The contract is sighed

Falling For You Hurts

Your pov

I walked into the room cautiously and noticed five people in the room sitting on two separate couches in the middle of the room. In front of them there was a large plasma TV hanging from the wall and on one of the TV there was a large plant pot with little sticks poking out from it soil, on the sticks were cutouts of little anime animals, aww so aegyo!

As we entered everyone quickly stood up and we all bowed in greeting.

Dongshi walked over to the group and beckoned for us to follow.

"_________, meet your other band members, this is Lee Kimi she will be your group leader."

I looked at the tall girl who stood in front of me, she had long black hair which hung loosely over her shoulders, she gave the impression of a very gentle but powerful person. Her eyes carefull watched me and as I bowed I noticed them warm up. "Anneyo-haseyo."

"Anneyo, Im your leader and unnie so you can always come to me if your ever in trouble." She gave me a warm smile as she proceeded to greet my mom.

"Anneyo-haseyo, my name is Lee Kimi and I promise to watch over your daughter as an older unnie should. She is safe with me."

My mom awkwardly bowed in greeting, "Well Im glad to hear that you have a very responsible member of the group.

"This is Song Mimo." Said Dongshi as he pointed to a girl much shorter than Kimi, her was trimmed just above her shoulders and her posture gave the impression that she hoped to grow just by straighting.

"Anneyo-haseyo," I said as I bowed 90 degrees again.

"Anneyo, I am also your unnie as I am 20 years old." she said as she cheerfully turned to greet my mom.

"And this is her mother." It was then that I noticed that out of all of the people that were previously in the room, two of the women looked much older than the other three.

"Anneyo-haseyo." I took extra care to bow 90 degrees this time.

"Anneyo ______, its nice to meet the members of my daughters group, if you ever need any help I'll be here as I live here with my husband, we run a shop just down the road from the company. Feel free to visit." She turned around to my mother, "I'll make sure to take care of all the girls as if they were my own when you leave, Dongshi here had told us all about the others before they arrived."

"Thank you very much, I would love to stay with my daughter but working as a nurse in America makes it almost impossible for me to stay here with her."

"This here is Han Hyoae. She will be the maknae of your group."

I looked at the younger girl and noticed that she also had long hair which had been swept to the side in a lose pony tail.

"Anneyo-haseyo" she said as she bowed 90 degrees at me.... Now, I feel awkward.

I bowed back slightly and attempted to break the ice, "Anneyo, dongsaeng~"

"Behind your dongsaeng is her mother."

I turned as a cheerful women greeted me.

"Anneyo, its nice to meet you, I hope you can take good care of my daughter for me."

"I will try my best." I smiled back and bowed.

"Well I guess you can all take a seat. We have two more members for you to meet. I will just go down to the reception to find out where they are right now."

My mom took a seat with the other two members and started to have a cheerful conversation with them.... How parents get along so quickly I do not know.

I took a seat beside Hyoae and faced Kimi and Mimo who were sitting opposite us.

Kimi was the first to speak.

"We only have two more members to meet and they are both called Soori and Stacey...."

We all looked around uncomfortably.... bad conversation starter.

"So how was the flight from America?" asked Kimi, attempting another conversation, "I heard that your talent was found in an audition in America"

"Yes I took part in an audition after meeting a man in a CD shop and the flight here was very tiring and long.." Suddenly I remembered my messy hair and quickly attempted to discreetly fix it by running ahand through it...

"How did you get into the company Hyoae?" asked Kimi as she truned on the youngest.

"Well my mom actually heard about auditions in the local theatre for a company and decided to sigh me up as a surprise.... and was I surprised when I found out!"

"Ahahahahaha your mom seems really nice, well so does yours _____, I hope they get along well" and just as Mimo finished her sentence we heard our moms burst out into laughter besides us. We all gave them a look but they completely ignored us as they carried on with their converstation.

"Well I guess that answers my worries." said Mimo as we all turned back. Suddenly we also burst into giggles.

Well I guess we're all getting along fine... I wonder what the other two are like.....

The door opened and we all fell silent including the moms. In walked Dongshi followed by two young girls and a slightly older women (most likely the mom of one of them)

"Members please come and meet your other members." annouced Dongshi as we all made our way forwards.

He introduced both members separatly to each of us, the first girl was called Kim Stacey. Although her first name was American she was fully Korean. What stricked me most about her though were her large blue eyes, it was unusually for anyone to have such amazing blue eyes..... Aish! Why are all the members of the group so pretty and then theres me with my plane-hair!

The second member was Kang Soori. She was another member who had come with her mom.Her hair was medium length and unlike the rest of us, it was a light brown colour.... I wonder if she dyed it?

After we had all met and found out who was a dongsaeng to who and who was an unnie to who, Dongshi decided to have explain to us how everything is going to be from now on....

We all took seats next to our moms whilst Stacey and Kimi (who were the oldest of the group) sat at the front.

"As you will all now know you are part of the YG entertainment or YG family. Welcome." We all stared at Dongshi dumb-fonded

"Ermmm well... anyway... Starting from tommorow we will be preparing you for your debut which we predict will be in around two months.He took out a piece of paper and started to read from it. We have allocated you all a poistion in your group according to what you contribute to the group. These 'positions' will be made public and you will be known by these positions.

As you well know Lee Kimi is your leader. If you have a problem of any sort or wish to contribute ideas of a sort please turn to Kimi first. She will be your representative in any meetings that might occur and do not require the attendance of all of you.

Next is Kim Stacey. She is the visualist of the group and will be the second leader.

Song Mimo due to the amazing skills you showed us in your audition we have elected you as the main dancer of the group.

After we have Kang Soori, you will be known as the main rapper of the group.

________ you will be known as the vocalist of the group.

Han Hyoae, you are the maknae of the group and are also a vocalist."

We all looked around proudly at one another, no one seemed to have anything aginst it.

"Ok now that you all know your positions in the band we need to discuss some points of the contract. The first point of the contarct is that holidays are only given to you as we see fit. Of course you can ask for special leave for funerals or other incidents but nothing else will be considered.

Another main point of the contract isthat being a star of YG does not allow you to reveal any information to the public which is not to be revealed. You are also not allowed to represent YG in any negative way. The useage of drugs or is not permitted and will not be tolerated in any way."

The mothers all gave nods of approval.

"Another point of the contract I would like to stress is relationships. We are not saying that you are not allowed to fall in love, but the public is not allowed to know of a potential relationship in any way. We also strongly stress that stars do not date one another, especially if it concerns stars from other companies. We also note that if your realtionship with any males effects your preformance in any negative way, be it just a little. Both will be in trouble."

Wow. Might as well just say you'll kill our love if anything was to happen....

"The final main point of the contract is that it cannot be terminated whenever a member wishes to do so. Terminating the contract requires a very valid and strong reason and even so a member maybe deeply charged for doing so.

If you have any problems with any points discussed  please state so now."

Or forever remain silent.... aish! sorry tuned out there >.<

Dongshi passed the contracts round to all of us and we all sighed it quickly.... Oh gosh!

"Well then!" annouced Dongshi as he collected all of our contracts. "Lets go meet the staff and your manager!"

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ooohhhh ^^ they both got a date XD
You should put some scences with. G-dragon and one little thing UPDATE
Cliffhanger grr...<br />
I can't wait to see what happens next >_<
Unnie~<br />
I am waiting for your next chapter~ ;P