New Apartment

Falling For You Hurts

Your Pov

Dongshi led us from the room and down the corridor, we passed a couple of doors and stopped at the third. He opened the door to reveal a large dressing room with three people in it, a women and two men. They all smiled at us happily as we entered the room.

"Meet your manager, Hwanji." annouced Dongshi whilst pointing at a man much taller than anyone I had ever seen before.

"Anneyo haseyo." We all bowed in perfect union.

"Anneyo girls, I hope we can all get along well and become famous."

"This is Myunhee and Jaesu. They are your choreographers."

"Anneyo haseyo." we greeted.

"These people will play a major role in your debut so treat them well and show great respect."

"It's nice to finally meet the girls of Rewind." said Jaesu as he walked over to each of us to shake our hands, followed closely behind with Myunhee.

"I take it we are called Rewind then." said Kimi whilst looking at the manager who was busy taking out some papers. He quickly looked up at Kimi before answering.

"Ne, that is your official name right now." he then almost jumped out in joy as he took out a stack of papers.... Please don't tell me those are more contracts.... >.<

"So what is the name of their fanbase then?" asked Hyoae's mum.

"Well... we haven't thought of that yet.." replied the manager as he awkwardly scratched his head. He then swifly changed the conversation as he handed each of us a pack of paper.
"Here are your schedules."

I stared down at the paper in my arms.... Why are there so many pieces of paper making it up?

I looked down at the schedule and almost gasped:

Monday:                           Recording                                8am      -      12pm
                                           Lunch                                      12pm     -       1pm
                                           Recording                                1pm      -       3pm
                                           Dance practice                      3.15pm  -       5pm
                                           Visual presentation              5.15pm   -        7pm
                                           Dance practice                         7pm      -       9pm

Tuesday:                          Visual practice                          7am      -       10am
                                           Recording                                10am     -        2pm
                                           Lunch                                         2pm      -        3pm
                                           Dance practice                         3pm      -        5pm

Wednesday:                    Dance practice                          8am      -       11.50pm
                                           Lunch                                        12pm     -          1pm
                                          Group meeting                           1pm      -         3pm
                                          Personal activities                     3pm       -        6pm
                                          Recording                                   6pm       -         9pm

Thursday:                        Dance practice                           8am       -       10.50pm
                                          Photo shoot                               11am       -         3pm
                                          Lunch                                           3pm        -        4pm
                                         Recording                                     4pm       -         7pm

Friday:                             Dance practice                             8am       -       10am
                                         Visual practice                            10am       -       12pm
                                         Lunch                                            12pm       -        1pm
                                         Recording                                       1pm       -        4pm
                                         Dance practice                              4pm        -       7pm
                                         Group meeting                              7pm        -        9pm

I stared at the schedule in disbelief. I then looked over Hyoae's shoulder to see that her schedule was just as packed as mine.

Looking on the bright side at least the weekend has no schedule.

"Ah! Yes. Your weekend has no schedule becuase it will most likely be different every week so writing down a schedule which will definatly change is pretty much pointless." annouced Manager Hwanji.

So much for free time....

"Your schedules will officially be put into action next week once you have settled down into your new flat and have met one another better. Of course the schedules are subject to change and if any changes occur I will personally tell you as soon as possible."

"Ok. But... who's going to look after them once we have gone? They are all only kids after all." said Soori's mom who looked very stressed.

"Not to worry. I will make sure that they are all looked after properly and that they won't run into any trouble. I am their manager after all so it is my duty to make sure that they are as healthy as possible and well-looked after." replied Manager, slightly smugly. "Now! Any more questions?"

"Yes." said Kimi as she took a step forwards. "When are we getting our new flat?"


Time Skip (2 days)>>>>

"Ok. You take care of your self now, you hear me? If you have any problems just give me a call and I will get on the first flight to Korea." repeated my mom whilst firmly clasping my face in her hands. Aish! We must look really wierd in the middle of the airport.

"Yes mom. Don't worry. After all, I have my unnie's and manager to look after me." I freed myself from her grasp as she looked at her watch.

"Ok. I've got to go now. But don't forget what I told you. Oh yes! And call me once you have settled down into your flat... You have until I'm back in America."

I waved as my mom went through security. I could feel tears forming in my eyes but I wouldn't let my mom see them. She'd come back through security to then drag me with her to America!

I continued to wave until she turned the corner and was gone.....

