilst us, dongsaengs, could only huddle with the other ELF’s as we observed the sudden outburst.

After Super Junior had sung more than half their songs it was time for their individual solos.

Donghae and Eunhyuk both preformed Oppa, Oppa to which we all sang along.

After Kyuhyun came on stage and preformed a beautiful remake of ‘She will be loved’ which had fans all arguing over what the ‘dedicated for his love’ meant. We all looked at Soori but she was too engrossed in the song to notice. After Kyuhyun finished we noticed him send a loving look towards Soori who didn’t notice because now she was too busy arguing with Stacey over the meeting of his dedication. However sge turned around just in time to smile and scream for him before he left the stage.

Aigoo, this pabo -.-“

After all the members had preformed their solos they reappeared all on stage again giving no time or the ELF’s to take a breather. Another round of dancing and screaming eventually ended with Super man. After, all the Super Junior members thanked us for attending the concert and disappeared. ELFs all around started to slowly and reluctantly get up from their seats. We all also got up with loud groans which quickly into yelps of joy when we noticed our guard arriving to lead us back. We pretty much skipped back as we discussed our favouritre parts of the concert. When we met up again with the members I forgot about any awkwardness and ran up to Donghae oppa to congratulate him. I thanked all the mebers graciously and was about to suggest we head home because everyone looked overly tired when Donghae pulled me close and whispered, “Now, for our date.”

That was when I noticed he was already dressed up and ready to go.

The breath caught in my throat as all I could think was ‘Here I go.’


(A/N: MAINHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I tried, I honestly did but... Im just such a fail *bows* Im also sorry to say I might be going on a mini haitus, BUT for those exotics, I'm going to start writing an EXO fanfic. Im sooo sorry, and Ill try to make the wait worth it. Mianhe and Saranghaeyo~ to all my subscribers and fans XD kamsahamnida and check out my new story once I upload it. Mianhe again~)

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ooohhhh ^^ they both got a date XD
You should put some scences with. G-dragon and one little thing UPDATE
Cliffhanger grr...<br />
I can't wait to see what happens next >_<
Unnie~<br />
I am waiting for your next chapter~ ;P