I quickly wiped at my eyes. No use crying. I can easily give her a call any time I feel homesick. Besides.... I've got to quickly go. We are finally moving into our flat today and Manager had said he'd take my mom to the airport with me and then we'd go meet the girls at the flat.

I ran over to Manager eager to finally get out of the airport. Seriously! If this carries on I might as well spend my life here!

"Manager! Im ready to go now." I said, a bit too entheasticly.

"Ya! Your omma just left.... Shouldn't you be a bit more remorseful?" he eyed me suspiciously but before the tears could even begin to form I quickly gave him a big smile, after all my mom's not gone forever! ^-^

Suddenly Manager's phone started to ring. He answered the phone and briefly spoke on it as we made our way towards the carpark.

After he had put his phone away, manager told me that Kimi, Stacey and Hyoae were already outside the apartment waiting for everyone else.

"Ok. Lets go quickly then!" I said as I opened the dorr to the car and got in.

All of luggage had been taken this morning along with us as Manager had promised to take my mom to the airport with me and than drive me to the new apartment.

We stopped the car outside a block and when I got out of the car I noticed Kimi, Stacey and Hyoae sitting near the entrance of the flat on their bags... Looking like they were homeless.

"Ya!" I shouted from the car as Manager passed me my big bags.

"Anneyo!" Replied Stcaey who waved backed at me.

"Where's everyone else?!" I said as I tugged over to the girls with my bags in my arms.... Wait a minute! Why is Manager Hwanji not helping me?

"We're here." I heard a voice behind me state.

I turned around and noticed Mimo and Soori also dragging their bags....

Wow we must look hilarious outside this block.

Suddenly Manager Hwanji appeared behind them.

"Ya! All of you are so eager to get into the flat yet none of you have the key." He then took out a pair and dangled it in front of all of us.

"Manager!" we all growned in unison.

"Ok. Ok. Jeesh let me through so I can at least open the door into the block."

(A/N: Im not sure how the korean door operation thingy works so I'm just gonna give these guys keys. I know how to use keys so I know how to write up the process ^.^)

He opened the door to a large clean corridor.. This did not feel like a block... It felt like a hotel.

"Your flat is on the fifth floor so lets all head up." We made our way towards the end of the corridor I don't know what was more funnier. Our attempt for all of us to get into the small lift, or the fact that after realising that we weren't all going to fit into the lift we ran for it like they were giving away gold.

Eventually it took us four lift trips to get all of us and our stuff upstairs... Not bad considering the fact that we realised on the fourth trip that the doors necxt to the lift were in actual fatc doors for another lift. -.-"

Once we were all on the fifth floor we dragged our stuff down another clean corridor towards the door at the end. We all reached the door breathlessly.

"Wow." said Manager as he slowly started to open the door to the flat. "You guys need to work on your staminas..."

We all looked at him in agony... This. Man.

After what felt like five more minutes, Manager finally opened the door to our flat. We all cheered like little girls and barged in. Leaving Manager outside.

The flat was amazing. We all took off our shoes and left our backs near the door before deciding to explore and claim rooms.

The first room was the living room. It was large and very spacious. In the middle there was a large cream sofa facing a plasma TV. The living room also had a large balcony which had a view on the Seoul. It was starting to get dark and the sun was already setting.

To the left of the living room there was a bedroom set up with two beds. There were two other rooms with two beds at the other end of the living room.

Next to the third room there was a kitchen. It had a couple of steps leading to it and it was also quite spacious. There was a table on the floor for eating and when Soori opened the fridge it was already full of food. (She then quickly proceeded to open all the cupboards and was overthrilled to find instant ramen)

On the opposite end of the kitchen there were more steps which led to a tiny corridor with two doors. One door led to the toilet and another to a dressing room. Huh? One dressing room for six girls?!

Once we had all inspected the entire flat, Kimi called us to gather round in the living room so we could all decided who shared rooms with who and which rooms. We made the split simple. We went in age order and we all were in pairs.

I was paired up with Mimo and we both claimed the room at the end of the living room.
Soori and Hyoae then decided to have the room next to ours.
Whilst Kimi and Stacey were left with the room near the front hallway.

We were all overly excited to set up our rooms that we almost forgot that Manager Hwanji was still there.

"Ya! I'm still here!" he said when we started to make our way to get our bags which were still in the front hallway.

"Mianhe~" said Kimi.

"It's ok. Im happy to know you guys are getting along so well. You have one more day left before we finally crack down on your careers, so use tommorow as a day to further bond as well as visit the local area. Well, I'll be off now. You guys have food in the cupboards and fridge. I left the keys near the door. If you need anything give me a call."

We went with Manager to the door and once he left we all quickly grabbed our bags and ran to our rooms.

Time skip (2 hours) (A/N Im tired >.<)

After having decided which bed was mine and which was Mimo's and which section of the wardrobe was mine and which was Mimo's etc etc. I finally felt more relaxed. I left Mimo to keep unpacking her clothes and went into the living room.

Sitting comfortably on the sofa was Kimi who was skipping through channels on the TV.

"Anneyo unnie." I said as I collasped next to her. Wow! This sofa is soooooooo nice!

I snuggled down into the sofa and heard Kimi laugh.

"Ya! Dongsaeng! If anything, you are NOT sleeping here."

"But it's so comfortable." I remarked as I sat up properly. If I continued to snuggle I may well have fallen asleep.

I looked towards the balcony and noticed that it was already dark.

"Unnie what time is it?" I asked.

"Erm, its 8.50, wae?"

"No nothing just curious."

Just then the door to Soori's and Hyoae's room opened.

"Aish!" remarked Soori as she walked out rubbing her stomache. "I'm starving."

"Thinking about it now Im hungry too." said Kimi as she turned off the TV. "Let's all make our first dinner in our new flat."

The three of us all ran to the kitchen. Where we all reached the conclusion that actually.... None of us were bothered enough to cook a proper meal so we just settled on making instant ramne. Half way during the cooking Hyoae and Mimo joined us and started to set up the table.

Once the food was ready we shared it out and called Stacey over . We all ate whilst making small talk about how it was before we all met eachother and what we all really want to do in the future.

The meal ended quickly and then we all sat down in the living room to watch TV, we took turns in the toilet (with Stacey taking the longest) and before long we were all in our pajamas.

"So dongsaengs," said Kimi as we all sat around watching the TV. "what shall we do tommorow as our final day of freedom?"

"Hmmm... how about tommorow first thing we do is explore the area?" Suggested Mimo.

"Ne! Thats a good idea, I noticed a sauna on the way here." annouced Stacey.

"Ok and then after exploring lets all go for a meal at a restaurant and then oh! Ice skating." I said... Suddenly I had a big urge to ice skate.

"Ahahahahaha ne lets do that." laughed Soori.

"But I cant ice skate." stated Hyoae.

"Don't worry I'll teach you dongsaeng." said Stacey. "Im a professional skater." We tossed her hair back in response and posed.

"Professional my ." said Mimo.

"Ya! Don't speak to me informal." laughed Stacey as she whacked Mimo with a spare pillow. She then suddenly stopped looked at the floor and smirked at us evily. "Dongsaeng I could actually teach you how to ice skate now."

She quickly ran into her room as we all stared with what-the-heck printed on our faces.

"Tadaa!" She jumped into the room and waved too large soft toys in our faces.

She then placed them on the floor and attempted to show Hyoae how to ice-skate. Complete and utter fail.

Stacey ended up landing on her bottom with Mimo rolling around in a fit of laughter.

"Ya! If you find this so funny why don't you try it." Stacey picked up the toys and flung them at Mimo who happily got up and attempted to show ice skating... On her fours....

Eventually the entire evening turned into a large comedy as we all tried to show Hyoae how to ice skate. Mimo and Soori kept rolling around in fits of laughter. Kimi attempted to show ice-skating in a half-crouch, whilst Stacey also approached the situation seriously only to end up lying on the floor. As for me... Well I just prayed that tommorow the ice-skating trip won't turn into a disaster.


(A/N: Finally finished chapter four! ^.^ Hope you guys liked it and don't worry YG family stars will soon appear in the series and so will super junior! I just want you guys to get the feel of the story before anything happens... Wow! That sounds wierd. Well Im tired now so enjoy the chapter and Im not sure when the next one will come out but I'll try make it quick, it's just that I have exams in school now XD dammit!)

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ooohhhh ^^ they both got a date XD
You should put some scences with. G-dragon and one little thing UPDATE
Cliffhanger grr...<br />
I can't wait to see what happens next >_<
Unnie~<br />
I am waiting for your next chapter~ ;P